blob: 20dc728d7a2666a8b0097168714e3372f35a4151 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (
* (C) 1999 Antti Koivisto (
* (C) 2001 Dirk Mueller (
* Copyright (C) 2004-2011, 2014 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Torch Mobile Inc. All rights reserved.
* (
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/platform/web_focus_type.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/core_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/events/event_target.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/events/simulated_click_options.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/mutation_observer_options.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/node_rare_data.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/tree_scope.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/scroll/scroll_customization.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/style/computed_style_constants.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/bindings/trace_wrapper_member.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/geometry/layout_rect.h"
// This needs to be here because also depends on it.
namespace blink {
class ComputedStyle;
class ContainerNode;
class Document;
class Element;
class Event;
class EventDispatchHandlingState;
class ExceptionState;
class FlatTreeNodeData;
class GetRootNodeOptions;
class HTMLQualifiedName;
class HTMLSlotElement;
class IntRect;
class KURL;
class LayoutBox;
class LayoutBoxModelObject;
class LayoutObject;
class MutationObserver;
class MutationObserverRegistration;
class NodeList;
class NodeListsNodeData;
class NodeOrString;
class NodeRareData;
class QualifiedName;
class RegisteredEventListener;
class SVGQualifiedName;
class ScrollState;
class ScrollStateCallback;
class ShadowRoot;
template <typename NodeType>
class StaticNodeTypeList;
using StaticNodeList = StaticNodeTypeList<Node>;
class StringOrTrustedScript;
class StyleChangeReasonForTracing;
class V8ScrollStateCallback;
class WebPluginContainerImpl;
const int kNodeStyleChangeShift = 18;
const int kNodeCustomElementShift = 20;
// Values for kChildNeedsStyleRecalcFlag, controlling whether a node gets its
// style recalculated.
enum StyleChangeType {
// This node does not need style recalculation.
kNoStyleChange = 0,
// This node needs style recalculation.
kLocalStyleChange = 1 << kNodeStyleChangeShift,
// This node and all of its flat-tree descendeants need style recalculation.
kSubtreeStyleChange = 2 << kNodeStyleChangeShift,
enum class CustomElementState {
kUncustomized = 0,
kCustom = 1 << kNodeCustomElementShift,
kUndefined = 2 << kNodeCustomElementShift,
kFailed = 3 << kNodeCustomElementShift,
kNotDefinedFlag = 2 << kNodeCustomElementShift,
enum class SlotChangeType {
enum class CloneChildrenFlag { kClone, kSkip };
class Node;
// A Node is a base class for all objects in the DOM tree.
// The spec governing this interface can be found here:
class CORE_EXPORT Node : public EventTarget {
friend class TreeScope;
friend class TreeScopeAdopter;
enum NodeType {
kElementNode = 1,
kAttributeNode = 2,
kTextNode = 3,
kCdataSectionNode = 4,
kProcessingInstructionNode = 7,
kCommentNode = 8,
kDocumentNode = 9,
kDocumentTypeNode = 10,
kDocumentFragmentNode = 11,
// Entity, EntityReference, and Notation nodes are impossible to create in
// Blink. But for compatibility reasons we want these enum values exist in
// JS, and this enum makes the bindings generation not complain about
// kEntityReferenceNode being missing from the implementation while not
// requiring all switch(NodeType) blocks to include this deprecated constant.
enum DeprecatedNodeType {
kEntityReferenceNode = 5,
kEntityNode = 6,
kNotationNode = 12,
enum DocumentPosition {
kDocumentPositionEquivalent = 0x00,
kDocumentPositionDisconnected = 0x01,
kDocumentPositionPreceding = 0x02,
kDocumentPositionFollowing = 0x04,
kDocumentPositionContains = 0x08,
kDocumentPositionContainedBy = 0x10,
kDocumentPositionImplementationSpecific = 0x20,
// Override operator new to allocate Node subtype objects onto
// a dedicated heap.
void* operator new(size_t size) { return AllocateObject(size, false); }
static void* AllocateObject(size_t size, bool is_eager) {
ThreadState* state =
const char* type_name = "blink::Node";
return state->Heap().AllocateOnArenaIndex(
state, size,
is_eager ? BlinkGC::kEagerSweepArenaIndex : BlinkGC::kNodeArenaIndex,
GCInfoTrait<EventTarget>::Index(), type_name);
static void DumpStatistics();
~Node() override;
// DOM methods & attributes for Node
bool HasTagName(const HTMLQualifiedName&) const;
bool HasTagName(const SVGQualifiedName&) const;
virtual String nodeName() const = 0;
virtual String nodeValue() const;
virtual void setNodeValue(const String&);
virtual NodeType getNodeType() const = 0;
ContainerNode* parentNode() const;
ContainerNode* ParentNodeWithCounting() const;
Element* parentElement() const;
ContainerNode* ParentElementOrShadowRoot() const;
ContainerNode* ParentElementOrDocumentFragment() const;
Node* previousSibling() const { return previous_; }
Node* nextSibling() const { return next_; }
NodeList* childNodes();
Node* firstChild() const;
Node* lastChild() const;
Node* getRootNode(const GetRootNodeOptions*) const;
// Scroll Customization API. See for details.
void setDistributeScroll(V8ScrollStateCallback*,
const String& native_scroll_behavior);
void setApplyScroll(V8ScrollStateCallback*,
const String& native_scroll_behavior);
void SetApplyScroll(ScrollStateCallback*);
void RemoveApplyScroll();
ScrollStateCallback* GetApplyScroll();
void NativeDistributeScroll(ScrollState&);
void NativeApplyScroll(ScrollState&);
void CallDistributeScroll(ScrollState&);
void CallApplyScroll(ScrollState&);
void WillBeginCustomizedScrollPhase(scroll_customization::ScrollDirection);
void DidEndCustomizedScrollPhase();
Node& TreeRoot() const;
Node& ShadowIncludingRoot() const;
// closed-shadow-hidden is defined at
bool IsClosedShadowHiddenFrom(const Node&) const;
void Prepend(const HeapVector<NodeOrString>&, ExceptionState&);
void Append(const HeapVector<NodeOrString>&, ExceptionState&);
void Before(const HeapVector<NodeOrString>&, ExceptionState&);
void After(const HeapVector<NodeOrString>&, ExceptionState&);
void ReplaceWith(const HeapVector<NodeOrString>&, ExceptionState&);
void remove(ExceptionState&);
void remove();
Node* PseudoAwareNextSibling() const;
Node* PseudoAwarePreviousSibling() const;
Node* PseudoAwareFirstChild() const;
Node* PseudoAwareLastChild() const;
const KURL& baseURI() const;
Node* insertBefore(Node* new_child, Node* ref_child, ExceptionState&);
Node* insertBefore(Node* new_child, Node* ref_child);
Node* replaceChild(Node* new_child, Node* old_child, ExceptionState&);
Node* replaceChild(Node* new_child, Node* old_child);
Node* removeChild(Node* child, ExceptionState&);
Node* removeChild(Node* child);
Node* appendChild(Node* new_child, ExceptionState&);
Node* appendChild(Node* new_child);
bool hasChildren() const { return firstChild(); }
Node* cloneNode(bool deep, ExceptionState&) const;
virtual Node* Clone(Document&, CloneChildrenFlag) const = 0;
// This is not web-exposed. We should rename it or remove it.
Node* cloneNode(bool deep) const;
void normalize();
bool isEqualNode(Node*) const;
bool isSameNode(const Node* other) const { return this == other; }
bool isDefaultNamespace(const AtomicString& namespace_uri) const;
const AtomicString& lookupPrefix(const AtomicString& namespace_uri) const;
const AtomicString& lookupNamespaceURI(const String& prefix) const;
String textContent(bool convert_brs_to_newlines = false) const;
void setTextContent(const String&);
void textContent(StringOrTrustedScript& result);
virtual void setTextContent(const StringOrTrustedScript&, ExceptionState&);
bool SupportsAltText();
void SetComputedStyle(scoped_refptr<ComputedStyle> computed_style);
// Other methods (not part of DOM)
bool IsElementNode() const { return GetFlag(kIsElementFlag); }
bool IsContainerNode() const { return GetFlag(kIsContainerFlag); }
bool IsTextNode() const { return GetFlag(kIsTextFlag); }
bool IsHTMLElement() const { return GetFlag(kIsHTMLFlag); }
bool IsSVGElement() const { return GetFlag(kIsSVGFlag); }
DISABLE_CFI_PERF bool IsPseudoElement() const {
return GetPseudoId() != kPseudoIdNone;
DISABLE_CFI_PERF bool IsBeforePseudoElement() const {
return GetPseudoId() == kPseudoIdBefore;
DISABLE_CFI_PERF bool IsAfterPseudoElement() const {
return GetPseudoId() == kPseudoIdAfter;
DISABLE_CFI_PERF bool IsFirstLetterPseudoElement() const {
return GetPseudoId() == kPseudoIdFirstLetter;
virtual PseudoId GetPseudoId() const { return kPseudoIdNone; }
CustomElementState GetCustomElementState() const {
return static_cast<CustomElementState>(node_flags_ &
bool IsCustomElement() const {
return GetCustomElementState() != CustomElementState::kUncustomized;
void SetCustomElementState(CustomElementState);
bool IsV0CustomElement() const { return GetFlag(kV0CustomElementFlag); }
enum V0CustomElementState {
kV0NotCustomElement = 0,
kV0WaitingForUpgrade = 1 << 0,
kV0Upgraded = 1 << 1
V0CustomElementState GetV0CustomElementState() const {
return IsV0CustomElement()
? (GetFlag(kV0CustomElementUpgradedFlag) ? kV0Upgraded
: kV0WaitingForUpgrade)
: kV0NotCustomElement;
void SetV0CustomElementState(V0CustomElementState new_state);
virtual bool IsMediaControlElement() const { return false; }
virtual bool IsMediaControls() const { return false; }
virtual bool IsTextTrackContainer() const { return false; }
virtual bool IsVTTElement() const { return false; }
virtual bool IsAttributeNode() const { return false; }
virtual bool IsCharacterDataNode() const { return false; }
virtual bool IsFrameOwnerElement() const { return false; }
virtual bool IsMediaRemotingInterstitial() const { return false; }
virtual bool IsPictureInPictureInterstitial() const { return false; }
// Traverses the ancestors of this node and returns true if any of them are
// either a MediaControlElement or MediaControls.
bool HasMediaControlAncestor() const;
bool IsStyledElement() const;
bool IsDocumentNode() const;
bool IsTreeScope() const;
bool IsDocumentFragment() const { return GetFlag(kIsDocumentFragmentFlag); }
bool IsShadowRoot() const { return IsDocumentFragment() && IsTreeScope(); }
bool IsV0InsertionPoint() const { return GetFlag(kIsV0InsertionPointFlag); }
bool CanParticipateInFlatTree() const;
bool IsActiveSlotOrActiveV0InsertionPoint() const;
// A re-distribution across v0 and v1 shadow trees is not supported.
bool IsSlotable() const {
return IsTextNode() || (IsElementNode() && !IsV0InsertionPoint());
AtomicString SlotName() const;
bool HasCustomStyleCallbacks() const {
return GetFlag(kHasCustomStyleCallbacksFlag);
// If this node is in a shadow tree, returns its shadow host. Otherwise,
// returns nullptr.
Element* OwnerShadowHost() const;
// containingShadowRoot() can return nullptr even if
// isInShadowTree() returns true.
// This can happen when handling queued events (e.g. during execCommand())
ShadowRoot* ContainingShadowRoot() const;
ShadowRoot* GetShadowRoot() const;
bool IsInUserAgentShadowRoot() const;
// Returns nullptr, a child of ShadowRoot, or a legacy shadow root.
Node* NonBoundaryShadowTreeRootNode();
// Node's parent, shadow tree host.
ContainerNode* ParentOrShadowHostNode() const;
Element* ParentOrShadowHostElement() const;
void SetParentOrShadowHostNode(ContainerNode*);
// Knows about all kinds of hosts.
ContainerNode* ParentOrShadowHostOrTemplateHostNode() const;
// Returns the parent node, but nullptr if the parent node is a ShadowRoot.
ContainerNode* NonShadowBoundaryParentNode() const;
// Returns the enclosing event parent Element (or self) that, when clicked,
// would trigger a navigation.
Element* EnclosingLinkEventParentOrSelf() const;
// These low-level calls give the caller responsibility for maintaining the
// integrity of the tree.
void SetPreviousSibling(Node* previous) { previous_ = previous; }
void SetNextSibling(Node* next) { next_ = next; }
virtual bool CanContainRangeEndPoint() const { return false; }
// For <link> and <style> elements.
virtual bool SheetLoaded() { return true; }
enum LoadedSheetErrorStatus {
virtual void NotifyLoadedSheetAndAllCriticalSubresources(
LoadedSheetErrorStatus) {}
virtual void StartLoadingDynamicSheet() { NOTREACHED(); }
bool HasName() const {
return GetFlag(kHasNameOrIsEditingTextFlag);
bool IsUserActionElement() const { return GetFlag(kIsUserActionElementFlag); }
void SetUserActionElement(bool flag) {
SetFlag(flag, kIsUserActionElementFlag);
bool IsActive() const {
return IsUserActionElement() && IsUserActionElementActive();
bool InActiveChain() const {
return IsUserActionElement() && IsUserActionElementInActiveChain();
bool IsDragged() const {
return IsUserActionElement() && IsUserActionElementDragged();
bool IsHovered() const {
return IsUserActionElement() && IsUserActionElementHovered();
// Note: As a shadow host whose root with delegatesFocus=false may become
// focused state when an inner element gets focused, in that case more than
// one elements in a document can return true for |isFocused()|. Use
// Element::isFocusedElementInDocument() or Document::focusedElement() to
// check which element is exactly focused.
bool IsFocused() const {
return IsUserActionElement() && IsUserActionElementFocused();
bool HasFocusWithin() const {
return IsUserActionElement() && IsUserActionElementHasFocusWithin();
// True if the style recalc process should recalculate style for this node.
bool NeedsStyleRecalc() const {
return GetStyleChangeType() != kNoStyleChange;
StyleChangeType GetStyleChangeType() const {
return static_cast<StyleChangeType>(node_flags_ & kStyleChangeMask);
// True if the style recalculation process should traverse this node's
// children when looking for nodes that need recalculation.
bool ChildNeedsStyleRecalc() const {
return GetFlag(kChildNeedsStyleRecalcFlag);
bool IsLink() const { return GetFlag(kIsLinkFlag); }
bool IsEditingText() const {
return GetFlag(kHasNameOrIsEditingTextFlag);
void SetHasName(bool f) {
SetFlag(f, kHasNameOrIsEditingTextFlag);
void SetChildNeedsStyleRecalc() { SetFlag(kChildNeedsStyleRecalcFlag); }
void ClearChildNeedsStyleRecalc() { ClearFlag(kChildNeedsStyleRecalcFlag); }
// Sets the flag for the current node and also calls
// MarkAncestorsWithChildNeedsStyleRecalc
void SetNeedsStyleRecalc(StyleChangeType, const StyleChangeReasonForTracing&);
void ClearNeedsStyleRecalc();
// Propagates a dirty bit breadcrumb for this element up the ancestor chain.
void MarkAncestorsWithChildNeedsStyleRecalc();
// Nodes which are not connected are style clean. Mark them for style recalc
// when inserting them into a document. This method was added as a light-
// weight alternative to SetNeedsStyleRecalc because using that method caused
// a micro-benchmark regression (
void SetStyleChangeOnInsertion() {
if (!NeedsStyleRecalc())
bool NeedsReattachLayoutTree() const {
return GetFlag(kNeedsReattachLayoutTree);
bool ChildNeedsReattachLayoutTree() const {
return GetFlag(kChildNeedsReattachLayoutTree);
void SetNeedsReattachLayoutTree();
void SetChildNeedsReattachLayoutTree() {
void ClearNeedsReattachLayoutTree() { ClearFlag(kNeedsReattachLayoutTree); }
void ClearChildNeedsReattachLayoutTree() {
void MarkAncestorsWithChildNeedsReattachLayoutTree();
// Mark node for forced layout tree re-attach during next lifecycle update.
// This is to trigger layout tree re-attachment when we cannot detect that we
// need to re-attach based on the computed style changes. This can happen when
// re-slotting shadow host children, for instance.
void SetForceReattachLayoutTree();
bool GetForceReattachLayoutTree() const {
return GetFlag(kForceReattachLayoutTree);
bool NeedsDistributionRecalc() const;
bool ChildNeedsDistributionRecalc() const {
return GetFlag(kChildNeedsDistributionRecalcFlag);
void SetChildNeedsDistributionRecalc() {
void ClearChildNeedsDistributionRecalc() {
void MarkAncestorsWithChildNeedsDistributionRecalc();
// True if the style invalidation process should traverse this node's children
// when looking for pending invalidations.
bool ChildNeedsStyleInvalidation() const {
return GetFlag(kChildNeedsStyleInvalidationFlag);
void SetChildNeedsStyleInvalidation() {
void ClearChildNeedsStyleInvalidation() {
void MarkAncestorsWithChildNeedsStyleInvalidation();
// True if there are pending invalidations against this node.
bool NeedsStyleInvalidation() const {
return GetFlag(kNeedsStyleInvalidationFlag);
void ClearNeedsStyleInvalidation() { ClearFlag(kNeedsStyleInvalidationFlag); }
// Sets the flag for the current node and also calls
// MarkAncestorsWithChildNeedsStyleInvalidation
void SetNeedsStyleInvalidation();
// This needs to be called before using FlatTreeTraversal.
// Once Shadow DOM v0 is removed, this function can be removed.
void UpdateDistributionForFlatTreeTraversal() {
// This is not what you might want to call in most cases.
// You should call UpdateDistributionForFlatTreeTraversal, instead.
// Only the implementation of v0 shadow trees uses this.
void UpdateDistributionForLegacyDistributedNodes() {
// The implementation is same to UpdateDistributionForFlatTreeTraversal.
// Please don't use this function.
// Background: When we investigated the usage of (old) UpdateDistribution,
// some caller's intents were unclear. Thus, we had to introduce this function
// for the sake of safety. If we can figure out the intent of each caller, we
// can replace that with calling UpdateDistributionForFlatTreeTraversal (or
// just RecalcSlotAssignments()) on a case-by-case basis.
void UpdateDistributionForUnknownReasons();
bool MayContainLegacyNodeTreeWhereDistributionShouldBeSupported() const;
void SetIsLink(bool f);
bool HasEventTargetData() const { return GetFlag(kHasEventTargetDataFlag); }
void SetHasEventTargetData(bool flag) {
SetFlag(flag, kHasEventTargetDataFlag);
virtual void SetFocused(bool flag, WebFocusType);
virtual void SetHasFocusWithin(bool flag);
virtual void SetActive(bool flag = true);
virtual void SetDragged(bool flag);
virtual void SetHovered(bool flag = true);
virtual int tabIndex() const;
virtual const Node* FocusDelegate() const;
// This is called only when the node is focused.
virtual bool ShouldHaveFocusAppearance() const;
// Whether the node is inert:
// This can't be in Element because text nodes must be recognized as
// inert to prevent text selection.
bool IsInert() const;
virtual LayoutRect BoundingBox() const;
IntRect PixelSnappedBoundingBox() const {
return PixelSnappedIntRect(BoundingBox());
// BoundingBoxForScrollIntoView() is the node's scroll snap area.
// It is expanded from the BoundingBox() by scroll-margin.
LayoutRect BoundingBoxForScrollIntoView() const;
unsigned NodeIndex() const;
// Returns the DOM ownerDocument attribute. This method never returns null,
// except in the case of a Document node.
Document* ownerDocument() const;
// Returns the document associated with this node. A Document node returns
// itself.
Document& GetDocument() const { return GetTreeScope().GetDocument(); }
TreeScope& GetTreeScope() const {
return *tree_scope_;
TreeScope& ContainingTreeScope() const {
return *tree_scope_;
bool InActiveDocument() const;
// Returns true if this node is connected to a document, false otherwise.
// See for the definition.
bool isConnected() const { return GetFlag(kIsConnectedFlag); }
bool IsInDocumentTree() const { return isConnected() && !IsInShadowTree(); }
bool IsInShadowTree() const { return GetFlag(kIsInShadowTreeFlag); }
bool IsInTreeScope() const {
return GetFlag(
static_cast<NodeFlags>(kIsConnectedFlag | kIsInShadowTreeFlag));
ShadowRoot* ParentElementShadowRoot() const;
bool IsInV1ShadowTree() const;
bool IsInV0ShadowTree() const;
bool IsChildOfV1ShadowHost() const;
bool IsChildOfV0ShadowHost() const;
ShadowRoot* V1ShadowRootOfParent() const;
ContainerNode* GetReattachParent() const;
bool IsDocumentTypeNode() const { return getNodeType() == kDocumentTypeNode; }
virtual bool ChildTypeAllowed(NodeType) const { return false; }
unsigned CountChildren() const;
bool IsDescendantOf(const Node*) const;
bool contains(const Node*) const;
bool IsShadowIncludingInclusiveAncestorOf(const Node*) const;
bool ContainsIncludingHostElements(const Node&) const;
Node* CommonAncestor(const Node&,
ContainerNode* (*parent)(const Node&)) const;
// Whether or not a selection can be started in this object
virtual bool CanStartSelection() const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Integration with layout tree
// As layoutObject() includes a branch you should avoid calling it repeatedly
// in hot code paths.
// Note that if a Node has a layoutObject, it's parentNode is guaranteed to
// have one as well.
LayoutObject* GetLayoutObject() const {
return HasRareData()
? data_.rare_data_->GetNodeRenderingData()->GetLayoutObject()
: data_.node_layout_data_->GetLayoutObject();
void SetLayoutObject(LayoutObject*);
// Use these two methods with caution.
LayoutBox* GetLayoutBox() const;
LayoutBoxModelObject* GetLayoutBoxModelObject() const;
struct AttachContext {
// Keep track of previously attached in-flow box during attachment so that
// we don't need to backtrack past display:none/contents and out of flow
// objects when we need to do whitespace re-attachment.
LayoutObject* previous_in_flow = nullptr;
bool performing_reattach = false;
// True if the previous_in_flow member is up-to-date, even if it is nullptr.
bool use_previous_in_flow = false;
AttachContext() {}
// Attaches this node to the layout tree. This calculates the style to be
// applied to the node and creates an appropriate LayoutObject which will be
// inserted into the tree (except when the style has display: none). This
// makes the node visible in the LocalFrameView.
virtual void AttachLayoutTree(AttachContext&);
// Detaches the node from the layout tree, making it invisible in the rendered
// view. This method will remove the node's layout object from the layout tree
// and delete it.
virtual void DetachLayoutTree(const AttachContext& = AttachContext());
void ReattachLayoutTree() {
AttachContext context;
void ReattachLayoutTree(AttachContext&);
// TODO(futhark): Get rid of this method by replacing it with
// SetForceReattachLayoutTree + SetNeedsStyleRecalc, or DetachLayoutTree as
// appropriate.
void LazyReattachIfAttached();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Inline ComputedStyle accessors
// Note that the following 'inline' functions are not defined in this header,
// but in node_computed_style.h. Please include that file if you want to use
// these functions.
ComputedStyle* MutableComputedStyle() const;
const ComputedStyle* GetComputedStyle() const;
const ComputedStyle* ParentComputedStyle() const;
const ComputedStyle& ComputedStyleRef() const;
const ComputedStyle* EnsureComputedStyle(
PseudoId pseudo_element_specifier = kPseudoIdNone) {
return VirtualEnsureComputedStyle(pseudo_element_specifier);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Notification of document structure changes (see container_node.h for more
// notification methods)
// At first, Blinkt notifies the node that it has been inserted into the
// document. This is called during document parsing, and also when a node is
// added through the DOM methods insertBefore(), appendChild() or
// replaceChild(). The call happens _after_ the node has been added to the
// tree. This is similar to the DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument DOM event, but
// does not require the overhead of event dispatching.
// Blink notifies this callback regardless if the subtree of the node is a
// document tree or a floating subtree. Implementation can determine the type
// of subtree by seeing insertionPoint->isConnected(). For a performance
// reason, notifications are delivered only to ContainerNode subclasses if the
// insertionPoint is out of document.
// There are another callback named didNotifySubtreeInsertionsToDocument(),
// which is called after all the descendant is notified, if this node was
// inserted into the document tree. Only a few subclasses actually need
// this. To utilize this, the node should return
// InsertionShouldCallDidNotifySubtreeInsertions from insertedInto().
enum InsertionNotificationRequest {
virtual InsertionNotificationRequest InsertedInto(
ContainerNode& insertion_point);
virtual void DidNotifySubtreeInsertionsToDocument() {}
// Notifies the node that it is no longer part of the tree.
// This is a dual of insertedInto(), and is similar to the
// DOMNodeRemovedFromDocument DOM event, but does not require the overhead of
// event dispatching, and is called _after_ the node is removed from the tree.
virtual void RemovedFrom(ContainerNode& insertion_point);
// FIXME(dominicc): This method is not debug-only--it is used by
// Tracing--rename it to something indicative.
String DebugName() const;
String ToString() const;
#ifndef NDEBUG
String ToTreeStringForThis() const;
String ToFlatTreeStringForThis() const;
void PrintNodePathTo(std::ostream&) const;
String ToMarkedTreeString(const Node* marked_node1,
const char* marked_label1,
const Node* marked_node2 = nullptr,
const char* marked_label2 = nullptr) const;
String ToMarkedFlatTreeString(const Node* marked_node1,
const char* marked_label1,
const Node* marked_node2 = nullptr,
const char* marked_label2 = nullptr) const;
void ShowTreeForThisAcrossFrame() const;
NodeListsNodeData* NodeLists();
void ClearNodeLists();
FlatTreeNodeData* GetFlatTreeNodeData() const;
FlatTreeNodeData& EnsureFlatTreeNodeData();
void ClearFlatTreeNodeData();
virtual bool WillRespondToMouseMoveEvents();
virtual bool WillRespondToMouseClickEvents();
virtual bool WillRespondToTouchEvents();
enum ShadowTreesTreatment {
unsigned short compareDocumentPosition(
const Node*,
ShadowTreesTreatment = kTreatShadowTreesAsDisconnected) const;
const AtomicString& InterfaceName() const override;
ExecutionContext* GetExecutionContext() const final;
void RemoveAllEventListeners() override;
void RemoveAllEventListenersRecursively();
// Handlers to do/undo actions on the target node before an event is
// dispatched to it and after the event has been dispatched. The data pointer
// is handed back by the preDispatch and passed to postDispatch.
virtual EventDispatchHandlingState* PreDispatchEventHandler(Event&) {
return nullptr;
virtual void PostDispatchEventHandler(Event&, EventDispatchHandlingState*) {}
void DispatchScopedEvent(Event&);
virtual void HandleLocalEvents(Event&);
void DispatchSubtreeModifiedEvent();
DispatchEventResult DispatchDOMActivateEvent(int detail,
Event& underlying_event);
void DispatchSimulatedClick(Event* underlying_event,
SimulatedClickMouseEventOptions = kSendNoEvents,
SimulatedClickCreationScope =
void DispatchInputEvent();
// Perform the default action for an event.
virtual void DefaultEventHandler(Event&);
virtual void WillCallDefaultEventHandler(const Event&);
// Should return true if this Node has activation behavior.
virtual bool HasActivationBehavior() const;
EventTargetData* GetEventTargetData() override;
EventTargetData& EnsureEventTargetData() override;
void GetRegisteredMutationObserversOfType(
HeapHashMap<Member<MutationObserver>, MutationRecordDeliveryOptions>&,
const QualifiedName* attribute_name);
void RegisterMutationObserver(MutationObserver&,
const HashSet<AtomicString>& attribute_filter);
void UnregisterMutationObserver(MutationObserverRegistration*);
void RegisterTransientMutationObserver(MutationObserverRegistration*);
void UnregisterTransientMutationObserver(MutationObserverRegistration*);
void NotifyMutationObserversNodeWillDetach();
unsigned ConnectedSubframeCount() const;
void IncrementConnectedSubframeCount();
void DecrementConnectedSubframeCount();
StaticNodeList* getDestinationInsertionPoints();
HTMLSlotElement* AssignedSlot() const;
HTMLSlotElement* FinalDestinationSlot() const;
HTMLSlotElement* assignedSlotForBinding();
bool IsFinishedParsingChildren() const {
return GetFlag(kIsFinishedParsingChildrenFlag);
void CheckSlotChange(SlotChangeType);
void CheckSlotChangeAfterInserted() {
void CheckSlotChangeBeforeRemoved() {
void FlatTreeParentChanged();
void RemovedFromFlatTree() {
// This node was previously part of the flat tree, but due to slot re-
// assignment it no longer is. We need to detach the layout tree.
void SetHasDuplicateAttributes() { SetFlag(kHasDuplicateAttributes); }
bool HasDuplicateAttribute() const {
return GetFlag(kHasDuplicateAttributes);
void SetInDOMNodeRemovedHandler(bool flag) {
SetFlag(flag, kInDOMNodeRemovedHandler);
bool InDOMNodeRemovedHandler() const {
return GetFlag(kInDOMNodeRemovedHandler);
bool IsEffectiveRootScroller() const;
// If the node is a plugin, then this returns its WebPluginContainer.
WebPluginContainerImpl* GetWebPluginContainer() const;
void Trace(Visitor*) override;
enum NodeFlags {
kHasRareDataFlag = 1,
// Node type flags. These never change once created.
kIsTextFlag = 1 << 1,
kIsContainerFlag = 1 << 2,
kIsElementFlag = 1 << 3,
kIsHTMLFlag = 1 << 4,
kIsSVGFlag = 1 << 5,
kIsDocumentFragmentFlag = 1 << 6,
kIsV0InsertionPointFlag = 1 << 7,
// Changes based on if the element should be treated like a link,
// ex. When setting the href attribute on an <a>.
kIsLinkFlag = 1 << 8,
// Changes based on :hover, :active and :focus state.
kIsUserActionElementFlag = 1 << 9,
// Tree state flags. These change when the element is added/removed
// from a DOM tree.
kIsConnectedFlag = 1 << 10,
kIsInShadowTreeFlag = 1 << 11,
// Set by the parser when the children are done parsing.
kIsFinishedParsingChildrenFlag = 1 << 12,
// Flags related to recalcStyle.
kHasCustomStyleCallbacksFlag = 1 << 13,
kChildNeedsStyleInvalidationFlag = 1 << 14,
kNeedsStyleInvalidationFlag = 1 << 15,
kChildNeedsDistributionRecalcFlag = 1 << 16,
kChildNeedsStyleRecalcFlag = 1 << 17,
kStyleChangeMask =
1 << kNodeStyleChangeShift | 1 << (kNodeStyleChangeShift + 1),
kCustomElementStateMask = 0x3 << kNodeCustomElementShift,
kHasNameOrIsEditingTextFlag = 1 << 22,
kHasEventTargetDataFlag = 1 << 23,
kV0CustomElementFlag = 1 << 24,
kV0CustomElementUpgradedFlag = 1 << 25,
kNeedsReattachLayoutTree = 1 << 26,
kChildNeedsReattachLayoutTree = 1 << 27,
kHasDuplicateAttributes = 1 << 28,
// Temporary flag for some UseCounter items.
kInDOMNodeRemovedHandler = 1 << 29,
kForceReattachLayoutTree = 1 << 30,
kDefaultNodeFlags = kIsFinishedParsingChildrenFlag,
// 1 bit remaining.
bool GetFlag(NodeFlags mask) const { return node_flags_ & mask; }
void SetFlag(bool f, NodeFlags mask) {
node_flags_ = (node_flags_ & ~mask) | (-(int32_t)f & mask);
void SetFlag(NodeFlags mask) { node_flags_ |= mask; }
void ClearFlag(NodeFlags mask) { node_flags_ &= ~mask; }
enum ConstructionType {
kCreateOther = kIsFinishedParsingChildrenFlag,
kCreateText = kDefaultNodeFlags | kIsTextFlag,
kCreateContainer = kDefaultNodeFlags | kIsContainerFlag,
kCreateElement = kCreateContainer | kIsElementFlag,
kCreateShadowRoot =
kCreateContainer | kIsDocumentFragmentFlag | kIsInShadowTreeFlag,
kCreateDocumentFragment = kCreateContainer | kIsDocumentFragmentFlag,
kCreateHTMLElement = kCreateElement | kIsHTMLFlag,
kCreateSVGElement = kCreateElement | kIsSVGFlag,
kCreateDocument = kCreateContainer | kIsConnectedFlag,
kCreateV0InsertionPoint = kCreateHTMLElement | kIsV0InsertionPointFlag,
kCreateEditingText = kCreateText | kHasNameOrIsEditingTextFlag,
Node(TreeScope*, ConstructionType);
virtual void WillMoveToNewDocument(Document& old_document,
Document& new_document);
virtual void DidMoveToNewDocument(Document& old_document);
void AddedEventListener(const AtomicString& event_type,
RegisteredEventListener&) override;
void RemovedEventListener(const AtomicString& event_type,
const RegisteredEventListener&) override;
DispatchEventResult DispatchEventInternal(Event&) override;
bool HasRareData() const { return GetFlag(kHasRareDataFlag); }
NodeRareData* RareData() const {
return static_cast<NodeRareData*>(data_.rare_data_);
NodeRareData& EnsureRareData() {
if (HasRareData())
return *RareData();
return CreateRareData();
void SetHasCustomStyleCallbacks() {
SetFlag(true, kHasCustomStyleCallbacksFlag);
void SetTreeScope(TreeScope* scope) { tree_scope_ = scope; }
void SetIsFinishedParsingChildren(bool value) {
SetFlag(value, kIsFinishedParsingChildrenFlag);
// Gets nodeName without caching AtomicStrings. Used by
// debugName. Compositor may call debugName from the "impl" thread
// during "commit". The main thread is stopped at that time, but
// it is not safe to cache AtomicStrings because those are
// per-thread.
virtual String DebugNodeName() const;
Node* ToNode() final;
bool IsUserActionElementActive() const;
bool IsUserActionElementInActiveChain() const;
bool IsUserActionElementDragged() const;
bool IsUserActionElementHovered() const;
bool IsUserActionElementFocused() const;
bool IsUserActionElementHasFocusWithin() const;
void UpdateDistributionInternal();
void RecalcDistribution();
void SetStyleChange(StyleChangeType change_type) {
node_flags_ = (node_flags_ & ~kStyleChangeMask) | change_type;
virtual const ComputedStyle* VirtualEnsureComputedStyle(
PseudoId = kPseudoIdNone);
void TrackForDebugging();
NodeRareData& CreateRareData();
const HeapVector<TraceWrapperMember<MutationObserverRegistration>>*
const HeapHashSet<TraceWrapperMember<MutationObserverRegistration>>*
uint32_t node_flags_;
TraceWrapperMember<Node> parent_or_shadow_host_node_;
Member<TreeScope> tree_scope_;
TraceWrapperMember<Node> previous_;
TraceWrapperMember<Node> next_;
// When a node has rare data we move the layoutObject into the rare data.
union DataUnion {
DataUnion() : node_layout_data_(&NodeRenderingData::SharedEmptyData()) {}
// LayoutObjects are fully owned by their DOM node. See LayoutObject's
// LIFETIME documentation section.
NodeRenderingData* node_layout_data_;
NodeRareDataBase* rare_data_;
} data_;
inline void Node::SetParentOrShadowHostNode(ContainerNode* parent) {
parent_or_shadow_host_node_ = reinterpret_cast<Node*>(parent);
inline ContainerNode* Node::ParentOrShadowHostNode() const {
return reinterpret_cast<ContainerNode*>(parent_or_shadow_host_node_.Get());
// Allow equality comparisons of Nodes by reference or pointer, interchangeably.
#define DEFINE_NODE_TYPE_CASTS(thisType, predicate) \
DEFINE_TYPE_CASTS(thisType, Node, node, node->predicate, node.predicate)
// This requires isClassName(const Node&).
DEFINE_TYPE_CASTS(thisType, Node, node, Is##thisType(*node), \
#define DECLARE_NODE_FACTORY(T) static T* Create(Document&)
T* T::Create(Document& document) { return MakeGarbageCollected<T>(document); }
CORE_EXPORT std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const Node&);
CORE_EXPORT std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const Node*);
} // namespace blink
#ifndef NDEBUG
// Outside the WebCore namespace for ease of invocation from gdb.
void showNode(const blink::Node*);
void showTree(const blink::Node*);
void showNodePath(const blink::Node*);