blob: 221fbb8098a7ab0fc2591bca9d4c5a180c038a3f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/containers/flat_map.h"
#include "base/containers/flat_set.h"
#include "components/password_manager/core/browser/import/csv_password.h"
#include "components/password_manager/core/browser/passkey_credential.h"
#include "components/password_manager/core/browser/password_form.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
namespace password_manager {
using DisplayName = base::StrongAlias<class DisplayNameTag, std::string>;
using SignonRealm = base::StrongAlias<class SignonRealmTag, std::string>;
using AffiliatedWebRealm =
base::StrongAlias<class AffiliatedWebRealmTag, std::string>;
// CredentialUIEntry is converted to represent a group of credentials with the
// same username and password and are under the same affiliation (for example:
// and CredentialFacet is a simple struct to keep track of
// each credential's display name, url and sign-on realm.
struct CredentialFacet {
explicit CredentialFacet(DisplayName display_name,
GURL url,
SignonRealm signon_realm,
AffiliatedWebRealm affiliated_web_realm);
CredentialFacet(const CredentialFacet& other);
CredentialFacet(CredentialFacet&& other);
CredentialFacet& operator=(const CredentialFacet& other);
CredentialFacet& operator=(CredentialFacet&& other);
// The display name for the website or the Android application.
std::string display_name;
// An URL consists of the scheme, host, port and path; the rest is stripped.
// This is the primary data used by the PasswordManager to decide (in
// longest matching prefix fashion) whether or not a given PasswordForm
// result from the database is a good fit for a particular form on a page.
GURL url;
// The "Realm" for the sign-on. Please refer to the PasswordSpecifics
// documentation for more details.
std::string signon_realm;
// The web realm affiliated with the Android application, if the it is an
// Android credential. Otherwise, the string is empty.
std::string affiliated_web_realm;
// Simple struct that represents an entry inside Settings UI. Allows implicit
// construction from PasswordForm for convenience. A single entry might
// correspond to multiple PasswordForms.
// TODO( Use class here instead of struct.
struct CredentialUIEntry {
// Structure which represents affiliated domain and can be used by the UI to
// display affiliated domains as links.
struct DomainInfo {
// A human readable version of the URL of the credential's origin. For
// android credentials this is usually the app name.
std::string name;
// The URL that will be linked to when an entry is clicked.
GURL url;
// signon_realm of a corresponding PasswordForm.
std::string signon_realm;
struct Less {
bool operator()(const CredentialUIEntry& lhs,
const CredentialUIEntry& rhs) const;
explicit CredentialUIEntry(const PasswordForm& form);
explicit CredentialUIEntry(const std::vector<PasswordForm>& forms);
explicit CredentialUIEntry(const PasskeyCredential& passkey);
explicit CredentialUIEntry(
const CSVPassword& csv_password,
PasswordForm::Store to_store = PasswordForm::Store::kProfileStore);
CredentialUIEntry(const CredentialUIEntry& other);
CredentialUIEntry(CredentialUIEntry&& other);
CredentialUIEntry& operator=(const CredentialUIEntry& other);
CredentialUIEntry& operator=(CredentialUIEntry&& other);
// True if this credential is a passkey, false otherwise.
bool is_passkey = false;
// List of facets represented by this entry which contains the display name,
// url and sign-on realm of a credential.
std::vector<CredentialFacet> facets;
// The current username.
std::u16string username;
// The current password.
std::u16string password;
// The origin of identity provider used for federated login.
url::Origin federation_origin;
// Indicates the stores where the credential is stored.
base::flat_set<PasswordForm::Store> stored_in;
// A mapping from the credential insecurity type (e.g. leaked, phished),
// to its metadata (e.g. time it was discovered, whether alerts are muted).
base::flat_map<InsecureType, InsecurityMetadata> password_issues;
// Attached note to the credential. This is a single entry since settings UI
// currently supports manipulation of one note only with an empty
// `unique_display_name`. The storage layer however supports multiple-notes
// for forward compatibility.
std::u16string note;
// Tracks if the user opted to never remember passwords for this website.
bool blocked_by_user = false;
// Indicates when the credential was last used by the user to login to the
// site. Defaults to |date_created|.
base::Time last_used_time;
// Information about password insecurities.
bool IsLeaked() const;
bool IsPhished() const;
bool IsWeak() const;
bool IsReused() const;
bool IsMuted() const;
const base::Time GetLastLeakedOrPhishedTime() const;
// Returns the first display name among all the display names in the facets
// associated with this entry.
std::string GetDisplayName() const;
// Returns the first sign-on realm among all the sign-on realms in the facets
// associated with this entry.
std::string GetFirstSignonRealm() const;
// Returns the first affiliated web realm among all the affiliated web realms
// in the facets associated with this entry.
std::string GetAffiliatedWebRealm() const;
// Returns the first URL among all the URLs in the facets associated with this
// entry.
GURL GetURL() const;
// Returns the URL which allows to change the password of compromised
// credentials. Can be null for Android credentials.
absl::optional<GURL> GetChangePasswordURL() const;
// Returns a vector of pairs, where the first element is formatted string
// representing website or an Android application and a second parameter is a
// link which should be opened when item is clicked. Can be used by the UI to
// display all the affiliated domains.
std::vector<DomainInfo> GetAffiliatedDomains() const;
bool operator==(const CredentialUIEntry& lhs, const CredentialUIEntry& rhs);
bool operator!=(const CredentialUIEntry& lhs, const CredentialUIEntry& rhs);
bool operator<(const CredentialUIEntry& lhs, const CredentialUIEntry& rhs);
// Returns true when the credential is either leaked or phished.
bool IsCompromised(const CredentialUIEntry& credential);
} // namespace password_manager