blob: d07e145ef8f30c71cda1f6d667b36f91a2b67864 [file] [log] [blame]
<!doctype html>
<title>Test Basic IIRFilterNode Properties</title>
<script src="../resources/js-test.js"></script>
<script src="resources/compatibility.js"></script>
<script src="resources/audio-testing.js"></script>
description("Test Basic IIRFilterNode Properties");
window.jsTestIsAsync = true;
var sampleRate = 48000;
var testFrames = 100;
// Global context that can be used by the individual tasks. It must be defined by the
// initialize task.
var context;
var audit = Audit.createTaskRunner();
audit.defineTask("initialize", function (done) {
context = new OfflineAudioContext(1, testFrames, sampleRate);
audit.defineTask("existence", function (done) {
audit.defineTask("parameters", function (done) {
// Create a really simple IIR filter. Doesn't much matter what.
var coef = Float32Array.from([1]);
var f = context.createIIRFilter(coef, coef);
var success = true;
success = Should("numberOfInputs", f.numberOfInputs).beEqualTo(1) && success;
success = Should("numberOfOutputs", f.numberOfOutputs).beEqualTo(1) && success;
success = Should("channelCountMode", f.channelCountMode).beEqualTo("max") && success;
success = Should("channelInterpretation", f.channelInterpretation).beEqualTo("speakers") && success;
if (success)
testPassed("All basic IIRFilter parameters are correct.\n");
testFailed("Some basic IIRFilter parameter was not correct.\n");
audit.defineTask("exceptions-createIIRFilter", function (done) {
var success = true;
success = Should("createIIRFilter()", function () {
// Two args are required.
}).throw("TypeError") && success;
success = Should("createIIRFilter(new Float32Array(1))", function () {
// Two args are required.
context.createIIRFilter(new Float32Array(1));
}).throw("TypeError") && success;
success = Should("createIIRFilter(null, null)", function () {
// null is not valid
context.createIIRFilter(null, null);
}).throw("TypeError") && success;
success = Should("createIIRFilter([], [])", function () {
// There has to be at least one coefficient.
context.createIIRFilter([], []);
}).throw("NotSupportedError") && success;
success = Should("createIIRFilter([1], [])", function () {
// There has to be at least one coefficient.
context.createIIRFilter([1], []);
}).throw("NotSupportedError") && success;
success = Should("createIIRFilter([], [1])", function () {
// There has to be at least one coefficient.
context.createIIRFilter([], [1]);
}).throw("NotSupportedError") && success;
success = Should("createIIRFilter(new Float32Array(20), new Float32Array(20))",
// Max allowed size for the coefficient arrays.
function () {
var fb = new Float32Array(20);
fb[0] = 1;
context.createIIRFilter(fb, fb);
}).notThrow() && success;
success = Should("createIIRFilter(new Float32Array(21), [1])",
// Max allowed size for the feedforward coefficient array.
function () {
var coef = new Float32Array(21);
coef[0] = 1;
context.createIIRFilter(coef, [1]);
}).throw("NotSupportedError") && success;
success = Should("createIIRFilter([1], new Float32Array(21))",
// Max allowed size for the feedback coefficient array.
function () {
var coef = new Float32Array(21);
coef[0] = 1;
context.createIIRFilter([1], coef);
}).throw("NotSupportedError") && success;
success = Should("createIIRFilter([1], new Float32Array(2))", function () {
// First feedback coefficient can't be 0.
context.createIIRFilter([1], new Float32Array(2));
}).throw("InvalidStateError") && success;
success = Should("createIIRFilter(new Float32Array(10), [1])", function () {
// feedforward coefficients can't all be zero.
context.createIIRFilter(new Float32Array(10), [1]);
}).throw("InvalidStateError") && success;
success = Should("createIIRFilter([1], [1, NaN, Infinity])", function () {
// Feedback coefficients must be finite.
context.createIIRFilter([1], [1, Infinity, NaN]);
}).throw("InvalidStateError") && success;
success = Should("createIIRFilter([1, NaN, Infinity], [1])", function () {
// Feedforward coefficients must be finite.
context.createIIRFilter([1, Infinity, NaN], [1]);
}).throw("InvalidStateError") && success;
success = Should("createIIRFilter([1, 'abc', []], [1])", function () {
// Test that random junk in the array is converted to NaN.
context.createIIRFilter([1, "abc", []], [1]);
}).throw("InvalidStateError") && success;
if (success)
testPassed("All exceptions for createIIRFilter were correctly thrown.\n");
testFailed("Some exceptions for createIIRFilter were not thrown as expected.\n");
audit.defineTask("exceptions-getFrequencyData", function (done) {
// Create a really simple IIR filter. Doesn't much matter what.
var coef = Float32Array.from([1]);
var f = context.createIIRFilter(coef, coef);
var success = true;
success = Should("getFrequencyResponse(null, new Float32Array(1), new Float32Array(1))",
function () {
// frequencyHz can't be null.
f.getFrequencyResponse(null, new Float32Array(1), new Float32Array(1));
}).throw("TypeError") && success;
success = Should("getFrequencyResponse(new Float32Array(1), null, new Float32Array(1))",
function () {
// magResponse can't be null.
f.getFrequencyResponse(new Float32Array(1), null, new Float32Array(1));
}).throw("TypeError") && success;
success = Should("getFrequencyResponse(new Float32Array(1), new Float32Array(1), null)",
function () {
// phaseResponse can't be null.
f.getFrequencyResponse(new Float32Array(1), new Float32Array(1), null);
}).throw("TypeError") && success;
success = Should(
"getFrequencyResponse(new Float32Array(10), new Float32Array(1), new Float32Array(20))",
function () {
// magResponse array must be longer than frequencyHz
f.getFrequencyResponse(new Float32Array(10), new Float32Array(1), new Float32Array(
}).throw("NotSupportedError") && success;
success = Should(
"getFrequencyResponse(new Float32Array(10), new Float32Array(20), new Float32Array(1))",
function () {
// phaseResponse array must be longer than frequencyHz
f.getFrequencyResponse(new Float32Array(10), new Float32Array(20), new Float32Array(
}).throw("NotSupportedError") && success;
success = Should(
"getFrequencyResponse(new Float32Array(10), new Float32Array(20), new Float32Array(30))",
function () {
// Ok if magResponse and phaseResponse have different lengths as long as they're longer
// than frequencyHz.
f.getFrequencyResponse(new Float32Array(10), new Float32Array(20), new Float32Array(
}).notThrow() && success;
if (success)
testPassed("getFrequencyResponse exceptions handled correctly.\n");
testFailed("getFrequencyResponse exceptions not handled correctly.\n");
audit.defineTask("finish", function (done) {
successfullyParsed = true;