blob: d93a56e6cb33195917a65364472af60c4671df3d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "content/browser/attribution_reporting/destination_throttler.h"
#include <utility>
#include "base/check.h"
#include "base/containers/contains.h"
#include "base/containers/cxx20_erase_map.h"
#include "base/containers/flat_set.h"
#include "base/containers/lru_cache.h"
#include "components/attribution_reporting/destination_set.h"
#include "net/base/schemeful_site.h"
namespace content {
namespace {
// Needed in order to keep iterators in a set. Compare using the underlying
// pointer which will be cheaper than comparing SchemefulSites.
struct ptr_less {
template <typename I>
bool operator()(const I& lh, const I& rh) const {
return &*lh < &*rh;
} // namespace
// This class maintains a set of destination sites, along with a list of
// (possibly overlapping) subsets keyed by reporting sites. Each destination is
// tagged with when it was last used within the source site, so that a rolling
// window of unique destinations can be enforced.
// Individual subsets do not keep a last update time as they are strict subsets
// of the overall set of destinations.
class DestinationThrottler::SourceSiteData {
using DestinationMap = base::LRUCache<net::SchemefulSite, base::TimeTicks>;
using DestinationMapIt = typename DestinationMap::iterator;
// Use a flat map for the subsets. This should be efficient for small sets
// even when doing lots of O(n) insertions and deletions. Consider a different
// data structure if subsets will grow > ~100 entries. With a more complex
// indexing approach we could implement this with a `max_per_reporting_site`
// sized bitset which will be very competitive from a memory overhead
// standpoint.
using DestinationSubset = base::flat_set<DestinationMapIt, ptr_less>;
explicit SourceSiteData(const DestinationThrottler::Policy& policy)
: destinations_(policy.max_total) {}
~SourceSiteData() = default;
SourceSiteData(SourceSiteData&) = delete;
SourceSiteData& operator=(SourceSiteData&) = delete;
bool UpdateAndGetAllowed(
const attribution_reporting::DestinationSet& destinations,
const net::SchemefulSite& reporting_site,
const Policy& policy) {
base::TimeTicks now = base::TimeTicks::Now();
EvictEntriesOlderThan(now - policy.rate_limit_window);
auto& reporting_set = reporting_destinations_[reporting_site];
// First detect whether we have capacity for _all_ the destinations.
if (!HasCapacity(destinations, reporting_set, policy)) {
return false;
// Mutate the data structure only after guaranteeing capacity to avoid
// having to rewind on failure.
for (const net::SchemefulSite& dest : destinations.destinations()) {
auto it = destinations_.Get(dest);
if (it == destinations_.end()) {
it = destinations_.Put(dest, now);
} else {
it->second = now;
return true;
bool AllEntriesOlderThan(base::TimeTicks time) const {
return destinations_.empty() || destinations_.begin()->second < time;
bool HasCapacity(const attribution_reporting::DestinationSet& destinations,
const DestinationSubset& reporting_set,
const Policy& policy) {
int all_capacity = policy.max_total - destinations_.size();
int reporting_capacity =
policy.max_per_reporting_site - reporting_set.size();
for (const net::SchemefulSite& dest : destinations.destinations()) {
const auto& it = destinations_.Peek(dest);
if (it == destinations_.end()) {
} else if (!base::Contains(reporting_set, it)) {
return all_capacity >= 0 && reporting_capacity >= 0;
void EvictEntriesOlderThan(base::TimeTicks time) {
while (!destinations_.empty()) {
// Don't use a reverse iterator because the subsets index on the forward
// iterator.
auto it = --destinations_.end();
if (it->second >= time) {
for (auto& set : reporting_destinations_) {
DestinationMap destinations_;
std::map<net::SchemefulSite, DestinationSubset> reporting_destinations_;
DestinationThrottler::DestinationThrottler(Policy policy)
: policy_(std::move(policy)) {}
DestinationThrottler::~DestinationThrottler() = default;
bool DestinationThrottler::UpdateAndGetAllowed(
const attribution_reporting::DestinationSet& destinations,
const net::SchemefulSite& source_site,
const net::SchemefulSite& reporting_site) {
auto it = source_site_data_.try_emplace(source_site, policy_);
return it.first->second.UpdateAndGetAllowed(destinations, reporting_site,
void DestinationThrottler::CleanUpOldEntries() {
base::TimeTicks old_time = base::TimeTicks::Now() - policy_.rate_limit_window;
base::EraseIf(source_site_data_, [old_time](auto& it) {
return it.second.AllEntriesOlderThan(old_time);
} // namespace content