blob: 8caf7a0921001e91c8b43ac8814906038c7083ef [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "content/browser/attribution_reporting/attribution_reporting.mojom.h"
namespace content::attribution_queries {
attribution_reporting::mojom::ReportType::kEventLevel) == 0,
"update `report_type=0` clause below");
inline constexpr const char kMinPrioritySql[] =
"SELECT metadata,trigger_time,report_id FROM reports "
"WHERE source_id=? AND report_time=? AND report_type=0";
inline constexpr const char kGetMatchingSourcesSql[] =
"SELECT I.source_id,I.num_attributions,I.aggregatable_budget_consumed "
"FROM sources I "
"JOIN source_destinations D "
"ON D.source_id=I.source_id AND D.destination_site=? "
"WHERE I.reporting_origin=? "
"AND(I.event_level_active=1 OR I.aggregatable_active=1)"
"AND I.expiry_time>? "
"ORDER BY I.priority DESC,I.source_time DESC";
inline constexpr const char kSelectExpiredSourcesSql[] =
"SELECT source_id FROM sources "
"WHERE expiry_time<=? AND "
"source_id NOT IN("
"SELECT source_id FROM reports"
")LIMIT ?";
inline constexpr const char kSelectInactiveSourcesSql[] =
"SELECT source_id FROM sources "
"WHERE event_level_active=0 AND aggregatable_active=0 AND "
"source_id NOT IN("
"SELECT source_id FROM reports"
")LIMIT ?";
inline constexpr const char kScanSourcesData[] =
"SELECT I.reporting_origin,I.source_id "
"FROM sources I WHERE "
"I.source_time BETWEEN ? AND ?";
inline constexpr const char kScanReportsData[] =
"SELECT R.reporting_origin,R.source_id,R.report_id,R.report_type "
"FROM reports R WHERE "
"R.trigger_time BETWEEN ? AND ?";
inline constexpr const char kDeleteVestigialConversionSql[] =
"DELETE FROM reports WHERE source_id=? RETURNING report_type";
inline constexpr const char kCountSourcesSql[] =
"SELECT COUNT(*)FROM sources "
"WHERE source_origin=? "
"AND(event_level_active=1 OR aggregatable_active=1)";
inline constexpr const char kCountReportsSql[] =
"SELECT COUNT(*)FROM dedup_keys "
"WHERE source_id=? AND report_type=? AND dedup_key=?";
inline constexpr const char kDedupKeySql[] =
"SELECT dedup_key FROM dedup_keys WHERE source_id=? AND report_type=?";
inline constexpr const char kGetSourcesDataKeysSql[] =
"SELECT DISTINCT reporting_origin FROM sources";
attribution_reporting::mojom::ReportType::kNullAggregatable) == 2,
"update `report_type=2` clause below");
inline constexpr const char kGetNullReportsDataKeysSql[] =
"SELECT DISTINCT reporting_origin FROM reports WHERE report_type=2";
inline constexpr const char kGetRateLimitDataKeysSql[] =
"SELECT DISTINCT reporting_origin FROM rate_limits";
inline constexpr const char kCountReportsForDestinationSql[] =
"SELECT COUNT(*)FROM source_destinations D "
"JOIN reports R "
"ON R.source_id=D.source_id "
"WHERE D.destination_site=? AND R.report_type=?";
inline constexpr char kNextReportTimeSql[] =
"SELECT MIN(report_time)FROM reports WHERE report_time>?";
// Set the report time for all reports that should have been sent before now
// to now + a random number of microseconds between `min_delay` and
// `max_delay`, both inclusive. We use RANDOM, instead of a method on the
// delegate, to avoid having to pull all reports into memory and update them
// one by one. We use ABS because RANDOM may return a negative integer. We add
// 1 to the difference between `max_delay` and `min_delay` to ensure that the
// range of generated values is inclusive. If `max_delay == min_delay`, we
// take the remainder modulo 1, which is always 0.
inline constexpr const char kSetReportTimeSql[] =
"UPDATE reports "
"SET report_time=?+ABS(RANDOM()%?)"
"WHERE report_time<?";
// clang-format off
prefix "source_id," \
prefix "source_event_id," \
prefix "source_origin," \
prefix "reporting_origin," \
prefix "source_time," \
prefix "expiry_time," \
prefix "event_report_window_time," \
prefix "aggregatable_report_window_time," \
prefix "source_type," \
prefix "attribution_logic," \
prefix "priority," \
prefix "debug_key," \
prefix "num_attributions," \
prefix "aggregatable_budget_consumed," \
prefix "num_aggregatable_reports," \
prefix "aggregatable_source," \
prefix "filter_data," \
prefix "event_level_active," \
prefix "aggregatable_active"
inline constexpr const char kReadSourceToAttributeSql[] =
" FROM sources "
"WHERE source_id=?";
inline constexpr const char kGetActiveSourcesSql[] =
" FROM sources "
"WHERE(event_level_active=1 OR aggregatable_active=1)AND "
"expiry_time>? LIMIT ?";
",R.report_id,R.trigger_time,R.report_time,R.initial_report_time," \
"R.failed_send_attempts,R.external_report_id,R.debug_key,R.context_origin," \
"R.reporting_origin,R.report_type,R.metadata " \
"FROM reports R " \
"LEFT JOIN sources I ON R.source_id=I.source_id "
inline constexpr const char kGetReportsSql[] =
"WHERE R.report_time<=? LIMIT ?";
inline constexpr const char kGetReportSql[] =
"WHERE R.report_id=?";
inline constexpr const char kUpdateFailedReportSql[] =
"UPDATE reports "
"SET report_time=?,"
"failed_send_attempts=failed_send_attempts+1 "
"WHERE report_id=?";
// clang-format on
inline constexpr const char kRateLimitAttributionAllowedSql[] =
"SELECT COUNT(*)FROM rate_limits "
"WHERE scope=1 "
"AND destination_site=? "
"AND source_site=? "
"AND reporting_origin=? "
"AND time>?";
inline constexpr const char kRateLimitSourceAllowedSql[] =
"SELECT destination_site FROM rate_limits "
"WHERE scope=0 "
"AND source_site=? "
"AND reporting_origin=? "
"AND source_expiry_or_attribution_time>?";
inline constexpr const char kRateLimitSelectReportingOriginsSql[] =
"SELECT reporting_origin FROM rate_limits "
"WHERE scope=? "
"AND source_site=? "
"AND destination_site=? "
"AND time>?";
inline constexpr const char kDeleteRateLimitRangeSql[] =
"DELETE FROM rate_limits WHERE"
"(time BETWEEN ?1 AND ?2)OR"
"(scope=1 AND source_expiry_or_attribution_time BETWEEN ?1 AND ?2)";
inline constexpr const char kSelectRateLimitsForDeletionSql[] =
"SELECT id,reporting_origin "
"FROM rate_limits WHERE"
"(time BETWEEN ?1 AND ?2)OR"
"(scope=1 AND source_expiry_or_attribution_time BETWEEN ?1 AND ?2)";
inline constexpr const char kDeleteExpiredRateLimitsSql[] =
"DELETE FROM rate_limits "
"WHERE time<=? AND(scope=1 OR source_expiry_or_attribution_time<=?)";
inline constexpr const char kDeleteRateLimitsBySourceIdSql[] =
"DELETE FROM rate_limits WHERE source_id=?";
} // namespace content::attribution_queries