blob: 7264792cd4795027e8ae1c933f1464d5482bc6a1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "DocumentStatisticsCollector.h"
#include "core/HTMLNames.h"
#include "core/InputTypeNames.h"
#include "core/dom/ElementTraversal.h"
#include "core/dom/NodeComputedStyle.h"
#include "core/dom/Text.h"
#include "core/frame/LocalFrame.h"
#include "core/frame/VisualViewport.h"
#include "core/html/HTMLHeadElement.h"
#include "core/html/HTMLInputElement.h"
#include "core/html/HTMLMetaElement.h"
#include "core/page/Page.h"
#include "platform/Histogram.h"
#include "public/platform/Platform.h"
#include "public/platform/WebDistillability.h"
namespace blink {
using namespace HTMLNames;
namespace {
// Saturate the length of a paragraph to save time.
const int kTextContentLengthSaturation = 1000;
// Filter out short P elements. The threshold is set to around 2 English
// sentences.
const unsigned kParagraphLengthThreshold = 140;
// Saturate the scores to save time. The max is the score of 6 long paragraphs.
// 6 * sqrt(kTextContentLengthSaturation - kParagraphLengthThreshold)
const double kMozScoreSaturation = 175.954539583;
// 6 * sqrt(kTextContentLengthSaturation);
const double kMozScoreAllSqrtSaturation = 189.73665961;
const double kMozScoreAllLinearSaturation = 6 * kTextContentLengthSaturation;
unsigned TextContentLengthSaturated(const Element& root) {
unsigned length = 0;
// This skips shadow DOM intentionally, to match the JavaScript
// implementation. We would like to use the same statistics extracted by the
// JavaScript implementation on iOS, and JavaScript cannot peek deeply into
// shadow DOM except on modern Chrome versions.
// Given shadow DOM rarely appears in <P> elements in long-form articles, the
// overall accuracy should not be largely affected.
for (Node& node : NodeTraversal::InclusiveDescendantsOf(root)) {
if (!node.IsTextNode()) {
length += ToText(node).length();
if (length > kTextContentLengthSaturation) {
return kTextContentLengthSaturation;
return length;
bool IsVisible(const Element& element) {
const ComputedStyle* style = element.GetComputedStyle();
if (!style)
return false;
return (style->Display() != EDisplay::kNone &&
style->Visibility() != EVisibility::kHidden && style->Opacity() != 0);
bool MatchAttributes(const Element& element, const Vector<String>& words) {
const String& classes = element.GetClassAttribute();
const String& id = element.GetIdAttribute();
for (const String& word : words) {
if (classes.FindIgnoringCase(word) != WTF::kNotFound ||
id.FindIgnoringCase(word) != WTF::kNotFound) {
return true;
return false;
bool IsGoodForScoring(const WebDistillabilityFeatures& features,
const Element& element) {
DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(Vector<String>, unlikely_candidates, ());
if (unlikely_candidates.IsEmpty()) {
auto words = {
"banner", "combx", "comment", "community", "disqus", "extra",
"foot", "header", "menu", "related", "remark", "rss",
"share", "shoutbox", "sidebar", "skyscraper", "sponsor", "ad-break",
"agegate", "pagination", "pager", "popup"};
for (auto word : words) {
DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(Vector<String>, highly_likely_candidates, ());
if (highly_likely_candidates.IsEmpty()) {
auto words = {"and", "article", "body", "column", "main", "shadow"};
for (auto word : words) {
if (!IsVisible(element))
return false;
if (features.moz_score >= kMozScoreSaturation &&
features.moz_score_all_sqrt >= kMozScoreAllSqrtSaturation &&
features.moz_score_all_linear >= kMozScoreAllLinearSaturation)
return false;
if (MatchAttributes(element, unlikely_candidates) &&
!MatchAttributes(element, highly_likely_candidates))
return false;
return true;
// underListItem denotes that at least one of the ancesters is <li> element.
void CollectFeatures(Element& root,
WebDistillabilityFeatures& features,
bool under_list_item = false) {
for (Node& node : NodeTraversal::ChildrenOf(root)) {
bool is_list_item = false;
if (!node.IsElementNode()) {
Element& element = ToElement(node);
if (element.HasTagName(aTag)) {
} else if (element.HasTagName(formTag)) {
} else if (element.HasTagName(inputTag)) {
const HTMLInputElement& input = toHTMLInputElement(element);
if (input.type() == InputTypeNames::text) {
} else if (input.type() == InputTypeNames::password) {
} else if (element.HasTagName(pTag) || element.HasTagName(preTag)) {
if (element.HasTagName(pTag)) {
} else {
if (!under_list_item && IsGoodForScoring(features, element)) {
unsigned length = TextContentLengthSaturated(element);
if (length >= kParagraphLengthThreshold) {
features.moz_score += sqrt(length - kParagraphLengthThreshold);
features.moz_score =
std::min(features.moz_score, kMozScoreSaturation);
features.moz_score_all_sqrt += sqrt(length);
features.moz_score_all_sqrt =
std::min(features.moz_score_all_sqrt, kMozScoreAllSqrtSaturation);
features.moz_score_all_linear += length;
features.moz_score_all_linear = std::min(features.moz_score_all_linear,
} else if (element.HasTagName(liTag)) {
is_list_item = true;
CollectFeatures(element, features, under_list_item || is_list_item);
bool HasOpenGraphArticle(const Element& head) {
DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(AtomicString, og_type, ("og:type"));
DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(AtomicString, property_attr, ("property"));
for (const Element* child = ElementTraversal::FirstChild(head); child;
child = ElementTraversal::NextSibling(*child)) {
if (!isHTMLMetaElement(*child))
const HTMLMetaElement& meta = toHTMLMetaElement(*child);
if (meta.GetName() == og_type ||
meta.getAttribute(property_attr) == og_type) {
if (DeprecatedEqualIgnoringCase(meta.Content(), "article")) {
return true;
return false;
bool IsMobileFriendly(Document& document) {
if (Page* page = document.GetPage())
return page->GetVisualViewport().ShouldDisableDesktopWorkarounds();
return false;
} // namespace
WebDistillabilityFeatures DocumentStatisticsCollector::CollectStatistics(
Document& document) {
TRACE_EVENT0("blink", "DocumentStatisticsCollector::collectStatistics");
WebDistillabilityFeatures features = WebDistillabilityFeatures();
if (!document.GetFrame() || !document.GetFrame()->IsMainFrame())
return features;
HTMLElement* body = document.body();
HTMLElement* head = document.head();
if (!body || !head)
return features;
features.is_mobile_friendly = IsMobileFriendly(document);
double start_time = MonotonicallyIncreasingTime();
// This should be cheap since collectStatistics is only called right after
// layout.
// Traverse the DOM tree and collect statistics.
CollectFeatures(*body, features);
features.open_graph = HasOpenGraphArticle(*head);
double elapsed_time = MonotonicallyIncreasingTime() - start_time;
DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(CustomCountHistogram, distillability_histogram,
("WebCore.DistillabilityUs", 1, 1000000, 50));
distillability_histogram.Count(static_cast<int>(1e6 * elapsed_time));
return features;
} // namespace blink