blob: 9fcd60b976c54c42e08dae6f824bac1aa3cfc402 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import org.chromium.base.VisibleForTesting;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.WebContents;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
* Implements the UMA logging for Ranker that's used for Contextual Search Tap Suppression.
public class ContextualSearchRankerLoggerImpl implements ContextualSearchInteractionRecorder {
// Names for all our features and labels.
// Map keys should contain @Feature int values only.
private static final Map<Integer, String> ALL_NAMES;
// Map keys should contain @Feature int values only.
static final Map<Integer, String> OUTCOMES;
// Map keys should contain @Feature int values only.
static final Map<Integer, String> FEATURES;
static {
// Map keys should contain @Feature int values only.
Map<Integer, String> outcomes = new HashMap<Integer, String>();
outcomes.put(Feature.OUTCOME_WAS_PANEL_OPENED, "OutcomeWasPanelOpened");
outcomes.put(Feature.OUTCOME_WAS_QUICK_ACTION_CLICKED, "OutcomeWasQuickActionClicked");
outcomes.put(Feature.OUTCOME_WAS_QUICK_ANSWER_SEEN, "OutcomeWasQuickAnswerSeen");
// UKM CS v2 outcomes.
outcomes.put(Feature.OUTCOME_WAS_CARDS_DATA_SHOWN, "OutcomeWasCardsDataShown");
OUTCOMES = Collections.unmodifiableMap(outcomes);
// NOTE: this list needs to be kept in sync with the white list in
// and with ukm.xml!
// Integer values should contain @Feature values only.
Map<Integer, String> features = new HashMap<Integer, String>();
features.put(Feature.DURATION_AFTER_SCROLL_MS, "DurationAfterScrollMs");
features.put(Feature.SCREEN_TOP_DPS, "ScreenTopDps");
features.put(Feature.WAS_SCREEN_BOTTOM, "WasScreenBottom");
features.put(Feature.PREVIOUS_WEEK_IMPRESSIONS_COUNT, "PreviousWeekImpressionsCount");
features.put(Feature.PREVIOUS_WEEK_CTR_PERCENT, "PreviousWeekCtrPercent");
features.put(Feature.PREVIOUS_28DAY_IMPRESSIONS_COUNT, "Previous28DayImpressionsCount");
features.put(Feature.PREVIOUS_28DAY_CTR_PERCENT, "Previous28DayCtrPercent");
// UKM CS v2 features.
features.put(Feature.DID_OPT_IN, "DidOptIn");
features.put(Feature.IS_SHORT_WORD, "IsShortWord");
features.put(Feature.IS_LONG_WORD, "IsLongWord");
features.put(Feature.IS_WORD_EDGE, "IsWordEdge");
features.put(Feature.IS_ENTITY, "IsEntity");
features.put(Feature.TAP_DURATION_MS, "TapDurationMs");
// UKM CS v3 features.
features.put(Feature.FONT_SIZE, "FontSize");
features.put(Feature.IS_HTTP, "IsHttp");
features.put(Feature.IS_SECOND_TAP_OVERRIDE, "IsSecondTapOverride");
features.put(Feature.IS_ENTITY_ELIGIBLE, "IsEntityEligible");
features.put(Feature.IS_LANGUAGE_MISMATCH, "IsLanguageMismatch");
features.put(Feature.PORTION_OF_ELEMENT, "PortionOfElement");
// UKM CS v4 features.
features.put(Feature.TAP_COUNT, "TapCount");
features.put(Feature.OPEN_COUNT, "OpenCount");
features.put(Feature.QUICK_ANSWER_COUNT, "QuickAnswerCount");
features.put(Feature.ENTITY_IMPRESSIONS_COUNT, "EntityImpressionsCount");
features.put(Feature.ENTITY_OPENS_COUNT, "EntityOpensCount");
features.put(Feature.QUICK_ACTION_IMPRESSIONS_COUNT, "QuickActionImpressionsCount");
features.put(Feature.QUICK_ACTIONS_TAKEN_COUNT, "QuickActionsTaken");
features.put(Feature.QUICK_ACTIONS_IGNORED_COUNT, "QuickActionsIgnored");
FEATURES = Collections.unmodifiableMap(features);
// Map keys should contain @Feature int values only.
Map<Integer, String> allNames = new HashMap<Integer, String>();
ALL_NAMES = Collections.unmodifiableMap(allNames);
// Pointer to the native instance of this class.
private long mNativePointer;
// Whether logging for the current page has been setup.
private boolean mIsLoggingReadyForPage;
// The WebContents of the base page that the log data is associated with.
private WebContents mBasePageWebContents;
// Whether inference has already occurred for this interaction (and calling #logFeature is no
// longer allowed).
private boolean mHasInferenceOccurred;
// What kind of ML prediction we were able to get.
private @AssistRankerPrediction int mAssistRankerPrediction =
// Map that accumulates all of the Features to log for a specific user-interaction.
// Map keys should contain @Feature int values only.
private Map<Integer, Object> mFeaturesToLog;
// A for-testing copy of all the features to log setup so that it will survive a {@link #reset}.
// Map keys should contain @Feature int values only.
private Map<Integer, Object> mFeaturesLoggedForTesting;
private Map<Integer, Object> mOutcomesLoggedForTesting;
private ContextualSearchInteractionPersister mInteractionPersister;
private long mEventIdToPersist;
* Constructs a Ranker Logger and associated native implementation to write Contextual Search
* ML data to Ranker.
public ContextualSearchRankerLoggerImpl() {
this(new ContextualSearchInteractionPersisterImpl());
* Constructs a Ranker Logger implementation for testing.
* @param interactionPersister The {@link ContextualSearchInteractionPersister} to use for this
* instance.
public ContextualSearchRankerLoggerImpl(
ContextualSearchInteractionPersister interactionPersister) {
mInteractionPersister = interactionPersister;
if (isEnabled()) mNativePointer = nativeInit();
* This method should be called to clean up storage when an instance of this class is
* no longer in use. The nativeDestroy will call the destructor on the native instance.
void destroy() {
// TODO(donnd): looks like this is never being called. Fix.
if (isEnabled()) {
assert mNativePointer != 0;
mNativePointer = 0;
mIsLoggingReadyForPage = false;
public void setupLoggingForPage(@Nullable WebContents basePageWebContents) {
mIsLoggingReadyForPage = true;
mBasePageWebContents = basePageWebContents;
mHasInferenceOccurred = false;
nativeSetupLoggingAndRanker(mNativePointer, basePageWebContents);
public boolean isQueryEnabled() {
return nativeIsQueryEnabled(mNativePointer);
public void logFeature(@Feature int feature, Object value) {
assert mIsLoggingReadyForPage : "mIsLoggingReadyForPage false.";
assert !mHasInferenceOccurred;
if (!isEnabled()) return;
logInternal(feature, value);
public void logOutcome(@Feature int feature, Object value) {
assert mIsLoggingReadyForPage;
assert mHasInferenceOccurred;
if (!isEnabled()) return;
logInternal(feature, value);
public @AssistRankerPrediction int runPredictionForTapSuppression() {
assert mIsLoggingReadyForPage;
assert !mHasInferenceOccurred;
mHasInferenceOccurred = true;
if (isEnabled() && mBasePageWebContents != null && mFeaturesToLog != null
&& !mFeaturesToLog.isEmpty()) {
for (Map.Entry<Integer, Object> entry : mFeaturesToLog.entrySet()) {
logObject(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
mFeaturesLoggedForTesting = mFeaturesToLog;
mFeaturesToLog = new HashMap<Integer, Object>();
mAssistRankerPrediction = nativeRunInference(mNativePointer);
return mAssistRankerPrediction;
public @AssistRankerPrediction int getPredictionForTapSuppression() {
return mAssistRankerPrediction;
public void reset() {
mIsLoggingReadyForPage = false;
mHasInferenceOccurred = false;
mFeaturesToLog = null;
mBasePageWebContents = null;
mAssistRankerPrediction = AssistRankerPrediction.UNDETERMINED;
public void writeLogAndReset() {
if (isEnabled()) {
if (mBasePageWebContents != null && mFeaturesToLog != null
&& !mFeaturesToLog.isEmpty()) {
assert mIsLoggingReadyForPage;
assert mHasInferenceOccurred;
// Only the outcomes will be present, since we logged inference features at
// inference time.
for (Map.Entry<Integer, Object> entry : mFeaturesToLog.entrySet()) {
logObject(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
mOutcomesLoggedForTesting = mFeaturesToLog;
// Also persist the outcomes if we are persisting this interaction.
if (mEventIdToPersist != 0) {
mInteractionPersister.persistInteractions(mEventIdToPersist, mFeaturesToLog);
mEventIdToPersist = 0;
public void persistInteraction(long eventId) {
if (eventId != 0) mEventIdToPersist = eventId;
public ContextualSearchInteractionPersister getInteractionPersister() {
return mInteractionPersister;
* Logs the given feature/value to the internal map that accumulates an entire record (which can
* be logged by calling writeLogAndReset).
* @param feature The feature to log.
* @param value The value to log.
private void logInternal(@Feature int feature, Object value) {
if (mFeaturesToLog == null) mFeaturesToLog = new HashMap<Integer, Object>();
mFeaturesToLog.put(feature, value);
/** Whether actually writing data is enabled. If not, we may do nothing, or just print. */
private boolean isEnabled() {
return !ContextualSearchFieldTrial.getSwitch(
* Logs the given {@link ContextualSearchInteractionRecorder.Feature} with the given value
* {@link Object}.
* @param feature The feature to log.
* @param value An {@link Object} value to log (must be convertible to a {@code long}).
private void logObject(@Feature int feature, Object value) {
if (value instanceof Boolean) {
logToNative(feature, ((boolean) value ? 1 : 0));
} else if (value instanceof Integer) {
logToNative(feature, (int) value);
} else if (value instanceof Character) {
logToNative(feature, Character.getNumericValue((char) value));
} else {
assert false : "Could not log feature to Ranker: " + String.valueOf(feature)
+ " of class "
+ value.getClass();
* Logs to the native instance. All native logging must go through this bottleneck.
* @param feature The feature to log.
* @param value The value to log.
private void logToNative(@Feature int feature, int value) {
String featureName = getFeatureName(feature);
assert featureName != null : "No Name for feature " + feature;
nativeLogInt32(mNativePointer, featureName, value);
* @return The name of the given feature.
private String getFeatureName(@Feature int feature) {
return ALL_NAMES.get(feature);
* Gets the current set of features that have been logged. Should only be used for testing
* purposes!
* @return The current set of features that have been logged, or {@code null}.
Map<Integer, Object> getFeaturesLogged() {
return mFeaturesLoggedForTesting;
* Gets the current set of outcomes that have been logged. Should only be used for
* testing purposes!
* @return The current set of outcomes that have been logged, or {@code null}.
Map<Integer, Object> getOutcomesLogged() {
return mOutcomesLoggedForTesting;
// ============================================================================================
// Native methods.
// ============================================================================================
private native long nativeInit();
private native void nativeDestroy(long nativeContextualSearchRankerLoggerImpl);
private native void nativeLogInt32(
long nativeContextualSearchRankerLoggerImpl, String featureString, int value);
private native void nativeSetupLoggingAndRanker(
long nativeContextualSearchRankerLoggerImpl, WebContents basePageWebContents);
// Returns an AssistRankerPrediction integer value.
private native int nativeRunInference(long nativeContextualSearchRankerLoggerImpl);
private native void nativeWriteLogAndReset(long nativeContextualSearchRankerLoggerImpl);
private native boolean nativeIsQueryEnabled(long nativeContextualSearchRankerLoggerImpl);