blob: 53c95b2e1f797877d017f9471d8eb0b3e56f6a77 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/omnibox/browser/autocomplete_result.h"
#include <functional>
#include <iterator>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_set>
#include "base/check_op.h"
#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/containers/adapters.h"
#include "base/containers/contains.h"
#include "base/containers/cxx20_erase.h"
#include "base/debug/stack_trace.h"
#include "base/metrics/field_trial_params.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram_macros.h"
#include "base/notreached.h"
#include "base/ranges/algorithm.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "base/trace_event/memory_usage_estimator.h"
#include "base/trace_event/typed_macros.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "components/history_clusters/core/config.h"
#include "components/omnibox/browser/actions/omnibox_action_concepts.h"
#include "components/omnibox/browser/actions/omnibox_pedal.h"
#include "components/omnibox/browser/actions/omnibox_pedal_provider.h"
#include "components/omnibox/browser/actions/tab_switch_action.h"
#include "components/omnibox/browser/autocomplete_grouper_sections.h"
#include "components/omnibox/browser/autocomplete_input.h"
#include "components/omnibox/browser/autocomplete_match_type.h"
#include "components/omnibox/browser/autocomplete_provider.h"
#include "components/omnibox/browser/autocomplete_provider_client.h"
#include "components/omnibox/browser/base_search_provider.h"
#include "components/omnibox/browser/intranet_redirector_state.h"
#include "components/omnibox/browser/omnibox_field_trial.h"
#include "components/omnibox/browser/omnibox_prefs.h"
#include "components/omnibox/browser/page_classification_functions.h"
#include "components/omnibox/browser/tab_matcher.h"
#include "components/omnibox/common/omnibox_features.h"
#include "components/search_engines/template_url_service.h"
#include "components/strings/grit/components_strings.h"
#include "components/url_formatter/url_fixer.h"
#include "omnibox_triggered_feature_service.h"
#include "third_party/metrics_proto/omnibox_event.pb.h"
#include "third_party/metrics_proto/omnibox_focus_type.pb.h"
#include "third_party/metrics_proto/omnibox_input_type.pb.h"
#include "third_party/omnibox_proto/groups.pb.h"
#include "ui/base/device_form_factor.h"
#include "ui/base/l10n/l10n_util.h"
using metrics::OmniboxEventProto;
typedef AutocompleteMatchType ACMatchType;
namespace {
constexpr bool is_android = !!BUILDFLAG(IS_ANDROID);
constexpr bool is_ios = !!BUILDFLAG(IS_IOS);
constexpr bool is_desktop = !(is_android || is_ios);
// Rotates |it| to be in the front of |matches|.
// |it| must be a valid iterator of |matches| or equal to |matches->end()|.
void RotateMatchToFront(ACMatches::iterator it, ACMatches* matches) {
if (it == matches->end())
auto next = std::next(it);
std::rotate(matches->begin(), it, next);
// Maximum number of pedals to show.
// On iOS, the UI for pedals gets too visually cluttered with too many pedals.
constexpr size_t kMaxPedalCount =
is_ios ? 1 : std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
// Maximum index of a match in a result for which the pedal should be displayed.
constexpr size_t kMaxPedalMatchIndex =
is_ios ? 3 : std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
} // namespace
// static
size_t AutocompleteResult::GetMaxMatches(bool is_zero_suggest) {
constexpr size_t kDefaultMaxAutocompleteMatches =
is_android ? 10 : (is_ios ? 10 : 8);
constexpr size_t kDefaultMaxZeroSuggestMatches =
is_android ? 15 : (is_ios ? 20 : 8);
// By default, iPad has the same max as iPhone.
// `kDefaultMaxAutocompleteMatches` defines a hard limit on the number of
// autocomplete suggestions on iPad, so if an experiment defines
// MaxZeroSuggestMatches to 15, it would be 15 on iPhone and 10 on iPad.
constexpr size_t kMaxAutocompleteMatchesOnIPad = 10;
// By default, iPad has the same max as iPhone. `kMaxZeroSuggestMatchesOnIPad`
// defines a hard limit on the number of ZPS suggestions on iPad, so if an
// experiment defines MaxZeroSuggestMatches to 15, it would be 15 on iPhone
// and 10 on iPad.
constexpr size_t kMaxZeroSuggestMatchesOnIPad = 10;
static_assert(kMaxAutocompletePositionValue > kDefaultMaxAutocompleteMatches,
"kMaxAutocompletePositionValue must be larger than the largest "
"possible autocomplete result size.");
static_assert(kMaxAutocompletePositionValue > kDefaultMaxZeroSuggestMatches,
"kMaxAutocompletePositionValue must be larger than the largest "
"possible zero suggest autocomplete result size.");
static_assert(kDefaultMaxAutocompleteMatches != 0,
"Default number of suggestions must be non-zero");
static_assert(kDefaultMaxZeroSuggestMatches != 0,
"Default number of zero-prefix suggestions must be non-zero");
// If we're interested in the zero suggest match limit, and one has been
// specified, return it.
if (is_zero_suggest) {
size_t field_trial_value = base::GetFieldTrialParamByFeatureAsInt(
DCHECK(kMaxAutocompletePositionValue > field_trial_value);
if (ui::GetDeviceFormFactor() == ui::DEVICE_FORM_FACTOR_TABLET) {
field_trial_value =
std::min(field_trial_value, kMaxZeroSuggestMatchesOnIPad);
return field_trial_value;
// Otherwise, i.e. if no zero suggest specific limit has been specified or
// the input is not from omnibox focus, return the general max matches limit.
size_t field_trial_value = base::GetFieldTrialParamByFeatureAsInt(
DCHECK(kMaxAutocompletePositionValue > field_trial_value);
if (ui::GetDeviceFormFactor() == ui::DEVICE_FORM_FACTOR_TABLET) {
field_trial_value =
std::min(field_trial_value, kMaxAutocompleteMatchesOnIPad);
return field_trial_value;
// static
size_t AutocompleteResult::GetDynamicMaxMatches() {
constexpr const int kDynamicMaxMatchesLimit = is_android ? 15 : 10;
if (!base::FeatureList::IsEnabled(omnibox::kDynamicMaxAutocomplete))
return AutocompleteResult::GetMaxMatches();
return base::GetFieldTrialParamByFeatureAsInt(
AutocompleteResult::AutocompleteResult() {
// Reserve enough space for the maximum number of matches we'll show in either
// on-focus or prefix-suggest mode.
matches_.reserve(std::max(GetMaxMatches(), GetMaxMatches(true)));
// Add default static suggestion groups.
AutocompleteResult::~AutocompleteResult() = default;
void AutocompleteResult::TransferOldMatches(const AutocompleteInput& input,
AutocompleteResult* old_matches) {
// Don't transfer matches from done providers. If the match is still
// relevant, it'll already be in `result_`, potentially with updated fields
// that shouldn't be deduped with the out-of-date match. Otherwise, the
// irrelevant match shouldn't be re-added. Adding outdated matches is
// particularly noticeable when the user types the next char before the
// copied matches are expired leading to outdated matches surviving multiple
// input changes, e.g. 'gooooooooo[]'.
base::EraseIf(old_matches->matches_, [](const auto& old_match) {
return old_match.provider && old_match.provider->done();
if (old_matches->empty())
// Exclude specialized suggestion types from being transferred to prevent
// user-visible artifacts.
base::EraseIf(old_matches->matches_, [](const auto& match) {
return match.type == AutocompleteMatchType::TILE_NAVSUGGEST ||
match.type == AutocompleteMatchType::TILE_SUGGESTION;
if (empty()) {
// If we've got no matches we can copy everything from the last result.
for (auto& match : *this)
match.from_previous = true;
// In hopes of providing a stable popup we try to keep the number of matches
// per provider consistent. Other schemes (such as blindly copying the most
// relevant matches) typically result in many successive 'What You Typed'
// results filling all the matches, which looks awful.
// Instead of starting with the current matches and then adding old matches
// until we hit our overall limit, we copy enough old matches so that each
// provider has at least as many as before, and then use SortAndCull() to
// clamp globally. This way, old high-relevance matches will starve new
// low-relevance matches, under the assumption that the new matches will
// ultimately be similar. If the assumption holds, this prevents seeing the
// new low-relevance match appear and then quickly get pushed off the bottom;
// if it doesn't, then once the providers are done and we expire the old
// matches, the new ones will all become visible, so we won't have lost
// anything permanently.
// Note that culling tail suggestions (see |MaybeCullTailSuggestions()|)
// relies on the behavior below of capping the total number of suggestions to
// the higher of the number of new and old suggestions. Without it, a
// provider could have one old and one new suggestion, cull tail suggestions,
// expire the old suggestion, and restore tail suggestions. This would be
// visually unappealing, and could occur on each keystroke.
ProviderToMatches matches_per_provider, old_matches_per_provider;
// |old_matches| is going away soon, so we can move out the matches.
for (auto& pair : old_matches_per_provider) {
MergeMatchesByProvider(&pair.second, matches_per_provider[pair.first]);
// Make sure previous matches adhere to `input.prevent_inline_autocomplete()`.
// Previous matches are demoted in `MergeMatchesByProvider()` anyways, making
// them unlikely to be default; however, without this safeguard, they may
// still be deduped with a higher-relevance yet not-allowed-to-be-default
// match later, resulting in a default match with autocompletion even when
// `prevent_inline_autocomplete` is true. Some providers don't set
// `inline_autocompletion` for matches not allowed to be default, which
// `SetAllowedToBeDefault()` relies on; so don't invoke it for those
// suggestions. Skipping those suggestions is fine, since
// `SetAllowedToBeDefault()` here is only intended to make
// `allowed_to_be_default` more conservative (true -> false, not vice versa).
for (auto& m : matches_) {
if (!m.from_previous)
if (input.prevent_inline_autocomplete() && m.allowed_to_be_default_match) {
} else {
// Transferred matches may no longer match the new input. E.g., when the
// user types 'gi' (and presses enter), don't inline (and navigate to)
// 'gi[]'.
m.allowed_to_be_default_match = false;
void AutocompleteResult::AppendMatches(const ACMatches& matches) {
for (const auto& match : matches) {
DCHECK_EQ(AutocompleteMatch::SanitizeString(match.contents), match.contents)
<< "description: " << match.description
<< ", match type: " << match.type;
<< "contents: " << match.contents << ", match type: " << match.type;
void AutocompleteResult::SortAndCull(
const AutocompleteInput& input,
TemplateURLService* template_url_service,
OmniboxTriggeredFeatureService* triggered_feature_service,
absl::optional<AutocompleteMatch> default_match_to_preserve) {
for (auto& match : matches_)
match.ComputeStrippedDestinationURL(input, template_url_service);
if (!is_ios)
const auto& page_classification = input.current_page_classification();
CompareWithDemoteByType<AutocompleteMatch> comparing_object(
// Because tail suggestions are a "last resort", we cull the tail suggestions
// if there are any non-default, non-tail suggestions.
if (!is_android && !is_ios)
MaybeCullTailSuggestions(&matches_, comparing_object);
// Sort the matches by relevance and demotions.
std::sort(matches_.begin(), matches_.end(), comparing_object);
// Find the best match and rotate it to the front to become the default match.
ACMatches::iterator top_match = matches_.end();
// TODO(manukh) Ranking and preserving the default suggestion should be done
// by the grouping framework.
// If we are trying to keep a default match from a previous pass stable,
// search the current results for it, and if found, make it the top match.
if (default_match_to_preserve.has_value()) {
const auto default_match_fields =
top_match =
base::ranges::find_if(matches_, [&](const AutocompleteMatch& match) {
// Find a match that is a duplicate AND has the same fill_into_edit.
// Don't preserve suggestions that are not default-able; e.g.,
// typing 'xy' shouldn't preserve default ''.
return default_match_fields == GetMatchComparisonFields(match) &&
default_match_to_preserve->fill_into_edit ==
match.fill_into_edit &&
// Otherwise, if there's no default match from a previous pass to preserve,
// find the top match based on our normal undemoted scoring method.
if (top_match == matches_.end()) {
top_match = FindTopMatch(input, &matches_);
RotateMatchToFront(top_match, &matches_);
// The search provider may pre-deduplicate search suggestions. It's possible
// for the un-deduped search suggestion that replaces a default search
// entity suggestion to not have had `ComputeStrippedDestinationURL()`
// invoked. Make sure to invoke it now as `AutocompleteController` relies on
// `stripped_destination_url` to detect result changes. If
// `stripped_destination_url` is already set, i.e. it was not a pre-deduped
// search suggestion, `ComputeStrippedDestinationURL()` will early exit.
if (UndedupTopSearchEntityMatch(&matches_)) {
matches_[0].ComputeStrippedDestinationURL(input, template_url_service);
const bool is_zero_suggest = input.IsZeroSuggest();
const bool use_grouping_for_zps =
base::FeatureList::IsEnabled(omnibox::kGroupingFrameworkForZPS) &&
const bool use_grouping_for_non_zps =
base::FeatureList::IsEnabled(omnibox::kGroupingFrameworkForNonZPS) &&
const bool use_grouping = use_grouping_for_zps || use_grouping_for_non_zps;
// Grouping requires all matches have a group ID. To keep providers 'dumb',
// they only assign IDs when their ID isn't obvious from the match type.
// Most matches will instead set IDs here to keep providers 'dumb' and the
// type->group mapping consistent between providers.
if (use_grouping) {
base::ranges::for_each(matches_, [&](auto& match) {
if (!match.suggestion_group_id.has_value()) {
match.suggestion_group_id =
// Some providers give 0 relevance matches that are meant for deduping only
// but shouldn't be shown otherwise. Filter them out.
[&](const auto& match) { return match.relevance == 0; });
// If `kGroupingFrameworkForZPS` or `kGroupingFrameworkForNonZPS` are enabled
// and the current input & platform are supported, delegate to the framework.
if (use_grouping_for_zps) {
PSections sections;
if constexpr (is_android) {
if (omnibox::IsNTPPage(page_classification)) {
size_t num_related_queries =
size_t num_trending_queries =
num_related_queries, num_trending_queries, suggestion_groups_map_));
} else if (omnibox::IsSearchResultsPage(page_classification)) {
} else {
} else if constexpr (is_desktop) {
if (omnibox::IsNTPPage(page_classification)) {
// Allow secondary zero-prefix suggestions in the NTP realbox or the
// WebUI omnibox, if any.
if ((page_classification == OmniboxEventProto::NTP_REALBOX ||
base::FeatureList::IsEnabled(omnibox::kWebUIOmniboxPopup)) &&
omnibox::kRealboxSecondaryZeroSuggest)) {
// Report whether secondary zero-prefix suggestions were triggered.
if (base::ranges::any_of(
suggestion_groups_map_, [](const auto& entry) {
return entry.second.side_type() ==
})) {
// Don't show the secondary zero-prefix suggestions in the
// counterfactual arm.
if (!OmniboxFieldTrial::kRealboxSecondaryZeroSuggestCounterfactual
.Get()) {
size_t max_previous_search_related =
max_previous_search_related, suggestion_groups_map_));
} else if (omnibox::IsSearchResultsPage(page_classification)) {
} else {
} else if constexpr (is_ios) {
if (ui::GetDeviceFormFactor() == ui::DEVICE_FORM_FACTOR_TABLET) {
if (omnibox::IsNTPPage(page_classification)) {
} else if (omnibox::IsSearchResultsPage(page_classification)) {
} else {
} else {
if (omnibox::IsNTPPage(page_classification)) {
} else if (omnibox::IsSearchResultsPage(page_classification)) {
} else {
matches_ = Section::GroupMatches(std::move(sections), matches_);
} else if (use_grouping_for_non_zps) {
PSections sections;
matches_ = Section::GroupMatches(std::move(sections), matches_);
} else {
// Limit history cluster suggestions to 1. This has to be done before
// limiting URL matches below so that a to-be-removed history cluster
// suggestion doesn't waste a URL slot.
bool history_cluster_included = false;
base::EraseIf(matches_, [&](const auto& match) {
// If not a history cluster match, don't erase it.
if (match.type != AutocompleteMatch::Type::HISTORY_CLUSTER)
return false;
// If not the 1st history cluster match, do erase it.
if (history_cluster_included)
return true;
// If the 1st history cluster match, don't erase it.
history_cluster_included = true;
return false;
// Limit URL matches per OmniboxMaxURLMatches.
size_t max_url_count = 0;
if (OmniboxFieldTrial::IsMaxURLMatchesFeatureEnabled() &&
(max_url_count = OmniboxFieldTrial::GetMaxURLMatches()) != 0)
LimitNumberOfURLsShown(GetMaxMatches(is_zero_suggest), max_url_count,
// Limit total matches accounting for suggestions score <= 0, sub matches,
// and feature configs such as OmniboxUIExperimentMaxAutocompleteMatches,
// OmniboxMaxZeroSuggestMatches, and OmniboxDynamicMaxAutocomplete.
const size_t num_matches =
CalculateNumMatches(is_zero_suggest, matches_, comparing_object);
// Group and trim suggestions to the given limit.
if (!is_zero_suggest) {
// Typed suggestions are trimmed then grouped.
// Group search suggestions above URL suggestions.
if (matches_.size() > 2 &&
!base::FeatureList::IsEnabled(omnibox::kAdaptiveSuggestionsCount)) {
} else {
// Zero-prefix suggestions are grouped then trimmed.
// If the user explicitly typed a scheme, the default match should have the
// same scheme. This doesn't apply in these cases:
// - If the default match has no |destination_url|. An example of this is the
// default match after the user has tabbed into keyword search mode, but
// has not typed a query yet.
// - The default match is a Search for a query that resembles scheme (e.g.
// "chrome:", "chrome:123", etc.).
// - The user is using on-focus or on-clobber (ZeroSuggest) mode. In those
// modes, there is no explicit user input so these checks don't make sense.
auto* default_match = this->default_match();
if (default_match && default_match->destination_url.is_valid() &&
!AutocompleteMatch::IsSearchType(default_match->type) &&
input.focus_type() == metrics::OmniboxFocusType::INTERACTION_DEFAULT &&
input.type() == metrics::OmniboxInputType::URL && {
const std::u16string debug_info =
u"fill_into_edit=" + default_match->fill_into_edit + u", provider=" +
((default_match->provider != nullptr)
? base::ASCIIToUTF16(default_match->provider->GetName())
: std::u16string()) +
u", input=" + input.text();
const std::string& in_scheme = base::UTF16ToUTF8(input.scheme());
const std::string& dest_scheme = default_match->destination_url.scheme();
DCHECK(url_formatter::IsEquivalentScheme(in_scheme, dest_scheme))
<< debug_info;
void AutocompleteResult::TrimOmniboxActions() {
// Platform rules:
// Android:
// - First two positions allow all types of OmniboxActionId
// - Third slot permits only PEDALs and HISTORY_CLUSTERS.
// - Slots 4 and beyond permit only HISTORY_CLUSTERS.
// - In every case, ACTION_IN_SUGGEST is preferred over HISTORY_CLUSTERS
// - In every case, HISTORY_CLUSTERS is preferred over PEDALs.
// - TAB_SWITCH actions are not considered because they're never attached.
if constexpr (is_android) {
static constexpr size_t ACTIONS_IN_SUGGEST_CUTOFF_THRESHOLD = 2;
static constexpr size_t PEDALS_CUTOFF_THRESHOLD = 3;
std::vector<OmniboxActionId> include_all{OmniboxActionId::ACTION_IN_SUGGEST,
std::vector<OmniboxActionId> include_at_most_pedals{
OmniboxActionId::HISTORY_CLUSTERS, OmniboxActionId::PEDAL};
std::vector<OmniboxActionId> include_at_most_history_clusters{
for (size_t index = 0u; index < matches_.size(); ++index) {
: index < PEDALS_CUTOFF_THRESHOLD ? include_at_most_pedals
: include_at_most_history_clusters);
void AutocompleteResult::GroupAndDemoteMatchesInGroups() {
bool any_matches_in_groups = false;
for (auto& match : *this) {
if (!match.suggestion_group_id.has_value()) {
const omnibox::GroupId group_id = match.suggestion_group_id.value();
if (!base::Contains(suggestion_groups_map(), group_id)) {
// Strip group IDs from the matches for which there is no suggestion
// group information. These matches should instead be treated as
// ordinary matches with no group IDs.
any_matches_in_groups = true;
// Record suggestion group information into the additional_info field
// for chrome://omnibox.
match.RecordAdditionalInfo("group id", group_id);
match.RecordAdditionalInfo("group header",
match.RecordAdditionalInfo("group section",
// No need to group and demote matches in groups if none exists.
if (!any_matches_in_groups) {
// Sort matches by their groups' section while preserving the existing order
// within sections. Matches not in a group are ranked above matches in one.
// 1) Suggestions without a group will be sorted first.
// 2) Suggestions in SECTION_DEFAULT (0) and suggestions whose groups are not
// in `suggestion_groups_map_` are sorted 2nd.
// 3) Remaining suggestions are sorted by section.
matches_, [](int a, int b) { return a < b; },
[&](const auto& m) {
return m.suggestion_group_id.has_value()
? GetSectionForSuggestionGroup(m.suggestion_group_id.value())
// -1 makes sure suggestions without a group are sorted
// before suggestions in the default section (0).
: -1;
void AutocompleteResult::DemoteOnDeviceSearchSuggestions() {
std::vector<AutocompleteMatch*> on_device_search_suggestions;
int search_provider_search_suggestion_min_relevance = -1,
on_device_search_suggestion_max_relevance = -1;
bool search_provider_search_suggestion_exists = false;
// Loop through all matches to check the existence of SearchProvider search
// suggestions and OnDeviceProvider search suggestions. Also calculate the
// maximum OnDeviceProvider search suggestion relevance and the minimum
// SearchProvider search suggestion relevance, in preparation to adjust the
// relevances for OnDeviceProvider search suggestions next.
for (auto& m : matches_) {
// The demotion will not be triggered if only trivial suggestions present,
// Note that we exclude SEARCH_OTHER_ENGINE here, simply because custom
// search engine ("keyword search") is not enabled at Android & iOS, where
// on device suggestion providers will be enabled. We should revisit this
// triggering condition once keyword search is launched at Android & iOS.
if (m.IsSearchProviderSearchSuggestion() && !m.IsTrivialAutocompletion()) {
search_provider_search_suggestion_exists = true;
search_provider_search_suggestion_min_relevance =
search_provider_search_suggestion_min_relevance < 0
? m.relevance
: std::min(search_provider_search_suggestion_min_relevance,
} else if (m.IsOnDeviceSearchSuggestion()) {
on_device_search_suggestion_max_relevance =
std::max(on_device_search_suggestion_max_relevance, m.relevance);
// If any OnDeviceProvider search suggestion has a higher relevance than any
// SearchProvider one, subtract the difference b/w the maximum
// OnDeviceProvider search suggestion relevance and the minimum SearchProvider
// search suggestion relevance from the relevances for all OnDeviceProvider
// ones.
if (search_provider_search_suggestion_exists &&
!on_device_search_suggestions.empty()) {
if (on_device_search_suggestion_max_relevance >=
search_provider_search_suggestion_min_relevance) {
int relevance_offset =
(on_device_search_suggestion_max_relevance -
search_provider_search_suggestion_min_relevance + 1);
for (auto* m : on_device_search_suggestions)
m->relevance = m->relevance > relevance_offset
? m->relevance - relevance_offset
: 0;
void AutocompleteResult::AttachPedalsToMatches(
const AutocompleteInput& input,
const AutocompleteProviderClient& client) {
OmniboxPedalProvider* provider = client.GetPedalProvider();
if (!provider) {
// Used to ensure we keep only one Pedal of each kind.
std::unordered_set<OmniboxPedal*> pedals_found;
const size_t max_index = std::min(kMaxPedalMatchIndex, matches_.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < max_index && pedals_found.size() < kMaxPedalCount;
i++) {
AutocompleteMatch& match = matches_[i];
// Skip matches that already have a pedal or are not suitable for actions.
constexpr auto is_pedal = [](const auto& action) {
return action->ActionId() == OmniboxActionId::PEDAL;
if (match.GetActionWhere(is_pedal) || !match.IsActionCompatible()) {
OmniboxPedal* const pedal =
provider->FindReadyPedalMatch(input, match.contents);
if (pedal) {
const auto result = pedals_found.insert(pedal);
if (result.second) {
void AutocompleteResult::ConvertOpenTabMatches(
AutocompleteProviderClient* client,
const AutocompleteInput* input) {
base::TimeTicks start_time = base::TimeTicks::Now();
// URL matching on Android is expensive, because it triggers a volume of JNI
// calls. We improve this situation by batching the lookup.
TabMatcher::GURLToTabInfoMap batch_lookup_map;
for (auto& match : matches_) {
// If already converted this match, don't re-search through open tabs and
// possibly re-change the description.
// Note: explicitly check for value rather than deferring to implicit
// boolean conversion of absl::optional.
if (match.has_tab_match.has_value()) {
batch_lookup_map.insert({match.destination_url, {}});
if (!batch_lookup_map.empty()) {
client->GetTabMatcher().FindMatchingTabs(&batch_lookup_map, input);
for (auto& match : matches_) {
if (match.has_tab_match.has_value()) {
auto tab_info = batch_lookup_map.find(match.destination_url);
DCHECK(tab_info != batch_lookup_map.end());
if (tab_info == batch_lookup_map.end()) {
match.has_tab_match = tab_info->second.has_matching_tab;
// Do not attach the action for iOS or Android since they have separate
// UI treatment for tab matches (no button row as on desktop and realbox).
if (!is_android && !is_ios && match.has_tab_match.value()) {
// The default action for suggestions from the open tab provider in
// keyword mode is to switch to the open tab so no button is necessary.
if (!OmniboxFieldTrial::IsSiteSearchStarterPackEnabled() ||
!match.from_keyword ||
match.provider->type() != AutocompleteProvider::TYPE_OPEN_TAB) {
base::TimeDelta time_delta = base::TimeTicks::Now() - start_time;
base::Milliseconds(5), 50);
bool AutocompleteResult::HasCopiedMatches() const {
for (const auto& i : *this) {
if (i.from_previous)
return true;
return false;
size_t AutocompleteResult::size() const {
return matches_.size();
bool AutocompleteResult::empty() const {
return matches_.empty();
AutocompleteResult::const_iterator AutocompleteResult::begin() const {
return matches_.begin();
AutocompleteResult::iterator AutocompleteResult::begin() {
return matches_.begin();
AutocompleteResult::const_iterator AutocompleteResult::end() const {
return matches_.end();
AutocompleteResult::iterator AutocompleteResult::end() {
return matches_.end();
const AutocompleteMatch& AutocompleteResult::match_at(size_t index) const {
DCHECK_LT(index, matches_.size());
return matches_[index];
AutocompleteMatch* AutocompleteResult::match_at(size_t index) {
DCHECK_LT(index, matches_.size());
return &matches_[index];
const AutocompleteMatch* AutocompleteResult::default_match() const {
if (begin() != end() && begin()->allowed_to_be_default_match)
return &(*begin());
return nullptr;
// static
ACMatches::const_iterator AutocompleteResult::FindTopMatch(
const AutocompleteInput& input,
const ACMatches& matches) {
return FindTopMatch(input, const_cast<ACMatches*>(&matches));
// static
ACMatches::iterator AutocompleteResult::FindTopMatch(
const AutocompleteInput& input,
ACMatches* matches) {
// The matches may be sorted by type-demoted relevance. We want to choose the
// highest-relevance, allowed-to-be-default match while ignoring type demotion
// in order to explicitly find the highest relevance match rather than just
// accepting the first allowed-to-be-default match in the list.
// The goal of this behavior is to ensure that in situations where the user
// expects to see a commonly visited URL as the default match, the URL is not
// suppressed by type demotion.
// However, we don't care about this URL behavior when the user is using the
// fakebox/realbox, which is intended to work more like a search-only box.
// Unless the user's input is a URL in which case we still want to ensure they
// can get a URL as the default match.
if ((input.current_page_classification() !=
input.current_page_classification() != OmniboxEventProto::NTP_REALBOX) ||
input.type() == metrics::OmniboxInputType::URL) {
auto best = matches->end();
for (auto it = matches->begin(); it != matches->end(); ++it) {
if (it->allowed_to_be_default_match &&
(best == matches->end() ||
AutocompleteMatch::MoreRelevant(*it, *best))) {
best = it;
return best;
return base::ranges::find_if(*matches,
// static
bool AutocompleteResult::UndedupTopSearchEntityMatch(ACMatches* matches) {
if (matches->empty())
return false;
auto top_match = matches->begin();
if (top_match->type != ACMatchType::SEARCH_SUGGEST_ENTITY)
return false;
// We define an iterator to capture the non-entity duplicate match (if any)
// so that we can later use it with duplicate_matches.erase().
auto non_entity_it = top_match->duplicate_matches.end();
// Search the duplicates for an equivalent non-entity search suggestion.
for (auto it = top_match->duplicate_matches.begin();
it != top_match->duplicate_matches.end(); ++it) {
// Reject any ineligible duplicates.
if (it->type == ACMatchType::SEARCH_SUGGEST_ENTITY ||
!AutocompleteMatch::IsSearchType(it->type) ||
!it->allowed_to_be_default_match) {
// Capture the first eligible non-entity duplicate we find, but continue the
// search for a potential server-provided duplicate, which is considered to
// be an even better candidate for the reasons outlined below.
if (non_entity_it == top_match->duplicate_matches.end()) {
non_entity_it = it;
// When an entity suggestion (SEARCH_SUGGEST_ENTITY) is received from
//, we also receive a non-entity version of the same suggestion
// which (a) gets placed in the |duplicate_matches| list of the entity
// suggestion (as part of the deduplication process) and (b) has the same
// |deletion_url| as the entity suggestion.
// When the user attempts to remove the SEARCH_SUGGEST_ENTITY suggestion
// from the omnibox, the suggestion removal code will fire off network
// requests to the suggestion's own |deletion_url| as well as to any
// deletion_url's present on matches in the associated |duplicate_matches|
// list, which in this case would result in redundant network calls to the
// same URL.
// By prioritizing the "undeduping" (i.e. moving a duplicate match out of
// the |duplicate_matches| list) and promotion of the non-entity
// SEARCH_SUGGEST (or any other "specialized search") duplicate as the
// top match, we are deliberately separating the two matches that have the
// same |deletion_url|, thereby eliminating any redundant network calls
// upon suggestion removal.
if (it->type == ACMatchType::SEARCH_SUGGEST ||
AutocompleteMatch::IsSpecializedSearchType(it->type)) {
non_entity_it = it;
if (non_entity_it != top_match->duplicate_matches.end()) {
// Move out the non-entity match, then erase it from the list of duplicates.
// We do this first, because the insertion operation invalidates all
// iterators, including |top_match|.
AutocompleteMatch non_entity_match_copy{std::move(*non_entity_it)};
// When we spawn our non-entity match copy, we still want to preserve any
// entity ID that was provided by the server for logging purposes, even if
// we don't display it.
if (non_entity_match_copy.entity_id.empty()) {
non_entity_match_copy.entity_id = top_match->entity_id;
// Unless the entity match has Actions in Suggest, promote the non-entity
// match to the top. Otherwise keep the entity match at the top followed by
// the non-entity match.
bool top_match_has_actions =
!!top_match->GetActionWhere([](const auto& action) {
return action->ActionId() == OmniboxActionId::ACTION_IN_SUGGEST;
if (top_match_has_actions &&
OmniboxFieldTrial::kActionsInSuggestPromoteEntitySuggestion.Get()) {
} else {
matches->insert(matches->begin(), std::move(non_entity_match_copy));
// Immediately return as all our iterators are invalid after the insertion.
return true;
return false;
// static
size_t AutocompleteResult::CalculateNumMatches(
bool is_zero_suggest,
const ACMatches& matches,
const CompareWithDemoteByType<AutocompleteMatch>& comparing_object) {
// Use alternative CalculateNumMatchesPerUrlCount if applicable.
if (!is_zero_suggest &&
return CalculateNumMatchesPerUrlCount(matches, comparing_object);
// In the process of trimming, drop all matches with a demoted relevance
// score of 0.
size_t max_matches_by_policy = GetMaxMatches(is_zero_suggest);
size_t num_matches = 0;
while (num_matches < matches.size() &&
comparing_object.GetDemotedRelevance(matches[num_matches]) > 0) {
// Don't increment if at loose limit.
if (num_matches >= max_matches_by_policy)
return num_matches;
// static
size_t AutocompleteResult::CalculateNumMatchesPerUrlCount(
const ACMatches& matches,
const CompareWithDemoteByType<AutocompleteMatch>& comparing_object) {
size_t base_limit = GetMaxMatches();
size_t increased_limit = GetDynamicMaxMatches();
size_t url_cutoff = base::GetFieldTrialParamByFeatureAsInt(
OmniboxFieldTrial::kDynamicMaxAutocompleteUrlCutoffParam, 0);
DCHECK(increased_limit >= base_limit);
size_t num_matches = 0;
size_t num_url_matches = 0;
for (const auto& match : matches) {
// Matches scored less than 0 won't be shown anyways, so we can break early.
if (comparing_object.GetDemotedRelevance(matches[num_matches]) <= 0)
if (!AutocompleteMatch::IsSearchType(match.type))
size_t limit = num_url_matches <= url_cutoff ? increased_limit : base_limit;
if (num_matches >= limit)
return num_matches;
void AutocompleteResult::Reset() {
void AutocompleteResult::Swap(AutocompleteResult* other) {
void AutocompleteResult::CopyFrom(const AutocompleteResult& other) {
if (this == &other)
matches_ = other.matches_;
suggestion_groups_map_ = other.suggestion_groups_map_;
void AutocompleteResult::Validate() const {
for (const auto& i : *this)
#endif // DCHECK_IS_ON()
// static
GURL AutocompleteResult::ComputeAlternateNavUrl(
const AutocompleteInput& input,
const AutocompleteMatch& match,
AutocompleteProviderClient* provider_client) {
auto redirector_policy =
bool policy_allows_alternate_navs =
(redirector_policy == omnibox::IntranetRedirectorBehavior::
redirector_policy == omnibox::IntranetRedirectorBehavior::
TRACE_EVENT_INSTANT("omnibox", "AutocompleteResult::ComputeAlternateNavURL",
"input", input, "match", match,
if (!policy_allows_alternate_navs)
return GURL();
return ((input.type() == metrics::OmniboxInputType::UNKNOWN) &&
(AutocompleteMatch::IsSearchType(match.type)) &&
(input.canonicalized_url() != match.destination_url))
? input.canonicalized_url()
: GURL();
// static
void AutocompleteResult::DeduplicateMatches(ACMatches* matches) {
// Group matches by stripped URL and whether it's a calculator suggestion.
ACMatchKeyHash<std::string, bool>>
for (auto i = matches->begin(); i != matches->end(); ++i) {
// For each group of duplicate matches, choose the one that's considered best.
for (auto& group : url_to_matches) {
const auto& key = group.first;
// The vector of matches whose URL are equivalent.
std::vector<ACMatches::iterator>& duplicate_matches = group.second;
if (key.first.empty() || duplicate_matches.size() == 1)
// Sort the matches best to worst, according to the deduplication criteria.
std::sort(duplicate_matches.begin(), duplicate_matches.end(),
AutocompleteMatch& best_match = **duplicate_matches.begin();
// Process all the duplicate matches (from second-best to worst).
std::vector<AutocompleteMatch> duplicates_of_duplicates;
for (auto i = std::next(duplicate_matches.begin());
i != duplicate_matches.end(); ++i) {
AutocompleteMatch& duplicate_match = **i;
// Each duplicate match may also have its own duplicates. Move those to
// a temporary list, which will be eventually added to the end of
// |best_match.duplicate_matches|. Clear out the original list too.
// This should be a copy, not a move, since we don't erase duplicate
// matches from the source list until the very end.
DCHECK(duplicate_match.duplicate_matches.empty()); // Should be cleared.
std::move(duplicates_of_duplicates.begin(), duplicates_of_duplicates.end(),
// Erase duplicate matches.
base::EraseIf(*matches, [&url_to_matches](const AutocompleteMatch& match) {
auto match_comparison_fields = GetMatchComparisonFields(match);
return !match.stripped_destination_url.is_empty() &&
&(*url_to_matches[match_comparison_fields].front()) != &match;
std::u16string AutocompleteResult::GetCommonPrefix() {
std::u16string common_prefix;
for (const auto& match : matches_) {
if (match.type == ACMatchType::SEARCH_SUGGEST_TAIL) {
int common_length;
common_prefix = base::UTF8ToUTF16(match.GetAdditionalInfo(
.substr(0, common_length);
return common_prefix;
size_t AutocompleteResult::EstimateMemoryUsage() const {
return base::trace_event::EstimateMemoryUsage(matches_);
AutocompleteResult::GetMatchDedupComparators() const {
std::vector<AutocompleteResult::MatchDedupComparator> comparators;
for (const auto& match : *this)
return comparators;
std::u16string AutocompleteResult::GetHeaderForSuggestionGroup(
omnibox::GroupId suggestion_group_id) const {
auto it = suggestion_groups_map().find(suggestion_group_id);
if (it == suggestion_groups_map().end()) {
return u"";
return base::UTF8ToUTF16(it->second.header_text());
bool AutocompleteResult::IsSuggestionGroupHidden(
PrefService* prefs,
omnibox::GroupId suggestion_group_id) const {
auto it = suggestion_groups_map().find(suggestion_group_id);
if (it == suggestion_groups_map().end()) {
return false;
omnibox::SuggestionGroupVisibility user_preference =
prefs, suggestion_group_id);
if (user_preference == omnibox::SuggestionGroupVisibility::HIDDEN)
return true;
if (user_preference == omnibox::SuggestionGroupVisibility::SHOWN)
return false;
DCHECK_EQ(user_preference, omnibox::SuggestionGroupVisibility::DEFAULT);
return it->second.visibility() == omnibox::GroupConfig_Visibility_HIDDEN;
void AutocompleteResult::SetSuggestionGroupHidden(
PrefService* prefs,
omnibox::GroupId suggestion_group_id,
bool hidden) const {
auto it = suggestion_groups_map().find(suggestion_group_id);
if (it == suggestion_groups_map().end()) {
prefs, suggestion_group_id,
hidden ? omnibox::SuggestionGroupVisibility::HIDDEN
: omnibox::SuggestionGroupVisibility::SHOWN);
omnibox::GroupSection AutocompleteResult::GetSectionForSuggestionGroup(
omnibox::GroupId suggestion_group_id) const {
auto it = suggestion_groups_map().find(suggestion_group_id);
if (it == suggestion_groups_map().end()) {
return omnibox::SECTION_DEFAULT;
return it->second.section();
omnibox::GroupConfig_SideType AutocompleteResult::GetSideTypeForSuggestionGroup(
omnibox::GroupId suggestion_group_id) const {
auto it = suggestion_groups_map().find(suggestion_group_id);
if (it == suggestion_groups_map().end()) {
return omnibox::GroupConfig_SideType_DEFAULT_PRIMARY;
return it->second.side_type();
void AutocompleteResult::MergeSuggestionGroupsMap(
const omnibox::GroupConfigMap& suggestion_groups_map) {
for (const auto& entry : suggestion_groups_map) {
// static
bool AutocompleteResult::HasMatchByDestination(const AutocompleteMatch& match,
const ACMatches& matches) {
for (const auto& m : matches) {
if (m.destination_url == match.destination_url)
return true;
return false;
// static
void AutocompleteResult::MaybeCullTailSuggestions(
ACMatches* matches,
const CompareWithDemoteByType<AutocompleteMatch>& comparing_object) {
std::function<bool(const AutocompleteMatch&)> is_tail =
[](const AutocompleteMatch& match) {
return match.type == ACMatchType::SEARCH_SUGGEST_TAIL;
bool prefer_tail_over_history_cluster = base::FeatureList::IsEnabled(
std::function<bool(const AutocompleteMatch&)> is_history_cluster =
[&](const AutocompleteMatch& match) {
return prefer_tail_over_history_cluster &&
match.type == ACMatchType::HISTORY_CLUSTER;
// 'normal' refers to a suggestion that is neither a tail nor history cluster.
bool default_normal = false;
bool other_normals = false;
bool any_normals = false;
bool default_tail = false;
bool any_tails = false;
bool any_history_clusters = false;
for (const auto& match : *matches) {
if (comparing_object.GetDemotedRelevance(match) == 0)
if (is_tail(match)) {
any_tails = true;
if (!default_tail && match.allowed_to_be_default_match)
default_tail = true;
} else if (is_history_cluster(match)) {
any_history_clusters = true;
} else {
any_normals = true;
if (!default_normal && match.allowed_to_be_default_match)
default_normal = true;
other_normals = true;
// If there are only non-tail or only tail suggestions, then cull none.
if (!any_normals || !any_tails)
// Cull non-tail suggestions when the default is a tail suggestion.
if (!default_normal && default_tail) {
base::EraseIf(*matches, std::not_fn(is_tail));
// Cull tail suggestions when there is a non-tail, non-default suggestion.
if (other_normals) {
base::EraseIf(*matches, is_tail);
// If showing tail suggestions, hide history cluster suggestions.
if (any_history_clusters)
base::EraseIf(*matches, is_history_cluster);
// If showing tail suggestions with a default non-tail, make sure the tail
// suggestions are not defaulted.
if (default_tail) {
for (auto& match : *matches) {
if (is_tail(match))
match.allowed_to_be_default_match = false;
void AutocompleteResult::BuildProviderToMatchesCopy(
ProviderToMatches* provider_to_matches) const {
for (const auto& match : *this)
void AutocompleteResult::BuildProviderToMatchesMove(
ProviderToMatches* provider_to_matches) {
for (auto& match : *this)
void AutocompleteResult::MergeMatchesByProvider(ACMatches* old_matches,
const ACMatches& new_matches) {
if (new_matches.size() >= old_matches->size())
// Prevent old matches from this provider from outranking new ones and
// becoming the default match by capping old matches' scores to be less than
// the highest-scoring allowed-to-be-default match from this provider.
auto i = base::ranges::find_if(
new_matches, &AutocompleteMatch::allowed_to_be_default_match);
// If the provider doesn't have any matches that are allowed-to-be-default,
// cap scores below the global allowed-to-be-default match.
// AutocompleteResult maintains the invariant that the first item in
// |matches_| is always such a match.
if (i == new_matches.end())
i = matches_.begin();
const int max_relevance = i->relevance - 1;
// Because the goal is a visibly-stable popup, rather than one that preserves
// the highest-relevance matches, we copy in the lowest-relevance matches
// first. This means that within each provider's "group" of matches, any
// synchronous matches (which tend to have the highest scores) will
// "overwrite" the initial matches from that provider's previous results,
// minimally disturbing the rest of the matches.
size_t delta = old_matches->size() - new_matches.size();
for (const AutocompleteMatch& old_match : base::Reversed(*old_matches)) {
if (delta == 0) {
if (!HasMatchByDestination(old_match, new_matches)) {
matches_.back().relevance =
std::min(max_relevance, matches_.back().relevance);
matches_.back().from_previous = true;
AutocompleteResult::GetMatchComparisonFields(const AutocompleteMatch& match) {
return std::make_pair(match.stripped_destination_url.spec(),
match.type == ACMatchType::CALCULATOR);
void AutocompleteResult::LimitNumberOfURLsShown(
size_t max_matches,
size_t max_url_count,
const CompareWithDemoteByType<AutocompleteMatch>& comparing_object) {
size_t search_count =
base::ranges::count_if(matches_, [&](const AutocompleteMatch& m) {
return AutocompleteMatch::IsSearchType(m.type) &&
// Don't count if would be removed.
comparing_object.GetDemotedRelevance(m) > 0;
// Display more than GetMaxURLMatches() if there are no non-URL suggestions
// to replace them. Avoid signed math.
if (max_matches > search_count && max_matches - search_count > max_url_count)
max_url_count = max_matches - search_count;
size_t url_count = 0;
// Erase URL suggestions past the count of allowed ones, or anything past
// maximum.
[&url_count, max_url_count](const AutocompleteMatch& m) {
return !AutocompleteMatch::IsSearchType(m.type) &&
++url_count > max_url_count;
// static
void AutocompleteResult::GroupSuggestionsBySearchVsURL(iterator begin,
iterator end) {
while (begin != end &&
AutocompleteMatch::ShouldBeSkippedForGroupBySearchVsUrl(begin->type)) {
if (begin == end)
base::ranges::stable_sort(begin, end, {}, [](const auto& m) {
if (AutocompleteMatch::IsStarterPackType(m.type))
return 0;
// Group history cluster suggestions above or with searches.
if (m.type == AutocompleteMatchType::HISTORY_CLUSTER) {
return history_clusters::GetConfig()
? 0
: 1;
#endif // !BUILDFLAG(IS_IOS)
if (AutocompleteMatch::IsSearchType(m.type))
return 1;
return 2;