blob: 57ca39b01d47b9f677d2c76dfa9335af1d8e2ff5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.res.Resources;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.SystemClock;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.view.View;
import androidx.annotation.IntDef;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.Px;
import androidx.annotation.StringRes;
import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting;
import org.chromium.base.ActivityState;
import org.chromium.base.Callback;
import org.chromium.base.ThreadUtils;
import org.chromium.base.TraceEvent;
import org.chromium.base.metrics.RecordUserAction;
import org.chromium.base.supplier.Supplier;
import org.chromium.components.metrics.OmniboxEventProtos.OmniboxEventProto.PageClassification;
import org.chromium.components.omnibox.AutocompleteMatch;
import org.chromium.components.omnibox.AutocompleteResult;
import org.chromium.components.omnibox.OmniboxSuggestionType;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.WebContents;
import org.chromium.ui.base.PageTransition;
import org.chromium.ui.modaldialog.DialogDismissalCause;
import org.chromium.ui.modaldialog.ModalDialogManager;
import org.chromium.ui.modaldialog.ModalDialogProperties;
import org.chromium.ui.modelutil.MVCListAdapter.ModelList;
import org.chromium.ui.modelutil.PropertyModel;
import org.chromium.ui.mojom.WindowOpenDisposition;
import org.chromium.url.GURL;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.util.List;
* Handles updating the model state for the currently visible omnibox suggestions.
class AutocompleteMediator implements OnSuggestionsReceivedListener,
OmniboxSuggestionsDropdownScrollListener, SuggestionHost {
private static final int SUGGESTION_NOT_FOUND = -1;
private static final int SCHEDULE_FOR_IMMEDIATE_EXECUTION = -1;
// Delay triggering the omnibox results upon key press to allow the location bar to repaint
// with the new characters.
private static final long OMNIBOX_SUGGESTION_START_DELAY_MS = 30;
private static final int OMNIBOX_HISTOGRAMS_MAX_SUGGESTIONS = 10;
private final @NonNull Context mContext;
private final @NonNull AutocompleteControllerProvider mControllerProvider;
private final @NonNull AutocompleteDelegate mDelegate;
private final @NonNull UrlBarEditingTextStateProvider mUrlBarEditingTextProvider;
private final @NonNull PropertyModel mListPropertyModel;
private final @NonNull ModelList mSuggestionModels;
private final @NonNull Handler mHandler;
private final @NonNull LocationBarDataProvider mDataProvider;
private final @NonNull Supplier<ModalDialogManager> mModalDialogManagerSupplier;
private final @NonNull DropdownItemViewInfoListBuilder mDropdownViewInfoListBuilder;
private final @NonNull DropdownItemViewInfoListManager mDropdownViewInfoListManager;
private final @NonNull Callback<Tab> mBringTabToFrontCallback;
private final @NonNull Supplier<TabWindowManager> mTabWindowManagerSupplier;
private final @NonNull Runnable mClearFocusCallback;
private @NonNull AutocompleteResult mAutocompleteResult = AutocompleteResult.EMPTY_RESULT;
private @Nullable Runnable mCurrentAutocompleteRequest;
private @Nullable Runnable mDeferredLoadAction;
private @Nullable PropertyModel mDeleteDialogModel;
private boolean mNativeInitialized;
private AutocompleteController mAutocomplete;
private long mUrlFocusTime;
private boolean mShouldCacheSuggestions;
private boolean mClearFocusAfterNavigation;
private boolean mClearFocusAfterNavigationAsynchronously;
private boolean mUrlHasFocus;
// When set, specifies the system time of the most recent suggestion list request.
private Long mLastSuggestionRequestTime;
// When set, specifies the time when the suggestion list was shown the first time.
// Suggestions are refreshed several times per keystroke.
private Long mFirstSuggestionListModelCreatedTime;
@IntDef({EditSessionState.INACTIVE, EditSessionState.ACTIVATED_BY_USER_INPUT,
@VisibleForTesting(otherwise = VisibleForTesting.PRIVATE)
@interface EditSessionState {
int INACTIVE = 0; // Omnibox is not being edited.
int ACTIVATED_BY_USER_INPUT = 1; // The edit session is triggered by user input.
int ACTIVATED_BY_QUERY_TILE = 2; // The edit session is triggered from query tile.
private int mEditSessionState = EditSessionState.INACTIVE;
private int mRefineActionUsage = RefineActionUsage.NOT_USED;
// The timestamp (using SystemClock.elapsedRealtime()) at the point when the user started
// modifying the omnibox with new input.
private long mNewOmniboxEditSessionTimestamp = -1;
// Set at the end of the Omnibox interaction to indicate whether the user selected an item
// from the list (true) or left the Omnibox and suggestions list with no action taken (false).
private boolean mOmniboxFocusResultedInNavigation;
// Facilitate detection of Autocomplete actions being scheduled from an Autocomplete action.
private boolean mIsExecutingAutocompleteAction;
// Whether user scrolled the suggestions list.
private boolean mSuggestionsListScrolled;
* The text shown in the URL bar (user text + inline autocomplete) after the most recent set of
* omnibox suggestions was received. When the user presses enter in the omnibox, this value is
* compared to the URL bar text to determine whether the first suggestion is still valid.
private String mUrlTextAfterSuggestionsReceived;
private boolean mShouldPreventOmniboxAutocomplete;
private long mLastActionUpTimestamp;
private boolean mIgnoreOmniboxItemSelection = true;
public AutocompleteMediator(@NonNull Context context,
@NonNull AutocompleteControllerProvider controllerProvider,
@NonNull AutocompleteDelegate delegate,
@NonNull UrlBarEditingTextStateProvider textProvider,
@NonNull PropertyModel listPropertyModel, @NonNull Handler handler,
@NonNull Supplier<ModalDialogManager> modalDialogManagerSupplier,
@NonNull Supplier<Tab> activityTabSupplier,
@Nullable Supplier<ShareDelegate> shareDelegateSupplier,
@NonNull LocationBarDataProvider locationBarDataProvider,
@NonNull Callback<Tab> bringTabToFrontCallback,
@NonNull Supplier<TabWindowManager> tabWindowManagerSupplier,
@NonNull BookmarkState bookmarkState, @NonNull ActionChipsDelegate actionChipsDelegate,
@NonNull OpenHistoryClustersDelegate openHistoryClustersDelegate) {
mContext = context;
mControllerProvider = controllerProvider;
mDelegate = delegate;
mUrlBarEditingTextProvider = textProvider;
mListPropertyModel = listPropertyModel;
mModalDialogManagerSupplier = modalDialogManagerSupplier;
mHandler = handler;
mDataProvider = locationBarDataProvider;
mBringTabToFrontCallback = bringTabToFrontCallback;
mTabWindowManagerSupplier = tabWindowManagerSupplier;
mSuggestionModels = mListPropertyModel.get(SuggestionListProperties.SUGGESTION_MODELS);
mDropdownViewInfoListBuilder = new DropdownItemViewInfoListBuilder(activityTabSupplier,
bookmarkState, actionChipsDelegate, openHistoryClustersDelegate);
mDropdownViewInfoListManager =
new DropdownItemViewInfoListManager(mSuggestionModels, context);
mClearFocusCallback = this::finishInteraction;
* Initialize the Mediator with default set of suggestion processors.
void initDefaultProcessors() {
mContext, this, mDelegate, mUrlBarEditingTextProvider);
* @return DropdownItemViewInfoListBuilder instance used to convert OmniboxSuggestions to list
* of ViewInfos.
DropdownItemViewInfoListBuilder getDropdownItemViewInfoListBuilderForTest() {
return mDropdownViewInfoListBuilder;
public void destroy() {
if (mAutocomplete != null) {
/** @return The ModelList for currently shown suggestions. */
ModelList getSuggestionModelListForTest() {
return mSuggestionModels;
* Check if the suggestion is created from clipboard.
* @param suggestion The AutocompleteMatch to check.
* @return Whether or not the suggestion is from clipboard.
private boolean isSuggestionFromClipboard(AutocompleteMatch suggestion) {
return suggestion.getType() == OmniboxSuggestionType.CLIPBOARD_URL
|| suggestion.getType() == OmniboxSuggestionType.CLIPBOARD_TEXT
|| suggestion.getType() == OmniboxSuggestionType.CLIPBOARD_IMAGE;
* @return The number of current autocomplete suggestions.
public int getSuggestionCount() {
return mAutocompleteResult.getSuggestionsList().size();
* Retrieve the omnibox suggestion at the specified index. The index represents the ordering
* in the underlying model. The index does not represent visibility due to the current scroll
* position of the list.
* @param matchIndex The index of the suggestion to fetch.
* @return The suggestion at the given index.
public AutocompleteMatch getSuggestionAt(int matchIndex) {
return mAutocompleteResult.getSuggestionsList().get(matchIndex);
* Sets the layout direction to be used for any new suggestion views.
* @see View#setLayoutDirection(int)
void setLayoutDirection(int layoutDirection) {
* Specifies the visual state to be used by the suggestions.
* @param brandedColorScheme The {@link @BrandedColorScheme}.
void updateVisualsForState(@BrandedColorScheme int brandedColorScheme) {
mListPropertyModel.set(SuggestionListProperties.COLOR_SCHEME, brandedColorScheme);
* Show cached zero suggest results.
* Enables Autocomplete subsystem to offer most recently presented suggestions in the event
* where Native counterpart is not yet initialized.
* Note: the only supported page context right now is the ANDROID_SEARCH_WIDGET.
void startCachedZeroSuggest() {
if (mNativeInitialized) return;
onSuggestionsReceived(CachedZeroSuggestionsManager.readFromCache(), "", true);
/** Notify the mediator that a item selection is pending and should be accepted. */
void allowPendingItemSelection() {
mIgnoreOmniboxItemSelection = false;
* Signals that native initialization has completed.
void onNativeInitialized() {
mNativeInitialized = true;
// TODO(b/277805322): remove this Feature and parameter once we've run a holdback
// experiment.
mClearFocusAfterNavigation =
mClearFocusAfterNavigationAsynchronously =
"clear_focus_asynchronously", true);
/** @see */
void onUrlFocusChange(boolean hasFocus) {
mUrlHasFocus = hasFocus;
// Propagate the information about focus change to all the processors first.
// Processors need this for accounting purposes.
// The focus change information should be passed before Processors receive first
// batch of suggestions, that is:
// - before any call to startZeroSuggest() (when first suggestions are populated), and
// - before stopAutocomplete() (when current suggestions are erased).
if (hasFocus) {
mRefineActionUsage = RefineActionUsage.NOT_USED;
mOmniboxFocusResultedInNavigation = false;
mSuggestionsListScrolled = false;
mUrlFocusTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
// Ask directly for zero-suggestions related to current input, unless the user is
// currently visiting SearchActivity and the input is populated from the launch intent.
// For SearchActivity, in most cases the input will be empty, triggering the same
// response (starting zero suggestions), but if the Activity was launched with a QUERY,
// then the query might point to a different URL than the reported Page, and the
// suggestion would take the user to the DSE home page.
// This is tracked by MobileStartup.LaunchCause / EXTERNAL_SEARCH_ACTION_INTENT
// metric.
if (mDataProvider.getPageClassification(
/*isFocusedFromFakebox=*/false, /*isPrefetch=*/false)
!= PageClassification.ANDROID_SEARCH_WIDGET_VALUE) {
postAutocompleteRequest(this::startZeroSuggest, SCHEDULE_FOR_IMMEDIATE_EXECUTION);
} else {
String text = mUrlBarEditingTextProvider.getTextWithoutAutocomplete();
onTextChanged(text, text);
} else {
mDelegate.didFocusUrlFromFakebox(), /*isPrefetch=*/false),
mEditSessionState = EditSessionState.INACTIVE;
mNewOmniboxEditSessionTimestamp = -1;
// Prevent any upcoming omnibox suggestions from showing once a URL is loaded (and as
// a consequence the omnibox is unfocused).
* @see
void onUrlAnimationFinished(boolean hasFocus) {
* Updates the profile used for generating autocomplete suggestions.
* @param profile The profile to be used.
void setAutocompleteProfile(Profile profile) {
if (mAutocomplete != null) {
mAutocomplete = mControllerProvider.get(profile);
* Whether omnibox autocomplete should currently be prevented from generating suggestions.
void setShouldPreventOmniboxAutocomplete(boolean prevent) {
mShouldPreventOmniboxAutocomplete = prevent;
* @see AutocompleteController#onVoiceResults(List)
void onVoiceResults(@Nullable List<VoiceRecognitionHandler.VoiceResult> results) {
if (!mNativeInitialized || mAutocomplete == null) return;
* @return The current native pointer to the autocomplete results.
* TODO( Figure out how to remove this.
long getCurrentNativeAutocompleteResult() {
return mAutocompleteResult.getNativeObjectRef();
* Triggered when the user selects one of the omnibox suggestions to navigate to.
* @param suggestion The AutocompleteMatch which was selected.
* @param matchIndex Position of the suggestion in the drop down view.
* @param url The URL associated with the suggestion.
public void onSuggestionClicked(
@NonNull AutocompleteMatch suggestion, int matchIndex, @NonNull GURL url) {
if (mAutocompleteResult.isFromCachedResult()
&& (!mNativeInitialized || mAutocomplete == null)) {
// clang-format off
mDeferredLoadAction = () -> loadUrlForOmniboxMatch(
matchIndex, suggestion, url, mLastActionUpTimestamp, true);
// clang-format on
loadUrlForOmniboxMatch(matchIndex, suggestion, url, mLastActionUpTimestamp, true);
* Triggered when the user selects to refine one of the omnibox suggestions.
* @param suggestion The suggestion selected.
public void onRefineSuggestion(AutocompleteMatch suggestion) {
boolean isSearchSuggestion = suggestion.isSearchSuggestion();
boolean isZeroPrefix =
String refineText = suggestion.getFillIntoEdit();
if (isSearchSuggestion) refineText = TextUtils.concat(refineText, " ").toString();
if (isSearchSuggestion) {
// Note: the logic below toggles assumes individual values to be represented by
// individual bits. This allows proper reporting of different refine button uses
// during single interaction with the Omnibox.
mRefineActionUsage |= isZeroPrefix ? RefineActionUsage.SEARCH_WITH_ZERO_PREFIX
: RefineActionUsage.SEARCH_WITH_PREFIX;
} else {
public void onSwitchToTab(AutocompleteMatch suggestion, int matchIndex) {
if (maybeSwitchToTab(matchIndex)) {
recordMetrics(matchIndex, WindowOpenDisposition.SWITCH_TO_TAB, suggestion);
} else {
onSuggestionClicked(suggestion, matchIndex, suggestion.getUrl());
public boolean maybeSwitchToTab(int matchIndex) {
Tab tab = mAutocomplete.getMatchingTabForSuggestion(matchIndex);
if (tab == null || !mTabWindowManagerSupplier.hasValue()) return false;
// When invoked directly from a browser, we want to trigger switch to tab animation.
// If invoked from other activities, ex. searchActivity, we do not need to trigger the
// animation since Android will show the animation for switching apps.
if (tab.getWindowAndroid().getActivityState() == ActivityState.STOPPED
|| tab.getWindowAndroid().getActivityState() == ActivityState.DESTROYED) {
return true;
TabModel tabModel = mTabWindowManagerSupplier.get().getTabModelForTab(tab);
if (tabModel == null) return false;
int tabIndex = TabModelUtils.getTabIndexById(tabModel, tab.getId());
// In the event the user deleted the tab as part during the interaction with the
// Omnibox, reject the switch to tab action.
if (tabIndex == TabModel.INVALID_TAB_INDEX) return false;
tabModel.setIndex(tabIndex, TabSelectionType.FROM_OMNIBOX, false);
return true;
public void onGesture(boolean isGestureUp, long timestamp) {
if (isGestureUp) {
mLastActionUpTimestamp = timestamp;
* Triggered when the user long presses the omnibox suggestion.
* @param suggestion The suggestion selected.
* @param titleText The title to display in the delete dialog.
* @param matchIndex The position of the suggestion.
public void onDeleteMatch(
@NonNull AutocompleteMatch suggestion, @NonNull String titleText, int matchIndex) {
showDeleteDialog(suggestion, titleText, () -> mAutocomplete.deleteMatch(matchIndex));
* Triggered when the user long presses the omnibox suggestion element (eg. a tile).
* @param suggestion The suggestion selected.
* @param titleText The title to display in the delete dialog.
* @param matchIndex The position of the suggestion.
* @param elementIndex The element of the suggestion to be deleted.
public void onDeleteMatchElement(@NonNull AutocompleteMatch suggestion,
@NonNull String titleText, int matchIndex, int elementIndex) {
showDeleteDialog(suggestion, titleText,
() -> mAutocomplete.deleteMatchElement(matchIndex, elementIndex));
* Terminate the interaction with the Omnibox.
public void finishInteraction() {
public void showDeleteDialog(@NonNull AutocompleteMatch suggestion, @NonNull String titleText,
Runnable deleteAction) {
if (!suggestion.isDeletable()) return;
ModalDialogManager manager = mModalDialogManagerSupplier.get();
if (manager == null) {
assert false : "No modal dialog manager registered for this activity.";
ModalDialogProperties.Controller dialogController = new ModalDialogProperties.Controller() {
public void onClick(PropertyModel model, int buttonType) {
if (buttonType == ModalDialogProperties.ButtonType.POSITIVE) {
manager.dismissDialog(model, DialogDismissalCause.POSITIVE_BUTTON_CLICKED);
} else if (buttonType == ModalDialogProperties.ButtonType.NEGATIVE) {
manager.dismissDialog(model, DialogDismissalCause.NEGATIVE_BUTTON_CLICKED);
public void onDismiss(PropertyModel model, int dismissalCause) {
mDeleteDialogModel = null;
Resources resources = mContext.getResources();
int dialogMessageId = R.string.omnibox_confirm_delete;
if (isSuggestionFromClipboard(suggestion)) {
dialogMessageId = R.string.omnibox_confirm_delete_from_clipboard;
mDeleteDialogModel =
new PropertyModel.Builder(ModalDialogProperties.ALL_KEYS)
.with(ModalDialogProperties.CONTROLLER, dialogController)
.with(ModalDialogProperties.TITLE, titleText)
.with(ModalDialogProperties.TITLE_MAX_LINES, 1)
.with(ModalDialogProperties.POSITIVE_BUTTON_TEXT, resources, R.string.ok)
.with(ModalDialogProperties.NEGATIVE_BUTTON_TEXT, resources,
.with(ModalDialogProperties.CANCEL_ON_TOUCH_OUTSIDE, true)
// Prevent updates to the shown omnibox suggestions list while the dialog is open.
manager.showDialog(mDeleteDialogModel, ModalDialogManager.ModalDialogType.APP);
* Dismiss the delete suggestion dialog if it is showing.
* @param cause The cause of dismiss.
private void dismissDeleteDialog(@DialogDismissalCause int cause) {
if (mDeleteDialogModel == null) return;
assert mModalDialogManagerSupplier.hasValue() : "Dialog shown with no registered manager";
mModalDialogManagerSupplier.get().dismissDialog(mDeleteDialogModel, cause);
* Triggered when the user navigates to one of the suggestions without clicking on it.
* @param text The text to be displayed in the Omnibox.
public void setOmniboxEditingText(String text) {
if (mIgnoreOmniboxItemSelection) return;
mIgnoreOmniboxItemSelection = true;
* Updates the URL we will navigate to from suggestion, if needed. This will update the search
* URL to be of the corpus type if query in the omnibox is displayed and update aqs= parameter
* on regular web search URLs.
* @param suggestion The chosen omnibox suggestion.
* @param matchIndex The index of the chosen omnibox suggestion.
* @param url The URL associated with the suggestion to navigate to.
* @param skipCheck Whether to skip an out of bounds check.
* @return The url to navigate to.
private GURL updateSuggestionUrlIfNeeded(@NonNull AutocompleteMatch suggestion, int matchIndex,
@NonNull GURL url, boolean skipCheck) {
if (!mNativeInitialized || mAutocomplete == null) return url;
if (suggestion.getType() == OmniboxSuggestionType.VOICE_SUGGEST
|| suggestion.getType() == OmniboxSuggestionType.TILE_SUGGESTION
|| suggestion.getType() == OmniboxSuggestionType.TILE_NAVSUGGEST) {
return url;
int verifiedIndex = SUGGESTION_NOT_FOUND;
if (!skipCheck) {
verifiedIndex = findSuggestionInAutocompleteResult(suggestion, matchIndex);
// If we do not have the suggestion as part of our results, skip the URL update.
if (verifiedIndex == SUGGESTION_NOT_FOUND) return url;
// TODO(mariakhomenko): Ideally we want to update match destination URL with new aqs
// for query in the omnibox and voice suggestions, but it's currently difficult to do.
GURL updatedUrl = mAutocomplete.updateMatchDestinationUrlWithQueryFormulationTime(
verifiedIndex, getElapsedTimeSinceInputChange());
return updatedUrl == null ? url : updatedUrl;
* Check if the supplied suggestion is still in the current model and return its index.
* This call should be used to confirm that model has not been changed ahead of an event being
* called by all the methods that are dispatched rather than called directly.
* @param suggestion Suggestion to look for.
* @param matchIndex Last known position of the suggestion.
* @return Current index of the supplied suggestion, or SUGGESTION_NOT_FOUND if it is no longer
* part of the model.
private int findSuggestionInAutocompleteResult(AutocompleteMatch suggestion, int matchIndex) {
if (getSuggestionCount() > matchIndex && getSuggestionAt(matchIndex) == suggestion) {
return matchIndex;
// Underlying omnibox results may have changed since the selection was made,
// find the suggestion item, if possible.
for (int index = 0; index < getSuggestionCount(); index++) {
if (suggestion.equals(getSuggestionAt(index))) {
return index;
* Notifies the autocomplete system that the text has changed that drives autocomplete and the
* autocomplete suggestions should be updated.
public void onTextChanged(String textWithoutAutocomplete, String textWithAutocomplete) {
if (mShouldPreventOmniboxAutocomplete) return;
mIgnoreOmniboxItemSelection = true;
if (mEditSessionState == EditSessionState.INACTIVE && mNativeInitialized
&& mAutocomplete != null) {
mNewOmniboxEditSessionTimestamp = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
mEditSessionState = EditSessionState.ACTIVATED_BY_USER_INPUT;
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(textWithoutAutocomplete)) {
postAutocompleteRequest(this::startZeroSuggest, SCHEDULE_FOR_IMMEDIATE_EXECUTION);
} else {
// There may be no tabs when searching form omnibox in overview mode. In that case,
// LocationBarDataProvider.getCurrentUrl() returns NTP url.
if (mDataProvider.hasTab() || mDataProvider.isInOverviewAndShowingOmnibox()) {
boolean preventAutocomplete = !mUrlBarEditingTextProvider.shouldAutocomplete();
int cursorPosition = mUrlBarEditingTextProvider.getSelectionStart()
== mUrlBarEditingTextProvider.getSelectionEnd()
? mUrlBarEditingTextProvider.getSelectionStart()
: -1;
int pageClassification = mDataProvider.getPageClassification(
mDelegate.didFocusUrlFromFakebox(), /*isPrefetch=*/false);
String currentUrl = mDataProvider.getCurrentUrl();
postAutocompleteRequest(() -> {
mAutocomplete.start(currentUrl, pageClassification, textWithoutAutocomplete,
cursorPosition, preventAutocomplete);
public void onSuggestionsReceived(
AutocompleteResult autocompleteResult, String inlineAutocompleteText, boolean isFinal) {
if (mShouldCacheSuggestions) {
final List<AutocompleteMatch> newSuggestions = autocompleteResult.getSuggestionsList();
String userText = mUrlBarEditingTextProvider.getTextWithoutAutocomplete();
mUrlTextAfterSuggestionsReceived = userText + inlineAutocompleteText;
if (!mAutocompleteResult.equals(autocompleteResult)) {
mAutocompleteResult = autocompleteResult;
List<DropdownItemViewInfo> viewInfoList =
viewInfoList, autocompleteResult.getGroupsInfo());
boolean defaultMatchIsSearch = true;
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(mUrlBarEditingTextProvider.getTextWithoutAutocomplete())
&& !newSuggestions.isEmpty()) {
defaultMatchIsSearch = newSuggestions.get(0).isSearchSuggestion();
if (mUrlHasFocus) {
mDelegate.onSuggestionsChanged(inlineAutocompleteText, defaultMatchIsSearch);
mListPropertyModel.set(SuggestionListProperties.LIST_IS_FINAL, isFinal);
* Load the url corresponding to the typed omnibox text.
* @param eventTime The timestamp the load was triggered by the user.
void loadTypedOmniboxText(long eventTime) {
final String urlText = mUrlBarEditingTextProvider.getTextWithAutocomplete();
if (mNativeInitialized && mAutocomplete != null) {
findMatchAndLoadUrl(urlText, eventTime);
} else {
mDeferredLoadAction = () -> findMatchAndLoadUrl(urlText, eventTime);
* Search for a suggestion with the same associated URL as the supplied one.
* @param urlText The URL text to search for.
* @param eventTime The timestamp the load was triggered by the user.
private void findMatchAndLoadUrl(String urlText, long inputStart) {
AutocompleteMatch suggestionMatch;
boolean inSuggestionList = true;
if (getSuggestionCount() > 0
&& urlText.trim().equals(mUrlTextAfterSuggestionsReceived.trim())) {
// Common case: the user typed something, received suggestions, then pressed enter.
// This triggers the Default Match.
suggestionMatch = getSuggestionAt(0);
} else {
// Less common case: there are no valid omnibox suggestions. This can happen if the
// user tapped the URL bar to dismiss the suggestions, then pressed enter. This can
// also happen if the user presses enter before any suggestions have been received
// from the autocomplete controller.
if (!mNativeInitialized || mAutocomplete == null) return;
suggestionMatch = mAutocomplete.classify(urlText, mDelegate.didFocusUrlFromFakebox());
// Classify matches don't propagate to java, so skip the OOB check.
inSuggestionList = false;
// If urlText couldn't be classified, bail.
if (suggestionMatch == null) return;
0, suggestionMatch, suggestionMatch.getUrl(), inputStart, inSuggestionList);
* Loads the specified omnibox suggestion.
* @param matchIndex The position of the selected omnibox suggestion.
* @param suggestion The suggestion selected.
* @param url The URL to load.
* @param inputStart The timestamp the input was started.
* @param inVisibleSuggestionList Whether the suggestion is in the visible suggestion list.
private void loadUrlForOmniboxMatch(int matchIndex, @NonNull AutocompleteMatch suggestion,
@NonNull GURL url, long inputStart, boolean inVisibleSuggestionList) {
try (TraceEvent e = TraceEvent.scoped("AutocompleteMediator.loadUrlFromOmniboxMatch")) {
SuggestionsMetrics.recordFocusToOpenTime(System.currentTimeMillis() - mUrlFocusTime);
// Clear the deferred site load action in case it executes. Reclaims a bit of memory.
mDeferredLoadAction = null;
mOmniboxFocusResultedInNavigation = true;
url = updateSuggestionUrlIfNeeded(
suggestion, matchIndex, url, !inVisibleSuggestionList);
// loadUrl modifies AutocompleteController's state clearing the native
// AutocompleteResults needed by onSuggestionsSelected. Therefore,
// loadUrl should should be invoked last.
int transition = suggestion.getTransition();
int type = suggestion.getType();
recordMetrics(matchIndex, WindowOpenDisposition.CURRENT_TAB, suggestion);
if (((transition & PageTransition.CORE_MASK) == PageTransition.TYPED)
&& TextUtils.equals(url.getSpec(), mDataProvider.getCurrentUrl())) {
// When the user hit enter on the existing permanent URL, treat it like a
// reload for scoring purposes. We could detect this by just checking
// user_input_in_progress_, but it seems better to treat "edits" that end
// up leaving the URL unchanged (e.g. deleting the last character and then
// retyping it) as reloads too. We exclude non-TYPED transitions because if
// the transition is GENERATED, the user input something that looked
// different from the current URL, even if it wound up at the same place
// (e.g. manually retyping the same search query), and it seems wrong to
// treat this as a reload.
transition = PageTransition.RELOAD;
} else if (type == OmniboxSuggestionType.URL_WHAT_YOU_TYPED
&& mUrlBarEditingTextProvider.wasLastEditPaste()) {
// It's important to use the page transition from the suggestion or we might end
// up saving generated URLs as typed URLs, which would then pollute the subsequent
// omnibox results. There is one special case where the suggestion text was pasted,
// where we want the transition type to be LINK.
transition = PageTransition.LINK;
// Kick off an action to clear focus and dismiss the suggestions list.
// This normally happens when the target site loads and focus is moved to the
// webcontents. On Android T we occasionally observe focus events to be lost, resulting
// with Suggestions list obscuring the view.
// TODO( clearing the Omnibox focus is slow, so we want to experiment
// with two alternatives:
// 1) Clear the Omnibox focus in a follow-up task. From a latency perspective, this is
// the best option: the navigation gets kicked off right away, and important
// navigation tasks can get scheduled between the current task and the task clearing
// the Omnibox focus. The ClearOmniboxFocusAfterNavigation feature with the
// clear_focus_asynchronously = false parameter (default) implements this option.
// 2) Clear the Omnibox focus synchronously *after* the navigation has been kicked off.
// This allows some navigation work outside the browser process (e.g. running
// beforeunload handlers) to start ASAP. This is implemented by the setting the
// clear_focus_asynchronously = true parameter.
if (!mClearFocusAfterNavigation) {
if (suggestion.getType() == OmniboxSuggestionType.CLIPBOARD_IMAGE) {
mDelegate.loadUrlWithPostData(url.getSpec(), transition, inputStart,
suggestion.getPostContentType(), suggestion.getPostData());
} else {
mDelegate.loadUrl(url.getSpec(), transition, inputStart);
if (mClearFocusAfterNavigationAsynchronously) {;
} else if (mClearFocusAfterNavigation) {
* Sends a zero suggest request to the server in order to pre-populate the result cache.
/* package */ void startPrefetch() {
int pageClassification = mDataProvider.getPageClassification(
/*isFocusedFromFakebox=*/false, /*isPrefetch=*/true);
postAutocompleteRequest(() -> {
mAutocomplete.startPrefetch(mDataProvider.getCurrentUrl(), pageClassification);
* Make a zero suggest request if:
* - The URL bar has focus.
* - The the tab/overview is not incognito.
* This method should not be called directly. Schedule execution using postAutocompleteRequest.
private void startZeroSuggest() {
// Reset "edited" state in the omnibox if zero suggest is triggered -- new edits
// now count as a new session.
mEditSessionState = EditSessionState.INACTIVE;
mNewOmniboxEditSessionTimestamp = -1;
assert mNativeInitialized
: "startZeroSuggest should be scheduled using postAutocompleteRequest";
if (mDelegate.isUrlBarFocused()
&& (mDataProvider.hasTab() || mDataProvider.isInOverviewAndShowingOmnibox())) {
int pageClassification = mDataProvider.getPageClassification(
mDelegate.didFocusUrlFromFakebox(), /*isPrefetch=*/false);
mShouldCacheSuggestions =
pageClassification == PageClassification.ANDROID_SEARCH_WIDGET_VALUE;
mDataProvider.getCurrentUrl(), pageClassification, mDataProvider.getTitle());
* Update whether the omnibox suggestions are visible.
* @param shouldBeVisible whether the omnibox suggestions are visible
private void updateOmniboxSuggestionsVisibility(boolean shouldBeVisible) {
boolean wasVisible = mListPropertyModel.get(SuggestionListProperties.VISIBLE);
mListPropertyModel.set(SuggestionListProperties.VISIBLE, shouldBeVisible);
if (shouldBeVisible && !wasVisible) {
mIgnoreOmniboxItemSelection = true; // Reset to default value.
* Hides the omnibox suggestion popup.
* <p>
* Signals the autocomplete controller to stop generating omnibox suggestions.
* @see AutocompleteController#stop(boolean)
private void hideSuggestions() {
if (!mNativeInitialized || mAutocomplete == null) return;
mAutocompleteResult = AutocompleteResult.EMPTY_RESULT;
* Signals the autocomplete controller to stop generating omnibox suggestions and cancels the
* queued task to start the autocomplete controller, if any.
* @param clear Whether to clear the most recent autocomplete results.
@VisibleForTesting(otherwise = VisibleForTesting.PRIVATE)
void stopAutocomplete(boolean clear) {
if (mNativeInitialized && mAutocomplete != null) mAutocomplete.stop(clear);
* Trigger autocomplete for the given query.
void startAutocompleteForQuery(String query) {
if (!mNativeInitialized || mAutocomplete == null) return;
if (mDataProvider.hasTab()) {
/*isFocusedFromFakebox=*/false, /*isPrefetch=*/false),
query, -1, false);
* Respond to Suggestion list height change and update list of presented suggestions.
* This typically happens as a result of soft keyboard being shown or hidden.
* @param newHeightPx New height of the suggestion list in pixels.
public void onSuggestionDropdownHeightChanged(@Px int newHeight) {
// Report the dropdown height whenever we intend to - or do show soft keyboard. This
// addresses cases where hardware keyboard is attached to a device, or where user explicitly
// called the keyboard back after we hid it.
if (mDelegate.isKeyboardActive()) {
public void onSuggestionDropdownScroll() {
mSuggestionsListScrolled = true;
mDelegate.setKeyboardVisibility(false, false);
* Called whenever a navigation happens from the omnibox to record metrics about the user's
* interaction with the omnibox.
* @param matchIndex The index of the suggestion that was selected.
* @param disposition The window open disposition.
* @param suggestion The suggestion selected.
private void recordMetrics(int matchIndex, int disposition, AutocompleteMatch suggestion) {
// Do not attempt to record other metrics for cached suggestions if the source of the list
// is local cache. These suggestions do not have corresponding native objects and will fail
// validation.
if (mAutocompleteResult.isFromCachedResult()) return;
String currentPageUrl = mDataProvider.getCurrentUrl();
int pageClassification = mDataProvider.getPageClassification(
mDelegate.didFocusUrlFromFakebox(), /*isPrefetch=*/false);
long elapsedTimeSinceModified = getElapsedTimeSinceInputChange();
int autocompleteLength = mUrlBarEditingTextProvider.getTextWithAutocomplete().length()
- mUrlBarEditingTextProvider.getTextWithoutAutocomplete().length();
WebContents webContents =
mDataProvider.hasTab() ? mDataProvider.getTab().getWebContents() : null;
mAutocomplete.onSuggestionSelected(matchIndex, disposition, suggestion.getType(),
currentPageUrl, pageClassification, elapsedTimeSinceModified, autocompleteLength,
public void onSuggestionDropdownOverscrolledToTop() {
mDelegate.setKeyboardVisibility(true, false);
* @return elapsed time (in milliseconds) since last input or -1 if user has chosen
* a zero-prefix suggestion.
private long getElapsedTimeSinceInputChange() {
return mNewOmniboxEditSessionTimestamp > 0
? (SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - mNewOmniboxEditSessionTimestamp)
: -1;
@VisibleForTesting(otherwise = VisibleForTesting.PRIVATE)
int getEditSessionStateForTest() {
return mEditSessionState;
* Schedule Autocomplete action for execution.
* Each Autocomplete action posted here will cancel any previously posted Autocomplete action,
* ensuring that the actions don't compete against each other. Any action scheduled for
* execution before Native libraries are ready will be deferred.
* This call should only be used for regular suggest flows. Do not post arbitrary tasks here.
* @param action Autocomplete action to execute.
* @param delayMillis The number of milliseconds by which the action should be delayed.
* Use SCHEDULE_FOR_IMMEDIATE_EXECUTION to post action at front of the message queue.
private void postAutocompleteRequest(@NonNull Runnable action, long delayMillis) {
assert !mIsExecutingAutocompleteAction : "Can't schedule conflicting autocomplete action";
assert ThreadUtils.runningOnUiThread() : "Detected input from a non-UI thread. Test error?";
mCurrentAutocompleteRequest = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
mIsExecutingAutocompleteAction = true;;
mIsExecutingAutocompleteAction = false;
// Release completed Runnable.
mCurrentAutocompleteRequest = null;
// In the event we got Native Ready signal but no Profile yet (or the other way around),
// delay execution of the Autocomplete request.
if (!mNativeInitialized || mAutocomplete == null) return;
// TODO( Replace the following with postAtFrontOfQueue() and
// correct any tests that expect data instantly.;
} else {
mHandler.postDelayed(mCurrentAutocompleteRequest, delayMillis);
* Cancel any pending autocomplete actions.
private void cancelAutocompleteRequests() {
mShouldCacheSuggestions = false;
if (mCurrentAutocompleteRequest != null) {
mCurrentAutocompleteRequest = null;
* Execute any pending Autocomplete requests, if the Autocomplete subsystem is ready.
private void runPendingAutocompleteRequests() {
if (!mNativeInitialized || mAutocomplete == null) return;
if (mDeferredLoadAction != null) {
// Re-schedule the load action for execution.;
mDeferredLoadAction = null;
} else if (mCurrentAutocompleteRequest != null) {
// Re-schedule the autocomplete action for immediate execution.
// These requests are not executed until Native libraries are loaded.
* Start measuring time between
* - the request for suggestions and
* - the suggestions UI model being built.
* This should be invoked right before we issue a request for suggestions.
private void startMeasuringSuggestionRequestToUiModelTime() {
mLastSuggestionRequestTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
mFirstSuggestionListModelCreatedTime = null;
* Measure the time it took to build Suggestions UI model.
* The time is measured since the moment suggestions were requested.
* Two histograms are recorded by this method:
* - Omnibox.SuggestionList.RequestToUiModel.First for the first reply associated with the
* request and
* - Omnibox.SuggestionList.RequestToUiModel.Last for the final reply associated with the
* request.
* Any other replies that happen meantime are ignored and are accounted for by the last/final
* measurement.
* @param isFinal whether the measurement is for the final suggestions repsponse
private void measureSuggestionRequestToUiModelTime(boolean isFinal) {
if (mLastSuggestionRequestTime == null) return;
if (mFirstSuggestionListModelCreatedTime == null) {
mFirstSuggestionListModelCreatedTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
mFirstSuggestionListModelCreatedTime - mLastSuggestionRequestTime);
if (isFinal) {
/*isFirst=*/false, SystemClock.uptimeMillis() - mLastSuggestionRequestTime);
* Cancel any measurements related to the time it takes to build Suggestions UI model.
private void stopMeasuringSuggestionRequestToUiModelTime() {
mLastSuggestionRequestTime = null;
mFirstSuggestionListModelCreatedTime = null;