blob: 2789a1d068fb57b60c79c4310f0354ec0a6da60b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <vector>
#include "base/functional/callback_forward.h"
#include "content/browser/attribution_reporting/attribution_report.h"
#include "content/public/browser/attribution_data_model.h"
#include "content/public/browser/storage_partition.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
namespace base {
class Time;
} // namespace base
namespace content {
class AttributionTrigger;
class CreateReportResult;
class StorableSource;
class StoredSource;
struct StoreSourceResult;
// This class provides an interface for persisting attribution data to
// disk, and performing queries on it. AttributionStorage should initialize
// itself. Calls to a AttributionStorage instance that failed to initialize
// properly should result in no-ops.
class AttributionStorage {
virtual ~AttributionStorage() = default;
// When adding a new method, also add it to
// AttributionStorageTest.StorageUsedAfterFailedInitilization_FailsSilently.
// Add |source| to storage. Two sources are considered
// matching when they share a <reporting origin, attribution destination>
// pair. When a source is stored, all matching sources that have already
// converted are marked as inactive, and are no longer eligible for reporting.
// Unconverted matching sources are not modified.
virtual StoreSourceResult StoreSource(const StorableSource& source) = 0;
// Finds all stored sources matching a given `trigger`, and stores the
// new associated report. Only active sources will receive new attributions.
// Returns whether a new report has been scheduled/added to storage.
virtual CreateReportResult MaybeCreateAndStoreReport(
const AttributionTrigger& trigger) = 0;
// Returns all of the reports that should be sent before
// |max_report_time|. This call is logically const, and does not modify the
// underlying storage. |limit| limits the number of reports to return; use
// a negative number for no limit. Reports are shuffled before being returned.
virtual std::vector<AttributionReport> GetAttributionReports(
base::Time max_report_time,
int limit = -1) = 0;
// Returns the first report time strictly after `time`.
virtual absl::optional<base::Time> GetNextReportTime(base::Time time) = 0;
// Returns the reports with the given IDs. This call is logically const, and
// does not modify the underlying storage.
virtual std::vector<AttributionReport> GetReports(
const std::vector<AttributionReport::Id>& ids) = 0;
// Returns all active sources in storage. Active sources are all
// sources that can still convert. Sources that: are past expiry,
// reached the attribution limit, or was marked inactive due to having
// trigger and then superceded by a matching source should not be
// returned. |limit| limits the number of sources to return; use
// a negative number for no limit.
virtual std::vector<StoredSource> GetActiveSources(int limit = -1) = 0;
// Returns all distinct reporting_origins as DataKeys for the
// Browsing Data Model. Partial data will still be returned
// in the event of an error.
virtual std::vector<AttributionDataModel::DataKey> GetAllDataKeys() = 0;
// Deletes all data in storage for storage keys matching the provided
// reporting origin in the data key.
virtual void DeleteByDataKey(const AttributionDataModel::DataKey&) = 0;
// Deletes the report with the given |report_id|. Returns
// false if an error occurred.
[[nodiscard]] virtual bool DeleteReport(AttributionReport::Id report_id) = 0;
// Updates the number of failures associated with the given report, and sets
// its report time to the given value. Should be called after a transient
// failure to send the report so that it is retried later.
[[nodiscard]] virtual bool UpdateReportForSendFailure(
AttributionReport::Id report_id,
base::Time new_report_time) = 0;
// Adjusts the report time of all reports that should have been sent while the
// browser was offline, according to
// `AttributionStorageDelegate::GetOfflineReportDelayConfig()`. If that
// method returns null, no delay is applied. Otherwise, applies a random value
// between `min_delay` and `max_delay`, both inclusive. Returns the new first
// report time in storage, if any.
virtual absl::optional<base::Time> AdjustOfflineReportTimes() = 0;
// Deletes all data in storage for reporting origins matching `filter`,
// between `delete_begin` and `delete_end` time. More specifically, this:
// 1. Deletes all sources within the time range. If any report is
// attributed to this source it is also deleted.
// 2. Deletes all reports within the time range. All sources
// attributed to the report are also deleted.
// 3. Deletes any rate limits matching `filter` or whose corresponding source
// was deleted.
// Note: if `filter` is null, it means that all reporting origins should
// match.
virtual void ClearData(base::Time delete_begin,
base::Time delete_end,
StoragePartition::StorageKeyMatcherFunction filter,
bool delete_rate_limit_data = true) = 0;
} // namespace content