blob: 37ae5be361e60370da2bcb587ad1b230e9f58cd1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <Windows.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
// Implements the browser switching logic for both Chrome and the alternative
// browser.
class BrowserSwitcherCore {
// Defines the type of the list of domains to open in the alternative browser.
typedef std::vector<std::wstring> UrlList;
virtual ~BrowserSwitcherCore();
// Invokes Chrome and loads |url| in it.
bool InvokeChrome(const std::wstring& url) const;
// Setter and getter for Chrome's executable. |path| can be either a fully
// qualified path to an executable or the following variable. If this variable
// is used then it should be the only content of the parameter as it will
// resolve to the fully qualified path of the browser.
// ${chrome} - The default location of Chrome as defined in the registry.
void SetChromePath(const std::wstring& path);
const std::wstring& GetChromePath() const;
// Setter and getter for the Chrome command line parameters.
// |parameters| can contain the following variable in which case this will be
// the position of the url to be opened, otherwise it will be appended at the
// end:
// ${url} - The location of the url parameter in the command line.
void SetChromeParameters(const std::wstring& parameters);
const std::wstring& GetChromeParameters() const;
// Setter and getter for the list of urls to be opened in the alternative
// browser.
const UrlList& GetUrlsToRedirect() const;
void SetUrlsToRedirect(const UrlList& urls);
// Setter and getter for the list of urls to be opened in both browsers. This
// is the set of urls that should not trigger transition. Such set might be
// required if for example there are third party authentication pages that
// need to be accessible by both legacy and normal applications.
const UrlList& GetUrlGreylist() const;
void SetUrlGreylist(const UrlList& urls);
// Setter and getter for the list of urls to be opened in both browsers. This
// is the set of urls that should not trigger transition. Such set might be
// required if for example there are third party authentication pages that
// need to be accessible by both legacy and normal applications.
bool GetIESiteList(UrlList* list) const;
void SetIESiteList(const UrlList& urls);
// Checks if an url should be opened in the alternative browser. Returns true
// if the hostname (or part of it) of the url is contained in the url lists.
// This function should be used by external browsers to verify if they should
// bounce back to Chrome. Chrome itself uses different logic to decide if the
// url should be opened in the external browser.
bool ShouldOpenInAlternativeBrowser(const std::wstring& url);
// Loader for the configuration file.
bool LoadConfigFile();
// Loader for the site list cache file. The cache is used to speed up the
// start time of LBS since retrieving the original list might require network
// access.
bool LoadIESiteListCache();
// Returns true if the configuration has been loaded or saved successfully.
// Used mainly to verify the course of action in the alternative browser
// which has no direct access to policy and relies on properly loaded confi-
// guration.
bool HasValidConfiguration() const;
friend class BrowserSwitcherCoreTest;
enum TransitionDecision { NONE, CHROME, ALT_BROWSER };
enum UrlListEntryType {
typedef std::vector<UrlListEntryType> UrlListTypes;
// Performs initialization of the class and loads the config file.
void Initialize();
// Retrieves the configuration files path based on %LOCALAPPDATA%.
std::wstring GetConfigPath() const;
std::wstring GetConfigFileLocation();
std::wstring GetIESiteListCacheLocation();
// Used for tests only to mock the config file.
void SetConfigFileLocationForTest(const std::wstring& path);
void SetIESiteListCacheLocationForTest(const std::wstring& path);
void SetIESiteListLocationForTest(const std::wstring& path);
// Compiles the final command line to start a browser. It will replace the
// ${url} variable with the supplied url if it is present or append the url to
// the end if the variable is not present in the command line.
// The function will also attempt to canonicalize the url to make sure it is
// not passing potentially dangerous argument to the browser.
std::wstring CompileCommandLine(const std::wstring& raw_command_line,
const std::wstring& url) const;
// Poor man's implementation of URL sanitization, used if the call to the
// WinInet API InternetCanonicalizeUrl fails for some reason.
std::wstring SanitizeUrl(const std::wstring url) const;
// Processes a list of url patterns creating a parallel list with the pattern
// types for each entry. This is done to speed up searching for matches when
// deciding for redirecting.
void ProcessUrlList(UrlList* list, UrlListTypes* types) const;
// Retrieves the location of various browsers. Using the values in the
// registry under HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\.
// Returns either the executable location or an empty string if not found.
std::wstring GetBrowserLocation(const wchar_t* key_name) const;
// Retrieves a string value from the registry stored at |key| or an empty
// string if missing.
std::wstring ReadRegValue(HKEY key, const wchar_t* name) const;
// Expands any environment variables the input string |str| might contain.
std::wstring ExpandEnvironmentVariables(const std::wstring& str) const;
static void IsRuleMatching(const std::wstring& url,
const std::wstring& hostname,
const UrlListEntryType& rule_type,
const std::wstring& rule_entry,
TransitionDecision* decision,
bool* all_in_alternative_browser);
std::wstring chrome_path_;
std::wstring chrome_parameters_;
UrlList urls_to_redirect_;
UrlListTypes urls_to_redirect_type_;
UrlList url_greylist_;
UrlListTypes url_greylist_type_;
UrlList urls_from_site_list_;
UrlListTypes urls_from_site_list_type_;
HANDLE site_list_mutex_;
std::wstring config_file_path_;
std::wstring site_list_cache_file_path_;
// Tracks the validity of the cached configuration. If a load has succeeded
// once this status is flipped to true. As long as no load has been successful
// and no configuration has been set and successfully saved this status stays
// false.
bool configuration_valid_;
// Used to override default sitelist file location for tests.
std::wstring site_list_location_for_test_;