blob: 36f9c154359464a470d718333a42f6c54436398d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto2";
package feedwire;
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
message ClientUserProfiles {
optional DiscoverUserActionsProfile discover_user_actions_profile = 1;
optional ViewDemotionProfile view_demotion_profile = 2;
message ActionCounts {
message Counts {
optional uint32 count_1d = 1;
optional uint32 count_7d = 2;
optional uint32 count_30d = 3;
enum ActionType {
CLICK = 1;
optional ActionType type = 1;
optional Counts counts = 2;
message DiscoverUserActionsProfile {
message ContentMediaXEntityActionCounts {
optional uint64 content_category_media_type = 1;
optional uint64 mid = 2;
repeated ActionCounts counts = 3;
message CardCategoryXEntityActionCounts {
optional uint64 card_category = 1;
optional uint64 mid = 2;
repeated ActionCounts counts = 3;
repeated ContentMediaXEntityActionCounts content_media_x_entity = 2;
repeated CardCategoryXEntityActionCounts card_category_x_entity = 3;
message ViewDemotionProfile {}