blob: 6d0d9700a9981d75ef4783f134b931e0dd367357 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/component_export.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/timer/elapsed_timer.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/components/login/login_state/login_state.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/components/network/hotspot_capabilities_provider.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/components/network/hotspot_enabled_state_notifier.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/components/network/hotspot_state_handler.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/services/hotspot_config/public/mojom/cros_hotspot_config.mojom.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/receiver.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
namespace ash {
class EnterpriseManagedMetadataStore;
class HotspotConfigurationHandler;
class HotspotController;
// This class is used to track the hotspot capabilities and status update and
// emits UMA metrics to the related histogram.
: public LoginState::Observer,
public HotspotCapabilitiesProvider::Observer,
public HotspotStateHandler::Observer,
public hotspot_config::mojom::HotspotEnabledStateObserver {
// Emits enable/disable hotspot operation result to related UMA histogram.
static void RecordSetTetheringEnabledResult(
bool enabled,
hotspot_config::mojom::HotspotControlResult result);
// Emits check tethering readiness operation result to related UMA histogram.
static void RecordCheckTetheringReadinessResult(
HotspotCapabilitiesProvider::CheckTetheringReadinessResult result);
// Emits set hotspot configuration operation result to related UMA histogram.
static void RecordSetHotspotConfigResult(
hotspot_config::mojom::SetHotspotConfigResult result);
// Emits hotspot enable operation latency to related UMA histogram.
static void RecordEnableHotspotLatency(const base::TimeDelta& latency);
HotspotMetricsHelper(const HotspotMetricsHelper&) = delete;
HotspotMetricsHelper& operator=(const HotspotMetricsHelper&) = delete;
~HotspotMetricsHelper() override;
void Init(EnterpriseManagedMetadataStore* enterprise_managed_metadata_store,
HotspotCapabilitiesProvider* hotspot_capabilities_provider,
HotspotStateHandler* hotspot_state_handler,
HotspotController* hotspot_controller,
HotspotConfigurationHandler* hotspot_configuration_handler,
HotspotEnabledStateNotifier* hotspot_enabled_state_notifier,
NetworkStateHandler* network_state_handler);
friend class HotspotMetricsHelperTest;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(HotspotControllerTest, EnableTetheringSuccess);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(HotspotControllerTest, DisableTetheringSuccess);
enum class HotspotMetricsSetEnabledResult;
enum class HotspotMetricsSetConfigResult;
enum class HotspotMetricsCheckReadinessResult;
enum class HotspotMetricsDisableReason;
static const char kHotspotAllowStatusHistogram[];
static const char kHotspotAllowStatusAtLoginHistogram[];
static const char kHotspotEnableResultHistogram[];
static const char kHotspotDisableResultHistogram[];
static const char kHotspotSetConfigResultHistogram[];
static const char kHotspotCheckReadinessResultHistogram[];
static const char kHotspotUsageConfigAutoDisable[];
static const char kHotspotUsageConfigMAR[];
static const char kHotspotUsageConfigCompatibilityMode[];
static const char kHotspotUsageDuration[];
static const char kHotspotMaxClientCount[];
static const char kHotspotIsDeviceManaged[];
static const char kHotspotEnableLatency[];
static const char kHotspotUpstreamStatusWhenEnabled[];
static const char kHotspotDisableReasonHistogram[];
static const base::TimeDelta kLogAllowStatusAtLoginTimeout;
static HotspotMetricsCheckReadinessResult GetCheckReadinessMetricsResult(
const HotspotCapabilitiesProvider::CheckTetheringReadinessResult& result);
static HotspotMetricsSetEnabledResult GetSetEnabledMetricsResult(
const hotspot_config::mojom::HotspotControlResult& result);
static HotspotMetricsSetConfigResult GetSetConfigMetricsResult(
const hotspot_config::mojom::SetHotspotConfigResult& result);
static HotspotMetricsDisableReason GetMetricsDisableReason(
const hotspot_config::mojom::DisableReason& reason);
// Represents the hotspot allow status on device. Note:
// kDisallowNoCellularUpstream is not logged in the metric because it means
// the device is not cellular capable, and it would drown out the metric by
// adding the bucket. These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not
// be renumbered and numeric values should never be reused.
enum class HotspotMetricsAllowStatus {
kAllowed = 0,
kDisallowedWiFiDownstreamNotSupported = 1,
kDisallowedNoWiFiSecurityModes = 2,
kDisallowedNoMobileData = 3,
kDisallowedReadinessCheckFail = 4,
kDisallowedByPolicy = 5,
kMaxValue = kDisallowedByPolicy,
// Represents the operation result of set hotspot configuration used for
// related UMA histogram. These values are persisted to logs. Entries should
// not be renumbered and numeric values should never be reused.
enum class HotspotMetricsSetConfigResult {
kSuccess = 0,
kFailedNotLogin = 1,
kFailedInvalidConfiguration = 2,
kMaxValue = kFailedInvalidConfiguration,
// Represents the operation result of check tethering readiness used for
// related UMA histogram. These values are persisted to logs. Entries should
// not be renumbered and numeric values should never be reused.
enum class HotspotMetricsCheckReadinessResult {
kReady = 0,
kNotAllowed = 1,
kUpstreamNetworkNotAvailable = 2,
kShillOperationFailed = 3,
kUnknownResult = 4,
kMaxValue = kUnknownResult,
// Represents the operation result of enable/disable hotspot used for related
// UMA histograms. These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be
// renumbered and numeric values should never be reused.
enum class HotspotMetricsSetEnabledResult {
kSuccess = 0,
kNotAllowed = 1,
kReadinessCheckFailure = 2,
kDisableWifiFailure = 3,
kInvalidConfiguration = 4,
kUpstreamNotAvailable = 5,
kNetworkSetupFailure = 6,
kWifiDriverFailure = 7,
kCellularAttachFailure = 8,
kShillOperationFailure = 9,
kUnknownFailure = 10,
kAlreadyFulfilled = 11,
kMaxValue = kAlreadyFulfilled,
// Represents the upstream status when hotspot is enabled. These values are
// persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and numeric values
// should never be reused.
enum class HotspotMetricsUpstreamStatus {
kWifiWithCellularConnected = 0,
kWifiWithCellularNotConnected = 1,
kMaxValue = kWifiWithCellularNotConnected,
// Represents the hotspot disable reason. These values are persisted to logs.
// Entries should not be renumbered and numeric values should never be used.
enum class HotspotMetricsDisableReason {
kAutoDisabled = 0,
kInternalError = 1,
kUserInitiated = 2,
kWifiEnabled = 3,
kProhibitedByPolicy = 4,
kUpstreamNetworkNotAvailable = 5,
kSuspended = 6,
kRestart = 7,
kMaxValue = kRestart,
// HotspotCapabilitiesProvider::Observer:
void OnHotspotCapabilitiesChanged() override;
// HotspotStateHandler::Observer:
void OnHotspotStatusChanged() override;
// LoginState::Observer:
void LoggedInStateChanged() override;
// hotspot_config::mojom::HotspotEnabledStateObserver:
void OnHotspotTurnedOn(bool wifi_turned_off) override;
void OnHotspotTurnedOff(hotspot_config::mojom::DisableReason reason) override;
void LogAllowStatus();
void LogAllowStatusAtLogin();
void LogUsageConfig();
void LogUsageDuration();
void LogMaxClientCount();
void LogIsDeviceManaged();
void LogUpstreamStatus();
void LogDisableReason(const hotspot_config::mojom::DisableReason& reason);
// Retrieves the latest hotspot allow status and converts to
// HotspotMetricsAllowStatus enum. Return absl::nullopt if it is disallowed
// due to device is not cellular capable.
absl::optional<HotspotMetricsAllowStatus> GetMetricsAllowStatus();
raw_ptr<EnterpriseManagedMetadataStore, ExperimentalAsh>
enterprise_managed_metadata_store_ = nullptr;
raw_ptr<HotspotCapabilitiesProvider, ExperimentalAsh>
hotspot_capabilities_provider_ = nullptr;
raw_ptr<HotspotStateHandler, ExperimentalAsh> hotspot_state_handler_ =
raw_ptr<HotspotConfigurationHandler, ExperimentalAsh>
hotspot_configuration_handler_ = nullptr;
raw_ptr<HotspotEnabledStateNotifier, ExperimentalAsh>
hotspot_enabled_state_notifier_ = nullptr;
raw_ptr<NetworkStateHandler, ExperimentalAsh> network_state_handler_ =
// A timer to wait for user connecting to their upstream cellular network
// after login.
base::OneShotTimer timer_;
// Tracks the maximum connected client count per hotspot session.
size_t max_client_count_ = 0;
// Tracks whether the metrics are already logged for this session.
bool is_metrics_logged_ = false;
// Tracks whether the hotspot is active.
bool is_hotspot_active_ = false;
// Tracks the usage time for each hotspot session.
absl::optional<base::ElapsedTimer> usage_timer_;
// Tracks if the device is enterprise managed or not.
bool is_enterprise_managed_ = false;
} // namespace ash