blob: e8caca4b763083edec54e0faf92f17fb6b939364 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/core_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/layout_block_flow.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/inline/ng_inline_node_data.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/ng_layout_input_node.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/svg/ng_svg_character_data.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/casting.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/text/wtf_string.h"
namespace blink {
class NGBreakToken;
class NGColumnSpannerPath;
class NGConstraintSpace;
class NGInlineChildLayoutContext;
class NGLayoutResult;
class NGOffsetMapping;
struct NGInlineItemsData;
struct SvgTextContentRange;
// Represents an anonymous block box to be laid out, that contains consecutive
// inline nodes and their descendants.
class CORE_EXPORT NGInlineNode : public NGLayoutInputNode {
explicit NGInlineNode(LayoutBlockFlow*);
explicit NGInlineNode(std::nullptr_t) : NGLayoutInputNode(nullptr) {}
LayoutBlockFlow* GetLayoutBlockFlow() const {
return To<LayoutBlockFlow>(box_.Get());
NGLayoutInputNode NextSibling() const { return nullptr; }
const NGLayoutResult* Layout(const NGConstraintSpace&,
const NGBreakToken*,
const NGColumnSpannerPath*,
NGInlineChildLayoutContext* context) const;
// Computes the value of min-content and max-content for this anonymous block
// box. min-content is the inline size when lines wrap at every break
// opportunity, and max-content is when lines do not wrap at all.
MinMaxSizesResult ComputeMinMaxSizes(WritingMode container_writing_mode,
const NGConstraintSpace&,
const MinMaxSizesFloatInput&) const;
// Instruct to re-compute |PrepareLayout| on the next layout.
void InvalidatePrepareLayoutForTest() {
LayoutBlockFlow* block_flow = GetLayoutBlockFlow();
const NGInlineItemsData& ItemsData(bool is_first_line) const {
return Data().ItemsData(is_first_line);
// There's a special intrinsic size measure quirk for images that are direct
// children of table cells that have auto inline-size: When measuring
// intrinsic min/max inline sizes, we pretend that it's not possible to break
// between images, or between text and images. Note that this only applies
// when measuring. During actual layout, on the other hand, standard breaking
// rules are to be followed.
// See
bool IsStickyImagesQuirkForContentSize() const;
// Returns the text content to use for content sizing. This is normally the
// same as |items_data.text_content|, except when sticky images quirk is
// needed.
static String TextContentForStickyImagesQuirk(const NGInlineItemsData&);
// Returns true if we don't need to collect inline items after replacing
// |layout_text| after deleting replacing subtext from |offset| to |length|
// |new_text| is new text of |layout_text|.
// This is optimized version of |PrepareLayout()|.
static bool SetTextWithOffset(LayoutText* layout_text,
String new_text,
unsigned offset,
unsigned length);
// Returns the DOM to text content offset mapping of this block. If it is not
// computed before, compute and store it in NGInlineNodeData.
// This function must be called with clean layout.
const NGOffsetMapping* ComputeOffsetMappingIfNeeded() const;
// Get |NGOffsetMapping| for the |layout_block_flow|. |layout_block_flow|
// should be laid out. This function works for both new and legacy layout.
static const NGOffsetMapping* GetOffsetMapping(
LayoutBlockFlow* layout_block_flow);
bool IsBidiEnabled() const { return Data().is_bidi_enabled_; }
TextDirection BaseDirection() const { return Data().BaseDirection(); }
bool HasInitialLetterBox() const { return Data().has_initial_letter_box_; }
bool HasRuby() const { return Data().has_ruby_; }
bool IsBlockLevel() { return EnsureData().is_block_level_; }
// True if this node can't use the bisection in `NGParagraphLineBreaker`.
bool IsBisectLineBreakDisabled() const {
return Data().IsBisectLineBreakDisabled();
bool IsScoreLineBreakDisabled() const {
return Data().IsScoreLineBreakDisabled();
// @return if this node can contain the "first formatted line".
bool CanContainFirstFormattedLine() const {
return GetLayoutBlockFlow()->CanContainFirstFormattedLine();
bool UseFirstLineStyle() const;
void CheckConsistency() const;
// This function is available after PrepareLayout(), only for SVG <text>.
const Vector<std::pair<unsigned, NGSvgCharacterData>>& SvgCharacterDataList()
// This function is available after PrepareLayout(), only for SVG <text>.
const HeapVector<SvgTextContentRange>& SvgTextLengthRangeList() const;
// This function is available after PrepareLayout(), only for SVG <text>.
const HeapVector<SvgTextContentRange>& SvgTextPathRangeList() const;
String ToString() const;
struct FloatingObject {
void Trace(Visitor* visitor) const {}
const ComputedStyle& float_style;
const ComputedStyle& style;
LayoutUnit float_inline_max_size_with_margin;
static bool NeedsShapingForTesting(const NGInlineItem& item);
// Prepare inline and text content for layout. Must be called before
// calling the Layout method.
void PrepareLayoutIfNeeded() const;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(NGInlineNodeTest, SegmentBidiChangeSetsNeedsLayout);
bool IsPrepareLayoutFinished() const;
void PrepareLayout(NGInlineNodeData* previous_data) const;
void CollectInlines(NGInlineNodeData*,
NGInlineNodeData* previous_data = nullptr) const;
const SvgTextChunkOffsets* FindSvgTextChunks(LayoutBlockFlow& block,
NGInlineNodeData& data) const;
void SegmentText(NGInlineNodeData*) const;
void SegmentScriptRuns(NGInlineNodeData*) const;
void SegmentFontOrientation(NGInlineNodeData*) const;
void SegmentBidiRuns(NGInlineNodeData*) const;
void ShapeText(NGInlineItemsData*,
const String* previous_text = nullptr,
const HeapVector<NGInlineItem>* previous_items = nullptr,
const Font* override_font = nullptr) const;
void ShapeTextForFirstLineIfNeeded(NGInlineNodeData*) const;
void ShapeTextIncludingFirstLine(
NGInlineNodeData* data,
const String* previous_text,
const HeapVector<NGInlineItem>* previous_items) const;
void AssociateItemsWithInlines(NGInlineNodeData*) const;
NGInlineNodeData* MutableData() const {
return To<LayoutBlockFlow>(box_.Get())->GetNGInlineNodeData();
const NGInlineNodeData& Data() const {
DCHECK(IsPrepareLayoutFinished() &&
return *To<LayoutBlockFlow>(box_.Get())->GetNGInlineNodeData();
// Same as |Data()| but can access even when |NeedsCollectInlines()| is set.
const NGInlineNodeData& MaybeDirtyData() const {
return *To<LayoutBlockFlow>(box_.Get())->GetNGInlineNodeData();
const NGInlineNodeData& EnsureData() const;
void AdjustFontForTextCombineUprightAll() const;
static void ComputeOffsetMapping(LayoutBlockFlow* layout_block_flow,
NGInlineNodeData* data);
friend class NGLineBreakerTest;
inline bool NGInlineNode::IsStickyImagesQuirkForContentSize() const {
if (UNLIKELY(GetDocument().InQuirksMode())) {
const ComputedStyle& style = Style();
if (UNLIKELY(style.Display() == EDisplay::kTableCell &&
return true;
return false;
template <>
struct DowncastTraits<NGInlineNode> {
static bool AllowFrom(const NGLayoutInputNode& node) {
return node.IsInline();
} // namespace blink