blob: 97cfab2956b7ff0f2c22ec9a3b2cce6a21dc40e6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import * as animate from './animation.js';
import {assert, assertInstanceof} from './assert.js';
import * as dom from './dom.js';
import {I18nString} from './i18n_string.js';
import * as loadTimeData from './models/load_time_data.js';
import * as state from './state.js';
import * as tooltip from './tooltip.js';
import {AspectRatioSet, Facing, FpsRange, Resolution} from './type.js';
* Creates a canvas element for 2D drawing.
* @param params Size of the canvas.
* @param params.width Width of the canvas.
* @param params.height Height of the canvas.
* @return Returns canvas element and the context for 2D drawing.
export function newDrawingCanvas(
{width, height}: {width: number, height: number}):
{canvas: HTMLCanvasElement, ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D} {
const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
canvas.width = width;
canvas.height = height;
const ctx =
assertInstanceof(canvas.getContext('2d'), CanvasRenderingContext2D);
return {canvas, ctx};
* Converts canvas content to a JPEG Blob.
export function canvasToJpegBlob(canvas: HTMLCanvasElement): Promise<Blob> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
canvas.toBlob((blob) => {
if (blob !== null) {
} else {
reject(new Error('Failed to convert canvas to jpeg blob.'));
}, 'image/jpeg');
* Converts ImageBitmap to a JPEG Blob.
export function bitmapToJpegBlob(bitmap: ImageBitmap): Promise<Blob> {
const {canvas, ctx} =
newDrawingCanvas({width: bitmap.width, height: bitmap.height});
ctx.drawImage(bitmap, 0, 0);
return canvasToJpegBlob(canvas);
* Types for keyboard shortcuts.
' ',
'Delete', // Alt + Backspace
'End', // Ctrl + Alt + ArrowDown
'Home', // Ctrl + Alt + ArrowUp
] as const;
type KeyboardKey = typeof KEYBOARD_KEYS[number];
type WithModifiers<Modifiers extends string[], Key extends string> =
Modifiers extends [...infer Rest extends string[], infer Last extends
string] ?
WithModifiers<Rest, Key|`${Last}-${Key}`>:
export type KeyboardShortcut =
WithModifiers<['Ctrl', 'Alt', 'Shift'], KeyboardKey>|'Unsupported';
* Returns a shortcut string, such as Ctrl-Alt-A.
* @param event Keyboard event.
* @return Shortcut identifier.
export function getKeyboardShortcut(event: KeyboardEvent): KeyboardShortcut {
let key = event.key;
if (/^[a-z]$/.test(key)) {
key = key.toUpperCase();
if (!isSupportedKeyboardKey(key)) {
return 'Unsupported';
let modifiers: WithModifiers<['Ctrl', 'Alt', 'Shift'], ''> = '';
if (event.ctrlKey) {
modifiers = `${modifiers}Ctrl-`;
if (event.altKey) {
modifiers = `${modifiers}Alt-`;
if (event.shiftKey) {
modifiers = `${modifiers}Shift-`;
return `${modifiers}${key}`;
function isSupportedKeyboardKey(key: string): key is KeyboardKey {
return KEYBOARD_KEY_SET.has(key as KeyboardKey);
* Sets up i18n messages on DOM subtree by i18n attributes.
* @param rootElement Root of DOM subtree to be set up with.
export function setupI18nElements(rootElement: DocumentFragment|Element): void {
function getElements(attr: string) {
const elements = [...dom.getAllFrom(rootElement, `[${attr}]`, HTMLElement)];
if (rootElement instanceof HTMLElement && rootElement.hasAttribute(attr)) {
return elements;
function getMessage(element: HTMLElement, attr: string) {
return loadTimeData.getI18nMessage(
assertEnumVariant(I18nString, element.getAttribute(attr)));
function setAriaLabel(element: HTMLElement, attr: string) {
element.setAttribute('aria-label', getMessage(element, attr));
for (const element of getElements('i18n-text')) {
// The element that has i18n-text is assumed to have no direct text node
// child other than the one generated by i18n-text, and might have other
// elements as child. Remove all the text node in case this is called more
// than once, and append the text node.
for (const node of Array.from(element.childNodes)) {
if (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
element.append(getMessage(element, 'i18n-text'));
for (const element of getElements('i18n-tooltip-true')) {
'tooltip-true', getMessage(element, 'i18n-tooltip-true'));
for (const element of getElements('i18n-tooltip-false')) {
'tooltip-false', getMessage(element, 'i18n-tooltip-false'));
for (const element of getElements('i18n-aria')) {
setAriaLabel(element, 'i18n-aria');
for (const element of tooltip.setup(getElements('i18n-label'))) {
setAriaLabel(element, 'i18n-label');
* Reads blob into Image.
export function blobToImage(blob: Blob): Promise<HTMLImageElement> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const img = new Image();
img.onload = () => resolve(img);
img.onerror = () => reject(new Error('Failed to load unprocessed image'));
img.src = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
* Gets default facing according to device mode.
export function getDefaultFacing(): Facing {
return state.get(state.State.TABLET) ? Facing.ENVIRONMENT : Facing.USER;
* Toggle checked value of element.
export function toggleChecked(
element: HTMLInputElement, checked: boolean): void {
element.checked = checked;
element.dispatchEvent(new Event('change'));
* Binds on/off of specified state with different aria label on an element.
export function bindElementAriaLabelWithState(
{element, state: s, onLabel, offLabel}: {
element: Element,
state: state.State,
onLabel: I18nString,
offLabel: I18nString,
}): void {
function update(value: boolean) {
const label = value ? onLabel : offLabel;
element.setAttribute('i18n-label', label);
element.setAttribute('aria-label', loadTimeData.getI18nMessage(label));
state.addObserver(s, update);
* Sets inkdrop effect on button or label in setting menu.
export function setInkdropEffect(el: HTMLElement): void {
const tpl = instantiateTemplate('#inkdrop-template');
const ripple =
assertInstanceof(tpl.querySelector('.inkdrop-ripple'), HTMLElement);
el.addEventListener('click', async (e) => {
const tRect =
assertInstanceof(, HTMLElement).getBoundingClientRect();
const elRect = el.getBoundingClientRect();
const dropX = tRect.left + e.offsetX - elRect.left;
const dropY = + e.offsetY -;
const maxDx = Math.max(Math.abs(dropX), Math.abs(elRect.width - dropX));
const maxDy = Math.max(Math.abs(dropY), Math.abs(elRect.height - dropY));
const radius = Math.hypot(maxDx, maxDy);'--drop-x', `${dropX}px`);'--drop-y', `${dropY}px`);'--drop-radius', `${radius}px`);
* Instantiates template with the target selector.
export function instantiateTemplate(selector: string): DocumentFragment {
const tpl = dom.get(selector, HTMLTemplateElement);
const doc = assertInstanceof(
document.importNode(tpl.content, true), DocumentFragment);
return doc;
* Sleeps for a specified time.
* @param ms Milliseconds to sleep.
export function sleep(ms: number): Promise<void> {
return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
* Gets value in px of a property in a StylePropertyMapReadOnly.
export function getStyleValueInPx(
style: (StylePropertyMap|StylePropertyMapReadOnly), prop: string): number {
return assertInstanceof(style.get(prop), CSSNumericValue).to('px').value;
* Trigger callback in fixed interval like |setInterval()| with specified delay
* before calling the first callback.
export class DelayInterval {
private intervalId: number|null = null;
private readonly delayTimeoutId: number;
* @param callback Callback to be triggered in fixed interval.
* @param delayMs Delay milliseconds at start.
* @param intervalMs Interval in milliseconds.
constructor(callback: () => void, delayMs: number, intervalMs: number) {
this.delayTimeoutId = setTimeout(() => {
this.intervalId = setInterval(() => {
}, intervalMs);
}, delayMs);
* Stop the interval.
stop(): void {
if (this.intervalId === null) {
} else {
* Share file with share API.
export async function share(file: File): Promise<void> {
const shareData = {files: [file]};
try {
if (!navigator.canShare(shareData)) {
throw new Error('cannot share');
await navigator.share(shareData);
} catch (e) {
// TODO(b/191950622): Handles all share error case, e.g. no
// share target, share abort... with right treatment like toast
// message.
* Check if a string value is a variant of an enum.
* @param enumType The enum type to be checked.
* @param value Value to be checked.
* @return The value if it's an enum variant, null otherwise.
export function checkEnumVariant<T extends string>(
enumType: {[key: string]: T}, value: string|null|undefined): T|null {
if (value === null || value === undefined ||
!Object.values<string>(enumType).includes(value)) {
return null;
return value as T;
* Asserts that a string value is a variant of an enum.
* @param enumType The enum type to be checked.
* @param value Value to be checked.
* @return The value if it's an enum variant, throws assertion error otherwise.
export function assertEnumVariant<T extends string>(
enumType: {[key: string]: T}, value: string|null|undefined): T {
const ret = checkEnumVariant(enumType, value);
assert(ret !== null, `${value} is not a valid enum variant`);
return ret;
* Crops out maximum possible centered square from the image blob.
* @return Promise with result cropped square image.
export async function cropSquare(blob: Blob): Promise<Blob> {
const img = await blobToImage(blob);
try {
const side = Math.min(img.width, img.height);
const {canvas, ctx} = newDrawingCanvas({width: side, height: side});
img, Math.floor((img.width - side) / 2),
Math.floor((img.height - side) / 2), side, side, 0, 0, side, side);
// TODO(b/174190121): Patch important exif entries from input blob to
// result blob.
const croppedBlob = await canvasToJpegBlob(canvas);
return croppedBlob;
} finally {
* Returns the mapped aspect ratio set according to the given resolution.
export function toAspectRatioSet(resolution: Resolution|null): AspectRatioSet {
switch (resolution?.aspectRatio) {
case 1.3333:
return AspectRatioSet.RATIO_4_3;
case 1.7778:
return AspectRatioSet.RATIO_16_9;
return AspectRatioSet.RATIO_OTHER;
* Extract first url from CSS background-image value if exist.
export function extractBackgroundImageValueUrl(element: HTMLElement): string|
null {
const style = element.attributeStyleMap;
const imageValue = style.get('background-image');
// attributeStyleMap.get() returns null instead of undefined if the property
// does not exist. Check undefined for type narrowing.
if (imageValue === null || imageValue === undefined) {
return null;
const match = imageValue.toString().match(/url\(['"](.*)['"]\)/);
return match?.[1] ?? null;
* Load the image element with given blob.
export async function loadImage(
image: HTMLImageElement, data: Blob|string): Promise<void> {
const src = typeof data === 'string' ? data : URL.createObjectURL(data);
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
image.onload = () => resolve();
image.onerror = (e) => {
reject(new Error(`Failed to load image: ${e}`));
image.src = src;
* Gets the mapping from name to enum value for a number enum.
* Note that in TypeScript, number enum contains both mapping from name to
* value and value to name, which most of the time isn't what we want.
export function getNumberEnumMapping<T extends number>(
enumType: {[key: string]: T|string}): {[key: string]: T} {
return Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(enumType).flatMap(([k, v]) => {
if (typeof v === 'string') {
return [];
return [[k, v]];
* Returns FPS range from media track constraints.
export function getFpsRangeFromConstraints(frameRate: ConstrainDouble|
undefined): FpsRange {
let minFps = 0;
let maxFps = 0;
// For devices that don't support constant frame rate, we pass {0,0} and let
// VCD fall back to the default range.
if (frameRate !== undefined) {
if (typeof frameRate === 'number') {
minFps = frameRate;
maxFps = frameRate;
} else if (frameRate.exact !== undefined) {
minFps = frameRate.exact;
maxFps = frameRate.exact;
return {minFps, maxFps};