blob: d2d1fd62110e64fc4209033f338c263c15d1247f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/containers/flat_map.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "chrome/browser/resource_coordinator/site_characteristics_data_reader.h"
#include "chrome/browser/resource_coordinator/tab_manager_features.h"
namespace content {
class WebContents;
namespace resource_coordinator {
// An object that encapsulates session restore policy. For now this is surfaced
// to the TabLoader via TabLoaderDelegate, but eventually TabLoader will be
// merged into TabManager directly.
class SessionRestorePolicy {
// Callback that is used by the policy engine to notify its embedder (the
// TabLoaderDelegate) of changes to tab priorities as they occur. Zero or one
// score updates may be delivered for each contents that is added; callbacks
// associated with an explicit WebContents will only be dispatched while the
// associated WebContents is still being tracked.
// A callback with a nullptr WebContents is used to indicate that all tabs
// have received final scores. This is sent at every transition from "not all
// tabs have final scores" to "all tabs have final scores". This condition is
// always invalidated at the addition of a new tab, and restored once (a) all
// unscored tabs have been removed or (b) all unscored tabs receive a final
// score. This can happen multiple times over the lifetime of a
// SessionRestorePolicy object.
using NotifyTabScoreChangedCallback =
base::RepeatingCallback<void(content::WebContents*, float)>;
// Used as a testing seam.
class Delegate;
// Overridden for testing.
virtual ~SessionRestorePolicy();
size_t simultaneous_tab_loads() const { return simultaneous_tab_loads_; }
void SetTabScoreChangedCallback(
NotifyTabScoreChangedCallback notify_tab_score_changed_callback) {
notify_tab_score_changed_callback_ = notify_tab_score_changed_callback;
// Notifies the policy engine of a tab (represented by |contents|) that will
// be restored. It is expected that the |contents| already be attached to the
// appropriate tab strip model. This returns an initial restore priority
// score for the |contents|. The score may change asynchronously via a call
// to the registered NotifyTabScoreChangedCallback.
float AddTabForScoring(content::WebContents* contents);
// Notifies the policy engine of a tab that is no longer to be restored. No
// score change notifications will be sent for this |contents| after it has
// been removed.
void RemoveTabForScoring(content::WebContents* contents);
// Returns true if the given contents should ever be loaded by
// session restore. If this returns false then session restore should mark the
// tab load as deferred and move onto the next tab to restore. Note that this
// always returns true if the policy logic is disabled.
// Virtual for testing.
virtual bool ShouldLoad(content::WebContents* contents) const;
// Intended to be called by the policy client whenever a tab load has been
// initiated.
void NotifyTabLoadStarted();
// Returns the status of the policy logic.
bool policy_enabled() const { return policy_enabled_; }
// Direct access to parameters for testing.
uint32_t& MinSimultaneousTabLoadsForTesting() {
return min_simultaneous_tab_loads_;
uint32_t& MaxSimultaneousTabLoadsForTesting() {
return max_simultaneous_tab_loads_;
uint32_t& CoresPerSimultaneousTabLoadForTesting() {
return cores_per_simultaneous_tab_load_;
uint32_t& MinTabsToRestoreForTesting() { return min_tabs_to_restore_; }
uint32_t& MaxTabsToRestoreForTesting() { return max_tabs_to_restore_; }
uint32_t& MbFreeMemoryPerTabToRestoreForTesting() {
return mb_free_memory_per_tab_to_restore_;
base::TimeDelta& MaxTimeSinceLastUseToRestoreForTesting() {
return max_time_since_last_use_to_restore_;
uint32_t& MinSiteEngagementToRestoreForTesting() {
return min_site_engagement_to_restore_;
size_t& SimultaneousTabLoadsForTesting() { return simultaneous_tab_loads_; }
void CalculateSimultaneousTabLoadsForTesting() {
simultaneous_tab_loads_ = CalculateSimultaneousTabLoads();
// Protected so can be exposed for unittesting.
// Full constructor for testing.
SessionRestorePolicy(bool policy_enabled, const Delegate* delegate);
// Helper function for computing the number of loading slots to use. All
// parameters are exposed for testing.
static size_t CalculateSimultaneousTabLoads(size_t min_loads,
size_t max_loads,
size_t cores_per_load,
size_t num_cores);
void SetTabLoadsStartedForTesting(size_t tab_loads_started);
void UpdateSiteEngagementScoreForTesting(content::WebContents* contents,
size_t score);
// Holds a handful of data about a tab which is used to prioritize it during
// session restore.
struct TabData {
TabData(const TabData&) = delete;
TabData& operator=(const TabData&) = delete;
TabData& operator=(TabData&&);
// This is used to populate |used_in_bg| once the reader is ready. The
// reader is not available on all platforms and test environments. The
// presence of a reader indicates that the tab is waiting for additional
// data and has not yet provided a final score to the embedder.
std::unique_ptr<SiteCharacteristicsDataReader> reader;
// Indicates whether or not the tab communicates with the user even when it
// is in the background (notifications, tab title changes, favicons, etc).
// This is set asynchronously.
bool used_in_bg = false;
// Indicates whether or not the tab has been pinned by the user. Only
// applicable on desktop platforms.
bool is_pinned = false;
// Indicates whether or not the tab corresponds to a Chrome app (these are
// deprecated but we still support them for now). Only applicable on
// desktop platforms.
bool is_app = false;
// Indicates whether or not the tab corresponds to an internal chrome://
// URL. These are considered lower priority for restoring as they can be
// created locally and usually offline, and have very low latency.
bool is_internal = false;
// The site engagement score associated with the tab. Higher values are for
// sites that see more engagement.
size_t site_engagement = 0;
// How long ago since the tab was last made the active tab by the user. This
// may actually be negative, as it is calculated as a difference between an
// arbitrary notion of "now" and some time in the past. Lower values still
// correspond to more recently used and usually more important tabs.
base::TimeDelta last_active;
// A higher value here means the tab has higher priority for restoring. This
// is calculated based on the values of the above properties, which may
// change as new data becomes available.
float score = 0.0f;
// This is safe to call from the constructor if |delegate_| is already
// initialized.
size_t CalculateSimultaneousTabLoads() const;
// Initializes |used_in_bg| using the data from the |reader|. The reader must
// be initialized at the time this is called.
static void SetUsedInBg(TabData* tab_data);
// Posts a task to invoke "NotifyAllTabsScored".
void DispatchNotifyAllTabsScoredIfNeeded();
// Invokes the |notify_tab_scored_callback_| with a nullptr WebContents,
// notifying the embedder that all tabs have final scores.
void NotifyAllTabsScored();
// Callback that is invoked when the SiteCharacteristicsDataReader associated
// with a WebContents (see TabData above) is ready to use.
void OnDataLoaded(content::WebContents* contents);
// This is a testing seam. By default it immediately redirects to ScoreTab.
// This should return true if the score has changed, false otherwise.
virtual bool RescoreTabAfterDataLoaded(content::WebContents* contents,
TabData* tab_data);
// Calculates a |score| for the given tab. Returns true if it has changed from
// the existing score.
static bool ScoreTab(TabData* tab_data);
// Calculates a score for the "age" of the tab. This is a value between 0
// (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive), where higher values are attributed to newer
// tabs.
static float CalculateAgeScore(const TabData* tab_data);
// Returns true if given tab has had a final score calculated for it.
static bool HasFinalScore(const TabData* tab_data);
// Only used in testing to disable the policy.
const bool policy_enabled_;
// Delegate for interface with the system. This allows easy testing of only
// the logic in this class.
const Delegate* const delegate_;
// The minimum number of tabs to ever load simultaneously. This can be
// exceeded by user actions or load timeouts. See TabLoader for details.
uint32_t min_simultaneous_tab_loads_ = 1;
// The maximum number of simultaneous tab loads that should be permitted.
// Setting to zero means no maximum is applied.
uint32_t max_simultaneous_tab_loads_ = 4;
// The number of CPU cores required before per permitted simultaneous tab
// load. Setting to zero means no CPU core limit applies.
uint32_t cores_per_simultaneous_tab_load_ = 2;
// The minimum total number of tabs to restore (if there are even that many).
uint32_t min_tabs_to_restore_ = 4;
// The maximum total number of tabs to restore in a session restore. Setting
// to zero means no maximum is applied.
uint32_t max_tabs_to_restore_ = 20;
// The required amount of system free memory per tab to restore. Setting to
// zero means no memory limit will be applied.
uint32_t mb_free_memory_per_tab_to_restore_ = 150;
// The maximum time since last use of a tab in order for it to be restored.
// Setting to zero means this logic does not apply.
base::TimeDelta max_time_since_last_use_to_restore_ =
// The minimum site engagement score in order for a tab to be restored.
// Setting this to zero means all tabs will be restored regardless of the
// site engagement score.
uint32_t min_site_engagement_to_restore_ = 15;
// The number of simultaneous tab loads that are permitted by policy. This
// is computed based on the number of cores on the machine, except for in
// tests.
size_t simultaneous_tab_loads_;
// The number of tab loads that have started. Every call to ShouldLoad
// returning to true is assumed to correspond to a tab that starts loading,
// and increments this value.
size_t tab_loads_started_ = 0;
// The number of tabs for which an accurate initial score has been assigned.
// This is incremented only after the full tab data is available, which
// may happen asynchronously.
size_t tabs_scored_ = 0;
// Counts the total number of tabs that were observed to make use of
// background communication mechanisms. This is used to drive some UMA stats.
size_t tabs_used_in_bg_ = 0;
size_t tabs_used_in_bg_restored_ = 0;
// Used to track the state of the "all tabs scored" notification.
enum class NotificationState : uint16_t {
kNotSent = 0,
kEnRoute = 1,
kDelivered = 2,
NotificationState notification_state_ = NotificationState::kDelivered;
// The collection of tabs being tracked and various data used for scoring
// them.
base::flat_map<content::WebContents*, TabData> tab_data_;
// The callback that is invoked in order to update tab restore order.
NotifyTabScoreChangedCallback notify_tab_score_changed_callback_;
// The value of "now" to use when calculating time since a tab was used. A
// constant time is used so that the scores remain constant over the lifetime
// of a session restore. Note that overlapping session restores may end up
// having last active times that are *newer* than this value (thus negative
// ages). CalculateAgeScore can handle this gracefully.
base::TimeTicks now_;
// It's possible for this policy object to be destroyed while it has posted
// notifications in flight. The messages are bound to a weak pointer so that
// they are not delivered after the policy object is destroyed.
base::WeakPtrFactory<SessionRestorePolicy> weak_factory_{this};
// Abstracts away testing seams for the policy engine. In production code the
// default implementation wraps to base::SysInfo and the SiteEngagementService.
class SessionRestorePolicy::Delegate {
virtual ~Delegate();
virtual size_t GetNumberOfCores() const = 0;
virtual size_t GetFreeMemoryMiB() const = 0;
virtual base::TimeTicks NowTicks() const = 0;
virtual size_t GetSiteEngagementScore(
content::WebContents* contents) const = 0;
} // namespace resource_coordinator