blob: ecb23eeab3dc9579c66413305742da6a8937c93e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace supervised_user {
// Keys for supervised user settings. These are configured remotely and mapped
// to preferences by the SupervisedUserPrefStore.
extern const char kAuthorizationHeader[];
extern const char kCameraMicDisabled[];
extern const char kContentPackDefaultFilteringBehavior[];
extern const char kContentPackManualBehaviorHosts[];
extern const char kContentPackManualBehaviorURLs[];
extern const char kCookiesAlwaysAllowed[];
extern const char kForceSafeSearch[];
extern const char kGeolocationDisabled[];
extern const char kSafeSitesEnabled[];
extern const char kSigninAllowed[];
// A special supervised user ID used for child accounts.
extern const char kChildAccountSUID[];
// Keys for supervised user shared settings. These can be configured remotely or
// SupervisedUserPrefMappingService.
extern const char kChromeAvatarIndex[];
extern const char kChromeOSAvatarIndex[];
extern const char kChromeOSPasswordData[];
// A group of preferences of both primary and secondary custodians.
extern const char* const kCustodianInfoPrefs[10];
// Filenames.
extern const base::FilePath::CharType kSupervisedUserSettingsFilename[];
extern const char kSyncGoogleDashboardURL[];
// URLs for RPCs in the KidsManagement service.
GURL KidsManagementGetFamilyMembersURL();
GURL KidsManagementPermissionRequestsURL();
GURL KidsManagementClassifyURLRequestURL();
} // namespace supervised_user