blob: 73f947f96e833b84b777d086674d260ab117d73b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/vr/elements/scaled_depth_adjuster.h"
#include <memory>
#include "cc/test/geometry_test_utils.h"
#include "chrome/browser/vr/test/animation_utils.h"
#include "chrome/browser/vr/test/constants.h"
#include "chrome/browser/vr/ui_scene.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
namespace vr {
void CheckScaleAndDepth(UiElement* element, float s) {
EXPECT_POINT3F_EQ(gfx::Point3F(0, 0, -s), element->GetCenter());
gfx::Point3F x(1.0f, 0, 0);
EXPECT_POINT3F_EQ(gfx::Point3F(s, 0, -s), x);
// This test confirms that an element is both positioned the right distance from
// the origin and that the inherited scale is correct (should match the distance
// in magnitude).
TEST(ScaledDepthAdjuster, SimpleDepth) {
UiScene scene;
auto element = std::make_unique<UiElement>();
auto* p_element = element.get();
auto adjuster = std::make_unique<ScaledDepthAdjuster>(2.5);
scene.AddUiElement(kRoot, std::move(adjuster));
scene.OnBeginFrame(MsToTicks(0), kStartHeadPose);
CheckScaleAndDepth(p_element, 2.5);
// This test confirms that depth and scale adjustments work correctly if nested.
// Constructs a scene that appears as follows:
// kRoot
// grandparent scaler (2.5)
// grandparent
// parent scaler(-.1)
// parent
// child scaler(.2)
// child
TEST(ScaledDepthAdjuster, InheritedDepth) {
UiScene scene;
auto child = std::make_unique<UiElement>();
auto* p_child = child.get();
auto child_adjuster = std::make_unique<ScaledDepthAdjuster>(0.2f);
auto parent = std::make_unique<UiElement>();
auto* p_parent = parent.get();
auto parent_adjuster = std::make_unique<ScaledDepthAdjuster>(-0.1f);
auto grandparent = std::make_unique<UiElement>();
auto* p_grandparent = grandparent.get();
auto grandparent_adjuster = std::make_unique<ScaledDepthAdjuster>(2.5f);
scene.AddUiElement(kRoot, std::move(grandparent_adjuster));
scene.OnBeginFrame(MsToTicks(0), kStartHeadPose);
CheckScaleAndDepth(p_child, 2.6f);
CheckScaleAndDepth(p_parent, 2.4f);
CheckScaleAndDepth(p_grandparent, 2.5f);
} // namespace vr