blob: a2d86b0035ff4ec96df30039ea494344187ab034 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module autofill.mojom;
import "components/autofill/core/common/mojom/autofill_types.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/string16.mojom";
// There is one instance of this interface per render frame in the render
// process. All methods are called by browser on renderer.
interface AutofillAgent {
// Triggers a reparse of the new forms. This is done when a form is seen in
// a subframe and it is not known which form is its parent.
// Triggers a reparse of the new forms and notifies the caller when it's done.
// If `success == false`, reparse-with-response was triggered while another
// reparse-with-response was ongoing.
TriggerReparseWithResponse() => (bool success);
// Instructs the renderer to fill or preview the active form with the given
// form data.
FillOrPreviewForm(FormData form,
RendererFormDataAction action);
// Sends the heuristic and server field type predictions to the renderer.
FieldTypePredictionsAvailable(array<FormDataPredictions> forms);
// Clears the currently displayed Autofill results of the current section.
// The current section is the section to which the element corresponding to
// the last request belongs.
// Tells the renderer that the Autofill previewed form should be cleared.
// Sets the value of |field| (if it is still the currently selected node).
FillFieldWithValue(FieldRendererId field, mojo_base.mojom.String16 value);
// Sets the suggested value of |field| (if it is still the currently selected
// node).
PreviewFieldWithValue(FieldRendererId field, mojo_base.mojom.String16 value);
// Sets the autofill/autocomplete suggestion availability of |field| (if it is
// still the currently selected node).
SetSuggestionAvailability(FieldRendererId field, AutofillState type);
// Sets the value of |field| (if it is still the currently selected node).
// to the given data list value.
AcceptDataListSuggestion(FieldRendererId field,
mojo_base.mojom.String16 value);
// Tells the renderer to fill the username and password with with given
// values.
FillPasswordSuggestion(mojo_base.mojom.String16 username,
mojo_base.mojom.String16 password);
// Tells the renderer to preview the username and password with the given
// values.
PreviewPasswordSuggestion(mojo_base.mojom.String16 username,
mojo_base.mojom.String16 password);
// Tells the renderer to preview the generated password.
PreviewPasswordGenerationSuggestion(mojo_base.mojom.String16 password);
// Configures the render to require, or not, a user gesture before notifying
// the autofill agent of a field change. The default is true. Bypassing the
// user gesture check should only used for Android Webview, which needs to
// be notified of every change to the field.
// Note: The Android platform autofill framework only sends values to the
// autofill service with the user's consent, so the gesture check is
// redundant there anyway.
SetUserGestureRequired(bool required);
// Configures the render to require, or not, the secure context to query
// autofill suggestion, the default is false.
SetSecureContextRequired(bool required);
// Configures whether scroll is required in order to complete focus. The default is true.
SetFocusRequiresScroll(bool require);
// Configures whether AutofillAgent will query password field autofill suggestions. The default is false.
SetQueryPasswordSuggestion(bool query);
// Allows heavy scraping of form data (e.g., button titles for
// unowned forms).
// Update fields that are eligible to show manual filling on form interaction.
SetFieldsEligibleForManualFilling(array<FieldRendererId> fields);
// There is one instance of this interface per render frame in the render
// process.
interface PasswordAutofillAgent {
// Provides fill information for a password form, which can fill the form and
// prepare field autocomplete for multiple matching logins. Lets the renderer
// know if it should disable the popup because the browser process will own
// the popup UI.
SetPasswordFillData(PasswordFormFillData form_data);
// Lets the renderer know that there are no saved credentials for filling.
// This is the "no results" equivalent of SetPasswordFillData.
InformNoSavedCredentials(bool should_show_popup_without_passwords);
// Fills the given |credential| into the last focused text input.
FillIntoFocusedField(bool is_password, mojo_base.mojom.String16 credential);
// Notification to start (|active| == true) or stop (|active| == false)
// logging the decisions made about saving the password.
SetLoggingState(bool active);
// Informs the renderer that the Touch To Fill sheet has been closed.
// Indicates whether the virtual keyboard should be shown instead.
TouchToFillClosed(bool show_virtual_keyboard);
// Triggers a form submission on the last interacted element.
// Annotate password related (username, password) DOM input elements with
// corresponding HTML attributes. It is used only for debugging.
AnnotateFieldsWithParsingResult(ParsingResult parsing_result);
// There is one instance of this interface per render frame in the render
// process.
interface PasswordGenerationAgent {
// Tells the renderer to populate the correct password fields with this
// generated password.
GeneratedPasswordAccepted(mojo_base.mojom.String16 generated_password);
// Tells the renderer to find a focused element, and if it is a password field
// eligible for generation then to trigger generation by returning
// non-empty PasswordGenerationUIData.
TriggeredGeneratePassword() => (PasswordGenerationUIData? data);
// Tells the renderer that a password can be generated on the fields
// identified by |form|.
FoundFormEligibleForGeneration(PasswordFormGenerationData form);