blob: ddbd83b02a20496d4fc378db7873d9a7eaf483c0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/scoped_observer.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/profile_chooser_constants.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/signin_view_controller_delegate.h"
#include "components/signin/public/base/signin_buildflags.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/webui/signin/signin_email_confirmation_dialog.h"
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
#error This file should only be included on desktop.
class Browser;
struct CoreAccountId;
namespace content {
class WebContents;
namespace login_ui_test_utils {
class SigninViewControllerTestUtil;
namespace signin_metrics {
enum class AccessPoint;
enum class PromoAction;
enum class Reason;
enum class ReauthAccessPoint;
enum class SourceForRefreshTokenOperation;
} // namespace signin_metrics
namespace signin {
enum class ReauthResult;
// Class responsible for showing and hiding all sign-in related UIs
// (modal sign-in, DICE full-tab sign-in page, sync confirmation dialog, sign-in
// error dialog, reauth prompt). Sync confirmation is used on
// Win/Mac/Linux/Chrome OS. Sign-in is only used on Win/Mac/Linux because
// Chrome OS has its own sign-in flow and doesn't use DICE.
class SigninViewController : public SigninViewControllerDelegate::Observer {
// Handle that will stop ongoing reauths upon destruction.
class ReauthAbortHandle {
virtual ~ReauthAbortHandle() = default;
explicit SigninViewController(Browser* browser);
~SigninViewController() override;
// Returns true if the signin flow should be shown for |mode|.
static bool ShouldShowSigninForMode(profiles::BubbleViewMode mode);
// Shows the signin attached to |browser_|'s active web contents.
// |access_point| indicates the access point used to open the Gaia sign in
// page.
// DEPRECATED: Use ShowDiceEnableSyncTab instead.
void ShowSignin(profiles::BubbleViewMode mode,
signin_metrics::AccessPoint access_point,
const GURL& redirect_url = GURL::EmptyGURL());
// Shows a Chrome Sync signin tab. |email_hint| may be empty.
// Note: If the user has already set a primary account, then this is
// considered a reauth of the primary account, and |email_hint| is ignored.
void ShowDiceEnableSyncTab(signin_metrics::AccessPoint access_point,
signin_metrics::PromoAction promo_action,
const std::string& email_hint);
// Shows the Dice "add account" tab, which adds an account to the browser but
// does not turn sync on. |email_hint| may be empty.
virtual void ShowDiceAddAccountTab(signin_metrics::AccessPoint access_point,
const std::string& email_hint);
// Opens the Gaia logout page in a new tab. This removes the accounts from the
// web, as well as from Chrome (Dice intercepts the web signout and
// invalidates all Chrome accounts). If a primary account is set, this
// function does not clear it, but still invalidates its credentials.
// This is the only way to properly signout all accounts. In particular,
// calling Gaia logout programmatically or revoking the tokens does not sign
// out SAML accounts completely (see
void ShowGaiaLogoutTab(signin_metrics::SourceForRefreshTokenOperation source);
// Shows the modal sign-in email confirmation dialog as a tab-modal dialog on
// top of the currently displayed WebContents in |browser_|.
void ShowModalSigninEmailConfirmationDialog(
const std::string& last_email,
const std::string& email,
base::OnceCallback<void(SigninEmailConfirmationDialog::Action)> callback);
// Shows the reauth prompt for |account_id| as either:
// - a tab-modal dialog on top of the currently active tab, or
// - a new tab
// |account_id| should be signed into the content area. Otherwise, the method
// fails with |kAccountNotSignedIn| error.
// |access_point| indicates a call site of this method.
// Calls |reauth_callback| on completion of the reauth flow, or on error. The
// callback may be called synchronously. The user may also ignore the reauth
// indefinitely.
// Returns a handle that aborts the ongoing reauth on destruction.
virtual std::unique_ptr<ReauthAbortHandle> ShowReauthPrompt(
const CoreAccountId& account_id,
signin_metrics::ReauthAccessPoint access_point,
base::OnceCallback<void(signin::ReauthResult)> reauth_callback);
// Shows the modal sync confirmation dialog as a browser-modal dialog on top
// of the |browser_|'s window.
void ShowModalSyncConfirmationDialog();
// Shows the modal sign-in error dialog as a browser-modal dialog on top of
// the |browser_|'s window.
void ShowModalSigninErrorDialog();
// Returns true if the modal dialog is shown.
bool ShowsModalDialog();
// Closes the tab-modal signin flow previously shown using this
// SigninViewController, if one exists. Does nothing otherwise.
void CloseModalSignin();
// Sets the height of the modal signin dialog.
void SetModalSigninHeight(int height);
// SigninViewControllerDelegate::Observer:
void OnModalSigninClosed() override;
friend class login_ui_test_utils::SigninViewControllerTestUtil;
friend class SigninReauthViewControllerBrowserTest;
// Shows the DICE-specific sign-in flow: opens a Gaia sign-in webpage in a new
// tab attached to |browser_|. |email_hint| may be empty.
void ShowDiceSigninTab(signin_metrics::Reason signin_reason,
signin_metrics::AccessPoint access_point,
signin_metrics::PromoAction promo_action,
const std::string& email_hint,
const GURL& redirect_url = GURL::EmptyGURL());
// Returns the web contents of the modal dialog.
content::WebContents* GetModalDialogWebContentsForTesting();
// Returns the modal dialog delegate.
SigninViewControllerDelegate* GetModalDialogDelegateForTesting();
// Browser owning this controller.
Browser* browser_;
// |delegate_| owns itself and calls OnModalSigninClosed() before being
// destroyed.
SigninViewControllerDelegate* delegate_ = nullptr;
base::WeakPtrFactory<SigninViewController> weak_ptr_factory_{this};