blob: 5fb320b4ad90f459e1e1739dc20a4d8054551db0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/functional/bind.h"
#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "components/performance_manager/public/graph/graph.h"
namespace base {
class TimeDelta;
namespace performance_manager::policies {
// A memory saver policy that discards a tab that has been in the background for
// at least X amount of time, as long as the percentage of available system
// memory is smaller than Y, checking at a frequency of Z. X, Y, and Z being
// parameters to the policy.
// The parameters are set through base::FeatureParam:
// * kHeuristicMemorySaverAvailableMemoryThresholdPercent and
// kHeuristicMemorySaverAvailableMemoryThresholdMb: the amount of free memory
// this policy tries to maintain, i.e. it will start discarding when the
// percentage available memory < percent AND available memory < mb.
// * kHeuristicMemorySaverThresholdReachedHeartbeatInterval: the time interval
// at which this policy will check whether a tab should be discarded, when the
// last check found that the threshold was reached.
// * kHeuristicMemorySaverThresholdNotReachedHeartbeatInterval: the time
// interval at which this policy will check whether a tab should be discarded,
// when the last check found that the threshold was not reached.
// * kHeuristicMemorySaverMinimumTimeInBackground: the minimum amount of time a
// page must spend in the background before being considered eligible for
// discarding.
class HeuristicMemorySaverPolicy : public GraphOwned {
using AvailableMemoryCallback = base::RepeatingCallback<uint64_t()>;
using TotalMemoryCallback = base::RepeatingCallback<uint64_t()>;
// `available_memory_cb` and `total_memory_cb` allow mocking memory
// measurements for testing.
AvailableMemoryCallback available_memory_cb =
TotalMemoryCallback total_memory_cb = base::BindRepeating(
~HeuristicMemorySaverPolicy() override;
static HeuristicMemorySaverPolicy* GetInstance();
// GraphOwned:
void OnPassedToGraph(Graph* graph) override;
void OnTakenFromGraph(Graph* graph) override;
void SetActive(bool enabled);
bool IsActive() const;
void OnHeartbeatCallback();
void ScheduleNextHeartbeat(base::TimeDelta interval);
static uint64_t DefaultGetAmountOfAvailablePhysicalMemory();
static uint64_t DefaultGetAmountOfPhysicalMemory();
bool is_active_ = false;
base::OneShotTimer heartbeat_timer_;
AvailableMemoryCallback available_memory_cb_;
TotalMemoryCallback total_memory_cb_;
raw_ptr<Graph> graph_ = nullptr;
} // namespace performance_manager::policies