blob: 5148c4cb218226b5592ebff3cef9d26af06bbb66 [file] [log] [blame]
<!doctype html>
<script src="../resources/js-test.js"></script>
<script src="resources/compatibility.js"></script>
<script src="resources/audio-testing.js"></script>
<script src="resources/fft.js"></script>
<script src="resources/realtimeanalyser-testing.js"></script>
<title>Test AnalyserNode Downmixing</title>
description("Test AnalyserNode Downmixing");
window.jsTestIsAsync = true;
var sampleRate = 44100;
var renderFrames = 2048;
var audit = Audit.createTaskRunner();
var testConfigs = [{
channelCount: 1,
message: "mono",
floatRelError: 6.3283e-8
}, {
channelCount: 2,
message: "stereo",
floatRelError: 1.1681e-7
}, {
channelCount: 4,
message: "quad",
floatRelError: 4.9793e-7
}, {
channelCount: 6,
message: "5.1",
floatRelError: 2.0215e-7
}, {
channelCount: 3,
message: "3-channel",
floatRelError: 6.3283e-8
// Create tasks for each entry in testConfigs
for (k in testConfigs) {
audit.defineTask(testConfigs[k].message, (function (config) {
return function(done) {
audit.defineTask("finish", function (done) {
// Test downmixing of the AnalyserNode time data. We use the downmixing that automatically
// happens in the destination node to generate the reference data which is compared to the
// data that the Analyser node has captured.
function runTest(options) {
// Context MUST have exactly one channel so that we downmix the source to mono to generate
// the reference.
var context = new OfflineAudioContext(1, renderFrames, sampleRate);
var channels = options.channelCount || 1;
var source = context.createBufferSource();
// The signals in each channel. Doesn't matter much what is in here, but it's best if the
// values aren't linearly increasing so that the average of the values isn't one of the
// values (in case the implementation does something silly). Only need to support up to 6
// channels.
var bufferValues = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].map(function (x) {
return x * x
source.buffer = createConstantBuffer(context, renderFrames, bufferValues.slice(0, channels));
var analyser = context.createAnalyser();
analyser.smoothingTimeConstant = 0;
analyser.fftSize = 256;
// Run analyser as an automatic pull node. Do NOT connect to the destination. We don't want
// the output of the analyser to mix in with the source that is also directly connected to
// the destination.
var timeData = new Float32Array(analyser.fftSize);
var freqData = new Float32Array(analyser.frequencyBinCount);
var suspendFrame = analyser.fftSize;
context.suspend(suspendFrame / context.sampleRate).then(function () {
return context.startRendering().then(function (renderedBuffer) {
var success = true;
// Verify the time domain data is correct.
var prefix = "Analyser downmix " + options.message + " to mono"
success = Should(prefix + " time data", timeData)
.beEqualToArray(renderedBuffer.getChannelData(0).subarray(0, analyser.fftSize));
var expectedTimeData = renderedBuffer.getChannelData(0).subarray(0, analyser.fftSize);
var fftOrder = Math.floor(Math.log2(analyser.fftSize));
var expectedFreqData = computeFFTMagnitude(expectedTimeData, fftOrder).map(linearToDb);
success = compareFloatFreq(prefix + " freq data", freqData, expectedFreqData, {
precision: 6,
floatRelError: options.floatRelError,
}) && success;
if (success)
testPassed(prefix + " downmixed correctly.\n");
testFailed(prefix + " not downmixed correctly.\n");