blob: 2f7098bde902dcadf5dffc063d3f69681bdc203f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/feature_list.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/safe_ref.h"
#include "content/browser/coop_related_group.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_frame_proxy_host.h"
#include "content/browser/site_instance_group.h"
#include "content/public/browser/browsing_instance_id.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/frame/frame_replication_state.mojom-forward.h"
#include "third_party/perfetto/include/perfetto/tracing/traced_value_forward.h"
namespace features {
// Currently there are two paths - legacy code, in which BrowsingContextState
// will be 1:1 with FrameTreeNode, allowing us to move proxy storage to it as a
// no-op, and a new path hidden behind a feature flag, which will create a new
// BrowsingContextState for cross-BrowsingInstance navigations.
CONTENT_EXPORT extern const base::Feature
enum class BrowsingContextStateImplementationType {
CONTENT_EXPORT BrowsingContextStateImplementationType GetBrowsingContextMode();
} // namespace features
namespace content {
class RenderFrameHostImpl;
class SiteInstanceImpl;
// BrowsingContextState is intended to store all state associated with a given
// browsing context (BrowsingInstance in the code, as defined in the HTML spec
// (,
// in particular RenderFrameProxyHosts and FrameReplicationState. Each
// RenderFrameHost will have an associated BrowsingContextState (which never
// changes), but each BrowsingContextState can be shared between multiple
// RenderFrameHosts for the same frame/FrameTreeNode.
// BrowsingContextState is responsible for proxy storage and
// RenderFrameHostManager is responsible for connecting different
// BrowsingContextStates and creating proxies for appropriate SiteInstances.
// A new BCS will be created when a new RenderFrameHost is created for a new
// frame or a speculative RFH is created for a cross-BrowsingInstance (browsing
// context group in the spec) navigation (speculative RFHs created in the same
// BrowsingInstance will use the same BrowsingContextState as the old
// RenderFrameHost). For pages stored in bfcache and used for prerendering
// activations, BrowsingContextState will travel automatically together with the
// RenderFrameHost.
// Note: "browsing context" is an HTML spec term (close to a "frame") and it's
// different from content::BrowserContext, which represents a "browser profile".
// TODO( Currently it's under implementation and there are
// two different modes, controlled by a flag: kLegacyOneToOneWithFrameTreeNode,
// where BrowsingContextState is 1:1 with FrameTreeNode and exists for the
// duration of the FrameTreeNode lifetime, and
// kSwapForCrossBrowsingInstanceNavigations intended state with the behaviour
// described above, tied to the lifetime of the RenderFrameHostImpl.
// kLegacyOneToOneWithFrameTreeNode is currently enabled and will be removed
// once the functionality gated behind kSwapForCrossBrowsingInstanceNavigations
// is implemented.
class CONTENT_EXPORT BrowsingContextState
: public base::RefCounted<BrowsingContextState>,
public SiteInstanceGroup::Observer {
using RenderFrameProxyHostMap =
// Currently `browsing_instance_id` and `coop_related_group_id` will be null
// iff the legacy mode is enabled, as the legacy mode BrowsingContextState is
// 1:1 with FrameTreeNode and therefore doesn't have a dedicated associated
// BrowsingInstance or CoopRelatedGroup.
// TODO( Make `browsing_instance_id` and
// `coop_related_group_id` non-optional when the legacy path is removed.
blink::mojom::FrameReplicationStatePtr replication_state,
RenderFrameHostImpl* parent,
absl::optional<BrowsingInstanceId> browsing_instance_id,
absl::optional<CoopRelatedGroupId> coop_related_group_id);
// Returns a const reference to the map of proxy hosts. The keys are
// SiteInstanceGroup IDs, the values are RenderFrameProxyHosts.
const RenderFrameProxyHostMap& proxy_hosts() const { return proxy_hosts_; }
RenderFrameProxyHostMap& proxy_hosts() { return proxy_hosts_; }
// Returns true if this is a main BrowsingContextState. True if and only if
// this BrowsingContextState doesn't have a parent.
bool is_main_frame() const { return !parent_; }
const blink::mojom::FrameReplicationState& current_replication_state() const {
return *replication_state_;
const std::string& frame_name() const { return replication_state_->name; }
// Returns the currently active frame policy for this frame, including the
// sandbox flags which were present at the time the document was loaded, and
// the permissions policy container policy, which is set by the iframe's
// allowfullscreen, allowpaymentrequest, and allow attributes, along with the
// origin of the iframe's src attribute (which may be different from the URL
// of the document currently loaded into the frame). This does not include
// policy changes that have been made by updating the containing iframe
// element attributes since the frame was last navigated; use
// pending_frame_policy() for those.
const blink::FramePolicy& effective_frame_policy() const {
return replication_state_->frame_policy;
// Returns the sandbox flags currently in effect for this frame. This includes
// flags inherited from parent frames, the currently active flags from the
// <iframe> element hosting this frame, as well as any flags set from a
// Content-Security-Policy HTTP header. This does not include flags that have
// have been updated in an <iframe> element but have not taken effect yet; use
// pending_frame_policy() for those. To see the flags which will take effect
// on navigation (which does not include the CSP-set flags), use
// effective_frame_policy().
network::mojom::WebSandboxFlags active_sandbox_flags() const {
return replication_state_->active_sandbox_flags;
void set_frame_name(const std::string& unique_name, const std::string& name) {
replication_state_->unique_name = unique_name;
replication_state_->name = name;
void set_has_active_user_gesture(bool has_active_user_gesture) {
replication_state_->has_active_user_gesture = has_active_user_gesture;
// All proxies except outer delegate proxies should belong to the same
// CoopRelatedGroup as their BrowsingContextState.
// When kSwapForCrossBrowsingInstanceNavigations is enabled, we might change
// BrowsingContextState during a navigation. To ensure that we haven't mixed
// up things, we CHECK that proxies are in the same CoopRelatedGroup. This
// includes proxies in the BrowsingInstance as well as proxies for COOP:
// restrict-properties related contexts. We do this CHECK in all functions for
// creating, deleting, and accessing proxies. See
// BrowsingContextState::GetRenderFrameProxyHostImpl() for an example.
// When we expect to be in one the exception cases we specify it via the
// ProxyAccessMode enum below, which will disable the CHECKs.
enum class ProxyAccessMode {
RenderFrameProxyHost* GetRenderFrameProxyHost(
SiteInstanceGroup* site_instance_group,
ProxyAccessMode proxy_access_mode = ProxyAccessMode::kRegular) const;
// Returns the number of RenderFrameProxyHosts for this frame.
size_t GetProxyCount();
// Set the current name and notify proxies about the update.
void SetFrameName(const std::string& name, const std::string& unique_name);
// Set the current origin and notify proxies about the update.
void SetCurrentOrigin(const url::Origin& origin,
bool is_potentially_trustworthy_unique_origin);
// Sets the current insecure request policy, and notifies proxies about the
// update.
void SetInsecureRequestPolicy(blink::mojom::InsecureRequestPolicy policy);
// Sets the current set of insecure urls to upgrade, and notifies proxies
// about the update.
void SetInsecureNavigationsSet(
const std::vector<uint32_t>& insecure_navigations_set);
// Sets the sticky user activation status and notifies proxies about the
// update.
void OnSetHadStickyUserActivationBeforeNavigation(bool value);
// Sets whether this is an ad frame and notifies the proxies about the update.
void SetIsAdFrame(bool is_ad_frame);
// Delete a RenderFrameProxyHost owned by this object.
void DeleteRenderFrameProxyHost(
SiteInstanceGroup* site_instance_group,
ProxyAccessMode proxy_access_mode = ProxyAccessMode::kRegular);
// SiteInstanceGroup::Observer
void ActiveFrameCountIsZero(SiteInstanceGroup* site_instance_group) override;
void RenderProcessGone(SiteInstanceGroup* site_instance_group,
const ChildProcessTerminationInfo& info) override;
// Set the frame_policy provided in function parameter as active frame policy,
// while leaving the FrameTreeNode::pending_frame_policy_ untouched. This
// functionality is used on FrameTreeNode initialization, where it is
// associated with a RenderFrameHost. Returns a boolean indicating whether
// there was an update to the FramePolicy.
bool CommitFramePolicy(const blink::FramePolicy& frame_policy);
// Updates the active sandbox flags in this frame, in response to a
// Content-Security-Policy header adding additional flags, in addition to
// those given to this frame by its parent, or in response to the
// Permissions-Policy header being set. Usually this will be when we create
// WebContents with an opener. Note that on navigation, these updates will be
// cleared, and the flags in the pending frame policy will be applied to the
// frame. The old document's frame policy should therefore not impact the new
// document's frame policy.
// Returns true iff this operation has changed state of either sandbox flags
// or permissions policy.
bool UpdateFramePolicyHeaders(
network::mojom::WebSandboxFlags sandbox_flags,
const blink::ParsedPermissionsPolicy& parsed_header);
// Notify all of the proxies about the updated FramePolicy, excluding the
// parent, as it will already know.
void SendFramePolicyUpdatesToProxies(SiteInstanceGroup* parent_group,
const blink::FramePolicy& frame_policy);
// Create a RenderFrameProxyHost owned by this object. This
// RenderFrameProxyHost represents the browsing context in this site instance.
// TODO( Currently we pass a FrameTreeNode because it is
// required for the constructor to RenderFrameProxyHost. However, the stored
// reference to FrameTreeNode should be replaced by a BrowsingContextState
// instead; FrameTreeNode will need to be removed from here as well.
RenderFrameProxyHost* CreateRenderFrameProxyHost(
SiteInstanceImpl* site_instance,
const scoped_refptr<RenderViewHostImpl>& rvh,
FrameTreeNode* frame_tree_node,
ProxyAccessMode proxy_access_mode = ProxyAccessMode::kRegular,
const blink::RemoteFrameToken& frame_token = blink::RemoteFrameToken());
// Called on the RFHM of the inner WebContents to create a
// RenderFrameProxyHost in its outer WebContents's SiteInstance,
// |outer_contents_site_instance|.
RenderFrameProxyHost* CreateOuterDelegateProxy(
SiteInstanceImpl* outer_contents_site_instance,
FrameTreeNode* frame_tree_node,
const blink::RemoteFrameToken& frame_token);
// Called on an inner WebContents that's being detached from its outer
// WebContents. This will delete the proxy in the
// |outer_contents_site_instance_group|.
void DeleteOuterDelegateProxy(
SiteInstanceGroup* outer_contents_site_instance_group);
// Deletes any proxy hosts associated with this node. Used during destruction
// of WebContentsImpl.
void ResetProxyHosts();
// Notification methods to tell this RenderFrameHostManager that the frame it
// is responsible for has started or stopped loading a document.
void OnDidStartLoading();
void OnDidStopLoading();
// Notify proxies that an opener has been updated.
void UpdateOpener(SiteInstanceGroup* source_site_instance_group);
void OnDidUpdateFrameOwnerProperties(
const blink::mojom::FrameOwnerProperties& properties);
void ExecuteRemoteFramesBroadcastMethod(
base::RepeatingCallback<void(RenderFrameProxyHost*)> callback,
SiteInstanceGroup* group_to_skip,
RenderFrameProxyHost* outer_delegate_proxy);
using TraceProto = perfetto::protos::pbzero::BrowsingContextState;
// Write a representation of this object into a trace.
void WriteIntoTrace(perfetto::TracedProto<TraceProto> proto) const;
base::SafeRef<BrowsingContextState> GetSafeRef();
friend class base::RefCounted<BrowsingContextState>;
virtual ~BrowsingContextState();
RenderFrameProxyHost* GetRenderFrameProxyHostImpl(
SiteInstanceGroup* site_instance_group,
ProxyAccessMode proxy_access_mode) const;
// Proxy hosts for this browsing context in various renderer processes, keyed
// by SiteInstanceGroup ID.
RenderFrameProxyHostMap proxy_hosts_;
// Track information that needs to be replicated to processes that have
// proxies for this frame.
blink::mojom::FrameReplicationStatePtr replication_state_;
// Parent document of this BrowsingContextState, might be null if this is a
// main frame BrowsingContextState.
const raw_ptr<RenderFrameHostImpl> parent_;
// ID of the BrowsingInstance and CoopRelatedGroup to which this
// BrowsingContextState belongs. Currently `browsing_instance_id` and
// `coop_related_group_id` will be null iff the legacy mode is enabled, as the
// legacy mode BrowsingContextState is 1:1 with FrameTreeNode and therefore
// doesn't have a dedicated associated BrowsingInstance or CoopRelatedGroup.
// TODO( Make `browsing_instance_id` and
// `coop_related_group_id` non-optional when the legacy path
// is removed.
const absl::optional<BrowsingInstanceId> browsing_instance_id_;
const absl::optional<CoopRelatedGroupId> coop_related_group_id_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<BrowsingContextState> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace content