blob: 2d2012b0d12e5aaec187e381181f3a43df39bf32 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module chromeos.settings.mojom;
// Enumeration of each setting in the Chrome OS Settings app. Numerical values
// are used for metrics; do not change or reuse values. Add new values to the
// OsSetting enum in tools/metrics/histograms/enums.xml.
enum Setting {
// Network section.
kConfigureEthernet = 0,
kEthernetAutoConfigureIp = 1,
kEthernetDns = 2,
kEthernetProxy = 3,
kWifiOnOff = 4,
kDisconnectWifiNetwork = 5,
kPreferWifiNetwork = 6,
kForgetWifiNetwork = 7,
kWifiAddNetwork = 8,
kWifiAutoConfigureIp = 9,
kWifiDns = 10,
kWifiProxy = 11,
kWifiAutoConnectToNetwork = 12,
kMobileOnOff = 13,
kCellularSimLock = 14,
kCellularRoaming = 15,
kCellularApn = 16,
kDisconnectCellularNetwork = 17,
kCellularAutoConfigureIp = 18,
kCellularDns = 19,
kCellularProxy = 20,
kCellularAutoConnectToNetwork = 21,
kInstantTetheringOnOff = 22,
kDisconnectTetherNetwork = 23,
kWifiMetered = 24,
kCellularMetered = 25,
kAddESimNetwork = 26,
kCellularRemoveESimNetwork = 27,
kCellularRenameESimNetwork = 28,
kWifiHidden = 29,
kHotspotOnOff = 30,
kHotspotAutoDisabled = 31,
// Bluetooth section.
kBluetoothOnOff = 100,
// [Deprecated] kBluetoothConnectToDevice = 101,
// [Deprecated] kBluetoothDisconnectFromDevice = 102,
kBluetoothPairDevice = 103,
kBluetoothUnpairDevice = 104,
kFastPairOnOff = 105,
kFastPairSavedDevices= 106,
// MultiDevice section.
kSetUpMultiDevice = 200,
kVerifyMultiDeviceSetup = 201,
kMultiDeviceOnOff = 202,
kSmartLockOnOff = 203,
// Note: Value 204 was for deprecated kSmartLockUnlockOrSignIn -
// see b/227674947. Do not reuse.
kMessagesSetUp = 205,
kMessagesOnOff = 206,
kForgetPhone = 207,
kNearbyShareOnOff = 208,
kPhoneHubOnOff = 209,
kPhoneHubNotificationsOnOff = 210,
// Note: Value 211 was for deprecated kPhoneHubNotificationBadgeOnOff.
// Do not reuse.
kPhoneHubTaskContinuationOnOff = 212,
kWifiSyncOnOff = 213,
kNearbyShareDeviceName = 214,
kNearbyShareDeviceVisibility = 215,
kNearbyShareContacts = 216,
kNearbyShareDataUsage = 217,
kPhoneHubAppsOnOff = 218,
kPhoneHubCameraRollOnOff = 219,
kDevicesNearbyAreSharingNotificationOnOff = 220,
// People section.
kAddAccount = 300,
kRemoveAccount = 301,
kSplitSyncOnOff = 302,
// Note: Value 303 was for kLockScreen. Do not reuse.
// Note: Value 304 was for kChangeAuthPin. Do not reuse.
// Note: Value 305 was for kGuestBrowsing. Do not reuse.
// Note: Value 306 was for kShowUsernamesAndPhotosAtSignIn. Do not reuse.
// Note: Value 307 was for kRestrictSignIn. Do not reuse.
// Note: Value 308 was for kAddToUserAllowlist. Do not reuse.
// Note: Value 309 was for kRemoveFromUserAllowlist. Do not reuse.
// Note: Values 310, 311 and 312 were for kAddKerberosTicket,
// kRemoveKerberosTicket and kSetActiveKerberosTicket, respectively. These
// settings have been moved to a separate Kerberos section - see
// Do not reuse.
// Note: Value 313 was for kAddFingerprint. Do not reuse.
// Note: Value 314 was for kRemoveFingerprint. Do not reuse.
kSetUpParentalControls = 315,
kNonSplitSyncEncryptionOptions = 316,
kImproveSearchSuggestions = 317,
kMakeSearchesAndBrowsingBetter = 318,
kGoogleDriveSearchSuggestions = 319,
// Device section.
kTouchpadTapToClick = 400,
kTouchpadTapDragging = 401,
kTouchpadReverseScrolling = 402,
kTouchpadAcceleration = 403,
kTouchpadScrollAcceleration = 404,
kTouchpadSpeed = 405,
kMouseSwapPrimaryButtons = 406,
kMouseReverseScrolling = 407,
kMouseAcceleration = 408,
kMouseScrollAcceleration = 409,
kMouseSpeed = 410,
kKeyboardFunctionKeys = 411,
kKeyboardAutoRepeat = 412,
kKeyboardShortcuts = 413,
kDisplaySize = 414,
kNightLight = 415,
kStylusToolsInShelf = 416,
kStylusNoteTakingApp = 417,
kStylusNoteTakingFromLockScreen = 418,
kStylusLatestNoteOnLockScreen = 419,
kDisplayOrientation = 420,
kDisplayArrangement = 421,
kPowerIdleBehaviorWhileCharging = 422,
kPowerSource = 423,
kSleepWhenLaptopLidClosed = 424,
kDisplayResolution = 425,
kDisplayRefreshRate = 426,
// Note: Value 427 was for deprecated Remove DLC - see
// Do not reuse.
kDisplayMirroring = 428,
kAllowWindowsToSpanDisplays = 429,
kAmbientColors = 430,
kTouchscreenCalibration = 431,
kNightLightColorTemperature = 432,
kPowerIdleBehaviorWhileOnBattery = 433,
kDisplayOverscan = 434,
kPointingStickSpeed = 435,
kPointingStickAcceleration = 436,
kPointingStickSwapPrimaryButtons = 437,
kTouchpadHapticFeedback = 438,
kTouchpadHapticClickSensitivity = 439,
kAdaptiveCharging = 440,
kKeyboardBlockMetaFkeyRewrites = 441,
kKeyboardRemapKeys = 442,
// Personalization section.
kOpenWallpaper = 500,
// 501 was used for kAmbientModeOnOff. Do not reuse.
// 502 was used for kAmbientModeSource. Do not reuse.
// 503 was used for kChangeDeviceAccountImage. Do not reuse.
// Note: Values 504, 505, and 506 were for deprecated
// kAmbientModeUpdatePhotosContainers, kDarkModeOnOff and
// kDarkModeThemed respectively.
// Do not reuse.
// Search and Assistant section.
kPreferredSearchEngine = 600,
kAssistantOnOff = 601,
kAssistantRelatedInfo = 602,
// Note: Value 603 was for deprecated kAssistantQuickAnswers.
// Do not reuse.
kAssistantOkGoogle = 604,
kAssistantNotifications = 605,
kAssistantVoiceInput = 606,
kTrainAssistantVoiceModel = 607,
kQuickAnswersOnOff = 608,
kQuickAnswersDefinition = 609,
kQuickAnswersTranslation = 610,
kQuickAnswersUnitConversion = 611,
// Apps section.
kManageAndroidPreferences = 700,
kRemovePlayStore = 701,
kTurnOnPlayStore = 702,
kRestoreAppsAndPages = 703,
kDoNotDisturbOnOff = 704,
kAppBadgingOnOff = 705,
// Crostini section.
kSetUpCrostini= 800,
kUninstallCrostini = 801,
kBackupLinuxAppsAndFiles = 802,
kRestoreLinuxAppsAndFiles = 803,
kCrostiniAdbDebugging = 804,
kCrostiniDiskResize = 805,
kCrostiniMicAccess = 806,
kCrostiniContainerUpgrade = 807,
// Note: Plugin VM section is omitted (see
// Date and Time section.
k24HourClock = 1000,
kChangeTimeZone = 1001,
// Privacy section.
kVerifiedAccess = 1101,
// Note: Value 1102 was for deprecated "Keep wi-fi on during sleep" setting -
// see
// Do not reuse.
kUsageStatsAndCrashReports = 1103,
kGuestBrowsingV2 = 1104,
kShowUsernamesAndPhotosAtSignInV2 = 1105,
kRestrictSignInV2 = 1106,
kAddToUserAllowlistV2 = 1107,
kRemoveFromUserAllowlistV2 = 1108,
kLockScreenV2 = 1109,
kChangeAuthPinV2 = 1110,
kAddFingerprintV2 = 1111,
kRemoveFingerprintV2 = 1112,
kPeripheralDataAccessProtection = 1113,
kSnoopingProtection = 1114,
kQuickDim = 1115,
kCameraOnOff = 1116,
kMicrophoneOnOff = 1117,
kGeolocationOnOff = 1118,
kLockScreenNotification = 1119,
// Languages and Input section.
kAddLanguage = 1200,
kShowInputOptionsInShelf = 1201,
// Note: Value 1202 was deprecated for kShowPersonalInformationSuggestions.
// Do not reuse.
kShowEmojiSuggestions = 1203,
kChangeDeviceLanguage = 1204,
kOfferTranslation = 1205,
kAddInputMethod = 1206,
kSpellCheck = 1207,
// Note: Value 1208 was for deprecated kShowPredictiveWriting.
// Do not reuse.
// TODO(crbug/1058552): Add [Deprecated] attribute once implemented.
kShowPKAutoCorrection = 1209,
kShowVKAutoCorrection = 1210,
kShowDiacritic = 1211,
// Files section.
kGoogleDriveConnection = 1300,
// Printing section.
kAddPrinter = 1400,
kSavedPrinters = 1401,
kPrintJobs = 1402,
kScanningApp = 1403,
// Accessibility section.
kA11yQuickSettings = 1500,
kChromeVox = 1501,
kSelectToSpeak = 1502,
kTextToSpeechRate = 1503,
kTextToSpeechPitch = 1504,
kTextToSpeechVolume = 1505,
kTextToSpeechVoice = 1506,
kTextToSpeechEngines = 1507,
kHighContrastMode = 1508,
kFullscreenMagnifier = 1509,
kDockedMagnifier = 1510,
kStickyKeys = 1511,
kOnScreenKeyboard = 1512,
kDictation = 1513,
kHighlightKeyboardFocus = 1514,
kHighlightTextCaret = 1515,
kAutoClickWhenCursorStops = 1516,
kLargeCursor = 1517,
kHighlightCursorWhileMoving = 1518,
kTabletNavigationButtons = 1519,
kMonoAudio = 1520,
kStartupSound = 1521,
kEnableSwitchAccess = 1522,
kSwitchActionAssignment = 1523,
kSwitchActionAutoScan = 1524,
kSwitchActionAutoScanKeyboard = 1525,
kGetImageDescriptionsFromGoogle = 1526,
kLiveCaption = 1527,
kEnableCursorColor = 1528,
kFullscreenMagnifierFocusFollowing = 1529,
kFullscreenMagnifierMouseFollowingMode = 1530,
kSelectToSpeakWordHighlight = 1531,
kSelectToSpeakBackgroundShading = 1532,
kSelectToSpeakNavigationControls = 1533,
// Reset section.
kPowerwash = 1600,
// About Chrome OS section.
kChangeChromeChannel = 1700,
kCopyDetailedBuildInfo = 1701,
kCheckForOsUpdate = 1702,
kSeeWhatsNew = 1703,
kGetHelpWithChromeOs = 1704,
kReportAnIssue = 1705,
kTermsOfService = 1706,
kDiagnostics = 1707,
kChangeDeviceName = 1708,
kFirmwareUpdates = 1709,
// Kerberos section.
kAddKerberosTicketV2 = 1800,
kRemoveKerberosTicketV2 = 1801,
kSetActiveKerberosTicketV2 = 1802,