blob: 4df8797aee82a980412aa9640f27f1d89e4446f8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <unordered_map>
#include "base/containers/circular_deque.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/permission_bubble/permission_prompt.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents_observer.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents_user_data.h"
enum class PermissionAction;
class PermissionRequest;
namespace test {
class PermissionRequestManagerTestApi;
// Provides access to permissions bubbles. Allows clients to add a request
// callback interface to the existing permission bubble configuration.
// Depending on the situation and policy, that may add new UI to an existing
// permission bubble, create and show a new permission bubble, or provide no
// visible UI action at all. (In that case, the request will be immediately
// informed that the permission request failed.)
// A PermissionRequestManager is associated with a particular WebContents.
// Requests attached to a particular WebContents' PBM must outlive it.
// The PermissionRequestManager should be addressed on the UI thread.
class PermissionRequestManager
: public content::WebContentsObserver,
public content::WebContentsUserData<PermissionRequestManager>,
public PermissionPrompt::Delegate {
class Observer {
virtual void OnBubbleAdded() {}
virtual void OnBubbleRemoved() {}
virtual ~Observer() = default;
enum AutoResponseType {
~PermissionRequestManager() override;
// Adds a new request to the permission bubble. Ownership of the request
// remains with the caller. The caller must arrange for the request to
// outlive the PermissionRequestManager. If a bubble is visible when this
// call is made, the request will be queued up and shown after the current
// bubble closes. A request with message text identical to an outstanding
// request will be merged with the outstanding request, and will have the same
// callbacks called as the outstanding request.
void AddRequest(PermissionRequest* request);
// Will reposition the bubble (may change parent if necessary).
void UpdateAnchorPosition();
// True if a permission bubble is currently visible.
// TODO(hcarmona): Remove this as part of the bubble API work.
bool IsBubbleVisible();
// Get the native window of the bubble.
// TODO(hcarmona): Remove this as part of the bubble API work.
gfx::NativeWindow GetBubbleWindow();
// For observing the status of the permission bubble manager.
void AddObserver(Observer* observer);
void RemoveObserver(Observer* observer);
bool ShouldShowQuietPermissionPrompt();
// Do NOT use this methods in production code. Use this methods in browser
// tests that need to accept or deny permissions when requested in
// JavaScript. Your test needs to set this appropriately, and then the bubble
// will proceed as desired as soon as Show() is called.
void set_auto_response_for_test(AutoResponseType response) {
auto_response_for_test_ = response;
// WebContentsObserver:
void DidStartNavigation(
content::NavigationHandle* navigation_handle) override;
void DidFinishNavigation(
content::NavigationHandle* navigation_handle) override;
void DocumentOnLoadCompletedInMainFrame() override;
void DocumentLoadedInFrame(
content::RenderFrameHost* render_frame_host) override;
void WebContentsDestroyed() override;
void OnVisibilityChanged(content::Visibility visibility) override;
// PermissionPrompt::Delegate:
const std::vector<PermissionRequest*>& Requests() override;
PermissionPrompt::DisplayNameOrOrigin GetDisplayNameOrOrigin() override;
void Accept() override;
void Deny() override;
void Closing() override;
friend class test::PermissionRequestManagerTestApi;
// TODO(felt): Update testing to use the TestApi so that it doesn't involve a
// lot of friends.
friend class GeolocationBrowserTest;
friend class GeolocationPermissionContextTests;
friend class MockPermissionPromptFactory;
friend class PermissionContextBaseTests;
friend class PermissionRequestManagerTest;
friend class content::WebContentsUserData<PermissionRequestManager>;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(DownloadTest, TestMultipleDownloadsBubble);
explicit PermissionRequestManager(content::WebContents* web_contents);
// Posts a task which will allow the bubble to become visible if it is needed.
void ScheduleShowBubble();
// If we aren't already showing a bubble, dequeue and show a pending request.
void DequeueRequestsAndShowBubble();
// Shows the bubble for a request that has just been dequeued, or re-show a
// bubble after switching tabs away and back.
void ShowBubble(bool is_reshow);
// Delete the view object
void DeleteBubble();
// Delete the view object, finalize requests, asynchronously show a queued
// request if present.
void FinalizeBubble(PermissionAction permission_action);
// Cancel all pending or active requests and destroy the PermissionPrompt if
// one exists. This is called if the WebContents is destroyed or navigates its
// main frame.
void CleanUpRequests();
// Searches |requests_|, |queued_requests_| and |queued_frame_requests_| - but
// *not* |duplicate_requests_| - for a request matching |request|, and returns
// the matching request, or |nullptr| if no match. Note that the matching
// request may or may not be the same object as |request|.
PermissionRequest* GetExistingRequest(PermissionRequest* request);
// Calls PermissionGranted on a request and all its duplicates.
void PermissionGrantedIncludingDuplicates(PermissionRequest* request);
// Calls PermissionDenied on a request and all its duplicates.
void PermissionDeniedIncludingDuplicates(PermissionRequest* request);
// Calls Cancelled on a request and all its duplicates.
void CancelledIncludingDuplicates(PermissionRequest* request);
// Calls RequestFinished on a request and all its duplicates.
void RequestFinishedIncludingDuplicates(PermissionRequest* request);
void NotifyBubbleAdded();
void NotifyBubbleRemoved();
void DoAutoResponseForTesting();
// Factory to be used to create views when needed.
PermissionPrompt::Factory view_factory_;
// The UI surface for an active permission prompt if we're displaying one.
// On Desktop, we destroy this upon tab switching, while on Android we keep
// the object alive. The infobar system hides the actual infobar UI and modals
// prevent tab switching.
std::unique_ptr<PermissionPrompt> view_;
// We only show new prompts when both of these are true.
bool main_frame_has_fully_loaded_;
bool tab_is_hidden_;
std::vector<PermissionRequest*> requests_;
base::circular_deque<PermissionRequest*> queued_requests_;
// Maps from the first request of a kind to subsequent requests that were
// duped against it.
std::unordered_multimap<PermissionRequest*, PermissionRequest*>
base::ObserverList<Observer>::Unchecked observer_list_;
AutoResponseType auto_response_for_test_;
// Suppress notification permission prompts in this tab, regardless of the
// origin requesting the permission.
bool is_notification_prompt_cooldown_active_ = false;
base::WeakPtrFactory<PermissionRequestManager> weak_factory_{this};