blob: 807eff56b559eb25fa3c8896d76f7f62423843db [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/viz/service/display/surface_aggregator.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <map>
#include <utility>
#include "base/auto_reset.h"
#include "base/check_op.h"
#include "base/containers/adapters.h"
#include "base/containers/cxx20_erase.h"
#include "base/functional/bind.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram_macros.h"
#include "base/numerics/ranges.h"
#include "base/timer/elapsed_timer.h"
#include "base/trace_event/trace_event.h"
#include "cc/base/math_util.h"
#include "components/viz/common/features.h"
#include "components/viz/common/quads/aggregated_render_pass.h"
#include "components/viz/common/quads/aggregated_render_pass_draw_quad.h"
#include "components/viz/common/quads/compositor_frame.h"
#include "components/viz/common/quads/compositor_render_pass_draw_quad.h"
#include "components/viz/common/quads/debug_border_draw_quad.h"
#include "components/viz/common/quads/draw_quad.h"
#include "components/viz/common/quads/shared_quad_state.h"
#include "components/viz/common/quads/solid_color_draw_quad.h"
#include "components/viz/common/quads/surface_draw_quad.h"
#include "components/viz/common/quads/texture_draw_quad.h"
#include "components/viz/common/quads/yuv_video_draw_quad.h"
#include "components/viz/common/surfaces/surface_range.h"
#include "components/viz/common/viz_utils.h"
#include "components/viz/service/debugger/viz_debugger.h"
#include "components/viz/service/display/aggregated_frame.h"
#include "components/viz/service/display/display_resource_provider.h"
#include "components/viz/service/display/renderer_utils.h"
#include "components/viz/service/display/resolved_frame_data.h"
#include "components/viz/service/surfaces/surface.h"
#include "components/viz/service/surfaces/surface_allocation_group.h"
#include "components/viz/service/surfaces/surface_client.h"
#include "components/viz/service/surfaces/surface_manager.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/angle_conversions.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect_conversions.h"
#include "ui/gfx/overlay_transform_utils.h"
namespace viz {
struct MaskFilterInfoExt {
MaskFilterInfoExt() = default;
MaskFilterInfoExt(const gfx::MaskFilterInfo& mask_filter_info_arg,
bool is_fast_rounded_corner_arg,
const gfx::Transform target_transform)
: mask_filter_info(mask_filter_info_arg),
is_fast_rounded_corner(is_fast_rounded_corner_arg) {
// Returns true if the quads from |merge_render_pass| can be merged into
// the embedding render pass based on mask filter info.
bool CanMergeMaskFilterInfo(
const CompositorRenderPass& merge_render_pass) const {
// If the embedding quad has no mask filter, then we do not have to block
// merging.
if (mask_filter_info.IsEmpty())
return true;
// If the embedding quad has rounded corner and it is not a fast rounded
// corner, we cannot merge.
if (mask_filter_info.HasRoundedCorners() && !is_fast_rounded_corner)
return false;
// If any of the quads in the render pass to merged has a mask filter of its
// own, then we cannot merge.
for (const auto* sqs : merge_render_pass.shared_quad_state_list) {
if (!sqs->mask_filter_info.IsEmpty())
return false;
return true;
gfx::MaskFilterInfo mask_filter_info;
bool is_fast_rounded_corner;
namespace {
// Used for determine when to treat opacity close to 1.f as opaque. The value is
// chosen to be smaller than 1/255.
constexpr float kOpacityEpsilon = 0.001f;
void MoveMatchingRequests(
CompositorRenderPassId render_pass_id,
std::multimap<CompositorRenderPassId, std::unique_ptr<CopyOutputRequest>>*
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<CopyOutputRequest>>* output_requests) {
auto request_range = copy_requests->equal_range(render_pass_id);
for (auto it = request_range.first; it != request_range.second; ++it) {
copy_requests->erase(request_range.first, request_range.second);
// Returns true if the damage rect is valid.
bool CalculateQuadSpaceDamageRect(
const gfx::Transform& quad_to_target_transform,
const gfx::Transform& target_to_root_transform,
const gfx::Rect& root_damage_rect,
gfx::Rect* quad_space_damage_rect) {
gfx::Transform quad_to_root_transform =
target_to_root_transform * quad_to_target_transform;
gfx::Transform inverse_transform;
bool inverse_valid = quad_to_root_transform.GetInverse(&inverse_transform);
if (!inverse_valid)
return false;
*quad_space_damage_rect = cc::MathUtil::ProjectEnclosingClippedRect(
inverse_transform, root_damage_rect);
return true;
// Create a clip rect for an aggregated quad from the original clip rect and
// the clip rect from the surface it's on.
absl::optional<gfx::Rect> CalculateClipRect(
const absl::optional<gfx::Rect>& surface_clip,
const absl::optional<gfx::Rect>& quad_clip,
const gfx::Transform& target_transform) {
absl::optional<gfx::Rect> out_clip;
if (surface_clip)
out_clip = surface_clip;
if (quad_clip) {
// TODO(jamesr): This only works if target_transform maps integer
// rects to integer rects.
gfx::Rect final_clip =
cc::MathUtil::MapEnclosingClippedRect(target_transform, *quad_clip);
if (out_clip)
out_clip = final_clip;
return out_clip;
// Creates a new SharedQuadState in |dest_render_pass| based on |source_sqs|
// plus additional modified values.
// - |source_sqs| is the SharedQuadState to copy from.
// - |quad_to_target_transform| replaces the equivalent |source_sqs| value.
// - |target_transform| is an additional transform to add. Used when merging the
// root render pass of a surface into the embedding render pass.
// - |quad_layer_rect| replaces the equivalent |source_sqs| value.
// - |visible_quad_layer_rect| replaces the equivalent |source_sqs| value.
// - |mask_filter_info_ext| replaces the equivalent |source_sqs| values.
// - |added_clip_rect| is an additional clip rect added to the quad clip rect.
// - |dest_render_pass| is where the new SharedQuadState will be created.
SharedQuadState* CopyAndScaleSharedQuadState(
const SharedQuadState* source_sqs,
uint32_t client_namespace_id,
const gfx::Transform& quad_to_target_transform,
const gfx::Transform& target_transform,
const gfx::Rect& quad_layer_rect,
const gfx::Rect& visible_quad_layer_rect,
const absl::optional<gfx::Rect>& added_clip_rect,
const MaskFilterInfoExt& mask_filter_info_ext,
AggregatedRenderPass* dest_render_pass) {
auto* shared_quad_state = dest_render_pass->CreateAndAppendSharedQuadState();
auto new_clip_rect = CalculateClipRect(added_clip_rect, source_sqs->clip_rect,
// target_transform contains any transformation that may exist
// between the context that these quads are being copied from (i.e. the
// surface's draw transform when aggregated from within a surface) to the
// target space of the pass. This will be identity except when copying the
// root draw pass from a surface into a pass when the surface draw quad's
// transform is not identity.
gfx::Transform new_transform = quad_to_target_transform;
new_transform, quad_layer_rect, visible_quad_layer_rect,
mask_filter_info_ext.mask_filter_info, new_clip_rect,
source_sqs->are_contents_opaque, source_sqs->opacity,
source_sqs->blend_mode, source_sqs->sorting_context_id,
shared_quad_state->layer_namespace_id = client_namespace_id;
shared_quad_state->is_fast_rounded_corner =
return shared_quad_state;
// Creates a new SharedQuadState in |dest_render_pass| and copies |source_sqs|
// into it. See CopyAndScaleSharedQuadState() for full documentation.
SharedQuadState* CopySharedQuadState(
const SharedQuadState* source_sqs,
uint32_t client_namespace_id,
const gfx::Transform& target_transform,
const absl::optional<gfx::Rect>& added_clip_rect,
const MaskFilterInfoExt& mask_filter_info,
AggregatedRenderPass* dest_render_pass) {
return CopyAndScaleSharedQuadState(
source_sqs, client_namespace_id, source_sqs->quad_to_target_transform,
target_transform, source_sqs->quad_layer_rect,
source_sqs->visible_quad_layer_rect, added_clip_rect, mask_filter_info,
// Returns true if |resolved_pass| needs full damage. This is because:
// 1. The render pass pixels will be saved, either by a copy request or into a
// cached render pass. This avoids a partially drawn render pass being saved.
// 2. The render pass pixels will have a pixel moving foreground filter applied
// to them. In this case pixels outside the damage_rect can be moved inside
// the damage_rect by the filter.
bool RenderPassNeedsFullDamage(const ResolvedPassData& resolved_pass) {
auto& aggregation = resolved_pass.aggregation();
return aggregation.in_cached_render_pass ||
aggregation.in_copy_request_pass ||
// Computes an enclosing rect in target render pass coordinate space that bounds
// where |quad| may contribute pixels. This rect is computed by transforming the
// quads |visible_rect|, which is known to be contained by the quads |rect|, and
// transforming it into target render pass coordinate space. The rect is then
// clipped by SharedQuadState |clip_rect| if one exists.
// Since a quad can only damage pixels it can draw to, the drawable rect is also
// the maximum damage rect a quad can contribute (ignoring pixel-moving
// filters).
gfx::Rect ComputeDrawableRectForQuad(const DrawQuad* quad) {
const SharedQuadState* sqs = quad->shared_quad_state;
gfx::Rect drawable_rect = cc::MathUtil::MapEnclosingClippedRect(
sqs->quad_to_target_transform, quad->visible_rect);
if (sqs->clip_rect)
return drawable_rect;
// This function transforms a rect from its target space to the destination
// root target space. If clip_rect is valid, clipping is applied after
// transform.
gfx::Rect TransformRectToDestRootTargetSpace(
const gfx::Rect& rect_in_target_space,
const gfx::Transform& target_to_dest_transform,
const gfx::Transform& dest_to_root_target_transform,
const absl::optional<gfx::Rect>& dest_root_target_clip_rect) {
gfx::Transform target_to_dest_root_target_transform =
dest_to_root_target_transform * target_to_dest_transform;
gfx::Rect rect_in_root_target_space = cc::MathUtil::MapEnclosingClippedRect(
target_to_dest_root_target_transform, rect_in_target_space);
if (dest_root_target_clip_rect) {
return rect_in_root_target_space;
} // namespace
constexpr base::TimeDelta SurfaceAggregator::kHistogramMinTime;
constexpr base::TimeDelta SurfaceAggregator::kHistogramMaxTime;
struct SurfaceAggregator::PrewalkResult {
// This is the set of Surfaces that were referenced by another Surface, but
// not included in a SurfaceDrawQuad.
base::flat_set<SurfaceId> undrawn_surfaces;
bool video_capture_enabled = false;
bool frame_sinks_changed = false;
bool page_fullscreen_mode = false;
gfx::ContentColorUsage content_color_usage = gfx::ContentColorUsage::kSRGB;
SurfaceManager* manager,
DisplayResourceProvider* provider,
bool aggregate_only_damaged,
bool needs_surface_damage_rect_list,
ExtraPassForReadbackOption extra_pass_option)
: manager_(manager),
extra_pass_for_readback_option_(extra_pass_option) {
SurfaceAggregator::~SurfaceAggregator() {
// Notify client of all surfaces being removed.
// This function is called at each render pass - CopyQuadsToPass().
void SurfaceAggregator::AddRenderPassFilterDamageToDamageList(
const ResolvedFrameData& resolved_frame,
const CompositorRenderPassDrawQuad* render_pass_quad,
const gfx::Transform& parent_target_transform,
const absl::optional<gfx::Rect>& dest_root_target_clip_rect,
const gfx::Transform& dest_transform_to_root_target) {
const CompositorRenderPassId child_pass_id = render_pass_quad->render_pass_id;
const ResolvedPassData& child_resolved_pass =
const CompositorRenderPass& child_render_pass =
// Add damages from render passes with pixel-moving foreground filters or
// backdrop filters to the surface damage list.
if (!child_render_pass.filters.HasFilterThatMovesPixels() &&
!child_render_pass.backdrop_filters.HasFilterThatMovesPixels()) {
gfx::Rect damage_rect = render_pass_quad->rect;
gfx::Rect damage_rect_in_target_space;
if (child_render_pass.filters.HasFilterThatMovesPixels()) {
// The size of pixel-moving foreground filter is allowed to expand.
// No intersecting shared_quad_state->clip_rect for the expanded rect.
damage_rect_in_target_space =
*render_pass_quad, child_render_pass.filters);
} else if (child_render_pass.backdrop_filters.HasFilterThatMovesPixels()) {
const auto* shared_quad_state = render_pass_quad->shared_quad_state;
damage_rect_in_target_space = cc::MathUtil::MapEnclosingClippedRect(
shared_quad_state->quad_to_target_transform, damage_rect);
if (shared_quad_state->clip_rect) {
gfx::Rect damage_rect_in_root_target_space =
damage_rect_in_target_space, parent_target_transform,
dest_transform_to_root_target, dest_root_target_clip_rect);
// The whole render pass rect with pixel-moving foreground filters or
// backdrop filters is considered damaged if it intersects with the other
// damages.
if (damage_rect_in_root_target_space.Intersects(root_damage_rect_)) {
// Since |damage_rect_in_root_target_space| is available, just pass this
// rect and reset the other arguments.
/*parent_target_transform*/ gfx::Transform(),
/*dest_root_target_clip_rect*/ {},
/*dest_transform_to_root_target*/ gfx::Transform(),
void SurfaceAggregator::AddSurfaceDamageToDamageList(
const gfx::Rect& default_damage_rect,
const gfx::Transform& parent_target_transform,
const absl::optional<gfx::Rect>& dest_root_target_clip_rect,
const gfx::Transform& dest_transform_to_root_target,
const ResolvedFrameData* resolved_frame) {
gfx::Rect damage_rect;
if (!resolved_frame) {
// When the surface is null, it's either the surface is lost or it comes
// from a render pass with filters.
damage_rect = default_damage_rect;
} else {
if (RenderPassNeedsFullDamage(resolved_frame->GetRootRenderPassData())) {
damage_rect = resolved_frame->GetOutputRect();
} else {
damage_rect = resolved_frame->GetSurfaceDamage();
if (damage_rect.IsEmpty()) {
current_zero_damage_rect_is_not_recorded_ = true;
current_zero_damage_rect_is_not_recorded_ = false;
gfx::Rect damage_rect_in_root_target_space =
/*rect_in_target_space=*/damage_rect, parent_target_transform,
dest_transform_to_root_target, dest_root_target_clip_rect);
// This function returns the overlay candidate quad ptr which has an
// overlay_damage_index pointing to the its damage rect in
// surface_damage_rect_list_. |overlay_damage_index| will be saved in the shared
// quad state later.
// This function is called at CopyQuadsToPass().
const DrawQuad* SurfaceAggregator::FindQuadWithOverlayDamage(
const CompositorRenderPass& source_pass,
AggregatedRenderPass* dest_pass,
const gfx::Transform& parent_target_transform,
const Surface* surface,
size_t* overlay_damage_index) {
// If we have damage from a surface animation, then we shouldn't have an
// overlay candidate from the root render pass, since that's an interpolated
// pass with "artificial" damage.
if (surface->HasSurfaceAnimationDamage())
return nullptr;
// Only process the damage rect at the root render pass, once per surface.
const CompositorFrame& frame = surface->GetActiveFrame();
bool is_last_pass_on_src_surface =
&source_pass == frame.render_pass_list.back().get();
if (!is_last_pass_on_src_surface)
return nullptr;
// The occluding damage optimization currently relies on two things - there
// can't be any damage above the quad within the surface, and the quad needs
// its own SQS for the occluding_damage_rect metadata.
const DrawQuad* target_quad = nullptr;
for (auto* quad : source_pass.quad_list) {
// Quads with |per_quad_damage| do not contribute to the |damage_rect| in
// the |source_pass|. These quads are also assumed to have unique SQS
// objects.
if (source_pass.has_per_quad_damage) {
auto optional_damage = GetOptionalDamageRectFromQuad(quad);
if (optional_damage.has_value()) {
if (target_quad == nullptr) {
target_quad = quad;
} else {
// More that one quad without per_quad_damage.
target_quad = nullptr;
// No overlay candidate is found.
if (!target_quad)
return nullptr;
// Surface damage for a render pass quad does not include damage from its
// children. We skip this quad to avoid the incomplete damage association.
if (target_quad->material == DrawQuad::Material::kCompositorRenderPass ||
target_quad->material == DrawQuad::Material::kSurfaceContent)
return nullptr;
// Zero damage is not recorded in the surface_damage_rect_list_.
// In this case, add an empty damage rect to the list so
// |overlay_damage_index| can save this index.
if (current_zero_damage_rect_is_not_recorded_) {
current_zero_damage_rect_is_not_recorded_ = false;
// Before assigning a surface damage rect to this quad, make sure that it is
// not larger than the quad itself. This is possible when a quad is smaller
// than it was last frame, or when it moves. The damage should be the size of
// larger rect from last frame because we need to damage what's underneath the
// quad. So if we promote the now smaller quad to an overlay this frame we
// should not remove this damage rect. i.e. we should not assign the damage
// rect to this quad.
auto& damage_rect_in_target_space = surface_damage_rect_list_->back();
if (!damage_rect_in_target_space.IsEmpty()) {
gfx::Transform transform =
parent_target_transform *
gfx::Rect rect_in_target_space =
cc::MathUtil::MapEnclosingClippedRect(transform, target_quad->rect);
if (!rect_in_target_space.Contains(damage_rect_in_target_space)) {
return nullptr;
// The latest surface damage rect.
*overlay_damage_index = surface_damage_rect_list_->size() - 1;
return target_quad;
bool SurfaceAggregator::CanPotentiallyMergePass(
const SurfaceDrawQuad& surface_quad) {
const SharedQuadState* sqs = surface_quad.shared_quad_state;
return surface_quad.allow_merge &&
base::IsApproximatelyEqual(sqs->opacity, 1.f, kOpacityEpsilon);
void SurfaceAggregator::OnSurfaceDestroyed(const SurfaceId& surface_id) {
auto iter = resolved_frames_.find(surface_id);
if (iter != resolved_frames_.end()) {
TRACE_EVENT0("viz", "SurfaceAggregator::SurfaceDestroyed");
const ResolvedFrameData* SurfaceAggregator::GetLatestFrameData(
const SurfaceId& surface_id) {
return GetResolvedFrame(surface_id);
ResolvedFrameData* SurfaceAggregator::GetResolvedFrame(
const SurfaceRange& range) {
// Find latest in flight surface and cache that result for the duration of
// this aggregation, then find ResolvedFrameData for that surface.
auto iter = resolved_surface_ranges_.find(range);
if (iter == resolved_surface_ranges_.end()) {
auto* surface = manager_->GetLatestInFlightSurface(range);
SurfaceId surface_id = surface ? surface->surface_id() : SurfaceId();
iter = resolved_surface_ranges_.emplace(range, surface_id).first;
if (!iter->second.is_valid()) {
// There is no surface for `range`.
return nullptr;
return GetResolvedFrame(iter->second);
ResolvedFrameData* SurfaceAggregator::GetResolvedFrame(
const SurfaceId& surface_id) {
auto iter = resolved_frames_.find(surface_id);
if (iter == resolved_frames_.end()) {
auto* surface = manager_->GetSurfaceForId(surface_id);
if (!surface || !surface->HasActiveFrame()) {
// If there is no resolved surface or the surface has no active frame
// there is no resolved frame data to return.
return nullptr;
uint64_t prev_frame_index = 0u;
// If this is the first frame in a new surface there might be damage
// compared to the previous frame in a different surface.
if (surface->surface_id() != surface->previous_frame_surface_id()) {
auto prev_resolved_frame_iter =
if (prev_resolved_frame_iter != resolved_frames_.end()) {
prev_frame_index =
iter = resolved_frames_
std::piecewise_construct, std::forward_as_tuple(surface_id),
std::forward_as_tuple(provider_, surface, prev_frame_index))
ResolvedFrameData& resolved_frame = iter->second;
Surface* surface = resolved_frame.surface();
if (is_inside_aggregate_ && !resolved_frame.WasUsedInAggregation()) {
// Mark the frame as used this aggregation so it persists.
// If there is a new CompositorFrame for `surface` compute resolved frame
// data for the new resolved CompositorFrame.
if (resolved_frame.previous_frame_index() !=
surface->GetActiveFrameIndex() ||
surface->HasSurfaceAnimationDamage()) {
base::ElapsedTimer timer;
stats_->declare_resources_time += timer.Elapsed();
return &resolved_frame;
void SurfaceAggregator::HandleSurfaceQuad(
const CompositorRenderPass& source_pass,
const SurfaceDrawQuad* surface_quad,
uint32_t embedder_client_namespace_id,
float parent_device_scale_factor,
const gfx::Transform& target_transform,
const absl::optional<gfx::Rect>& added_clip_rect,
const absl::optional<gfx::Rect>& dest_root_target_clip_rect,
AggregatedRenderPass* dest_pass,
bool ignore_undamaged,
gfx::Rect* damage_rect_in_quad_space,
bool* damage_rect_in_quad_space_valid,
const MaskFilterInfoExt& mask_filter_info) {
SurfaceId primary_surface_id = surface_quad->surface_range.end();
const ResolvedFrameData* resolved_frame =
// |added_clip_rect| should be bounded by the output_rect of the render pass
// that contains |surface_quad|.
absl::optional<gfx::Rect> surface_clip_rect = CalculateClipRect(
added_clip_rect, source_pass.output_rect, target_transform);
// If a new surface is going to be emitted, add the surface_quad rect to
// |surface_damage_rect_list_| for overlays. The whole quad is considered
// damaged.
absl::optional<gfx::Rect> combined_clip_rect;
if (needs_surface_damage_rect_list_) {
gfx::Rect surface_in_target_space =
if (!resolved_frame || resolved_frame->surface_id() != primary_surface_id) {
// If using a fallback surface the surface content may be stretched or
// have gutter. If the surface is missing the content will be filled
// with a solid color. In both cases we no longer have frame-to-frame
// damage so treat the entire SurfaceDrawQuad visible_rect as damaged.
// |combined_clip_rect| is the transforming and clipping result of the
// entire SurfaceDrawQuad visible_rect on the root target space of the
// root surface.
AddSurfaceDamageToDamageList(surface_in_target_space, target_transform,
// combined_clip_rect is the result of |dest_root_target_clip_rect|
// intersecting |surface_quad| on the root target space of the root surface.
combined_clip_rect = TransformRectToDestRootTargetSpace(
/*rect_in_target_space=*/surface_in_target_space, target_transform,
dest_pass->transform_to_root_target, dest_root_target_clip_rect);
// If there's no fallback surface ID available, then simply emit a
// SolidColorDrawQuad with the provided default background color. This
// can happen after a Viz process crash.
if (!resolved_frame) {
EmitDefaultBackgroundColorQuad(surface_quad, embedder_client_namespace_id,
target_transform, surface_clip_rect,
dest_pass, mask_filter_info);
if (resolved_frame->surface_id() != primary_surface_id &&
!surface_quad->stretch_content_to_fill_bounds) {
const CompositorFrame& fallback_frame =
gfx::Rect fallback_rect(fallback_frame.size_in_pixels());
float scale_ratio =
parent_device_scale_factor / fallback_frame.device_scale_factor();
fallback_rect =
gfx::ScaleToEnclosingRect(fallback_rect, scale_ratio, scale_ratio);
fallback_rect =
gfx::IntersectRects(fallback_rect, surface_quad->visible_rect);
// TODO( CompositorFrameMetadata to SkColor4f
EmitGutterQuadsIfNecessary(surface_quad->visible_rect, fallback_rect,
embedder_client_namespace_id, target_transform,
dest_pass, mask_filter_info);
EmitSurfaceContent(*resolved_frame, parent_device_scale_factor, surface_quad,
embedder_client_namespace_id, target_transform,
surface_clip_rect, combined_clip_rect, dest_pass,
ignore_undamaged, damage_rect_in_quad_space,
damage_rect_in_quad_space_valid, mask_filter_info);
void SurfaceAggregator::EmitSurfaceContent(
const ResolvedFrameData& resolved_frame,
float parent_device_scale_factor,
const SurfaceDrawQuad* surface_quad,
uint32_t embedder_client_namespace_id,
const gfx::Transform& target_transform,
const absl::optional<gfx::Rect>& added_clip_rect,
const absl::optional<gfx::Rect>& dest_root_target_clip_rect,
AggregatedRenderPass* dest_pass,
bool ignore_undamaged,
gfx::Rect* damage_rect_in_quad_space,
bool* damage_rect_in_quad_space_valid,
const MaskFilterInfoExt& mask_filter_info) {
Surface* surface = resolved_frame.surface();
// If this surface's id is already in our referenced set then it creates
// a cycle in the graph and should be dropped.
SurfaceId surface_id = surface->surface_id();
if (referenced_surfaces_.count(surface_id))
const CompositorFrame& frame = surface->GetActiveOrInterpolatedFrame();
// If we are stretching content to fill the SurfaceDrawQuad, or if the device
// scale factor mismatches between content and SurfaceDrawQuad, we appply an
// additional scale.
float extra_content_scale_x, extra_content_scale_y;
if (surface_quad->stretch_content_to_fill_bounds) {
const gfx::Rect& surface_quad_rect = surface_quad->rect;
// Stretches the surface contents to exactly fill the layer bounds,
// regardless of scale or aspect ratio differences.
extra_content_scale_x = surface_quad_rect.width() /
extra_content_scale_y = surface_quad_rect.height() /
} else {
extra_content_scale_x = extra_content_scale_y =
parent_device_scale_factor / frame.device_scale_factor();
float inverse_extra_content_scale_x = SK_Scalar1 / extra_content_scale_x;
float inverse_extra_content_scale_y = SK_Scalar1 / extra_content_scale_y;
const SharedQuadState* surface_quad_sqs = surface_quad->shared_quad_state;
gfx::Transform scaled_quad_to_target_transform(
"viz,benchmark", "Graphics.Pipeline",
"SurfaceAggregation", "display_trace", display_trace_id_);
const gfx::Rect& surface_quad_visible_rect = surface_quad->visible_rect;
if (ignore_undamaged) {
gfx::Transform quad_to_target_transform =
target_transform * surface_quad_sqs->quad_to_target_transform;
*damage_rect_in_quad_space_valid = CalculateQuadSpaceDamageRect(
quad_to_target_transform, dest_pass->transform_to_root_target,
root_damage_rect_, damage_rect_in_quad_space);
if (*damage_rect_in_quad_space_valid &&
!damage_rect_in_quad_space->Intersects(surface_quad_visible_rect)) {
// A map keyed by RenderPass id.
Surface::CopyRequestsMap copy_requests;
if (take_copy_requests_)
const CompositorRenderPassList& render_pass_list = frame.render_pass_list;
if (!resolved_frame.is_valid()) {
// As |copy_requests| goes out-of-scope, all copy requests in that container
// will auto-send an empty result upon destruction.
gfx::Transform combined_transform = scaled_quad_to_target_transform;
// If the SurfaceDrawQuad is marked as being reflected and surface contents
// are going to be scaled then keep the RenderPass. This allows the reflected
// surface to be drawn with AA enabled for smooth scaling and preserves the
// original reflector scaling behaviour which scaled a TextureLayer.
bool reflected_and_scaled =
surface_quad->is_reflection &&
bool merge_pass =
CanPotentiallyMergePass(*surface_quad) && !reflected_and_scaled &&
copy_requests.empty() && combined_transform.Preserves2dAxisAlignment() &&
absl::optional<gfx::Rect> surface_quad_clip;
if (merge_pass) {
// Compute a clip rect in |dest_pass| coordinate space to ensure merged
// surface cannot draw outside where a non-merged surface would draw. An
// enclosing rect in |surface_quad| target render pass coordinate space is
// computed, then transformed into |dest_pass| coordinate space and finally
// that is intersected with existing |added_clip_rect|.
surface_quad_clip = CalculateClipRect(
added_clip_rect, ComputeDrawableRectForQuad(surface_quad),
if (needs_surface_damage_rect_list_ && resolved_frame.WillDraw()) {
/*default_damage_rect =*/gfx::Rect(), combined_transform,
dest_root_target_clip_rect, dest_pass->transform_to_root_target,
if (frame.metadata.delegated_ink_metadata) {
// Copy delegated ink metadata from the compositor frame metadata. This
// prevents the delegated ink trail from flickering if a compositor frame
// is not generated due to a delayed main frame.
dest_pass->transform_to_root_target * combined_transform,
// TODO(fsamuel): Move this to a separate helper function.
const auto& resolved_passes = resolved_frame.GetResolvedPasses();
size_t num_render_passes = resolved_passes.size();
size_t passes_to_copy =
merge_pass ? num_render_passes - 1 : num_render_passes;
for (size_t j = 0; j < passes_to_copy; ++j) {
const ResolvedPassData& resolved_pass = resolved_passes[j];
const CompositorRenderPass& source = resolved_pass.render_pass();
size_t sqs_size = source.shared_quad_state_list.size();
size_t dq_size = source.quad_list.size();
auto copy_pass = std::make_unique<AggregatedRenderPass>(sqs_size, dq_size);
gfx::Rect output_rect = source.output_rect;
if (max_render_target_size_ > 0) {
std::min(output_rect.width(), max_render_target_size_));
std::min(output_rect.height(), max_render_target_size_));
resolved_pass.remapped_id(), output_rect, output_rect,
source.transform_to_root_target, source.filters,
source.backdrop_filters, source.backdrop_filter_bounds,
root_content_color_usage_, source.has_transparent_background,
source.cache_render_pass, resolved_pass.aggregation().has_damage,
MoveMatchingRequests(, &copy_requests, &copy_pass->copy_requests);
// Contributing passes aggregated in to the pass list need to take the
// transform of the surface quad into account to update their transform to
// the root surface.
CopyQuadsToPass(resolved_frame, resolved_pass, copy_pass.get(),
frame.device_scale_factor(), gfx::Transform(), {},
dest_root_target_clip_rect, surface, MaskFilterInfoExt());
// If the render pass has copy requests, or should be cached, or has
// moving-pixel filters, or in a moving-pixel surface, we should damage the
// whole output rect so that we always drawn the full content. Otherwise, we
// might have incompleted copy request, or cached patially drawn render
// pass.
if (!RenderPassNeedsFullDamage(resolved_pass)) {
gfx::Transform inverse_transform;
if (copy_pass->transform_to_root_target.GetInverse(&inverse_transform)) {
gfx::Rect damage_rect_in_render_pass_space =
const auto& last_pass = *render_pass_list.back();
const auto& resolved_root_pass = resolved_frame.GetRootRenderPassData();
if (merge_pass) {
CopyQuadsToPass(resolved_frame, resolved_root_pass, dest_pass,
frame.device_scale_factor(), combined_transform,
surface_quad_clip, dest_root_target_clip_rect, surface,
} else {
auto* shared_quad_state = CopyAndScaleSharedQuadState(
surface_quad_sqs, embedder_client_namespace_id,
scaled_quad_to_target_transform, target_transform,
added_clip_rect, mask_filter_info, dest_pass);
// At this point, we need to calculate three values in order to construct
// the CompositorRenderPassDrawQuad:
// |quad_rect| - A rectangle representing the RenderPass's output area in
// content space. This is equal to the root render pass (|last_pass|)
// output rect.
gfx::Rect quad_rect = last_pass.output_rect;
// |quad_visible_rect| - A rectangle representing the visible portion of
// the RenderPass, in content space. As the SurfaceDrawQuad being
// embedded may be clipped further than its root render pass, we use the
// surface quad's value - |source_visible_rect|.
// There may be an |extra_content_scale_x| applied when going from this
// render pass's content space to the surface's content space, we remove
// this so that |quad_visible_rect| is in the render pass's content
// space.
gfx::Rect quad_visible_rect(gfx::ScaleToEnclosingRect(
surface_quad_visible_rect, inverse_extra_content_scale_x,
// |tex_coord_rect| - A rectangle representing the bounds of the texture
// in the RenderPass's |quad_rect|. Not in content space, instead as an
// offset within |quad_rect|.
gfx::RectF tex_coord_rect = gfx::RectF(gfx::SizeF(quad_rect.size()));
// We can't produce content outside of |quad_rect|, so clip the visible
// rect if necessary.
auto remapped_pass_id = resolved_root_pass.remapped_id();
if (quad_visible_rect.IsEmpty()) {
const std::unique_ptr<AggregatedRenderPass>& pass) {
return pass->id == remapped_pass_id;
} else {
auto* quad =
quad->SetNew(shared_quad_state, quad_rect, quad_visible_rect,
remapped_pass_id, kInvalidResourceId, gfx::RectF(),
gfx::Size(), gfx::Vector2dF(), gfx::PointF(), tex_coord_rect,
/* backdrop_filter_quality*/ 1.0f);
void SurfaceAggregator::EmitDefaultBackgroundColorQuad(
const SurfaceDrawQuad* surface_quad,
uint32_t embedder_client_namespace_id,
const gfx::Transform& target_transform,
const absl::optional<gfx::Rect>& clip_rect,
AggregatedRenderPass* dest_pass,
const MaskFilterInfoExt& mask_filter_info) {
TRACE_EVENT1("viz", "SurfaceAggregator::EmitDefaultBackgroundColorQuad",
"surface_range", surface_quad->surface_range.ToString());
// No matching surface was found so create a SolidColorDrawQuad with the
// SurfaceDrawQuad default background color.
SkColor4f background_color = surface_quad->default_background_color;
auto* shared_quad_state = CopySharedQuadState(
surface_quad->shared_quad_state, embedder_client_namespace_id,
target_transform, clip_rect, mask_filter_info, dest_pass);
auto* solid_color_quad =
solid_color_quad->SetNew(shared_quad_state, surface_quad->rect,
surface_quad->visible_rect, background_color, false);
void SurfaceAggregator::EmitGutterQuadsIfNecessary(
const gfx::Rect& primary_rect,
const gfx::Rect& fallback_rect,
const SharedQuadState* primary_shared_quad_state,
uint32_t embedder_client_namespace_id,
const gfx::Transform& target_transform,
const absl::optional<gfx::Rect>& clip_rect,
SkColor4f background_color,
AggregatedRenderPass* dest_pass,
const MaskFilterInfoExt& mask_filter_info) {
bool has_transparent_background = background_color == SkColors::kTransparent;
// If the fallback Surface's active CompositorFrame has a non-transparent
// background then compute gutter.
if (has_transparent_background)
if (fallback_rect.width() < primary_rect.width()) {
// The right gutter also includes the bottom-right corner, if necessary.
gfx::Rect right_gutter_rect(fallback_rect.right(), primary_rect.y(),
primary_rect.width() - fallback_rect.width(),
SharedQuadState* shared_quad_state = CopyAndScaleSharedQuadState(
primary_shared_quad_state, embedder_client_namespace_id,
primary_shared_quad_state->quad_to_target_transform, target_transform,
right_gutter_rect, right_gutter_rect, clip_rect, mask_filter_info,
auto* right_gutter =
right_gutter->SetNew(shared_quad_state, right_gutter_rect,
right_gutter_rect, background_color, false);
if (fallback_rect.height() < primary_rect.height()) {
gfx::Rect bottom_gutter_rect(
primary_rect.x(), fallback_rect.bottom(), fallback_rect.width(),
primary_rect.height() - fallback_rect.height());
SharedQuadState* shared_quad_state = CopyAndScaleSharedQuadState(
primary_shared_quad_state, embedder_client_namespace_id,
primary_shared_quad_state->quad_to_target_transform, target_transform,
bottom_gutter_rect, bottom_gutter_rect, clip_rect, mask_filter_info,
auto* bottom_gutter =
bottom_gutter->SetNew(shared_quad_state, bottom_gutter_rect,
bottom_gutter_rect, background_color, false);
void SurfaceAggregator::AddColorConversionPass() {
auto* root_render_pass = dest_pass_list_->back().get();
gfx::Rect output_rect = root_render_pass->output_rect;
// An extra color conversion pass is only done if the display's color
// space is unsuitable as a blending color space and the root render pass
// requires blending.
bool needs_color_conversion_pass =
needs_color_conversion_pass &= root_render_pass->ShouldDrawWithBlending();
// If we added or removed the color conversion pass, we need to add full
// damage to the current-root renderpass (and also the new-root renderpass,
// if the current-root renderpass becomes and intermediate renderpass).
if (needs_color_conversion_pass != last_frame_had_color_conversion_pass_)
root_render_pass->damage_rect = output_rect;
last_frame_had_color_conversion_pass_ = needs_color_conversion_pass;
if (!needs_color_conversion_pass)
CHECK(root_render_pass->transform_to_root_target == gfx::Transform());
if (!color_conversion_render_pass_id_) {
color_conversion_render_pass_id_ =
AddRenderPassHelper(color_conversion_render_pass_id_, output_rect,
root_render_pass->damage_rect, root_content_color_usage_,
/*quad_state_contents_opaque=*/false, SkBlendMode::kSrc,
void SurfaceAggregator::AddRootReadbackPass() {
if (extra_pass_for_readback_option_ == ExtraPassForReadbackOption::kNone) {
auto* root_render_pass = dest_pass_list_->back().get();
gfx::Rect output_rect = root_render_pass->output_rect;
CHECK(root_render_pass->transform_to_root_target == gfx::Transform());
bool needs_readback_pass = false;
// Check if there are any render passes that draw into the root pass with
// a backdrop filter.
base::flat_set<AggregatedRenderPassId> pass_ids_drawing_to_root;
for (auto* quad : root_render_pass->quad_list) {
if (auto* render_pass_quad =
quad->DynamicCast<AggregatedRenderPassDrawQuad>()) {
if (!pass_ids_drawing_to_root.empty()) {
for (auto& render_pass : *dest_pass_list_) {
if (!pass_ids_drawing_to_root.contains(render_pass->id))
if (!render_pass->backdrop_filters.IsEmpty()) {
needs_readback_pass = true;
if (extra_pass_for_readback_option_ ==
ExtraPassForReadbackOption::kAlwaysAddPass) {
needs_readback_pass = true;
if (needs_readback_pass != last_frame_had_readback_pass_)
root_render_pass->damage_rect = output_rect;
last_frame_had_readback_pass_ = needs_readback_pass;
if (!last_frame_had_readback_pass_)
if (!readback_render_pass_id_) {
readback_render_pass_id_ = render_pass_id_generator_.GenerateNextId();
// Ensure the root-that's-non-root pass is cleared to fully transparent first.
bool has_transparent_background =
root_render_pass->has_transparent_background = true;
AddRenderPassHelper(readback_render_pass_id_, output_rect,
root_render_pass->damage_rect, root_content_color_usage_,
SkBlendMode::kSrcOver, root_render_pass->id);
void SurfaceAggregator::AddDisplayTransformPass() {
if (dest_pass_list_->empty())
auto* root_render_pass = dest_pass_list_->back().get();
DCHECK(root_render_pass->transform_to_root_target == root_surface_transform_);
if (!display_transform_render_pass_id_) {
display_transform_render_pass_id_ =
bool are_contents_opaque = true;
for (const auto* sqs : root_render_pass->shared_quad_state_list) {
if (!sqs->are_contents_opaque) {
are_contents_opaque = false;
root_surface_transform_, root_render_pass->output_rect),
root_surface_transform_, root_render_pass->damage_rect),
/*pass_is_color_conversion_pass=*/false, root_surface_transform_,
are_contents_opaque, SkBlendMode::kSrcOver, root_render_pass->id);
void SurfaceAggregator::AddRenderPassHelper(
AggregatedRenderPassId render_pass_id,
const gfx::Rect& render_pass_output_rect,
const gfx::Rect& render_pass_damage_rect,
gfx::ContentColorUsage pass_color_usage,
bool pass_has_transparent_background,
bool pass_is_color_conversion_pass,
const gfx::Transform& quad_state_to_target_transform,
bool quad_state_contents_opaque,
SkBlendMode quad_state_blend_mode,
AggregatedRenderPassId quad_pass_id) {
gfx::Rect current_output_rect = dest_pass_list_->back()->output_rect;
auto render_pass = std::make_unique<AggregatedRenderPass>(1, 1);
render_pass->SetAll(render_pass_id, render_pass_output_rect,
render_pass_damage_rect, gfx::Transform(),
pass_color_usage, pass_has_transparent_background,
render_pass->is_color_conversion_pass = pass_is_color_conversion_pass;
auto* shared_quad_state = render_pass->CreateAndAppendSharedQuadState();
/*visible_layer_rect=*/current_output_rect, gfx::MaskFilterInfo(),
/*clip=*/absl::nullopt, quad_state_contents_opaque, /*opacity_f=*/1.f,
quad_state_blend_mode, /*sorting_context=*/0);
auto* quad =
quad->SetNew(shared_quad_state, current_output_rect, current_output_rect,
quad_pass_id, kInvalidResourceId, gfx::RectF(), gfx::Size(),
gfx::Vector2dF(), gfx::PointF(), gfx::RectF(current_output_rect),
/*backdrop_filter_quality*/ 1.0f);
void SurfaceAggregator::CopyQuadsToPass(
const ResolvedFrameData& resolved_frame,
const ResolvedPassData& resolved_pass,
AggregatedRenderPass* dest_pass,
float parent_device_scale_factor,
const gfx::Transform& target_transform,
const absl::optional<gfx::Rect>& clip_rect,
const absl::optional<gfx::Rect>& dest_root_target_clip_rect,
const Surface* surface,
const MaskFilterInfoExt& parent_mask_filter_info_ext) {
const CompositorRenderPass& source_pass = resolved_pass.render_pass();
const QuadList& source_quad_list = source_pass.quad_list;
const SharedQuadState* last_copied_source_shared_quad_state = nullptr;
// If the current frame has copy requests or cached render passes, then
// aggregate the entire thing, as otherwise parts of the copy requests may be
// ignored and we could cache partially drawn render pass.
// If there are pixel-moving backdrop filters then the damage rect might be
// expanded later, so we can't drop quads that are outside the current damage
// rect safely.
// If overlay/underlay is enabled then the underlay rect might be added to the
// damage rect later. We are not able to predict right here which draw quad
// candidate will be promoted to overlay/underlay. Also, we might drop quads
// which are on top of an underlay and cause the overlay processor to
// present the quad as an overlay instead of an underlay.
const bool ignore_undamaged =
aggregate_only_damaged_ && !has_copy_requests_ &&
!has_pixel_moving_backdrop_filter_ &&
!resolved_pass.aggregation().in_cached_render_pass &&
// TODO(kylechar): For copy render passes we only need to draw all quads if
// those attributes are set on the current render pass' aggregation data. The
// complication is if a SurfaceDrawQuad is dropped and that surface has a copy
// request on it then we still need to draw the surface.
// Damage rect in the quad space of the current shared quad state.
// TODO(jbauman): This rect may contain unnecessary area if
// transform isn't axis-aligned.
gfx::Rect damage_rect_in_quad_space;
bool damage_rect_in_quad_space_valid = false;
const SharedQuadStateList& source_shared_quad_state_list =
// If quads have come in with SharedQuadState out of order, or when quads have
// invalid SharedQuadState pointer, it should DCHECK.
auto sqs_iter = source_shared_quad_state_list.cbegin();
for (auto* quad : source_quad_list) {
while (sqs_iter != source_shared_quad_state_list.cend() &&
quad->shared_quad_state != *sqs_iter) {
DCHECK(sqs_iter != source_shared_quad_state_list.cend());
size_t overlay_damage_index = 0;
const DrawQuad* quad_with_overlay_damage_index = nullptr;
if (needs_surface_damage_rect_list_ &&
resolved_pass.aggregation().will_draw) {
// TODO( If there is one specific quad for this pass's
// damage we should move the allocation of the damage index below to be
// consistent with quad ordering.
quad_with_overlay_damage_index =
FindQuadWithOverlayDamage(source_pass, dest_pass, target_transform,
surface, &overlay_damage_index);
MaskFilterInfoExt new_mask_filter_info_ext = parent_mask_filter_info_ext;
size_t quad_index = 0;
auto& resolved_draw_quads = resolved_pass.draw_quads();
uint32_t client_namespace_id = resolved_frame.GetClientNamespaceId();
for (auto* quad : source_quad_list) {
const ResolvedQuadData& quad_data = resolved_draw_quads[quad_index++];
// Both cannot be set at once. If this happens then a surface is being
// merged when it should not.
DCHECK(quad->shared_quad_state->mask_filter_info.IsEmpty() ||
if (quad->material == DrawQuad::Material::kSharedElement) {
// SharedElement quads should've been resolved before aggregation.
} else if (const auto* surface_quad =
quad->DynamicCast<SurfaceDrawQuad>()) {
// HandleSurfaceQuad may add other shared quad state, so reset the
// current data.
last_copied_source_shared_quad_state = nullptr;
if (!surface_quad->surface_range.end().is_valid())
if (parent_mask_filter_info_ext.mask_filter_info.IsEmpty()) {
new_mask_filter_info_ext = MaskFilterInfoExt(
quad->shared_quad_state->is_fast_rounded_corner, target_transform);
HandleSurfaceQuad(source_pass, surface_quad, client_namespace_id,
parent_device_scale_factor, target_transform, clip_rect,
dest_root_target_clip_rect, dest_pass, ignore_undamaged,
} else {
if (quad->shared_quad_state != last_copied_source_shared_quad_state) {
if (parent_mask_filter_info_ext.mask_filter_info.IsEmpty()) {
new_mask_filter_info_ext =
SharedQuadState* dest_shared_quad_state = CopySharedQuadState(
quad->shared_quad_state, client_namespace_id, target_transform,
clip_rect, new_mask_filter_info_ext, dest_pass);
// Here we output the optional quad's |per_quad_damage| to the
// |surface_damage_rect_list_|. Any non per quad damage associated with
// this |source_pass| will have been added to the
// |surface_damage_rect_list_| before this phase.
if (source_pass.has_per_quad_damage &&
GetOptionalDamageRectFromQuad(quad).has_value() &&
resolved_pass.aggregation().will_draw) {
auto damage_rect_in_target_space =
dest_shared_quad_state->overlay_damage_index =
damage_rect_in_target_space.value(), target_transform,
dest_root_target_clip_rect, dest_pass->transform_to_root_target,
} else if (quad == quad_with_overlay_damage_index) {
dest_shared_quad_state->overlay_damage_index = overlay_damage_index;
last_copied_source_shared_quad_state = quad->shared_quad_state;
if (ignore_undamaged) {
damage_rect_in_quad_space_valid = CalculateQuadSpaceDamageRect(
dest_pass->transform_to_root_target, root_damage_rect_,
if (ignore_undamaged) {
if (damage_rect_in_quad_space_valid &&
DrawQuad* dest_quad = nullptr;
if (const auto* pass_quad =
quad->DynamicCast<CompositorRenderPassDrawQuad>()) {
CompositorRenderPassId original_pass_id = pass_quad->render_pass_id;
AggregatedRenderPassId remapped_pass_id =
dest_quad = dest_pass->CopyFromAndAppendRenderPassDrawQuad(
pass_quad, remapped_pass_id);
if (needs_surface_damage_rect_list_ &&
resolved_pass.aggregation().will_draw) {
resolved_frame, pass_quad, target_transform,
dest_root_target_clip_rect, dest_pass->transform_to_root_target);
} else if (const auto* texture_quad =
quad->DynamicCast<TextureDrawQuad>()) {
if (texture_quad->secure_output_only &&
(!output_is_secure_ ||
resolved_pass.aggregation().in_copy_request_pass)) {
// If TextureDrawQuad requires secure output and the output is not
// secure then replace it with solid black.
auto* solid_color_quad =
quad->rect, quad->visible_rect,
SkColors::kBlack, false);
} else {
dest_quad = dest_pass->CopyFromAndAppendDrawQuad(quad);
} else {
dest_quad = dest_pass->CopyFromAndAppendDrawQuad(quad);
if (dest_quad) {
dest_quad->resources = quad_data.remapped_resources;
void SurfaceAggregator::CopyPasses(const ResolvedFrameData& resolved_frame) {
Surface* surface = resolved_frame.surface();
const CompositorFrame& frame = surface->GetActiveOrInterpolatedFrame();
// The root surface is allowed to have copy output requests, so grab them
// off its render passes. This map contains a set of CopyOutputRequests
// keyed by each RenderPass id.
Surface::CopyRequestsMap copy_requests;
if (take_copy_requests_)
const auto& source_pass_list = frame.render_pass_list;
if (!resolved_frame.is_valid())
const gfx::Transform surface_transform =
IsRootSurface(surface) ? root_surface_transform_ : gfx::Transform();
if (frame.metadata.delegated_ink_metadata) {
DCHECK(surface->GetActiveFrameMetadata().delegated_ink_metadata ==
// Copy delegated ink metadata from the compositor frame metadata. This
// prevents the delegated ink trail from flickering if a compositor frame
// is not generated due to a delayed main frame.
source_pass_list.back()->transform_to_root_target * surface_transform,
bool apply_surface_transform_to_root_pass = true;
for (auto& resolved_pass : resolved_frame.GetResolvedPasses()) {
const auto& source = resolved_pass.render_pass();
size_t sqs_size = source.shared_quad_state_list.size();
size_t dq_size = source.quad_list.size();
auto copy_pass = std::make_unique<AggregatedRenderPass>(sqs_size, dq_size);
MoveMatchingRequests(, &copy_requests, &copy_pass->copy_requests);
// We add an additional render pass for the transform if the root render
// pass has any copy requests.
apply_surface_transform_to_root_pass =
resolved_pass.is_root() &&
(copy_pass->copy_requests.empty() || surface_transform.IsIdentity());
gfx::Rect output_rect = source.output_rect;
gfx::Transform transform_to_root_target = source.transform_to_root_target;
if (apply_surface_transform_to_root_pass) {
// If we don't need an additional render pass to apply the surface
// transform, adjust the root pass's rects to account for it.
output_rect = cc::MathUtil::MapEnclosedRectWith2dAxisAlignedTransform(
surface_transform, output_rect);
} else {
// For the non-root render passes, the transform to root target needs to
// be adjusted to include the root surface transform. This is also true if
// we will be adding another render pass for the surface transform, in
// which this will no longer be the root.
transform_to_root_target =
surface_transform * source.transform_to_root_target;
resolved_pass.remapped_id(), output_rect, output_rect,
transform_to_root_target, source.filters, source.backdrop_filters,
source.backdrop_filter_bounds, root_content_color_usage_,
source.has_transparent_background, source.cache_render_pass,
resolved_pass.aggregation().has_damage, source.generate_mipmap);
if (needs_surface_damage_rect_list_ && resolved_pass.is_root()) {
copy_pass->transform_to_root_target, &resolved_frame);
CopyQuadsToPass(resolved_frame, resolved_pass, copy_pass.get(),
apply_surface_transform_to_root_pass ? surface_transform
: gfx::Transform(),
{}, /*dest_root_target_clip_rect=*/{}, surface,
// If the render pass has copy requests, or should be cached, or has
// moving-pixel filters, or in a moving-pixel surface, we should damage the
// whole output rect so that we always drawn the full content. Otherwise, we
// might have incompleted copy request, or cached patially drawn render
// pass.
if (!RenderPassNeedsFullDamage(resolved_pass)) {
gfx::Transform inverse_transform;
if (copy_pass->transform_to_root_target.GetInverse(&inverse_transform)) {
gfx::Rect damage_rect_in_render_pass_space =
if (!apply_surface_transform_to_root_pass)
void SurfaceAggregator::ProcessAddedAndRemovedSurfaces() {
// Delete resolved frame data that wasn't used this aggregation. This releases
// resources associated with those resolved frames.
base::EraseIf(resolved_frames_, [](auto& entry) {
return !entry.second.WasUsedInAggregation();
gfx::Rect SurfaceAggregator::PrewalkRenderPass(
ResolvedFrameData& resolved_frame,
ResolvedPassData& resolved_pass,
const gfx::Rect& damage_from_parent,
const gfx::Transform& target_to_root_transform,
const ResolvedPassData* parent_pass,
PrewalkResult& result) {
const CompositorRenderPass& render_pass = resolved_pass.render_pass();
if (render_pass.backdrop_filters.HasFilterThatMovesPixels()) {
has_pixel_moving_backdrop_filter_ = true;
if (parent_pass && parent_pass->aggregation().will_draw)
resolved_pass.aggregation().will_draw = true;
// Populate state for about cached render passes and pixel moving filters.
// These attributes apply transitively to all child render passes embedded by
// the CompositorRenderPass with the attribute.
if (render_pass.cache_render_pass ||
(parent_pass && parent_pass->aggregation().in_cached_render_pass)) {
resolved_pass.aggregation().in_cached_render_pass = true;
if (render_pass.filters.HasFilterThatMovesPixels() ||
(parent_pass && parent_pass->aggregation().in_pixel_moving_filter_pass)) {
resolved_pass.aggregation().in_pixel_moving_filter_pass = true;
const FrameDamageType damage_type = resolved_frame.GetFrameDamageType();
if (damage_type == FrameDamageType::kFull) {
resolved_pass.aggregation().has_damage = true;
} else if (damage_type == FrameDamageType::kFrame &&
render_pass.has_damage_from_contributing_content) {
resolved_pass.aggregation().has_damage = true;
// The damage on the root render pass of the surface comes from damage
// accumulated from all quads in the surface, and needs to be expanded by any
// pixel-moving backdrop filter in the render pass if intersecting. Transform
// this damage into the local space of the render pass for this purpose.
// TODO(kylechar): If this render pass isn't reachable from the surfaces root
// render pass then surface damage can't be transformed into this render pass
// coordinate space. We should use the actual damage for the render pass,
// which isn't included in the CompositorFrame right now.
gfx::Rect surface_root_rp_damage = resolved_frame.GetSurfaceDamage();
if (!surface_root_rp_damage.IsEmpty()) {
gfx::Transform root_to_target_transform;
if (target_to_root_transform.GetInverse(&root_to_target_transform)) {
surface_root_rp_damage = cc::MathUtil::ProjectEnclosingClippedRect(
root_to_target_transform, surface_root_rp_damage);
gfx::Rect damage_rect;
// Iterate through the quad list back-to-front and accumulate damage from
// all quads (only SurfaceDrawQuads and RenderPassDrawQuads can have damage
// at this point). |damage_rect| has damage from all quads below the current
// iterated quad, and can be used to determine if there's any intersection
// with the current quad when needed.
for (const DrawQuad* quad : base::Reversed(resolved_pass.prewalk_quads())) {
gfx::Rect quad_damage_rect;
gfx::Rect quad_target_space_damage_rect;
if (quad->material == DrawQuad::Material::kSurfaceContent) {
const auto* surface_quad = SurfaceDrawQuad::MaterialCast(quad);
ResolvedFrameData* child_resolved_frame =
// If the primary surface is not available then we assume the damage is
// the full size of the SurfaceDrawQuad because we might need to introduce
// gutter.
if (!child_resolved_frame || child_resolved_frame->surface_id() !=
surface_quad->surface_range.end()) {
quad_damage_rect = quad->rect;
if (child_resolved_frame) {
float x_scale = SK_Scalar1;
float y_scale = SK_Scalar1;
if (surface_quad->stretch_content_to_fill_bounds) {
const gfx::Size& child_size =
if (!child_size.IsEmpty()) {
x_scale = static_cast<float>(surface_quad->rect.width()) /
y_scale = static_cast<float>(surface_quad->rect.height()) /
} else {
// If not stretching to fit bounds then scale to adjust to device
// scale factor differences between child and parent surface. This
// scale factor is later applied to quads in the aggregated frame.
x_scale = y_scale =
resolved_frame.surface()->device_scale_factor() /
// If the surface quad is to be merged potentially, the current
// effective accumulated damage needs to be taken into account. This
// includes the damage from quads under the surface quad, i.e.
// |damage_rect|, |surface_root_rp_damage|, which can contain damage
// contributed by quads under the surface quad in the previous stage
// (cc), and |damage_from_parent|. The damage is first transformed into
// the local space of the surface quad and then passed to the embedding
// surface. The condition for deciding if the surface quad will merge is
// loose here, so for those quads passed this condition but eventually
// don't merge, there is over-contribution of the damage passed from
// parent, but this shouldn't affect correctness.
gfx::Rect accumulated_damage_in_child_space;
if (CanPotentiallyMergePass(*surface_quad)) {
if (!accumulated_damage_in_child_space.IsEmpty()) {
gfx::Transform inverse =
inverse.PostScale(SK_Scalar1 / x_scale, SK_Scalar1 / y_scale);
accumulated_damage_in_child_space =
inverse, accumulated_damage_in_child_space);
gfx::Rect child_rect =
PrewalkSurface(*child_resolved_frame, &resolved_pass,
accumulated_damage_in_child_space, result);
child_rect = gfx::ScaleToEnclosingRect(child_rect, x_scale, y_scale);
// Only check for root render pass on the root surface.
if (parent_pass == nullptr && resolved_pass.is_root() &&
!result.page_fullscreen_mode) {
gfx::Rect surface_quad_on_target_space = ClippedQuadRectangle(quad);
// Often time the surface_quad_on_target_space is not exactly the same
// as the output_rect after the math operations, although they are meant
// to be the same. Set the delta tolerance to 8 pixels.
if (surface_quad_on_target_space.ApproximatelyEqual(
render_pass.output_rect, /*tolerance=*/8)) {
result.page_fullscreen_mode = true;
} else if (auto* render_pass_quad =
quad->DynamicCast<CompositorRenderPassDrawQuad>()) {
CompositorRenderPassId child_pass_id = render_pass_quad->render_pass_id;
ResolvedPassData& child_resolved_pass =
const CompositorRenderPass& child_render_pass =
gfx::Rect rect_in_target_space = cc::MathUtil::MapEnclosingClippedRect(
quad->shared_quad_state->quad_to_target_transform, quad->rect);
// |damage_rect|, |damage_from_parent| and |surface_root_rp_damage|
// either are or can possible contain damage from under the quad, so if
// they intersect the quad render pass output rect, we have to invalidate
// the |intersects_damage_under| flag. Note the intersection test can be
// done against backdrop filter bounds as an improvement.
bool intersects_current_damage =
bool intersects_damage_from_parent =
// The |intersects_damage_under| flag hints if the current quad intersects
// any damage from any quads below in the same surface. If the flag is
// false, it means the intersecting damage is from quads above it or from
// itself.
bool intersects_damage_from_surface =
if (intersects_current_damage || intersects_damage_from_parent ||
intersects_damage_from_surface) {
render_pass_quad->intersects_damage_under = true;
if (child_render_pass.backdrop_filters.HasFilterThatMovesPixels()) {
// The damage from under the quad intersects quad render pass output
// rect and it has to be expanded because of the pixel-moving
// backdrop filters. We expand the |damage_rect| to include quad
// render pass output rect (which can be optimized to be backdrop
// filter bounds). |damage_from_parent| and |surface_root_rp_damage|
// only have to be included when they also have intersection with the
// quad.
if (intersects_damage_from_parent) {
if (intersects_damage_from_surface) {
// For the pixel-moving backdrop filters, all effects are limited to the
// size of the RenderPassDrawQuad rect. Therefore when we find the damage
// under the quad intersects quad render pass output rect, we extend the
// damage rect to include the rpdq->rect.
// TODO(crbug/1379125): Work out how to correctly compute damage when
// offset backdrop filters may be involved.
// For the pixel-moving foreground filters, all effects can be expanded
// outside the RenderPassDrawQuad rect based on filter pixel movement.
// Therefore, we have to check if the expanded rpdq->rect intersects the
// damage under it. Then we extend the damage rect to include the expanded
// rpdq->rect.
// Expand the damage to cover entire |output_rect| if the |render_pass|
// has pixel-moving foreground filter.
if (child_render_pass.filters.HasFilterThatMovesPixels()) {
gfx::Rect expanded_rect_in_target_space =
*render_pass_quad, child_render_pass.filters);
if (expanded_rect_in_target_space.Intersects(damage_rect) ||
expanded_rect_in_target_space.Intersects(damage_from_parent) ||
expanded_rect_in_target_space.Intersects(surface_root_rp_damage)) {
const gfx::Transform child_to_root_transform =
target_to_root_transform *
quad_damage_rect =
PrewalkRenderPass(resolved_frame, child_resolved_pass, gfx::Rect(),
child_to_root_transform, &resolved_pass, result);
} else {
// If this the next frame in sequence from last aggregation then per quad
// damage_rects are valid so add them here. If not, either this is the
// same frame as last aggregation and there is no damage OR there is
// already full damage for the surface.
if (damage_type == FrameDamageType::kFrame) {
auto& per_quad_damage_rect = GetOptionalDamageRectFromQuad(quad);
// The DrawQuad `per_quad_damage_rect` is already in the render pass
// coordinate space instead of quad rect coordinate space.
quad_target_space_damage_rect = per_quad_damage_rect.value();
// Clip the quad damage to the quad visible before converting back to
// render pass coordinate space. Expanded damage outside the quad rect for
// filters are added to |damage_rect| directly so this only clips damage
// from drawing the quad itself.
if (!quad_damage_rect.IsEmpty()) {
// Convert the quad damage rect into its target space and clip it if
// needed. Ignore tiny errors to avoid artificially inflating the
// damage due to floating point math.
constexpr float kEpsilon = 0.001f;
quad_target_space_damage_rect =
quad_damage_rect, kEpsilon);
if (!quad_target_space_damage_rect.IsEmpty()) {
if (quad->shared_quad_state->clip_rect) {
if (!damage_rect.IsEmpty()) {
// There is extra damage for this render pass. This is damage that the
// client that submitted this render pass didn't know about and isn't
// included in the surface damage or `has_damage_from_contributing_content`.
resolved_pass.aggregation().has_damage = true;
if (render_pass.filters.HasFilterThatMovesPixels()) {
// Expand the damage to cover entire |output_rect| if the |render_pass|
// has pixel-moving foreground filter.
// The added damage from quads in the render pass is transformed back into
// the render pass coordinate space without clipping, so it can extend
// beyond the edge of the current render pass. Coordinates outside the
// output_rect are invalid in this render passes coordinate space but they
// may be valid coordinates in the embedder coordinate space, causing
// unnecessary damage expansion.
return damage_rect;
void SurfaceAggregator::ProcessResolvedFrame(
ResolvedFrameData& resolved_frame) {
Surface* surface = resolved_frame.surface();
const CompositorFrame& compositor_frame =
// Ref the resources in the surface, and let the provider know we've received
// new resources from the compositor frame.
if (surface->client())
bool SurfaceAggregator::CheckFrameSinksChanged(const Surface* surface) {
LocalSurfaceId& local_surface_id =
bool frame_sinks_changed = (!previous_contained_frame_sinks_.contains(
local_surface_id =
std::max(surface->surface_id().local_surface_id(), local_surface_id);
return frame_sinks_changed;
gfx::Rect SurfaceAggregator::PrewalkSurface(ResolvedFrameData& resolved_frame,
ResolvedPassData* parent_pass,
const gfx::Rect& damage_from_parent,
PrewalkResult& result) {
Surface* surface = resolved_frame.surface();
if (referenced_surfaces_.count(surface->surface_id()))
return gfx::Rect();
result.frame_sinks_changed |= CheckFrameSinksChanged(surface);
if (!resolved_frame.is_valid())
return gfx::Rect();
DebugLogSurface(surface, resolved_frame.WillDraw());
auto& root_resolved_pass = resolved_frame.GetRootRenderPassData();
if (parent_pass) {
gfx::Rect damage_rect = resolved_frame.GetSurfaceDamage();
// Avoid infinite recursion by adding current surface to
// |referenced_surfaces_|.
for (auto& resolved_pass : resolved_frame.GetResolvedPasses()) {
// Prewalk any render passes that aren't reachable from the root pass. The
// damage produced isn't correct since there is no transform between damage
// in the root render passes coordinate space and the unembedded render
// pass, but other attributes related to the embedding hierarchy are still
// important to propagate.
if (resolved_pass.IsUnembedded()) {
PrewalkRenderPass(resolved_frame, resolved_pass,
/*parent_pass=*/nullptr, result);
damage_rect.Union(PrewalkRenderPass(resolved_frame, root_resolved_pass,
damage_from_parent, gfx::Transform(),
parent_pass, result));
if (!damage_rect.IsEmpty()) {
auto damage_rect_surface_space = damage_rect;
if (IsRootSurface(surface)) {
// The damage reported to the surface is in pre-display transform space
// since it is used by clients which are not aware of the display
// transform.
damage_rect = cc::MathUtil::MapEnclosedRectWith2dAxisAlignedTransform(
root_surface_transform_, damage_rect);
gfx::Transform inverse = root_surface_transform_.GetCheckedInverse();
damage_rect_surface_space =
// The following call can cause one or more copy requests to be added to the
// Surface. Therefore, no code before this point should have assumed
// anything about the presence or absence of copy requests after this point.
// If any CopyOutputRequests were made at FrameSink level, make sure we grab
// them too.
if (surface->IsVideoCaptureOnFromClient())
result.video_capture_enabled = true;
if (root_resolved_pass.aggregation().will_draw)
const CompositorFrame& frame = surface->GetActiveOrInterpolatedFrame();
for (const SurfaceRange& surface_range : frame.metadata.referenced_surfaces) {
if (surface_range.HasDifferentFrameSinkIds()) {
for (const SurfaceId& surface_id : surface->active_referenced_surfaces()) {
if (!contained_surfaces_.count(surface_id)) {
ResolvedFrameData* undrawn_surface = GetResolvedFrame(surface_id);
if (undrawn_surface) {
PrewalkSurface(*undrawn_surface, /*parent_pass=*/nullptr, gfx::Rect(),
for (auto& resolved_pass : resolved_frame.GetResolvedPasses()) {
auto& render_pass = resolved_pass.render_pass();
// Checking for copy requests need to be done after the prewalk because
// copy requests can get added after damage is computed.
if (!render_pass.copy_requests.empty()) {
has_copy_requests_ = true;
result.content_color_usage =
std::max(result.content_color_usage, frame.metadata.content_color_usage);
return damage_rect;
void SurfaceAggregator::CopyUndrawnSurfaces(PrewalkResult* prewalk_result) {
// undrawn_surfaces are Surfaces that were identified by prewalk as being
// referenced by a drawn Surface, but aren't contained in a SurfaceDrawQuad.
// They need to be iterated over to ensure that any copy requests on them
// (or on Surfaces they reference) are executed.
std::vector<SurfaceId> surfaces_to_copy(
for (size_t i = 0; i < surfaces_to_copy.size(); i++) {
SurfaceId surface_id = surfaces_to_copy[i];
const ResolvedFrameData* resolved_frame = GetResolvedFrame(surface_id);
if (!resolved_frame)
Surface* surface = resolved_frame->surface();
if (!surface->HasCopyOutputRequests()) {
// Children are not necessarily included in undrawn_surfaces (because
// they weren't referenced directly from a drawn surface), but may have
// copy requests, so make sure to check them as well.
for (const SurfaceId& child_id : surface->active_referenced_surfaces()) {
// Don't iterate over the child Surface if it was already listed as a
// child of a different Surface, or in the case where there's infinite
// recursion.
if (!prewalk_result->undrawn_surfaces.count(child_id)) {
} else {
void SurfaceAggregator::MarkAndPropagateCopyRequestPasses(
ResolvedPassData& resolved_pass) {
if (resolved_pass.aggregation().in_copy_request_pass)
resolved_pass.aggregation().in_copy_request_pass = true;
for (auto* child_pass : resolved_pass.aggregation().embedded_passes) {
AggregatedFrame SurfaceAggregator::Aggregate(
const SurfaceId& surface_id,
base::TimeTicks expected_display_time,
gfx::OverlayTransform display_transform,
const gfx::Rect& target_damage,
int64_t display_trace_id) {
is_inside_aggregate_ = true;
root_surface_id_ = surface_id;
// Start recording new stats for this aggregation.
base::ElapsedTimer prewalk_timer;
ResolvedFrameData* resolved_frame = GetResolvedFrame(surface_id);
if (!resolved_frame || !resolved_frame->is_valid()) {
return {};
Surface* surface = resolved_frame->surface();
display_trace_id_ = display_trace_id;
expected_display_time_ = expected_display_time;
const CompositorFrame& root_surface_frame =
"viz,benchmark", "Graphics.Pipeline",
"SurfaceAggregation", "display_trace", display_trace_id_);
AggregatedFrame frame;
frame.top_controls_visible_height =
dest_pass_list_ = &frame.render_pass_list;
surface_damage_rect_list_ = &frame.surface_damage_rect_list_;
auto& root_render_pass = root_surface_frame.render_pass_list.back();
// The root render pass on the root surface can not have backdrop filters.
const gfx::Size viewport_bounds = root_render_pass->output_rect.size();
root_surface_transform_ = gfx::OverlayTransformToTransform(
display_transform, gfx::SizeF(viewport_bounds));
// Reset state that couldn't be reset in ResetAfterAggregate().
// The root surface root render pass is the start of the embedding tree.
resolved_frame->GetRootRenderPassData().aggregation().will_draw = true;
PrewalkResult prewalk_result;
gfx::Rect prewalk_damage_rect =
/*damage_from_parent=*/gfx::Rect(), prewalk_result);
stats_->prewalk_time = prewalk_timer.Elapsed();
root_damage_rect_ = prewalk_damage_rect;
// |root_damage_rect_| is used to restrict aggregating quads only if they
// intersect this area.
// Changing color usage will cause the renderer to reshape the output surface,
// therefore the renderer might expand the damage to the whole frame. The
// following makes sure SA will produce all the quads to cover the full frame.
bool color_usage_changed =
root_content_color_usage_ != prewalk_result.content_color_usage;
if (color_usage_changed) {
root_damage_rect_ = cc::MathUtil::MapEnclosedRectWith2dAxisAlignedTransform(
root_content_color_usage_ = prewalk_result.content_color_usage;
if (prewalk_result.frame_sinks_changed)
frame.has_copy_requests = has_copy_requests_ && take_copy_requests_;
frame.video_capture_enabled = prewalk_result.video_capture_enabled;
frame.content_color_usage = prewalk_result.content_color_usage;
frame.page_fullscreen_mode = prewalk_result.page_fullscreen_mode;
base::ElapsedTimer copy_timer;
stats_->copy_time = copy_timer.Elapsed();
if (dest_pass_list_->empty()) {
return {};
// The root render pass damage might have been expanded by target_damage (the
// area that might need to be recomposited on the target surface). We restrict
// the damage_rect of the root render pass to the one caused by the source
// surfaces, except when drawing delegated ink trails.
// The damage on the root render pass should not include the expanded area
// since Renderer and OverlayProcessor expect the non expanded damage. The
// only exception is when delegated ink trails are being drawn, in which case
// the root render pass needs to contain the expanded area, as |target_damage|
// also reflects the delegated ink trail damage rect.
auto* last_pass = dest_pass_list_->back().get();
if (!color_usage_changed && !last_frame_had_delegated_ink_ &&
!RenderPassNeedsFullDamage(resolved_frame->GetRootRenderPassData())) {
for (auto& contained_surface_id : previous_contained_surfaces_) {
surface = manager_->GetSurfaceForId(contained_surface_id);
if (surface) {
surface, &frame.latency_info);
if (!ui::LatencyInfo::Verify(frame.latency_info,
"SurfaceAggregator::Aggregate")) {
if (delegated_ink_metadata_) {
frame.delegated_ink_metadata = std::move(delegated_ink_metadata_);
last_frame_had_delegated_ink_ = true;
} else {
last_frame_had_delegated_ink_ = false;
if (frame_annotator_)
return frame;
void SurfaceAggregator::RecordStatHistograms() {
"Compositing.SurfaceAggregator.PrewalkUs", stats_->prewalk_time,
kHistogramMinTime, kHistogramMaxTime, kHistogramTimeBuckets);
"Compositing.SurfaceAggregator.CopyUs", stats_->copy_time,
kHistogramMinTime, kHistogramMaxTime, kHistogramTimeBuckets);
stats_->declare_resources_time, kHistogramMinTime, kHistogramMaxTime,
void SurfaceAggregator::ResetAfterAggregate() {
is_inside_aggregate_ = false;
dest_pass_list_ = nullptr;
surface_damage_rect_list_ = nullptr;
current_zero_damage_rect_is_not_recorded_ = false;
expected_display_time_ = base::TimeTicks();
display_trace_id_ = -1;
has_pixel_moving_backdrop_filter_ = false;
has_copy_requests_ = false;
// Reset resolved frame data from this aggregation.
for (auto& [surface_id, resolved_frame] : resolved_frames_)
void SurfaceAggregator::SetFullDamageForSurface(const SurfaceId& surface_id) {
auto iter = resolved_frames_.find(surface_id);
if (iter != resolved_frames_.end())
void SurfaceAggregator::SetDisplayColorSpaces(
const gfx::DisplayColorSpaces& display_color_spaces) {
display_color_spaces_ = display_color_spaces;
void SurfaceAggregator::SetMaxRenderTargetSize(int max_size) {
DCHECK_GE(max_size, 0);
max_render_target_size_ = max_size;
bool SurfaceAggregator::NotifySurfaceDamageAndCheckForDisplayDamage(
const SurfaceId& surface_id) {
auto iter = resolved_frames_.find(surface_id);
if (iter != resolved_frames_.end()) {
auto& resolved_frame = iter->second;
if (resolved_frame.surface()
.resource_list.empty()) {
// When a client submits a CompositorFrame without resources it's
// typically done to force return of existing resources to the client.
return true;
auto it = damage_ranges_.find(surface_id.frame_sink_id());
if (it == damage_ranges_.end())
return false;
for (const SurfaceRange& surface_range : it->second) {
if (surface_range.IsInRangeInclusive(surface_id))
return true;
return false;
bool SurfaceAggregator::HasFrameAnnotator() const {
return !!frame_annotator_;
void SurfaceAggregator::SetFrameAnnotator(
std::unique_ptr<FrameAnnotator> frame_annotator) {
frame_annotator_ = std::move(frame_annotator);
void SurfaceAggregator::DestroyFrameAnnotator() {
bool SurfaceAggregator::IsRootSurface(const Surface* surface) const {
return surface->surface_id() == root_surface_id_;
// Transform the point and presentation area of the metadata to be in the root
// target space. They need to be in the root target space because they will
// eventually be drawn directly onto the buffer just before being swapped onto
// the screen, so root target space is required so that they are positioned
// correctly. After transforming, they are stored in the
// |delegated_ink_metadata_| member in order to be placed on the final
// aggregated frame, after which the member is then cleared.
void SurfaceAggregator::TransformAndStoreDelegatedInkMetadata(
const gfx::Transform& parent_quad_to_root_target_transform,
const gfx::DelegatedInkMetadata* metadata) {
if (delegated_ink_metadata_) {
// This member could already be populated in two scenarios:
// 1. The delegated ink metadata was committed to a frame's metadata that
// wasn't ultimately used to produce a frame, but is now being used.
// 2. There are two or more ink strokes requesting a delegated ink trail
// simultaneously.
// In both cases, we want to default to using a "last write wins" strategy
// to determine the metadata to put on the final aggregated frame. This
// avoids potential issues of using stale ink metadata in the first scenario
// by always using the newest one. For the second scenario, it would be a
// very niche use case to have more than one at a time, so the explainer
// specifies using last write wins to decide.
base::TimeTicks stored_time = delegated_ink_metadata_->timestamp();
base::TimeTicks new_time = metadata->timestamp();
if (new_time < stored_time)
gfx::PointF point =
gfx::RectF area = parent_quad_to_root_target_transform.MapRect(
delegated_ink_metadata_ = std::make_unique<gfx::DelegatedInkMetadata>(
point, metadata->diameter(), metadata->color(), metadata->timestamp(),
area, metadata->frame_time(), metadata->is_hovering());
"viz", "SurfaceAggregator::TransformAndStoreDelegatedInkMetadata",
TRACE_EVENT_SCOPE_THREAD, "original metadata", metadata->ToString(),
"transformed metadata", delegated_ink_metadata_->ToString());
void SurfaceAggregator::DebugLogSurface(const Surface* surface,
bool will_draw) {
DBG_LOG("aggregator.surface.log", "D%d - %s, %s draws=%s",
will_draw ? "true" : "false");
} // namespace viz