blob: 4608afd98447ac8574caed4277455d8cb322eefa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/autofill_client.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/payments/payments_client.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/payments/virtual_card_enrollment_flow.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/strike_databases/payments/virtual_card_enrollment_strike_database.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h"
namespace content {
class WebContents;
namespace autofill {
class CreditCard;
class PersonalDataManager;
// This struct is passed into the controller when we show the
// VirtualCardEnrollmentBubble, and it lets the controller customize the
// bubble based on the fields in this struct. For example, we will show
// different last 4 digits of a credit card based on the |credit_card| object
// in this struct.
struct VirtualCardEnrollmentFields {
VirtualCardEnrollmentFields(const VirtualCardEnrollmentFields&);
VirtualCardEnrollmentFields& operator=(const VirtualCardEnrollmentFields&);
// The credit card to enroll.
CreditCard credit_card;
// Raw pointer to the image skia for the card art. If the card art is not yet
// available, this pointer will be set to the network image after we receive a
// GetDetailsForEnrollResponse. The |card_art_image| object is owned by
// PersonalDataManager if it is the card art, or by the resource bundle if it
// is the network icon.
raw_ptr<const gfx::ImageSkia> card_art_image = nullptr;
// The Google-specific legal messages that the user must accept before
// opting-in to virtual card enrollment.
LegalMessageLines google_legal_message;
// The Issuer-specific legal messages that the user must accept before
// opting-in to virtual card enrollment. Empty for some issuers.
LegalMessageLines issuer_legal_message;
// The source for which the VirtualCardEnrollmentBubble will be shown.
VirtualCardEnrollmentSource virtual_card_enrollment_source =
// A boolean value indicating if this will be the final time the user will see
// this offer, until strikes eventually expire. Determined by the number of
// existing strikes.
bool last_show = false;
// A boolean value indicating if such enrollment offer for the card has been
// declined before.
bool previously_declined = false;
// This struct is used to track the state of the virtual card enrollment
// process, and its members are read from and written to throughout the process
// where needed. It is created and owned by VirtualCardEnrollmentManager.
struct VirtualCardEnrollmentProcessState {
VirtualCardEnrollmentProcessState(const VirtualCardEnrollmentProcessState&);
VirtualCardEnrollmentProcessState& operator=(
const VirtualCardEnrollmentProcessState&);
// Only populated once the risk engine responded.
absl::optional<std::string> risk_data;
// |virtual_card_enrollment_fields|'s |credit_card| and
// |virtual_card_enrollment_source| are populated in the beginning of the
// virtual card enrollment flow, but the rest of the fields are only populated
// before showing the VirtualCardEnrollmentBubble.
VirtualCardEnrollmentFields virtual_card_enrollment_fields;
// Populated after the GetDetailsForEnrollResponseDetails are received. Based
// on the |vcn_context_token| the server is able to retrieve the instrument
// id, and using |vcn_context_token| for enroll allows the server to link a
// GetDetailsForEnrollRequest with the corresponding
// UpdateVirtualCardEnrollmentRequest for the enroll process.
absl::optional<std::string> vcn_context_token;
// Owned by FormDataImporter. There is one instance of this class per tab. This
// class manages the flow for enrolling and unenrolling in Virtual Card
// Numbers.
class VirtualCardEnrollmentManager {
// The parameters should outlive the VirtualCardEnrollmentManager.
VirtualCardEnrollmentManager(PersonalDataManager* personal_data_manager,
payments::PaymentsClient* payments_client,
AutofillClient* autofill_client = nullptr);
VirtualCardEnrollmentManager(const VirtualCardEnrollmentManager&) = delete;
VirtualCardEnrollmentManager& operator=(const VirtualCardEnrollmentManager&) =
virtual ~VirtualCardEnrollmentManager();
using RiskAssessmentFunction = base::OnceCallback<void(
uint64_t obfuscated_gaia_id,
PrefService* user_prefs,
base::OnceCallback<void(const std::string&)> callback,
content::WebContents* web_contents,
gfx::Rect window_bounds)>;
using VirtualCardEnrollmentFieldsLoadedCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(
VirtualCardEnrollmentFields* virtual_card_enrollment_fields)>;
using VirtualCardEnrollmentUpdateResponseCallback =
// Starting point for the VCN enroll flow. The fields in |credit_card| will
// be used throughout the flow, such as for request fields as well as credit
// card specific fields for the bubble to display.
// |virtual_card_enrollment_source| will be used by
// ShowVirtualCardEnrollBubble() to differentiate different bubbles based on
// the source we originated from.
virtual void InitVirtualCardEnroll(
const CreditCard& credit_card,
VirtualCardEnrollmentSource virtual_card_enrollment_source,
// |get_details_for_enrollment_response_details| will be populated if we
// are in the optimized upstream case, where we receive the
// GetDetailsForEnrollmentResponseDetails from the
// UploadCardResponseDetails, so we can then skip the
// GetDetailsForEnroll request in the Virtual Card Enrollment flow.
get_details_for_enrollment_response_details = absl::nullopt,
// |user_prefs| will be populated if we are in the Android settings page,
// to then be used for loading risk data. Otherwise it will always be
// nullptr, and we should load risk data through |autofill_client_| as we
// have access to web contents.
PrefService* user_prefs = nullptr,
// Callback that will be run in the Android settings page use cases. It
// will take in a |callback|, |obfuscated_gaia_id|, and |user_prefs| that
// will end up being passed into the overloaded risk_util::LoadRiskData()
// call that does not require web contents.
RiskAssessmentFunction risk_assessment_function = base::DoNothing(),
// Callback that be run once the `state_.virtual_card_enrollment_fields_`
// is loaded from the server response. The callback would trigger the
// enrollment dialog in the Settings page on Android.
VirtualCardEnrollmentFieldsLoadedCallback = base::DoNothing());
// Updates |avatar_animation_complete| to true if the user is beginning the
// upstream enrollment flow. This is a prerequisite to showing the enrollment
// bubble.
void OnCardSavedAnimationComplete();
// Uses |payments_client_| to send the enroll request. |state_|'s
// |vcn_context_token_|, which should be set when we receive the
// GetDetailsForEnrollResponse, is used in the
// UpdateVirtualCardEnrollmentRequest to enroll the correct card.
void Enroll(
// The callback lets the Android Settings page know whether
// (un)enrollment was successful.
// Unenrolls the card mapped to the given |instrument_id|.
void Unenroll(int64_t instrument_id,
// Returns true if a credit card identified by its |instrument_id| should be
// blocked for virtual card enrollment and is not attempting to enroll from
// the settings page. Currently we block enrollment offer if the user has
// reached the limit of strikes or if the required delay time since last
// strike has not passed yet. Does nothing if the strike database is not
// available.
bool ShouldBlockVirtualCardEnrollment(
const std::string& instrument_id,
VirtualCardEnrollmentSource virtual_card_enrollment_source) const;
// Adds a strike to block enrollment for credit card identified by its
// |instrument_id|. Does nothing if the strike database is not available.
void AddStrikeToBlockOfferingVirtualCardEnrollment(
const std::string& instrument_id);
// Removes potential strikes to block a credit card identified by its
// |instrument_id| for enrollment. Does nothing if the strike database is not
// available.
void RemoveAllStrikesToBlockOfferingVirtualCardEnrollment(
const std::string& instrument_id);
// Sets |save_card_bubble_accepted_timestamp_|, which will be the start time
// for the LatencySinceUpstream metrics.
void SetSaveCardBubbleAcceptedTimestamp(
const base::Time& save_card_bubble_accepted_timestamp);
// Handles the response from the UpdateVirtualCardEnrollmentRequest. |type|
// indicates the type of the request sent, i.e., enroll or unenroll.
// |result| represents the result from the server call to change the virtual
// card enrollment state for the credit card passed into
// InitVirtualCardEnroll().
virtual void OnDidGetUpdateVirtualCardEnrollmentResponse(
VirtualCardEnrollmentRequestType type,
AutofillClient::PaymentsRpcResult result);
// Resets the state of this VirtualCardEnrollmentManager.
virtual void Reset();
// Data in |state_| will be populated with the data we have at the current
// point of the virtual card enrollment flow we are in. This data will then be
// used by future points of the flow for actions such as populating request
// fields, and sending data to the VirtualCardEnrollmentBubbleController to
// display in the UI. VirtualCardEnrollmentManager::Reset() will reset
// |state_|.
VirtualCardEnrollmentProcessState state_;
// The associated autofill client, used to load risk data and show the
// VirtualCardEnrollBubble. Weak reference. Can be nullptr, which indicates
// that we are in the Clank settings page, from which Autofill Client is not
// accessible.
raw_ptr<AutofillClient> autofill_client_;
// Used to get a pointer to the strike database for virtual card enrollment.
VirtualCardEnrollmentStrikeDatabase* GetVirtualCardEnrollmentStrikeDatabase()
// Whether the card saved avatar animation has been completed on upstream
// enrollment flow.
bool avatar_animation_complete_ = false;
// Whether we've received GetDetailsForEnrollResponseDetails.
bool enroll_response_details_received_ = false;
// Loads risk data for the respective use case and then continues the virtual
// card enrollment flow. |user_prefs| will only be present in Clank settings
// page use cases, as we will not have access to web contents.
virtual void LoadRiskDataAndContinueFlow(
PrefService* user_prefs,
base::OnceCallback<void(const std::string&)> callback);
// Shows the VirtualCardEnrollmentBubble. |state_|'s
// |virtual_card_enrollment_fields| will contain all of the dynamic fields
// VirtualCardEnrollmentBubbleController needs to display the correct bubble.
virtual void ShowVirtualCardEnrollBubble();
// Callback triggered after the VirtualCardEnrollmentFields are loaded from
// the server response. Note: This is only called when the `autofill_client_`
// is not available.
// Callback triggered after getting server response about the success of
// virtual card (un)enrollment.
friend class VirtualCardEnrollmentManagerTest;
// Called once the risk data is loaded. The |risk_data| will be used with
// |state_|'s |virtual_card_enrollment_fields|'s |credit_card|'s
// |instrument_id_| field to make a GetDetailsForEnroll request, and
// |state_|'s |virtual_card_enrollment_source| will be passed down to when we
// show the bubble so that we show the correct bubble version.
void OnRiskDataLoadedForVirtualCard(const std::string& risk_data);
// Sends the GetDetailsForEnrollRequest using |payments_client_|. |state_|'s
// |risk_data| and its |virtual_card_enrollment_fields|'s |credit_card|'s
// |instrument_id| are the fields the server requires for the
// GetDetailsForEnrollRequest, and will be used by |payments_client_|.
// |state_|'s |virtual_card_enrollment_fields_|'s
// |virtual_card_enrollment_source| is passed here so that it can be forwarded
// to ShowVirtualCardEnrollBubble.
void GetDetailsForEnroll();
// Handles the response from the GetDetailsForEnrollRequest. |result| and
// |response| are received from the GetDetailsForEnroll server call response,
// while |state_| is passed down from GetDetailsForEnroll() to track the
// current process' state.
void OnDidGetDetailsForEnrollResponse(
AutofillClient::PaymentsRpcResult result,
const payments::PaymentsClient::GetDetailsForEnrollmentResponseDetails&
// Sets the corresponding fields in |state_| from the
// GetDetailsForEnrollmentResponseDetails in |response|. This function is used
// both when a GetDetailsForEnrollRequest gets a response, and when offering
// virtual card enrollment through the optimized upstream flow as the
// GetDetailsForEnrollmentResponseDetails is returned in the upload card
// response.
void SetGetDetailsForEnrollmentResponseDetails(
const payments::PaymentsClient::GetDetailsForEnrollmentResponseDetails&
// Should always be called right before showing virtual card enrollment UI.
// This function attempts to set the card art image in |state_|, and if the
// card art image is not synced yet from the chrome sync server, it will fall
// back to the network image.
void EnsureCardArtImageIsSetBeforeShowingUI();
// Helper function that is called any time we offer virtual card enroll.
void SetInitialVirtualCardEnrollFields(
const CreditCard& credit_card,
VirtualCardEnrollmentSource virtual_card_enrollment_source);
// Returns true if the passed in GetDetailsForEnrollmentResponseDetails is
// valid.
bool IsValidGetDetailsForEnrollmentResponseDetails(
const payments::PaymentsClient::GetDetailsForEnrollmentResponseDetails&
// Cancels the entire Virtual Card Enrollment process.
void OnVirtualCardEnrollmentBubbleCancelled();
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(VirtualCardEnrollmentManagerTest, Enroll);
// The associated personal data manager, used to save and load personal data
// to/from the web database. Weak reference. May be nullptr, which indicates
// OTR.
raw_ptr<PersonalDataManager> personal_data_manager_;
// The associated |payments_client_| that is used for all requests to the
// server.
raw_ptr<payments::PaymentsClient> payments_client_;
// The database that is used to count instrument_id-keyed strikes to suppress
// prompting users to enroll in virtual cards.
// Used in scenarios where we do not have access to web contents, and need to
// pass in a callback to the overloaded risk_util::LoadRiskData.
RiskAssessmentFunction risk_assessment_function_;
// Used to track the latency metrics between SaveCardBubble accept and
// VirtualCardEnrollBubble show. Set in ChromeAutofillClient once
// SaveCardBubble is accepted for upload save, so that we can track the
// starting timestamp of the latency. Right before showing the
// VirtualCardEnrollBubble, we will take the difference between the current
// timestamp and |save_card_bubble_accepted_timestamp_| to log as the latency
// metric. |save_card_bubble_accepted_timestamp_| will then be reset.
absl::optional<base::Time> save_card_bubble_accepted_timestamp_;
// The timestamp when a GetDetailsForEnrollment request is sent.
absl::optional<base::Time> get_details_for_enrollment_request_sent_timestamp_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<VirtualCardEnrollmentManager> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace autofill