blob: 158a766e2aefe97a525a82c3244ed1b29afa7916 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include "base/containers/flat_set.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/sequence_checker.h"
#include "base/thread_annotations.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "content/browser/attribution_reporting/stored_source.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "content/public/browser/attribution_data_model.h"
#include "content/public/browser/storage_partition.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
namespace attribution_reporting {
class SuitableOrigin;
} // namespace attribution_reporting
namespace net {
class SchemefulSite;
} // namespace net
namespace sql {
class Database;
} // namespace sql
namespace content {
struct AttributionInfo;
class AttributionStorageDelegate;
class CommonSourceInfo;
class StorableSource;
enum class RateLimitResult : int;
// Manages storage for rate-limiting sources and attributions.
// This class may be constructed on any sequence but must be accessed and
// destroyed on the same sequence. The sequence must outlive |this|.
class CONTENT_EXPORT RateLimitTable {
// We have separate reporting origin rate limits for sources and attributions.
// This enum helps us differentiate between these two cases in the database.
// These values are persisted to the DB. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
// The enum is only exposed here for use in unit tests.
enum class Scope {
kSource = 0,
kAttribution = 1,
explicit RateLimitTable(const AttributionStorageDelegate* delegate);
RateLimitTable(const RateLimitTable&) = delete;
RateLimitTable& operator=(const RateLimitTable&) = delete;
RateLimitTable(RateLimitTable&&) = delete;
RateLimitTable& operator=(RateLimitTable&&) = delete;
// Creates the table in |db| if it doesn't exist.
// Returns false on failure.
[[nodiscard]] bool CreateTable(sql::Database* db);
// Returns false on failure.
[[nodiscard]] bool AddRateLimitForSource(sql::Database* db,
const StoredSource& source);
// Returns false on failure.
[[nodiscard]] bool AddRateLimitForAttribution(
sql::Database* db,
const AttributionInfo& attribution_info,
const StoredSource&);
[[nodiscard]] RateLimitResult SourceAllowedForReportingOriginLimit(
sql::Database* db,
const StorableSource& source,
base::Time source_time);
[[nodiscard]] RateLimitResult SourceAllowedForDestinationLimit(
sql::Database* db,
const StorableSource& source,
base::Time source_time);
[[nodiscard]] RateLimitResult AttributionAllowedForReportingOriginLimit(
sql::Database* db,
const AttributionInfo& attribution_info,
const StoredSource&);
[[nodiscard]] RateLimitResult AttributionAllowedForAttributionLimit(
sql::Database* db,
const AttributionInfo& attribution_info,
const StoredSource&);
// These should be 1:1 with |AttributionStorageSql|'s |ClearData| functions.
// Returns false on failure.
[[nodiscard]] bool ClearAllDataAllTime(sql::Database* db);
// Returns false on failure.
[[nodiscard]] bool ClearDataForOriginsInRange(
sql::Database* db,
base::Time delete_begin,
base::Time delete_end,
StoragePartition::StorageKeyMatcherFunction filter);
// Returns false on failure.
[[nodiscard]] bool ClearDataForSourceIds(
sql::Database* db,
const std::vector<StoredSource::Id>& source_ids);
void AppendRateLimitDataKeys(sql::Database* db,
std::set<AttributionDataModel::DataKey>& keys);
[[nodiscard]] bool AddRateLimit(
sql::Database* db,
const StoredSource& source,
absl::optional<base::Time> trigger_time,
const attribution_reporting::SuitableOrigin& context_origin)
[[nodiscard]] RateLimitResult AllowedForReportingOriginLimit(
sql::Database* db,
Scope scope,
const CommonSourceInfo& common_info,
base::Time time,
const base::flat_set<net::SchemefulSite>& destination_sites)
// Returns false on failure.
[[nodiscard]] bool ClearAllDataInRange(sql::Database* db,
base::Time delete_begin,
base::Time delete_end)
// Deletes data in the table older than the window determined by
// |delegate_->GetRateLimits()|.
// Returns false on failure.
[[nodiscard]] bool DeleteExpiredRateLimits(sql::Database* db)
// Must outlive |this|.
raw_ptr<const AttributionStorageDelegate> delegate_
// Time at which `DeleteExpiredRateLimits()` was last called. Initialized to
// the NULL time.
base::Time last_cleared_ GUARDED_BY_CONTEXT(sequence_checker_);
} // namespace content