blob: 00e4e8ad7481fc179a15fe04ab9a6d65612e3044 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/ui/tabs/tab_style.h"
#include "ui/base/material_design/material_design_controller.h"
#include "ui/views/layout/layout_provider.h"
namespace {
// Thickness in DIPs of the separator painted on the left and right edges of
// the tab.
constexpr int kSeparatorThickness = 1;
// Returns the height of the separator between tabs.
int GetSeparatorHeight() {
return ui::MaterialDesignController::touch_ui() ? 24 : 20;
} // namespace
TabStyle::~TabStyle() = default;
// static
int TabStyle::GetStandardWidth() {
// The standard tab width is 240 DIP including both separators.
constexpr int kTabWidth = 240;
// The overlap includes one separator, so subtract it here.
return kTabWidth + GetTabOverlap() - kSeparatorThickness;
// static
int TabStyle::GetPinnedWidth() {
constexpr int kTabPinnedContentWidth = 23;
return kTabPinnedContentWidth + GetContentsHorizontalInsetSize() * 2;
// static
int TabStyle::GetTabOverlap() {
return GetCornerRadius() * 2 + kSeparatorThickness;
// static
int TabStyle::GetDragHandleExtension(int height) {
return (height - GetSeparatorHeight()) / 2 - 1;
// static
gfx::Insets TabStyle::GetTabInternalPadding() {
return gfx::Insets(0, GetCornerRadius());
// static
gfx::Size TabStyle::GetSeparatorSize() {
return gfx::Size(kSeparatorThickness, GetSeparatorHeight());
// static
gfx::Size TabStyle::GetPreviewImageSize() {
constexpr float kTabHoverCardPreviewImageAspectRatio = 16.0f / 9.0f;
const int width = GetStandardWidth();
return gfx::Size(width, width / kTabHoverCardPreviewImageAspectRatio);
// static
int TabStyle::GetCornerRadius() {
return views::LayoutProvider::Get()->GetCornerRadiusMetric(
// static
int TabStyle::GetContentsHorizontalInsetSize() {
return GetCornerRadius() * 2;