blob: 9d2210861fb2a63a19abb0cfa0f8b04b94eb48d3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <vector>
#include "ash/capture_mode/capture_mode_types.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/functional/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/functional/callback_helpers.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
namespace ash {
// Contains the cached capture mode configurations that will be used for
// configurations restoration when initiating the corresponding capture mode
// session.
struct CaptureModeSessionConfigs {
CaptureModeType type;
CaptureModeSource source;
RecordingType recording_type;
AudioRecordingMode audio_recording_mode;
bool demo_tools_enabled;
// Defines the interface for the capture mode behavior which will be implemented
// by `DefaultBehavior` and `ProjectorBehavior`. The `CaptureModeController`
// owns the instance of this interface.
class CaptureModeBehavior {
CaptureModeBehavior(const CaptureModeBehavior&) = delete;
CaptureModeBehavior& operator=(const CaptureModeBehavior&) = delete;
virtual ~CaptureModeBehavior() = default;
// Creates an instance of the `CaptureModeBehavior` given the `behavior_type`.
static std::unique_ptr<CaptureModeBehavior> Create(
BehaviorType behavior_type);
const CaptureModeSessionConfigs& capture_mode_configs() const {
return capture_mode_configs_;
// Called when this behavior becomes the active behavior of a newly created
// capture session. Sub classes can choose to do any specific session
// initialization that they need.
virtual void AttachToSession();
// Called when this behavior is no longer attached to an active capture mode
// session, i.e. when its capture session ends and recording will not start,
// or when its session ends to start recording right after recording begins.
virtual void DetachFromSession();
virtual bool ShouldImageCaptureTypeBeAllowed() const;
virtual bool ShouldVideoCaptureTypeBeAllowed() const;
virtual bool ShouldFulscreenCaptureSourceBeAllowed() const;
virtual bool ShouldRegionCaptureSourceBeAllowed() const;
virtual bool ShouldWindowCaptureSourceBeAllowed() const;
// Returns true if the given `mode` is supported by this behavior.
virtual bool SupportsAudioRecordingMode(AudioRecordingMode mode) const;
virtual bool ShouldCameraSelectionSettingsBeIncluded() const;
virtual bool ShouldDemoToolsSettingsBeIncluded() const;
virtual bool ShouldSaveToSettingsBeIncluded() const;
virtual bool ShouldGifBeSupported() const;
virtual bool ShouldShowPreviewNotification() const;
virtual bool ShouldSkipVideoRecordingCountDown() const;
virtual bool ShouldCreateRecordingOverlayController() const;
virtual bool ShouldShowUserNudge() const;
virtual bool ShouldAutoSelectFirstCamera() const;
virtual bool RequiresCaptureFolderCreation() const;
// Returns the full path for the capture file. If the creation of the path
// failed, the path provided will be empty.
using OnCaptureFolderCreatedCallback =
base::OnceCallback<void(const base::FilePath& capture_file_full_path)>;
virtual void CreateCaptureFolder(OnCaptureFolderCreatedCallback callback);
virtual std::vector<RecordingType> GetSupportedRecordingTypes() const;
// Returns the client specific string component to be inserted to a histogram
// in order to differentiate the metrics for example "Projector." is used to
// indicate the histogram is for a projector-initiated capture mode session.
virtual const char* GetClientMetricComponent() const;
explicit CaptureModeBehavior(const CaptureModeSessionConfigs& configs);
// Capture mode session configs to be used for the current capture mode
// session.
CaptureModeSessionConfigs capture_mode_configs_;
// Can be used to cache the old capture mode session configs before this
// behavior is attached to a new session.
absl::optional<CaptureModeSessionConfigs> cached_configs_;
} // namespace ash