blob: d48e2217c7d9a82e1012e1c7f81da73b3812a476 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/types/strong_alias.h"
namespace password_manager {
struct PasswordForm;
struct CredentialUIEntry;
// Multimap from sort key to password forms.
using DuplicatesMap = std::multimap<std::string, std::unique_ptr<PasswordForm>>;
using IgnoreStore = base::StrongAlias<class IgnoreStoreTag, bool>;
// Creates key for sorting password or password exception entries. The key is
// eTLD+1 followed by the reversed list of domains (e.g.
// => and
// the scheme. If |form| is not blocklisted, username, password and federation
// are appended to the key. If not, no further information is added. For Android
// credentials the canocial spec is included.
// If |ignore_store| is true, forms differing only by the originating password
// store will map to the same key.
std::string CreateSortKey(const PasswordForm& form, IgnoreStore ignore_store);
// Same as |CreateSortKey| for |PasswordForm| but it always ignores store and
// takes passkeys into account.
// TODO(vsemeniuk): find a better name for this function.
std::string CreateSortKey(const CredentialUIEntry& credential);
// Creates a key to map passwords within an affiliated group with the same
// username and password.
std::string CreateUsernamePasswordSortKey(const PasswordForm& form);
// Same as |CreateUsernamePasswordSortKey| for |PasswordForm|.
std::string CreateUsernamePasswordSortKey(const CredentialUIEntry& credential);
// Sort entries of |list| based on sort key. The key is the concatenation of
// origin, entry type (non-Android credential, Android w/ affiliated web realm
// or Android w/o affiliated web realm). If a form in |list| is not blocklisted,
// username, password and federation are also included in sort key. Forms that
// only differ by password_form::PasswordForm::Store are merged. If there are
// several forms with the same key, all such forms but the first one are stored
// in |duplicates| instead of |list|.
void SortEntriesAndHideDuplicates(
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<PasswordForm>>* list,
DuplicatesMap* duplicates);
} // namespace password_manager