blob: 8fe0bf1872fedc0af0fd03d9f620a1c1ca72e04e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/containers/flat_set.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "components/feed/core/proto/v2/wire/capability.pb.h"
namespace feed {
class StreamType;
// The Feed configuration. Default values appear below. Always use
// |GetFeedConfig()| to get the current configuration.
struct Config {
// Maximum number of requests per day for FeedQuery, NextPage, and
// ActionUpload.
int max_feed_query_requests_per_day = 20;
int max_next_page_requests_per_day = 20;
int max_action_upload_requests_per_day = 20;
int max_list_recommended_web_feeds_requests_per_day = 20;
int max_list_web_feeds_requests_per_day = 20;
// We'll always attempt to refresh content older than this.
base::TimeDelta stale_content_threshold = base::Hours(24);
// Content older than this threshold will not be shown to the user.
base::TimeDelta content_expiration_threshold = base::Hours(48);
// For users with no follows, content older than this will not be shown.
base::TimeDelta subscriptionless_content_expiration_threshold =
// How long the window is for background refresh tasks. If the task cannot be
// scheduled in the window, the background refresh is aborted.
base::TimeDelta background_refresh_window_length = base::Hours(24);
// The time between background refresh attempts. Ignored if a server-defined
// fetch schedule has been assigned.
base::TimeDelta default_background_refresh_interval = base::Hours(24);
// Maximum number of times to attempt to upload a pending action before
// deleting it.
int max_action_upload_attempts = 3;
// Maximum age for a pending action. Actions older than this are deleted.
base::TimeDelta max_action_age = base::Hours(24);
// Maximum payload size for one action upload batch.
size_t max_action_upload_bytes = 20000;
// If no surfaces are attached, the stream model is unloaded after this
// timeout.
base::TimeDelta model_unload_timeout = base::Seconds(1);
// If no surfaces are attached, the singleWebFeed stream model is cleared
// after this timeout.
base::TimeDelta single_web_feed_stream_clear_timeout = base::Seconds(60);
// How far ahead in number of items from last visible item to final item
// before attempting to load more content.
int load_more_trigger_lookahead = 5;
// How far does the user have to scroll the feed before the feed begins
// to consider loading more data. The scrolling threshold is a proxy
// measure for deciding whether the user has engaged with the feed.
int load_more_trigger_scroll_distance_dp = 100;
// Whether to attempt uploading actions when Chrome is hidden.
bool upload_actions_on_enter_background = true;
// Whether to send (pseudonymous) logs for signed-out sessions.
bool send_signed_out_session_logs = false;
// The max age of a signed-out session token.
base::TimeDelta session_id_max_age = base::Days(30);
// Maximum number of images prefetched per refresh.
int max_prefetch_image_requests_per_refresh = 50;
// Maximum size of most recent viewed content hash list.
int max_most_recent_viewed_content_hashes = 100;
// Maximum number of docviews to send in a request for signed-out view
// demotion.
size_t max_docviews_to_send = 500;
// Configuration for Web Feeds.
// How long before Web Feed content is considered stale.
base::TimeDelta web_feed_stale_content_threshold = base::Hours(1);
// How long before Web Feed content is considered stale if there are no
// subscriptions.
base::TimeDelta subscriptionless_web_feed_stale_content_threshold =
// TimeDelta after startup to fetch recommended and subscribed Web Feeds if
// they are stale. If zero, no fetching is done.
// This delay is also used to trigger retrying stored follow/unfollow requests
// on startup.
base::TimeDelta fetch_web_feed_info_delay = base::Seconds(40);
// How long before cached recommended feed data on the device is considered
// stale and refetched.
base::TimeDelta recommended_feeds_staleness_threshold = base::Days(28);
// How long before cached subscribed feed data on the device is considered
// stale and refetched.
base::TimeDelta subscribed_feeds_staleness_threshold = base::Days(7);
// Number of days of history to query when determining whether to show the
// follow accelerator.
int webfeed_accelerator_recent_visit_history_days = 14;
// Configuration for PersistentKeyValueStore (personalizing feed for unsigned
// users). How many MID entities to persist per URL.
size_t max_mid_entities_per_url_entry = 5;
// How many URL entries to store in the cache. The size of the cache is
// enforced at browser startup, but can exceed |max_url_entries_in_cache|
// temporarily while the browser is running.
size_t max_url_entries_in_cache = 50;
// Configuration for `PersistentKeyValueStore`.
// Maximum total database size before items are evicted.
int64_t persistent_kv_store_maximum_size_before_eviction = 1000000;
// Eviction task is performed after this many bytes are written.
int persistent_kv_store_cleanup_interval_in_written_bytes = 1000000;
// Until we get the new list contents API working, keep using FeedQuery.
// TODO(crbug/1152592): remove this when new endpoint is tested enough.
// Set using snippets-internals, or the --webfeed-legacy-feedquery switch.
bool use_feed_query_requests = false;
// Set of optional capabilities included in requests. See
// CreateFeedQueryRequest() for required capabilities.
base::flat_set<feedwire::Capability> experimental_capabilities = {
Config(const Config& other);
base::TimeDelta GetStalenessThreshold(const StreamType& stream_type,
bool is_web_feed_subscriber) const;
// Gets the current configuration.
const Config& GetFeedConfig();
// Sets whether the legacy feed endpoint should be used for Web Feed content
// fetches.
void SetUseFeedQueryRequests(const bool use_legacy);
void SetFeedConfigForTesting(const Config& config);
void OverrideConfigWithFinchForTesting();
} // namespace feed