blob: 638d497aaa338149082513ee142657ccf5750e19 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/component_export.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h"
namespace ash {
class AssistantUiModelObserver;
// Enumeration of Assistant entry points. These values are persisted to logs.
// Entries should not be renumbered and numeric values should never be reused.
// Only append to this enum is allowed if the possible entry source grows.
enum class AssistantEntryPoint {
kUnspecified = 0,
kDeepLink = 1,
kHotkey = 2,
kHotword = 3,
kLauncherSearchBox = 4,
kLongPressLauncher = 5,
kSetup = 6,
kStylus = 7,
kLauncherSearchResult = 8,
kLauncherSearchBoxMic = 9,
// Special enumerator value used by histogram macros.
kMaxValue = kLauncherSearchBoxMic
// Enumeration of Assistant exit points. These values are persisted to logs.
// Entries should not be renumbered and numeric values should never be reused.
// Only append to this enum is allowed if the possible exit source grows.
enum class AssistantExitPoint {
// Includes keyboard interruptions (e.g. launching Chrome OS feedback
// using keyboard shortcuts, pressing search button).
kUnspecified = 0,
kCloseButton = 1,
kHotkey = 2,
kNewBrowserTabFromServer = 3,
kNewBrowserTabFromUser = 4,
kOutsidePress = 5,
kSetup = 6,
kStylus = 7,
kBackInLauncher = 8,
kLauncherClose = 9,
kLauncherOpen = 10,
// Special enumerator value used by histogram macros.
kMaxValue = kLauncherOpen
// Enumeration of Assistant UI modes.
enum class AssistantUiMode {
// Enumeration of Assistant visibility states.
enum class AssistantVisibility {
kClosed, // Assistant UI is hidden and the previous session has finished.
kHidden, // Assistant UI is hidden and the previous session is paused.
kVisible, // Assistant UI is visible and a session is in progress.
// Enumeration of Assistant button ID. These values are persisted to logs.
// Entries should not be renumbered and numeric values should never be reused.
// Only append to this enum is allowed if more buttons will be added.
enum class AssistantButtonId {
kBack = 1,
kClose = 2,
kMinimize = 3,
kKeyboardInputToggle = 4,
kVoiceInputToggle = 5,
kSettings = 6,
kBackInLauncherDeprecated = 7,
kMaxValue = kBackInLauncherDeprecated
// Models the Assistant UI.
// Adds/removes the specified |observer|.
void AddObserver(AssistantUiModelObserver* observer);
void RemoveObserver(AssistantUiModelObserver* observer);
// Sets the UI mode.
void SetUiMode(AssistantUiMode ui_mode);
// Returns the UI mode.
AssistantUiMode ui_mode() const { return ui_mode_; }
// Sets the UI visibility.
void SetVisible(AssistantEntryPoint entry_point);
void SetHidden(AssistantExitPoint exit_point);
void SetClosed(AssistantExitPoint exit_point);
AssistantVisibility visibility() const { return visibility_; }
// Sets the current usable work area.
void SetUsableWorkArea(const gfx::Rect& usable_work_area);
// Returns the current usable work area.
const gfx::Rect& usable_work_area() const { return usable_work_area_; }
// Returns the UI entry point. Only valid while UI is visible.
AssistantEntryPoint entry_point() const { return entry_point_; }
void SetVisibility(AssistantVisibility visibility,
base::Optional<AssistantEntryPoint> entry_point,
base::Optional<AssistantExitPoint> exit_point);
void NotifyUiModeChanged();
void NotifyUiVisibilityChanged(
AssistantVisibility old_visibility,
base::Optional<AssistantEntryPoint> entry_point,
base::Optional<AssistantExitPoint> exit_point);
void NotifyUsableWorkAreaChanged();
AssistantUiMode ui_mode_;
AssistantVisibility visibility_ = AssistantVisibility::kClosed;
AssistantEntryPoint entry_point_ = AssistantEntryPoint::kUnspecified;
base::ObserverList<AssistantUiModelObserver> observers_;
// Usable work area for Assistant. Value is only meaningful when Assistant
// UI exists.
gfx::Rect usable_work_area_;
} // namespace ash