blob: 385c85e285cf21d3f6bf029cd72a816a8eda667e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "chrome/browser/companion/core/mojom/companion.mojom.h"
#include "services/metrics/public/cpp/ukm_source_id.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
using side_panel::mojom::PhFeedback;
using side_panel::mojom::PromoAction;
using side_panel::mojom::PromoType;
using side_panel::mojom::UiSurface;
namespace companion {
// Invalid values.
const int32_t kInvalidPosition = -1;
const int32_t kInvalidNumChildren = -1;
// Types of events on the UI surfaces. Keep in sync with Companion.UiEvent in
// enums.xml.
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
enum class UiEvent {
// The UI surface was not shown.
kNotAvailable = 1,
// The UI surface was shown.
kShown = 2,
// User clicked on the UI surface.
kClicked = 3,
// Various UI locations from which the companion page can be launched. Keep in
// sync with Companion.OpenTrigger in enums.xml. These values are persisted to
// logs. Entries should not be renumbered and numeric values should never be
// reused.
enum class OpenTrigger {
// Launch location is unknown.
kUnknown = 0,
// The companion page was opened via a context menu image search.
kContextMenuImageSearch = 1,
// The companion page was opened via a context menu text search.
kContextMenuTextSearch = 2,
// Other types of launches. Includes the toolbar button entry point.
kOther = 3,
// Tracks events happening on a single UI surface.
struct UiSurfaceMetrics {
UiSurfaceMetrics() = default;
UiSurfaceMetrics(const UiSurfaceMetrics& other) = default;
UiSurfaceMetrics& operator=(const UiSurfaceMetrics& other) = default;
~UiSurfaceMetrics() = default;
// Events on the surface. The last event wins and gets recorded.
UiEvent last_event = UiEvent::kNotAvailable;
// The position of the UI surface relative to the companion page.
size_t ui_surface_position = kInvalidPosition;
// The number of child elements that were considered to be shown within the
// surface, e.g. number of candidate queries inside related queries component.
size_t child_element_available_count = kInvalidNumChildren;
// The number of child elements shown within the surface, e.g. number of
// related queries inside related queries component.
size_t child_element_shown_count = kInvalidNumChildren;
// The number of times user clicked on the surface.
size_t click_count = 0;
// The position of the clicked UI element within its parent list. Applicable
// to surfaces that show a list.
int32_t click_position = kInvalidPosition;
// Various types of events happening on the promo surfaces on the companion
// page. Keep in sync with Companion.PromoEvent in enums.xml. These values are
// persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and numeric values should
// never be reused.
enum class PromoEvent {
kUnknown = 0,
kSignInShown = 1,
kSignInAccepted = 2,
kSignInRejected = 3,
kMsbbShown = 4,
kMsbbAccepted = 5,
kMsbbRejected = 6,
kExpsShown = 7,
kExpsAccepted = 8,
kExpsRejected = 9,
kMaxValue = kExpsRejected,
// Utility to log UKM and UMA metrics for events happening on the companion
// page. Should be associated with a single navigation. Flushes metrics on
// destruction.
class CompanionMetricsLogger {
explicit CompanionMetricsLogger(ukm::SourceId ukm_source_id);
CompanionMetricsLogger(const CompanionMetricsLogger&) = delete;
CompanionMetricsLogger& operator=(const CompanionMetricsLogger&) = delete;
void RecordOpenTrigger(OpenTrigger open_trigger);
// For the following methods, please refer CompanionPageHandler in
// companion.mojom for detailed documentation.
// Logging method corresponding to `RecordUiSurfaceShown` in companion.mojom.
void RecordUiSurfaceShown(UiSurface ui_surface,
uint32_t ui_surface_position,
uint32_t child_element_available_count,
uint32_t child_element_shown_count);
// Logging method corresponding to `RecordUiSurfaceClicked` in
// companion.mojom.
void RecordUiSurfaceClicked(UiSurface ui_surface, int32_t click_position);
// Logging method corresponding to `OnPromoAction` in companion.mojom.
void OnPromoAction(PromoType promo_type, PromoAction promo_action);
// Logging method corresponding to `OnPhFeedback` in companion.mojom.
void OnPhFeedback(PhFeedback ph_feedback);
// Meant to be called at destruction. Flushes the UKM metrics.
void FlushStats();
// The UKM source ID for the page being shown.
ukm::SourceId ukm_source_id_;
// In-memory accumulator of UI surface metrics.
std::map<UiSurface, UiSurfaceMetrics> ui_surface_metrics_;
// Last event on the promo surfaces.
absl::optional<PromoEvent> last_promo_event_;
// Last event on the promo surfaces.
absl::optional<PhFeedback> last_ph_feedback_;
// Indicates how the companion page was opened. Non-empty for the first
// navigation.
absl::optional<OpenTrigger> open_trigger_;
} // namespace companion