blob: 0d83c17927172de7b9fadccb604c73a0edc89ec0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/core_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/inline/ng_inline_items_data.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/svg/svg_inline_node_data.h"
namespace blink {
template <typename OffsetMappingBuilder>
class NGInlineItemsBuilderTemplate;
// Data which is required for inline nodes.
struct CORE_EXPORT NGInlineNodeData final : NGInlineItemsData {
NGInlineNodeData() = default;
bool IsBidiEnabled() const { return is_bidi_enabled_; }
TextDirection BaseDirection() const {
return static_cast<TextDirection>(base_direction_);
bool HasInitialLetterBox() const { return has_initial_letter_box_; }
bool HasRuby() const { return has_ruby_; }
bool IsBlockLevel() const { return is_block_level_; }
// True if this node can't use the bisection in `NGParagraphLineBreaker`.
bool IsBisectLineBreakDisabled() const {
return is_bisect_line_break_disabled_;
bool IsScoreLineBreakDisabled() const {
return is_score_line_break_disabled_;
const NGInlineItemsData& ItemsData(bool is_first_line) const {
return !is_first_line || !first_line_items_
? (const NGInlineItemsData&)*this
: *first_line_items_;
void Trace(Visitor* visitor) const override;
void SetBaseDirection(TextDirection direction) {
base_direction_ = static_cast<unsigned>(direction);
friend class NGInlineItemsBuilderTest;
friend class NGInlineNode;
friend class NGInlineNodeForTest;
friend class NGOffsetMappingTest;
template <typename OffsetMappingBuilder>
friend class NGInlineItemsBuilderTemplate;
// Items to use for the first line, when the node has :first-line rules.
// Items have different ComputedStyle, and may also have different
// text_content and ShapeResult if 'text-transform' is applied or fonts are
// different.
Member<NGInlineItemsData> first_line_items_;
Member<SvgInlineNodeData> svg_node_data_;
unsigned is_bidi_enabled_ : 1;
unsigned base_direction_ : 1; // TextDirection
// True if this node contains initial letter box. This value is used for
// clearing. To control whether subsequent blocks overlap with initial
// letter[1].
// ****** his node ends here.
// * This text from subsequent block one.
// * This text from subsequent block two.
// * This text from subsequent block three.
// [1]
unsigned has_initial_letter_box_ : 1;
// The node contains <ruby>.
unsigned has_ruby_ : 1;
// We use this flag to determine if we have *only* floats, and OOF-positioned
// children. If so we consider them block-level, and run the
// |NGBlockLayoutAlgorithm| instead of the |NGInlineLayoutAlgorithm|. This is
// done to pick up block-level static-position behaviour.
unsigned is_block_level_ : 1;
// True if changes to an item may affect different layout of earlier lines.
// May not be able to use line caches even when the line or earlier lines are
// not dirty.
unsigned changes_may_affect_earlier_lines_ : 1;
unsigned is_bisect_line_break_disabled_ : 1;
unsigned is_score_line_break_disabled_ : 1;
} // namespace blink