blob: 634736460168bc49c4493c58c1329fa34831607b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import android.content.Context;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.Pair;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.Px;
import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting;
import org.chromium.base.supplier.Supplier;
import org.chromium.components.browser_ui.util.ConversionUtils;
import org.chromium.components.browser_ui.util.GlobalDiscardableReferencePool;
import org.chromium.components.favicon.LargeIconBridge;
import org.chromium.components.image_fetcher.ImageFetcher;
import org.chromium.components.image_fetcher.ImageFetcherConfig;
import org.chromium.components.image_fetcher.ImageFetcherFactory;
import org.chromium.components.omnibox.AutocompleteMatch;
import org.chromium.components.omnibox.AutocompleteResult;
import org.chromium.ui.modelutil.PropertyModel;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
/** Builds DropdownItemViewInfo list from AutocompleteResult for the Suggestions list. */
class DropdownItemViewInfoListBuilder {
private static final int MAX_IMAGE_CACHE_SIZE = 500 * ConversionUtils.BYTES_PER_KILOBYTE;
private static final int DROPDOWN_HEIGHT_UNKNOWN = -1;
private static final int DEFAULT_SIZE_OF_VISIBLE_GROUP = 5;
private final @NonNull List<SuggestionProcessor> mPriorityOrderedSuggestionProcessors;
private final @NonNull Supplier<Tab> mActivityTabSupplier;
private final @NonNull ActionChipsDelegate mActionChipsDelegate;
private @Nullable DividerLineProcessor mDividerLineProcessor;
private @Nullable HeaderProcessor mHeaderProcessor;
private @Nullable Supplier<ShareDelegate> mShareDelegateSupplier;
private @Nullable ImageFetcher mImageFetcher;
private @Nullable FaviconFetcher mFaviconFetcher;
private @Nullable LargeIconBridge mIconBridge;
private @NonNull BookmarkState mBookmarkState;
private int mDropdownHeight;
private OpenHistoryClustersDelegate mOpenHistoryClustersDelegate;
DropdownItemViewInfoListBuilder(@NonNull Supplier<Tab> tabSupplier, BookmarkState bookmarkState,
@NonNull ActionChipsDelegate actionChipsDelegate,
OpenHistoryClustersDelegate openHistoryClustersDelegate) {
mPriorityOrderedSuggestionProcessors = new ArrayList<>();
mActivityTabSupplier = tabSupplier;
mBookmarkState = bookmarkState;
mActionChipsDelegate = actionChipsDelegate;
mOpenHistoryClustersDelegate = openHistoryClustersDelegate;
* Initialize the Builder with default set of suggestion processors.
* @param context Current context.
* @param host Component creating suggestion view delegates and responding to suggestion events.
* @param delegate Component facilitating interactions with UI and Autocomplete mechanism.
* @param textProvider Provider of querying/editing the Omnibox.
void initDefaultProcessors(Context context, SuggestionHost host, AutocompleteDelegate delegate,
UrlBarEditingTextStateProvider textProvider) {
assert mPriorityOrderedSuggestionProcessors.size() == 0 : "Processors already initialized.";
final Supplier<ImageFetcher> imageFetcherSupplier = () -> mImageFetcher;
final Supplier<LargeIconBridge> iconBridgeSupplier = () -> mIconBridge;
final Supplier<ShareDelegate> shareSupplier =
() -> mShareDelegateSupplier == null ? null : mShareDelegateSupplier.get();
mFaviconFetcher = new FaviconFetcher(context, iconBridgeSupplier);
if (OmniboxFeatures.shouldShowModernizeVisualUpdate(context)
&& !OmniboxFeatures.shouldShowActiveColorOnOmnibox()) {
// Only create DividerLineProcessor when feature is enabled.
// Feature is enabled on non-tablet devices.
mDividerLineProcessor = new DividerLineProcessor(context);
mHeaderProcessor = new HeaderProcessor(context);
registerSuggestionProcessor(new EditUrlSuggestionProcessor(
context, host, delegate, mFaviconFetcher, mActivityTabSupplier, shareSupplier));
registerSuggestionProcessor(new AnswerSuggestionProcessor(
context, host, mActionChipsDelegate, textProvider, imageFetcherSupplier));
new ClipboardSuggestionProcessor(context, host, mFaviconFetcher));
registerSuggestionProcessor(new HistoryClustersProcessor(mOpenHistoryClustersDelegate,
context, host, textProvider, mFaviconFetcher, mBookmarkState));
registerSuggestionProcessor(new EntitySuggestionProcessor(
context, host, mActionChipsDelegate, imageFetcherSupplier));
new TailSuggestionProcessor(context, host, mActionChipsDelegate));
registerSuggestionProcessor(new MostVisitedTilesProcessor(context, host, mFaviconFetcher));
registerSuggestionProcessor(new BasicSuggestionProcessor(context, host,
mActionChipsDelegate, textProvider, mFaviconFetcher, mBookmarkState));
void destroy() {
if (mImageFetcher != null) {
mImageFetcher = null;
if (mIconBridge != null) {
mIconBridge = null;
* Register new processor to process OmniboxSuggestions.
* Processors will be tried in the same order as they were added.
* @param processor SuggestionProcessor that handles OmniboxSuggestions.
@VisibleForTesting(otherwise = VisibleForTesting.PRIVATE)
void registerSuggestionProcessor(SuggestionProcessor processor) {
* Specify instance of the HeaderProcessor that will be used to run tests.
* @param processor Header processor used to build suggestion headers.
void setHeaderProcessorForTest(HeaderProcessor processor) {
mHeaderProcessor = processor;
* Specify instance of the DividerLineProcessor that will be used to run tests.
* @param processor divider line processor used to build the suggestion divider line.
void setDividerLineProcessorForTest(DividerLineProcessor processor) {
mDividerLineProcessor = processor;
* Notify that the current User profile has changed.
* @param profile Current user profile.
void setProfile(Profile profile) {
if (mIconBridge != null) {
mIconBridge = null;
if (mImageFetcher != null) {
mImageFetcher = null;
if (mFaviconFetcher != null) {
mIconBridge = new LargeIconBridge(profile);
mImageFetcher = ImageFetcherFactory.createImageFetcher(ImageFetcherConfig.IN_MEMORY_ONLY,
profile.getProfileKey(), GlobalDiscardableReferencePool.getReferencePool(),
* Notify that the current Share delegate supplier has changed.
* @param shareDelegateSupplier Share facility supplier.
void setShareDelegateSupplier(Supplier<ShareDelegate> shareDelegateSupplier) {
mShareDelegateSupplier = shareDelegateSupplier;
* Specify dropdown list height in pixels.
* The height is subsequentially used to determine number of visible suggestions and perform
* partial suggestion ordering based on their visibility.
* Note that this mechanism is effective as long as grouping is not in use in zero-prefix
* context. At the time this mechanism was created, zero-prefix context never presented mixed
* URL and (non-reactive) search suggestions, but instead presented either a list of specialized
* suggestions (eg. clipboard, query tiles) mixed with reactive suggestions, a plain list of
* search suggestions, or a plain list of recent URLs.
* This gives us the chance to measure the height of the dropdown list before the actual
* grouping takes effect.
* If the above situation changes, we may need to revisit the logic here, and possibly cache the
* heights in different states (eg. portrait mode, split screen etc) to get better results.
* @param dropdownHeight Updated height of the dropdown item list.
void setDropdownHeightWithKeyboardActive(@Px int dropdownHeight) {
mDropdownHeight = dropdownHeight;
* Respond to URL bar focus change.
* @param hasFocus Indicates whether URL bar is now focused.
void onUrlFocusChange(boolean hasFocus) {
if (!hasFocus) {
if (mImageFetcher != null) mImageFetcher.clear();
if (mFaviconFetcher != null) mFaviconFetcher.clearCache();
for (int index = 0; index < mPriorityOrderedSuggestionProcessors.size(); index++) {
/** Signals that native initialization has completed. */
void onNativeInitialized() {
for (int index = 0; index < mPriorityOrderedSuggestionProcessors.size(); index++) {
* Build ListModel for new set of Omnibox suggestions.
* @param autocompleteResult New set of suggestions.
* @return List of DropdownItemViewInfo representing the corresponding content of the
* suggestions list.
List<DropdownItemViewInfo> buildDropdownViewInfoList(AutocompleteResult autocompleteResult) {
for (int index = 0; index < mPriorityOrderedSuggestionProcessors.size(); index++) {
final int suggestionsCount = autocompleteResult.getSuggestionsList().size();
var groupConfigs = autocompleteResult.getGroupsInfo().getGroupConfigsMap();
// When Adaptive Suggestions are set, perform partial grouping by search vs url.
// Take action only if we have more suggestions to offer than just a default match and
// one suggestion (otherwise no need to perform grouping).
if (suggestionsCount > 2) {
final int firstSuggestionWithHeader =
final int numVisibleSuggestions = getVisibleSuggestionsCount(autocompleteResult);
// TODO( this should either infer the count from UI height or supply
// the default value if height is not known. For the time being we group the entire list
// to mimic the native behavior.
if (firstSuggestionWithHeader > 1) {
1, Math.min(numVisibleSuggestions, firstSuggestionWithHeader));
if (numVisibleSuggestions < firstSuggestionWithHeader) {
numVisibleSuggestions, firstSuggestionWithHeader);
final List<AutocompleteMatch> newSuggestions = autocompleteResult.getSuggestionsList();
final int newSuggestionsCount = newSuggestions.size();
final List<DropdownItemViewInfo> viewInfoList = new ArrayList<>();
// Match suggestions with their corresponding processors.
final List<Pair<AutocompleteMatch, SuggestionProcessor>> suggestionsPairedWithProcessors =
new ArrayList<>();
for (int index = 0; index < newSuggestionsCount; index++) {
final AutocompleteMatch suggestion = newSuggestions.get(index);
final SuggestionProcessor processor = getProcessorForSuggestion(suggestion, index);
suggestionsPairedWithProcessors.add(new Pair<>(suggestion, processor));
// Build ViewInfo structures.
int currentGroup = AutocompleteMatch.INVALID_GROUP;
// Add the divider line on top if the suggestion list is not empty.
if (mDividerLineProcessor != null && newSuggestionsCount > 0) {
final PropertyModel model = mDividerLineProcessor.createModel();
viewInfoList.add(new DropdownItemViewInfo(mDividerLineProcessor, model, currentGroup));
for (int index = 0; index < newSuggestionsCount; index++) {
final Pair<AutocompleteMatch, SuggestionProcessor> suggestionAndProcessorPair =
final AutocompleteMatch suggestion = suggestionAndProcessorPair.first;
final SuggestionProcessor processor = suggestionAndProcessorPair.second;
// Note: with suggestion grouping in place, the condition below also
// determines rounding boundaries of suggestion group.
if (currentGroup != suggestion.getGroupId()) {
currentGroup = suggestion.getGroupId();
final var details = groupConfigs.get(currentGroup);
// Only add the Header Group when both ID and details are specified.
// Note that despite GroupsDetails map not holding <null> values,
// a group definition for specific ID may be unavailable, or the group
// header text may be empty.
if (details != null && !TextUtils.isEmpty(details.getHeaderText())) {
final PropertyModel model = mHeaderProcessor.createModel();
mHeaderProcessor.populateModel(model, details.getHeaderText());
new DropdownItemViewInfo(mHeaderProcessor, model, currentGroup));
final PropertyModel model = processor.createModel();
processor.populateModel(suggestion, model, index);
viewInfoList.add(new DropdownItemViewInfo(processor, model, currentGroup));
return viewInfoList;
* @param autocompleteResult The AutocompleteResult to analyze.
* @return Number of suggestions immediately visible to the user upon presenting the list.
* Does not include the suggestions with headers, or VOICE_SUGGEST suggestions that
* have been injected by Java provider.
@VisibleForTesting(otherwise = VisibleForTesting.PRIVATE)
int getVisibleSuggestionsCount(AutocompleteResult autocompleteResult) {
// For cases where we don't know how many suggestions can fit in the visile screen area,
// make an assumption regarding the group size.
if (mDropdownHeight == DROPDOWN_HEIGHT_UNKNOWN) {
return Math.min(
autocompleteResult.getSuggestionsList().size(), DEFAULT_SIZE_OF_VISIBLE_GROUP);
final List<AutocompleteMatch> suggestions = autocompleteResult.getSuggestionsList();
final boolean useOldEligibilityLogic =
int calculatedSuggestionsHeight = 0;
int lastVisibleIndex;
for (lastVisibleIndex = 0; lastVisibleIndex < suggestions.size(); lastVisibleIndex++) {
if (useOldEligibilityLogic && (calculatedSuggestionsHeight >= mDropdownHeight)) break;
final AutocompleteMatch suggestion = suggestions.get(lastVisibleIndex);
// We do not include suggestions with headers in partial grouping, so terminate early.
if (suggestion.getGroupId() != AutocompleteMatch.INVALID_GROUP) {
final SuggestionProcessor processor =
getProcessorForSuggestion(suggestion, lastVisibleIndex);
int itemHeight = processor.getMinimumViewHeight();
if (useOldEligibilityLogic) {
calculatedSuggestionsHeight += itemHeight;
// Evaluate suggestion and determine whether it should be considered visible or
// concealed based on the degree to which it is exposed.
// Suggestions exposed 50% or more (where at least half of the suggestion's height is
// visible) are considered visible. Suggestions concealed 50% or more (more than half of
// the usggestion's height is hidden) are considered fully concealed.
if (calculatedSuggestionsHeight + (itemHeight / 2) <= mDropdownHeight) {
// 50% or more of the content exposed.
calculatedSuggestionsHeight += itemHeight;
} else {
return lastVisibleIndex;
* Returns the index of the first suggestion that has an associated group header ID.
* - If no suggestions have group header ID set, returns the size of the list.
* - If all suggestions have group header ID set, returns 0.
int getIndexOfFirstSuggestionWithHeader(AutocompleteResult autocompleteResult) {
final List<AutocompleteMatch> suggestions = autocompleteResult.getSuggestionsList();
// Suggestions with headers, if present, are always shown last. Iterate from the bottom of
// the list to avoid scanning entire list when there are no headers.
for (int suggestionIndex = suggestions.size() - 1; suggestionIndex >= 0;
suggestionIndex--) {
if (suggestions.get(suggestionIndex).getGroupId() == AutocompleteMatch.INVALID_GROUP) {
return suggestionIndex + 1;
return 0;
* Search for Processor that will handle the supplied suggestion at specific position.
* @param suggestion The suggestion to be processed.
* @param position Position of the suggestion in the list.
private SuggestionProcessor getProcessorForSuggestion(
AutocompleteMatch suggestion, int position) {
for (int index = 0; index < mPriorityOrderedSuggestionProcessors.size(); index++) {
SuggestionProcessor processor = mPriorityOrderedSuggestionProcessors.get(index);
if (processor.doesProcessSuggestion(suggestion, position)) return processor;
assert false : "No default handler for suggestions";
return null;