blob: 000a3a83f2780538ee79fd525d07805bc96cf0b1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/functional/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "components/password_manager/core/browser/affiliation/affiliation_utils.h"
#include "components/password_manager/core/browser/passkey_credential.h"
#include "components/password_manager/core/browser/ui/affiliated_group.h"
namespace password_manager {
class AffiliationService;
// Helper objects which handles passwords grouping. There are two levels of
// grouping: firstly passwords with affiliated |signon_realm| are grouped
// together which corresponds to |AffiliatedGroup|. Withing these groups
// passwords are grouped by username/password pair and are referred as
// |CredentialUIEntry|. So PasswordForms with affiliated signon_realms and
// matching username/password are considered a single credential. Blocked
// websites aren't grouped at all.
class PasswordsGrouper {
explicit PasswordsGrouper(AffiliationService* affiliation_service);
// Apply grouping algorithm to credentials. The grouping algorithm group
// together credentials with the same username and password within the same
// affiliated group. For example, we have credential from "" and
// "" that have the same username and password. These
// credentials are part of the same affiliated group so they will be grouped
// together.
// |forms| PasswordForms to be grouped.
// |passkeys| Passkey metadata to be grouped.
// |callback| is called after the grouping is finished.
void GroupCredentials(std::vector<PasswordForm> password_forms,
std::vector<PasskeyCredential> passkeys,
base::OnceClosure callback);
// Returns a list of affiliated groups created with the password grouping
// info.
std::vector<AffiliatedGroup> GetAffiliatedGroupsWithGroupingInfo() const;
// Returns all the credentials (excluding blocked sites) in a vector.
std::vector<CredentialUIEntry> GetAllCredentials() const;
// Returns blocked sites.
std::vector<CredentialUIEntry> GetBlockedSites() const;
// Returns PasswordForm corresponding to 'credential'.
std::vector<PasswordForm> GetPasswordFormsFor(
const CredentialUIEntry& credential) const;
void ClearCache();
using SignonRealm = base::StrongAlias<class SignonRealmTag, std::string>;
using GroupId = base::StrongAlias<class GroupIdTag, int>;
using UsernamePasswordKey =
base::StrongAlias<class UsernamePasswordKeyTag, std::string>;
// Holds the set of credentials for a given credential group.
struct Credentials {
// Password forms grouped by username-password keys.
std::map<UsernamePasswordKey, std::vector<PasswordForm>> forms;
// List of passkeys associated to the group.
std::vector<PasskeyCredential> passkeys;
// Returns a map of facet URI to group id. Stores branding information for the
// affiliated group by updating |map_group_id_to_branding_info|.
std::map<std::string, GroupId> MapFacetsToGroupId(
const std::vector<GroupedFacets>& groups);
void GroupPasswordsImpl(std::vector<PasswordForm> forms,
std::vector<PasskeyCredential> passkeys,
const std::vector<GroupedFacets>& groups);
void InitializePSLExtensionList(std::vector<std::string> psl_extension_list);
raw_ptr<AffiliationService> affiliation_service_;
// Structure used to keep track of the mapping between the credential's
// sign-on realm and the group id.
std::map<SignonRealm, GroupId> map_signon_realm_to_group_id_;
// Structure used to keep track of the mapping between the group id and the
// grouped facet's branding information.
std::map<GroupId, FacetBrandingInfo> map_group_id_to_branding_info_;
// Structure used to keep track of the mapping between a group id and the
// passwords and passkeys.
std::map<GroupId, Credentials> map_group_id_to_credentials_;
// Structure to keep track of the blocked sites by user. They are not grouped
// into affiliated groups.
std::vector<PasswordForm> blocked_sites_;
// The set of domains that the server uses as an extension to the PSL.
base::flat_set<std::string> psl_extensions_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<PasswordsGrouper> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace password_manager