blob: 3d4f3ffd9e1d553faaac97c5bda46ea49fafca4b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <atomic>
#include <memory>
#include "base/allocator/partition_allocator/partition_alloc_forward.h"
#include "base/allocator/partition_allocator/partition_cookie.h"
#include "base/allocator/partition_allocator/partition_freelist_entry.h"
#include "base/allocator/partition_allocator/partition_lock.h"
#include "base/allocator/partition_allocator/partition_stats.h"
#include "base/allocator/partition_allocator/partition_tls.h"
#include "base/base_export.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/no_destructor.h"
#include "base/partition_alloc_buildflags.h"
#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
// Need TLS support.
#if defined(OS_POSIX) || defined(OS_WIN)
namespace base {
namespace internal {
class ThreadCache;
extern BASE_EXPORT PartitionTlsKey g_thread_cache_key;
// Global registry of all ThreadCache instances.
// This class cannot allocate in the (Un)registerThreadCache() functions, as
// they are called from ThreadCache constructor, which is from within the
// allocator. However the other members can allocate.
class BASE_EXPORT ThreadCacheRegistry {
static ThreadCacheRegistry& Instance();
// Do not instantiate.
// Several things are surprising here:
// - The constructor is public even though this is intended to be a singleton:
// we cannot use a "static local" variable in |Instance()| as this is
// reached too early during CRT initialization on Windows, meaning that
// static local variables don't work (as they call into the uninitialized
// runtime). To sidestep that, we use a regular global variable in the .cc,
// which is fine as this object's constructor is constexpr.
// - Marked inline so that the chromium style plugin doesn't complain that a
// "complex constructor" has an inline body. This warning is disabled when
// the constructor is explicitly marked "inline". Note that this is a false
// positive of the plugin, since constexpr implies inline.
inline constexpr ThreadCacheRegistry();
void RegisterThreadCache(ThreadCache* cache);
void UnregisterThreadCache(ThreadCache* cache);
// Prints statistics for all thread caches, or this thread's only.
void DumpStats(bool my_thread_only, ThreadCacheStats* stats);
// Purge() this thread's cache, and asks the other ones to trigger Purge() at
// a later point (during a deallocation).
void PurgeAll();
static PartitionLock& GetLock() { return Instance().lock_; }
friend class NoDestructor<ThreadCacheRegistry>;
// Not using base::Lock as the object's constructor must be constexpr.
PartitionLock lock_;
ThreadCache* list_head_ GUARDED_BY(GetLock()) = nullptr;
constexpr ThreadCacheRegistry::ThreadCacheRegistry() = default;
// Optional statistics collection.
#define INCREMENT_COUNTER(counter) ++counter
#define GET_COUNTER(counter) counter
#define INCREMENT_COUNTER(counter) \
do { \
} while (0)
#define GET_COUNTER(counter) 0
ALWAYS_INLINE static constexpr int ConstexprLog2(size_t n) {
return n < 1 ? -1 : (n < 2 ? 0 : (1 + ConstexprLog2(n >> 1)));
// Per-thread cache. *Not* threadsafe, must only be accessed from a single
// thread.
// In practice, this is easily enforced as long as only |instance| is
// manipulated, as it is a thread_local member. As such, any
// |ThreadCache::instance->*()| call will necessarily be done from a single
// thread.
class BASE_EXPORT ThreadCache {
// Initializes the thread cache for |root|. May allocate, so should be called
// with the thread cache disabled on the partition side, and without the
// partition lock held.
// May only be called by a single PartitionRoot.
static void Init(PartitionRoot<ThreadSafe>* root);
static void Init(PartitionRoot<NotThreadSafe>* root) { IMMEDIATE_CRASH(); }
static ThreadCache* Get() {
return reinterpret_cast<ThreadCache*>(PartitionTlsGet(g_thread_cache_key));
// Create a new ThreadCache associated with |root|.
// Must be called without the partition locked, as this may allocate.
static ThreadCache* Create(PartitionRoot<ThreadSafe>* root);
static ThreadCache* Create(PartitionRoot<NotThreadSafe>* root) {
// Force placement new.
void* operator new(size_t) = delete;
void* operator new(size_t, void* buffer) { return buffer; }
void operator delete(void* ptr) = delete;
ThreadCache(const ThreadCache&) = delete;
ThreadCache(const ThreadCache&&) = delete;
ThreadCache& operator=(const ThreadCache&) = delete;
// Tries to put a memory block at |address| into the cache.
// The block comes from the bucket at index |bucket_index| from the partition
// this cache is for.
// Returns true if the memory was put in the cache, and false otherwise. This
// can happen either because the cache is full or the allocation was too
// large.
ALWAYS_INLINE bool MaybePutInCache(void* address, size_t bucket_index);
// Tries to allocate memory from the cache.
// Returns nullptr for failure.
// Has the same behavior as RawAlloc(), that is: no cookie nor ref-count
// handling.
ALWAYS_INLINE void* GetFromCache(size_t bucket_index);
// Asks this cache to trigger |Purge()| at a later point. Can be called from
// any thread.
void SetShouldPurge();
// Empties the cache.
// The Partition lock must *not* be held when calling this.
// Must be called from the thread this cache is for.
void Purge();
void AccumulateStats(ThreadCacheStats* stats) const;
size_t bucket_count_for_testing(size_t index) const {
return buckets_[index].count;
struct Bucket {
PartitionFreelistEntry* freelist_head;
uint16_t count;
uint16_t limit;
explicit ThreadCache(PartitionRoot<ThreadSafe>* root);
static void Delete(void* thread_cache_ptr);
// Empties the |bucket| until there are at most |limit| objects in it.
void ClearBucket(Bucket& bucket, size_t limit);
// TODO(lizeb): Optimize the threshold.
static constexpr size_t kSizeThreshold = 512;
static constexpr uint16_t kBucketCount =
((ConstexprLog2(kSizeThreshold) - kMinBucketedOrder + 1)
<< kNumBucketsPerOrderBits) +
kBucketCount < kNumBuckets,
"Cannot have more cached buckets than what the allocator supports");
std::atomic<bool> should_purge_;
Bucket buckets_[kBucketCount];
ThreadCacheStats stats_;
PartitionRoot<ThreadSafe>* const root_;
// Intrusive list since ThreadCacheRegistry::RegisterThreadCache() cannot
// allocate.
ThreadCache* next_ GUARDED_BY(ThreadCacheRegistry::GetLock());
ThreadCache* prev_ GUARDED_BY(ThreadCacheRegistry::GetLock());
friend class ThreadCacheRegistry;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ThreadCacheTest, LargeAllocationsAreNotCached);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ThreadCacheTest, MultipleThreadCaches);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ThreadCacheTest, RecordStats);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ThreadCacheTest, ThreadCacheRegistry);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ThreadCacheTest, MultipleThreadCachesAccounting);
ALWAYS_INLINE bool ThreadCache::MaybePutInCache(void* address,
size_t bucket_index) {
if (UNLIKELY(should_purge_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)))
if (UNLIKELY(bucket_index >= kBucketCount)) {
return false;
auto& bucket = buckets_[bucket_index];
PA_DCHECK(bucket.count != 0 || bucket.freelist_head == nullptr);
auto* entry = reinterpret_cast<PartitionFreelistEntry*>(address);
bucket.freelist_head = entry;
// Batched deallocation, amortizing lock acquisitions.
if (UNLIKELY(bucket.count >= bucket.limit)) {
ClearBucket(bucket, bucket.limit >> 1);
return true;
ALWAYS_INLINE void* ThreadCache::GetFromCache(size_t bucket_index) {
// Only handle "small" allocations.
if (UNLIKELY(bucket_index >= kBucketCount)) {
return nullptr;
auto& bucket = buckets_[bucket_index];
auto* result = bucket.freelist_head;
if (UNLIKELY(!result)) {
PA_DCHECK(bucket.count == 0);
return nullptr;
PA_DCHECK(bucket.count != 0);
auto* next = result->GetNext();
PA_DCHECK(result != next);
PA_DCHECK(bucket.count != 0 || !next);
bucket.freelist_head = next;
return result;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace base