blob: ff60317ca7f0a8b995f6df61b80b28c552166097 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/autofill_subject.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/personal_data_manager.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/single_field_form_filler.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/common/unique_ids.h"
#include "components/keyed_service/core/keyed_service.h"
#include "components/webdata/common/web_data_service_consumer.h"
namespace autofill {
class AutofillClient;
class AutofillOfferData;
class PersonalDataManager;
struct SuggestionsContext;
// Per-profile Merchant Promo Code Manager. This class handles promo code
// related functionality such as retrieving promo code offer data, managing
// promo code suggestions, filling promo code fields, and handling form
// submission data when there is a merchant promo code field present.
class MerchantPromoCodeManager : public SingleFieldFormFiller,
public KeyedService,
public AutofillSubject {
MerchantPromoCodeManager(const MerchantPromoCodeManager&) = delete;
MerchantPromoCodeManager& operator=(const MerchantPromoCodeManager&) = delete;
~MerchantPromoCodeManager() override;
// SingleFieldFormFiller overrides:
[[nodiscard]] bool OnGetSingleFieldSuggestions(
AutoselectFirstSuggestion autoselect_first_suggestion,
const FormFieldData& field,
const AutofillClient& client,
base::WeakPtr<SuggestionsHandler> handler,
const SuggestionsContext& context) override;
void OnWillSubmitFormWithFields(const std::vector<FormFieldData>& fields,
bool is_autocomplete_enabled) override;
void CancelPendingQueries(const SuggestionsHandler* handler) override;
void OnRemoveCurrentSingleFieldSuggestion(
const std::u16string& field_name,
const std::u16string& value,
Suggestion::FrontendId frontend_id) override;
void OnSingleFieldSuggestionSelected(
const std::u16string& value,
Suggestion::FrontendId frontend_id) override;
// Initializes the instance with the given parameters. |personal_data_manager|
// is a profile-scope data manager used to retrieve promo code offers from the
// local autofill table. |is_off_the_record| indicates whether the user is
// currently operating in an off-the-record context (i.e. incognito).
void Init(PersonalDataManager* personal_data_manager, bool is_off_the_record);
// Returns a weak pointer to the current MerchantPromoCodeManager
// instance.
base::WeakPtr<MerchantPromoCodeManager> GetWeakPtr();
friend class MerchantPromoCodeManagerTest;
// Records metrics related to the offers suggestions popup.
class UMARecorder {
UMARecorder() = default;
UMARecorder(const UMARecorder&) = delete;
UMARecorder& operator=(const UMARecorder&) = delete;
~UMARecorder() = default;
void OnOffersSuggestionsShown(
const FieldGlobalId& field_global_id,
const std::vector<const AutofillOfferData*>& offers);
void OnOfferSuggestionSelected(Suggestion::FrontendId frontend_id);
// The global id of the field that most recently had suggestions shown.
FieldGlobalId most_recent_suggestions_shown_field_global_id_;
// The global id of the field that most recently had a suggestion selected.
FieldGlobalId most_recent_suggestion_selected_field_global_id_;
// Sends suggestions for `promo_code_offers` to the `query_handler`'s handler
// for display in the associated Autofill popup. If suggestions were
// displayed, this function also logs metrics for promo code suggestions
// shown. `field_global_id` is used for this metrics logging, as it checks
// whether the field where promo code suggestions are being shown has just had
// suggestions shown. This ensures we to log to the correct histogram, as we
// have separate histograms for unique shows and repetitive shows.
void SendPromoCodeSuggestions(
const std::vector<const AutofillOfferData*>& promo_code_offers,
const FieldGlobalId& field_global_id,
const QueryHandler& query_handler);
raw_ptr<PersonalDataManager> personal_data_manager_ = nullptr;
bool is_off_the_record_ = false;
UMARecorder uma_recorder_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<MerchantPromoCodeManager> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace autofill