blob: 6b930ba61734797ebe2269e0b362f0ca1fdd2a8e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_frame_host_manager.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/check_op.h"
#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/containers/adapters.h"
#include "base/containers/contains.h"
#include "base/debug/crash_logging.h"
#include "base/debug/dump_without_crashing.h"
#include "base/feature_list.h"
#include "base/memory/ptr_util.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram_macros.h"
#include "base/notreached.h"
#include "base/ranges/algorithm.h"
#include "base/trace_event/base_tracing.h"
#include "base/trace_event/trace_event.h"
#include "base/trace_event/typed_macros.h"
#include "base/types/expected.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "content/browser/child_process_security_policy_impl.h"
#include "content/browser/network/cross_origin_opener_policy_reporter.h"
#include "content/browser/process_lock.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/agent_scheduling_group_host.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/back_forward_cache_metrics.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/debug_urls.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/frame_navigation_entry.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/frame_tree.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/frame_tree_node.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/navigation_controller_impl.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/navigation_discard_reason.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/navigation_entry_impl.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/navigation_request.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/navigator.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_frame_host_delegate.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_frame_host_factory.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_frame_host_impl.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_frame_host_owner.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_frame_proxy_host.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_process_host_impl.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_view_host_enums.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_view_host_factory.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_view_host_impl.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_widget_host_impl.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_widget_host_view_base.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_widget_host_view_child_frame.h"
#include "content/browser/site_info.h"
#include "content/browser/site_instance_impl.h"
#include "content/browser/webui/web_ui_controller_factory_registry.h"
#include "content/common/content_navigation_policy.h"
#include "content/common/features.h"
#include "content/common/navigation_params_utils.h"
#include "content/public/browser/browser_thread.h"
#include "content/public/browser/child_process_host.h"
#include "content/public/browser/child_process_security_policy.h"
#include "content/public/browser/content_browser_client.h"
#include "content/public/browser/disallow_activation_reason.h"
#include "content/public/browser/render_process_host_observer.h"
#include "content/public/browser/render_widget_host_iterator.h"
#include "content/public/browser/render_widget_host_view.h"
#include "content/public/browser/site_isolation_policy.h"
#include "content/public/common/content_client.h"
#include "content/public/common/content_features.h"
#include "content/public/common/content_switches.h"
#include "content/public/common/url_constants.h"
#include "content/public/common/url_utils.h"
#include "services/network/public/cpp/features.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/chrome_debug_urls.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/features.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/tokens/tokens.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/frame/frame_owner_properties.mojom.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/frame/fullscreen.mojom.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/frame/user_activation_update_types.mojom.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/security_context/insecure_request_policy.mojom.h"
#include "ui/gfx/mac/scoped_cocoa_disable_screen_updates.h"
namespace content {
using LifecycleStateImpl = RenderFrameHostImpl::LifecycleStateImpl;
using perfetto::protos::pbzero::ChromeTrackEvent;
namespace {
const char kBackForwardCachePageWithFormStorableHistogramName[] =
bool IsDataOrAbout(const GURL& url) {
return url.IsAboutSrcdoc() || url.IsAboutBlank() ||
url.scheme() == url::kDataScheme;
// Helper function to determine whether a navigation from `current_rfh` to
// `destination_effective_url_info` should swap BrowsingInstances to ensure that
// `destination_effective_url_info` ends up in a dedicated process. This is the
// case when `destination_effective_url` has an origin that was just isolated
// dynamically, where leaving the navigation in the current BrowsingInstance
// would leave `destination_effective_url_info` without a dedicated process,
// since dynamic origin isolation applies only to future BrowsingInstances. In
// the common case where `current_rfh` is a main frame, and there are no
// scripting references to it from other windows, it is safe to swap
// BrowsingInstances to ensure the new isolated origin takes effect. Note that
// this applies even to same-site navigations, as well as to renderer-initiated
// navigations.
bool ShouldSwapBrowsingInstancesForDynamicIsolation(
RenderFrameHostImpl* current_rfh,
const UrlInfo& destination_effective_url_info) {
// Only main frames are eligible to swap BrowsingInstances.
if (!current_rfh->is_main_frame())
return false;
// Skip cases when there are other windows that might script this one.
SiteInstanceImpl* current_instance = current_rfh->GetSiteInstance();
if (current_instance->GetRelatedActiveContentsCount() > 1u)
return false;
// Check whether `destination_effective_url_info` would require a dedicated
// process if we left it in the current BrowsingInstance. If so, there's no
// need to swap BrowsingInstances.
auto& current_isolation_context = current_instance->GetIsolationContext();
auto current_site_info = SiteInfo::Create(current_isolation_context,
if (current_site_info.RequiresDedicatedProcess(current_isolation_context))
return false;
// Finally, check whether `destination_effective_url_info` would require a
// dedicated process if we were to swap to a fresh BrowsingInstance. To check
// this, use a new IsolationContext, rather than
// current_instance->GetIsolationContext().
IsolationContext future_isolation_context(
auto future_site_info = SiteInfo::Create(future_isolation_context,
return future_site_info.RequiresDedicatedProcess(future_isolation_context);
// Helper function to determine whether |dest_url_info| should be loaded in the
// same StoragePartition that |current_instance| is currently using.
bool DoesNavigationChangeStoragePartition(SiteInstanceImpl* current_instance,
const UrlInfo& dest_url_info) {
// Derive a new SiteInfo from |current_instance|, but don't treat the
// navigation as related to avoid StoragePartition propagation logic. Note
// that we discard WebExposedIsolationInfo in that computation, because we
// want to consider change in StoragePartition independently from it.
StoragePartitionConfig dest_partition_config =
->DeriveSiteInfo(dest_url_info, /*is_related=*/false,
StoragePartitionConfig current_partition_config =
return current_partition_config != dest_partition_config;
bool IsSiteInstanceCompatibleWithErrorIsolation(
SiteInstanceImpl* site_instance,
const FrameTreeNode& frame_tree_node,
NavigationRequest::ErrorPageProcess error_page_process) {
if (error_page_process ==
NavigationRequest::ErrorPageProcess::kCurrentProcess) {
// If an error page must commit in the current process, the current
// SiteInstance must be reused.
return site_instance ==
if (!frame_tree_node.IsErrorPageIsolationEnabled()) {
// With no error isolation or current process requirement, all SiteInstances
// are compatible with any |error_page_process|.
CHECK(error_page_process ==
NavigationRequest::ErrorPageProcess::kNotErrorPage ||
error_page_process ==
return true;
// When error page isolation is enabled, don't reuse |site_instance| if it's
// an error page SiteInstance, but the navigation is not an error page
// navigation. Similarly, don't reuse `site_instance` if it's not an error
// page SiteInstance but the navigation will fail and actually need an error
// page SiteInstance.
bool is_site_instance_for_error_page =
bool should_be_error_page_isolated =
(error_page_process !=
NavigationRequest::ErrorPageProcess::kNotErrorPage &&
error_page_process !=
return is_site_instance_for_error_page == should_be_error_page_isolated;
// Simple wrapper around WebExposedIsolationInfo::AreCompatible for easier use
// within the process model.
bool IsSiteInstanceCompatibleWithWebExposedIsolation(
SiteInstanceImpl* site_instance,
const absl::optional<WebExposedIsolationInfo>& web_exposed_isolation_info) {
return WebExposedIsolationInfo::AreCompatible(
site_instance->GetWebExposedIsolationInfo(), web_exposed_isolation_info);
// Helper for appending more information to the optional |reason| parameter
// that some of the RenderFrameHostManager's methods expose for debugging /
// diagnostic purposes.
void AppendReason(std::string* reason, const char* value) {
if (!reason)
if (!reason->empty())
reason->append("; ");
ShouldSwapBrowsingInstanceToProto(ShouldSwapBrowsingInstance result) {
using ProtoLevel = perfetto::protos::pbzero::ShouldSwapBrowsingInstance;
switch (result) {
case ShouldSwapBrowsingInstance::kYes_ForceSwap:
case ShouldSwapBrowsingInstance::kYes_CrossSiteProactiveSwap:
return ProtoLevel::
case ShouldSwapBrowsingInstance::kYes_SameSiteProactiveSwap:
return ProtoLevel::
case ShouldSwapBrowsingInstance::kNo_ProactiveSwapDisabled:
return ProtoLevel::
case ShouldSwapBrowsingInstance::kNo_NotMainFrame:
case ShouldSwapBrowsingInstance::kNo_HasRelatedActiveContents:
return ProtoLevel::
case ShouldSwapBrowsingInstance::kNo_DoesNotHaveSite:
case ShouldSwapBrowsingInstance::kNo_SourceURLSchemeIsNotHTTPOrHTTPS:
return ProtoLevel::
case ShouldSwapBrowsingInstance::kNo_SameSiteNavigation:
case ShouldSwapBrowsingInstance::kNo_AlreadyHasMatchingBrowsingInstance:
return ProtoLevel::
case ShouldSwapBrowsingInstance::kNo_RendererDebugURL:
case ShouldSwapBrowsingInstance::kNo_NotNeededForBackForwardCache:
return ProtoLevel::
case ShouldSwapBrowsingInstance::kNo_SameDocumentNavigation:
return ProtoLevel::
case ShouldSwapBrowsingInstance::kNo_SameUrlNavigation:
case ShouldSwapBrowsingInstance::kNo_WillReplaceEntry:
case ShouldSwapBrowsingInstance::kNo_Reload:
case ShouldSwapBrowsingInstance::kNo_Guest:
case ShouldSwapBrowsingInstance::kNo_HasNotComittedAnyNavigation:
return ProtoLevel::
case ShouldSwapBrowsingInstance::kNo_NotPrimaryMainFrame:
return ProtoLevel::
void TraceShouldSwapBrowsingInstanceResult(int frame_tree_node_id,
ShouldSwapBrowsingInstance result) {
[&](perfetto::EventContext ctx) {
auto* event = ctx.event<ChromeTrackEvent>();
auto* data = event->set_should_swap_browsing_instances_result();
// This method tries to find a process for |new_instance| to reuse by starting
// from |rfh|'s outermost main frame, and then iterating through all the
// embedded fenced frame FrameTrees and trying to reuse their BrowsingInstance's
// default process (if one is set). By setting a process for |new_instance|, it
// is also setting its BrowsingInstance's default process, and as a result, it
// gets these groups of BrowsingInstances to share the same default process.
// Note that it is possible for a fenced frame BrowsingInstance to get assigned
// a default process first, before its embedder (for example: if the embedder
// only had a frame at an isolated site, which embeds a fenced frame at a
// non-isolated site). If we were to assign the embedder BrowsingInstance a
// default process later (from the previous example, if the embedder added a
// non-isolated iframe), we would iterate through the entire set of FrameTrees
// and find and reuse the fenced frame BrowsingInstance's default process.
// TODO( There are certain scenarios where this won't work,
// see bug for an example scenario/proposed fix.
void ReuseDefaultProcessFromDifferentBrowsingInstanceIfPossible(
scoped_refptr<SiteInstanceImpl> new_instance,
RenderFrameHostImpl* rfh) {
RenderFrameHostImpl* root = rfh->GetMainFrame();
// Note: We explicitly don't use |RenderFrameHost::GetOutermostMainFrame()|
// here so as to not escape the portal boundary.
while (root->IsFencedFrameRoot()) {
root = root->GetParentOrOuterDocument()->GetMainFrame();
[site_instance = std::move(new_instance),
root](RenderFrameHostImpl* rfhi) {
if (rfhi->GetParent())
return RenderFrameHost::FrameIterationAction::kContinue;
// Avoid traversing through any embedded pages that aren't fenced
// frames. Note that we use rfhi->GetParentOrOuterDocumentOrEmbedder()
// instead of rfhi->GetParentOrOuterDocument() to avoid traversing
// through guests.
if (rfhi != root && rfhi->GetParentOrOuterDocumentOrEmbedder() &&
return RenderFrameHost::FrameIterationAction::kSkipChildren;
if (RenderProcessHost* default_process =
->GetDefaultProcessForBrowsingInstance()) {
if (site_instance->HasProcess())
return RenderFrameHost::FrameIterationAction::kStop;
return RenderFrameHost::FrameIterationAction::kContinue;
// If `site_instance` is for a main frame, try to reuse an existing process
// when an experimental process-per-site-up-to-main-frame-threshold feature is
// enabled, subject to a threshold for the maximum number of main frames that
// the process can host.
void UpdateProcessReusePolicyForProcessPerSiteWithMainFrameThreshold(
SiteInstanceImpl* site_instance,
FrameTreeNode* frame_tree_node) {
if (base::FeatureList::IsEnabled(
features::kProcessPerSiteUpToMainFrameThreshold) &&
!base::FeatureList::IsEnabled(features::kDisableProcessReuse) &&
site_instance->RequiresDedicatedProcess() &&
frame_tree_node->IsOutermostMainFrame()) {
} // namespace
: is_same_site_(absl::nullopt) {}
RenderFrameHostManager::IsSameSiteGetter::IsSameSiteGetter(bool is_same_site)
: is_same_site_(is_same_site) {}
bool RenderFrameHostManager::IsSameSiteGetter::Get(
const RenderFrameHostImpl& render_frame_host,
const UrlInfo& url_info) {
if (!is_same_site_.has_value()) {
is_same_site_ = render_frame_host.IsNavigationSameSite(url_info);
} else {
return is_same_site_.value();
RenderFrameHostManager::RenderFrameHostManager(FrameTreeNode* frame_tree_node,
Delegate* delegate)
: frame_tree_node_(frame_tree_node), delegate_(delegate) {
RenderFrameHostManager::~RenderFrameHostManager() {
// Ensure that proxies associated with pending delete BrowsingContextStates
// are deleted as well, otherwise these proxies outlive the FrameTreeNode.
for (const auto& pending_delete_host : pending_delete_hosts_) {
// If the current RenderFrameHost doesn't exist, then there is no need to
// destroy proxies, as they are only accessible via RenderFrameHost. This
// only occurs in MPArch activation, as frame trees are destroyed even when
// the root has no associated RenderFrameHost, specifically when
// RenderFrameHost has been moved during activation and the source
// FrameTreeNode is being destroyed.
if (!render_frame_host_) {
// Delete any RenderFrameProxyHosts. It is important to delete those prior to
// deleting the current RenderFrameHost, since the CrossProcessFrameConnector
// (owned by RenderFrameProxyHost) points to the RenderWidgetHostView
// associated with the current RenderFrameHost and uses it during its
// destructor.
void RenderFrameHostManager::InitRoot(
SiteInstanceImpl* site_instance,
bool renderer_initiated_creation,
blink::FramePolicy initial_main_frame_policy,
const std::string& name,
const base::UnguessableToken& devtools_frame_token) {
bool is_legacy_browsing_context_state_mode =
features::GetBrowsingContextMode() ==
scoped_refptr<BrowsingContextState> browsing_context_state =
url::Origin(), name, "", blink::ParsedPermissionsPolicy(),
network::mojom::WebSandboxFlags::kNone, initial_main_frame_policy,
// should enforce strict mixed content checking
// hashes of hosts for insecure request upgrades
false /* has_potentially_trustworthy_unique_origin */,
false /* has_active_user_gesture */,
false /* has_received_user_gesture_before_nav */,
false /* is_ad_frame */),
? static_cast<absl::optional<BrowsingInstanceId>>(absl::nullopt)
: site_instance->GetBrowsingInstanceId(),
? static_cast<absl::optional<CoopRelatedGroupId>>(absl::nullopt)
: site_instance->GetCoopRelatedGroupId());
browsing_context_state->SetFrameName(name, "");
site_instance, frame_tree_node_);
CreateFrameCase::kInitRoot, site_instance,
mojo::PendingAssociatedRemote<mojom::Frame>(), blink::LocalFrameToken(),
blink::DocumentToken(), devtools_frame_token, renderer_initiated_creation,
// Creating a main RenderFrameHost also creates a new Page, so notify the
// delegate about this.
void RenderFrameHostManager::InitChild(
SiteInstanceImpl* site_instance,
int32_t frame_routing_id,
mojo::PendingAssociatedRemote<mojom::Frame> frame_remote,
const blink::LocalFrameToken& frame_token,
const blink::DocumentToken& document_token,
const base::UnguessableToken& devtools_frame_token,
blink::FramePolicy frame_policy,
std::string frame_name,
std::string frame_unique_name) {
bool is_legacy_browsing_context_state_mode =
features::GetBrowsingContextMode() ==
scoped_refptr<BrowsingContextState> browsing_context_state =
url::Origin(), frame_name, frame_unique_name,
network::mojom::WebSandboxFlags::kNone, frame_policy,
// should enforce strict mixed content checking
// hashes of hosts for insecure request upgrades
false /* has_potentially_trustworthy_unique_origin */,
false /* has_active_user_gesture */,
false /* has_received_user_gesture_before_nav */,
false /* is_ad_frame */),
? static_cast<absl::optional<BrowsingInstanceId>>(absl::nullopt)
: site_instance->GetBrowsingInstanceId(),
? static_cast<absl::optional<CoopRelatedGroupId>>(absl::nullopt)
: site_instance->GetCoopRelatedGroupId());
CreateFrameCase::kInitChild, site_instance, frame_routing_id,
std::move(frame_remote), frame_token, document_token,
/*renderer_initiated_creation=*/false, browsing_context_state));
RenderWidgetHostViewBase* RenderFrameHostManager::GetRenderWidgetHostView()
const {
if (render_frame_host_)
return static_cast<RenderWidgetHostViewBase*>(
return nullptr;
bool RenderFrameHostManager::IsMainFrameForInnerDelegate() {
return frame_tree_node_->IsMainFrame() &&
->GetOuterDelegateFrameTreeNodeId() !=
FrameTreeNode* RenderFrameHostManager::GetOuterDelegateNode() const {
int outer_contents_frame_tree_node_id =
return FrameTreeNode::GloballyFindByID(outer_contents_frame_tree_node_id);
RenderFrameProxyHost* RenderFrameHostManager::GetProxyToParent() {
if (frame_tree_node_->IsMainFrame())
return nullptr;
return frame_tree_node_->GetBrowsingContextStateForSubframe()
RenderFrameProxyHost* RenderFrameHostManager::GetProxyToOuterDelegate() {
// Only the main frame should be able to reach the outer WebContents.
FrameTreeNode* outer_contents_frame_tree_node = GetOuterDelegateNode();
if (!outer_contents_frame_tree_node ||
!outer_contents_frame_tree_node->parent()) {
return nullptr;
// We will create an outer delegate proxy in each BrowsingContextState in this
// frame so it doesn't matter which BCS is used here.
return render_frame_host_->browsing_context_state()->GetRenderFrameProxyHost(
RenderFrameHostManager::GetProxyToParentOrOuterDelegate() {
return IsMainFrameForInnerDelegate() ? GetProxyToOuterDelegate()
: GetProxyToParent();
void RenderFrameHostManager::RemoveOuterDelegateFrame() {
// Removing the outer delegate frame will destroy the inner WebContents. This
// should only be called on the main frame.
FrameTreeNode* outer_delegate_frame_tree_node = GetOuterDelegateNode();
void RenderFrameHostManager::Stop() {
// A loading speculative RenderFrameHost should also stop.
if (speculative_render_frame_host_ &&
speculative_render_frame_host_->is_loading()) {
void RenderFrameHostManager::SetIsLoading(bool is_loading) {
void RenderFrameHostManager::BeforeUnloadCompleted(bool proceed) {
// If beforeunload was dispatched as part of preparing this frame for
// attaching an inner delegate, continue attaching now.
if (is_attaching_inner_delegate()) {
if (proceed) {
} else {
NotifyPrepareForInnerDelegateAttachComplete(false /* success */);
bool proceed_to_fire_unload = false;
if (proceed_to_fire_unload) {
// If we're about to close the tab and there's a speculative RFH, cancel it.
// Otherwise, if the navigation in the speculative RFH completes before the
// close in the current RFH, we'll lose the tab close.
// TODO( This condition may no longer be needed.
if (speculative_render_frame_host_) {
// TODO( This is not always browser-initiated, so
// we should track whether the close is browser or renderer-initiated and
// use that here.
void RenderFrameHostManager::DidNavigateFrame(
RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host,
bool was_caused_by_user_gesture,
bool is_same_document_navigation,
bool clear_proxies_on_commit,
const blink::FramePolicy& frame_policy) {
CommitPendingIfNecessary(render_frame_host, was_caused_by_user_gesture,
// Make sure any dynamic changes to this frame's sandbox flags and permissions
// policy that were made prior to navigation take effect. This should only
// happen for cross-document navigations.
if (!is_same_document_navigation) {
if (!render_frame_host->browsing_context_state()->CommitFramePolicy(
frame_policy)) {
// The frame policy didn't change, no need to send updates to proxies.
// There should be no children of this frame; any policy changes should only
// happen on navigation commit which will delete any child frames.
if (!frame_tree_node_->parent()) {
// Policy updates for root node happens only when the frame is a fenced
// frame root.
// Note: SendFramePolicyUpdatesToProxies doesn't need to be invoked for
// MPArch fenced frames, because the root fenced frame must use a static
// policy not to introduce a communication channel.
} else {
void RenderFrameHostManager::CommitPendingIfNecessary(
RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host,
bool was_caused_by_user_gesture,
bool is_same_document_navigation,
bool clear_proxies_on_commit) {
if (!speculative_render_frame_host_) {
// There's no speculative RenderFrameHost so it must be that the current
// RenderFrameHost completed a navigation.
// TODO(danakj): Make this a CHECK and stop handling it. Then make it a
// DCHECK when we're sure.
DCHECK_EQ(render_frame_host_.get(), render_frame_host);
if (render_frame_host != render_frame_host_.get())
if (render_frame_host == speculative_render_frame_host_.get()) {
// A cross-RenderFrameHost navigation completed, so show the new renderer.
std::move(stored_page_to_restore_), clear_proxies_on_commit);
if (GetNavigationQueueingFeatureLevel() >=
NavigationQueueingFeatureLevel::kAvoidRedundantCancellations) {
// When avoiding redundant navigation cancellations, if there are other
// navigation requests that are ongoing, set their "associated
// RenderFrameHost type" NONE, as the old type may no longer be accurate:
// - If it was previously set to CURRENT, the current RenderFrameHost
// had already changed to the previously-speculative RenderFrameHost. It
// most likely will commit to a new speculative RenderFrameHost, but that
// doesn't exist yet and so we shouldn't change the type to SPECULATIVE.
// - If it was previously set to SPECULATIVE, the previously-speculative
// RenderFrameHost is no longer speculative. However we can't just set the
// type to CURRENT, as the navigation might actually want to create a new
// speculative RenderFrameHost too and not reuse the now-current RFH
// (e.g., with RenderDocument).
// A new "associated RenderFrameHost" type value will be recalculated when
// the navigation recalculates its RenderFrameHost either at
// StartNavigation (if it hasn't reached that stage yet) or ReadyToCommit
// time. Note that we don't update this value for pending commit
// navigations (and hence we only check the FrameTreeNode's
// NavigationRequest), as the value is only used until before the
// navigation gets to the "pending commit" stage.
if (frame_tree_node_->navigation_request()) {
} else {
// Otherwise, if not attempting to avoid redundant cancellations, cancel
// any other navigations that are ongoing if they're not pending commit.
// Note that the pending commit navigations that are in the old RFH will
// get deleted when the old RFH gets unloaded.
// A same-RenderFrameHost navigation committed.
if (render_frame_host_->is_local_root() && render_frame_host_->GetView()) {
// RenderFrames are created with a hidden RenderWidgetHost. When
// navigation finishes, we show it if the delegate is shown. CommitPending()
// takes care of this in the cross-process case, as well as other cases
// where a RenderFrameHost is swapped in.
if (!frame_tree_node_->frame_tree().IsHidden())
// TODO( For same RenderFrameHost, it isn't clear
// whether we should start the new content timer, but to be safe, we start
// it here. The TODO here is to remove this call when we can.
// Note that this is only OK to do for non-prerender. For prerendering path,
// setting this timeout is incorrect because it causes a clear of graphical
// output on prerender activation.
if (render_frame_host_->lifecycle_state() !=
LifecycleStateImpl::kPrerendering) {
// If we are navigating away from a Page that has a form data associated with
// it, record the metrics indicating that the Page was navigated away but
// wasn't eligible for BFCache. Note that the metrics recording for the
// cross-RFH case happens in RenderFrameHostManager::UnloadOldFrame().
// We only care about main frame cross-document navigation since those are
// the ones that can trigger BFCache.
if (!render_frame_host->GetParentOrOuterDocument() &&
!is_same_document_navigation) {
BackForwardCacheMetrics* metrics =
if (metrics && metrics->had_form_data_associated()) {
void RenderFrameHostManager::DidChangeOpener(
const absl::optional<blink::LocalFrameToken>& opener_frame_token,
SiteInstanceGroup* source_site_instance_group) {
FrameTreeNode* opener = nullptr;
if (opener_frame_token) {
RenderFrameHostImpl* opener_rfhi = RenderFrameHostImpl::FromFrameToken(
source_site_instance_group->process()->GetID(), *opener_frame_token);
// If |opener_rfhi| is null, the opener RFH has already disappeared. In
// this case, clear the opener rather than keeping the old opener around.
if (opener_rfhi)
opener = opener_rfhi->frame_tree_node();
if (frame_tree_node_->opener() == opener)
if (render_frame_host_->GetSiteInstance()->group() !=
source_site_instance_group) {
// Notify the speculative RenderFrameHosts as well. This is necessary in case
// a process swap has started while the message was in flight.
if (speculative_render_frame_host_ &&
speculative_render_frame_host_->GetSiteInstance()->group() !=
source_site_instance_group) {
std::unique_ptr<StoredPage> RenderFrameHostManager::TakePrerenderedPage() {
auto main_render_frame_host = SetRenderFrameHost(nullptr);
return CollectPage(std::move(main_render_frame_host));
void RenderFrameHostManager::PrepareForCollectingPage(
RenderFrameHostImpl* main_render_frame_host,
StoredPage::RenderViewHostImplSafeRefSet* render_view_hosts,
BrowsingContextState::RenderFrameProxyHostMap* proxy_hosts) {
TRACE_EVENT("navigation", "RenderFrameHostManager::PrepareForCollectingPage");
// We insert RenderViewHosts for all frames.
main_render_frame_host->ForEachRenderFrameHost([&](RenderFrameHostImpl* rfh) {
if (rfh->is_main_frame()) {
for (auto& it : rfh->browsing_context_state()->proxy_hosts()) {
// This avoids including the proxy created when starting a
// new cross-process, cross-BrowsingInstance navigation, as well as any
// restored proxies which are also in a different BrowsingInstance.
if (rfh->GetSiteInstance()->group()->IsRelatedSiteInstanceGroup(
it.second->site_instance_group())) {
// When BrowsingContextState is decoupled from the FrameTreeNode and
// RenderFrameHostManager (legacy mode is disabled), proxies and
// replication state will be stored in a separate BrowsingContextState,
// which won't need any updates. However, RenderViewHosts are still stored
// in FrameTree (which, for example, is shared between the new page and
// the page entering BFCache), so they have to be collected explicitly above.
// Since proxies are not collected, we can return early here.
if (features::GetBrowsingContextMode() ==
kSwapForCrossBrowsingInstanceNavigations) {
// Prepare the proxies.
SiteInstanceGroup* group = main_render_frame_host->GetSiteInstance()->group();
// Store the proxies only for main frame in the primary FrameTree because the
// FrameTreeNode gets reused for back/forward cache. It is not needed to
// store proxies for embedded main frames since each have their unique
// FrameTreeNode and their own BrowsingContextState.
for (auto& it :
main_render_frame_host->browsing_context_state()->proxy_hosts()) {
// This avoids including the proxy created when starting a
// new cross-process, cross-BrowsingInstance navigation, as well as any
// restored proxies which are also in a different BrowsingInstance.
if (group->IsRelatedSiteInstanceGroup(it.second->site_instance_group())) {
(*proxy_hosts)[it.first] = std::move(it.second);
// Remove the previously extracted proxies from the
// RenderFrameHostManager, which also removes their respective
// SiteInstanceGroup::Observer.
for (auto& it : *proxy_hosts) {
std::unique_ptr<StoredPage> RenderFrameHostManager::CollectPage(
std::unique_ptr<RenderFrameHostImpl> main_render_frame_host) {
StoredPage::RenderViewHostImplSafeRefSet render_view_hosts;
BrowsingContextState::RenderFrameProxyHostMap proxy_hosts;
PrepareForCollectingPage(main_render_frame_host.get(), &render_view_hosts,
auto stored_page = std::make_unique<StoredPage>(
std::move(main_render_frame_host), std::move(proxy_hosts),
return stored_page;
void RenderFrameHostManager::UpdateOpener(
RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host) {
TRACE_EVENT1("navigation", "RenderFrameHostManager::UpdateOpener",
"render_frame_host", render_frame_host);
// `render_frame_host` (the frame whose opener is being updated) might not
// have had proxies for the new opener chain in its SiteInstance. Make sure
// they exist.
if (frame_tree_node_->opener()) {
render_frame_host->GetSiteInstance(), frame_tree_node_,
auto opener_frame_token =
void RenderFrameHostManager::UnloadOldFrame(
std::unique_ptr<RenderFrameHostImpl> old_render_frame_host) {
TRACE_EVENT1("navigation", "RenderFrameHostManager::UnloadOldFrame",
"FrameTreeNode id", frame_tree_node_->frame_tree_node_id());
// Now close any modal dialogs that would prevent us from unloading the frame.
// This must be done separately from Unload(), so that the
// ScopedPageLoadDeferrer is no longer on the stack when we send the
// mojo::FrameNavigationControl::Unload message. Prerendering pages cannot
// create modal dialogs and unloading a prerendering RFH should not cause
// existing dialogs to close.
// To prevent the cancellation be used as a channel from fenced frames to
// the primary main frame, we won't cancel modal dialogs for fenced frame
// navigations.
// TODO( Update CancelModalDialogsForRenderManager
// to take a RFH/RPH and only clear relevant dialogs instead of all dialogs in
// the WebContents.
if (current_frame_host()->GetLifecycleState() !=
RenderFrameHost::LifecycleState::kPrerendering &&
!current_frame_host()->IsNestedWithinFencedFrame()) {
// If the old RFH is not live, just return as there is no further work to do.
// It will be deleted and there will be no proxy created.
if (!old_render_frame_host->IsRenderFrameLive())
// Reset any NavigationRequest in the RenderFrameHost. An unloaded
// RenderFrameHost should not be trying to commit a navigation.
// TODO( Ensure that there are no pending commit
// cross-document NavigationRequests at this point. With navigation queuing,
// this will be guaranteed because there will be only 1 pending commit
// navigation at a time, which will be the navigation in the speculative
// RenderFrameHost that replaced `old_render_frame_host`.
// Sends out all pending beacons on navigation away.
// Whether or not `old_render_frame_host` is put into BackForwardCache is not
// relevant.
// TODO( Allow to keep pending beacons when the old rfh is
// put into BackForwardCache.
if (base::FeatureList::IsEnabled(blink::features::kPendingBeaconAPI) &&
blink::features::kPendingBeaconAPIForcesSendingOnNavigation.Get()) {
NavigationEntryImpl* last_committed_entry =
BackForwardCacheMetrics* old_page_back_forward_cache_metrics =
? last_committed_entry->back_forward_cache_metrics()
: nullptr;
// Record the metrics about the state of the old main frame at the moment when
// we navigate away from it as it matters for whether the page is eligible for
// being put into back-forward cache.
// This covers the cross-process navigation case and the same-process case is
// handled in RenderFrameHostImpl::CommitNavigation, so the subframe state
// can be captured before the frame navigates away.
// TODO(altimin, Remove this logic after we are done with
// implementing back-forward cache.
if (old_page_back_forward_cache_metrics) {
// BackForwardCache:
// If the old RenderFrameHost can be stored in the BackForwardCache, return
// early without unloading and running unload handlers, as the document may
// be restored later.
if (!old_render_frame_host->GetParentOrOuterDocument()) {
BackForwardCacheImpl& back_forward_cache =
// The result of this eligibility check will only include sticky reasons.
// Non-sticky reasons will be checked later and if any, the page will be
// evicted from BFCache.
BackForwardCacheCanStoreDocumentResultWithTree bfcache_eligibility =
bool can_store = bfcache_eligibility.CanStore();
if (old_page_back_forward_cache_metrics &&
old_page_back_forward_cache_metrics->had_form_data_associated()) {
if (can_store) {
TRACE_EVENT("navigation", "BackForwardCache_MaybeStorePage",
"old_render_frame_host", old_render_frame_host,
if (can_store) {
auto stored_page = CollectPage(std::move(old_render_frame_host));
auto entry =
// Ensures RenderViewHosts are not reused while they are in the cache.
for (const auto& rvh : entry->render_view_hosts()) {
if (old_page_back_forward_cache_metrics) {
// Reasons set in the metrics object will be used for DevTools and
// NotRestoredReasons API. We should include non-sticky reasons as well
// here for better debugging, though non-sticky features might get cleaned
// in pagehide handlers.
eligibility_including_non_sticky =
// Create a replacement proxy for the old RenderFrameHost when we're switching
// SiteInstance. There should not be one yet. This is done even if there are
// no active frames besides this one to simplify cleanup logic on the renderer
// side. See for motivation.
RenderFrameProxyHost* proxy = nullptr;
if (render_frame_host_->GetSiteInstance() !=
old_render_frame_host->GetSiteInstance()) {
proxy =
old_render_frame_host->render_view_host(), frame_tree_node_);
// |old_render_frame_host| will be deleted when its unload ACK is received,
// or when the timer times out, or when the RFHM itself is deleted (whichever
// comes first).
auto insertion =
// Tell the old RenderFrameHost to swap out and be replaced by the proxy.
(*insertion.first)->Unload(proxy, true);
void RenderFrameHostManager::DiscardUnusedFrame(
std::unique_ptr<RenderFrameHostImpl> render_frame_host) {
// RenderDocument: In the case of a local<->local RenderFrameHost Swap, just
// discard the RenderFrameHost. There are no other proxies associated.
if (render_frame_host->GetSiteInstance() ==
render_frame_host_->GetSiteInstance()) {
return; // |render_frame_host| is released here.
// TODO(carlosk): this code is very similar to what can be found in
// UnloadOldFrame and we should see that these are unified at some point.
// If the SiteInstanceGroup for the pending RFH is being used by others,
// ensure that the pending RenderFrameHost is replaced by a
// RenderFrameProxyHost to allow other frames to communicate to this frame.
SiteInstanceImpl* site_instance = render_frame_host->GetSiteInstance();
RenderFrameProxyHost* proxy = nullptr;
if (site_instance->HasSite() &&
site_instance->group()->active_frame_count() > 1) {
// A proxy already exists for the SiteInstanceGroup that |site_instance|
// belongs to, so just reuse it. There is no need to call Unload() on the
// |render_frame_host|, as this method is only called to discard a pending
// or speculative RenderFrameHost, i.e. one that has never hosted an actual
// document.
proxy =
// If the old proxy isn't live, create the `blink::RemoteFrame` in the
// renderer, so that other frames can still communicate with this frame. See
if (proxy && !proxy->is_render_frame_proxy_live())
bool RenderFrameHostManager::DeleteFromPendingList(
RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host) {
auto it = pending_delete_hosts_.find(render_frame_host);
if (it == pending_delete_hosts_.end())
return false;
return true;
// Prerender navigations match a prerender after calling
// GetFrameHostForNavigation, which means we might create a speculative RFH and
// then try to replace it with the prerendered RFH during activation. We can not
// just reset this RFH in RestorePage as the RFH would be in an invalid state
// for destruction. We need to properly clean up first. Hence this method.
// TODO( We should refactor prerender matching flow
// to ensure that we do not create speculative RFHs for prerender activation.
void RenderFrameHostManager::ActivatePrerender(
std::unique_ptr<StoredPage> stored_page) {
if (speculative_render_frame_host_) {
// Reset the swap result of BrowsingInstance as prerender activation always
// swaps BrowsingInstance.
BackForwardCacheMetrics* back_forward_cache_metrics =
if (back_forward_cache_metrics)
void RenderFrameHostManager::RestorePage(
std::unique_ptr<StoredPage> stored_page) {
TRACE_EVENT("navigation", "RenderFrameHostManager::RestorePage",
ChromeTrackEvent::kFrameTreeNodeInfo, *frame_tree_node_);
// Matched in CommitPending().
// speculative_render_frame_host_ and stored_page_to_restore_ will be
// consumed during CommitPendingIfNecessary.
// TODO(ahemery): This is awkward to leave the entry in a half consumed state
// and it would be clearer if we could not reuse speculative_render_frame_host
// in the long run. For now, and to avoid complex edge cases, we simply reuse
// it to preserve the understood logic in CommitPending.
// There should be no speculative RFH at this point. With BackForwardCache, it
// should have never been created, and with prerender activation, it should
// have been cleared out earlier. If a speculative RenderFrameHost used for
// another NavigationRequest existed, then it must be a pending commit RFH,
// which would delay the activation navigation from getting here (see also
// ConcurrentNavigationsCommitDeferringCondition) until the pending commit
// RFH finished the commit and becomes the current RenderFrameHost.
SCOPED_CRASH_KEY_BOOL("Bug1407526", "spec_rfh_exists",
speculative_render_frame_host_ = stored_page->TakeRenderFrameHost();
// Now |stored_page| is destroyed and thus does not monitor cookie changes any
// more. This is okay as eviction would not happen from this point.
stored_page_to_restore_ = std::move(stored_page);
void RenderFrameHostManager::ClearRFHsPendingShutdown() {
void RenderFrameHostManager::ClearWebUIInstances() {
if (speculative_render_frame_host_)
bool RenderFrameHostManager::HasPendingCommitForCrossDocumentNavigation()
const {
if (render_frame_host_->HasPendingCommitForCrossDocumentNavigation())
return true;
if (speculative_render_frame_host_) {
return speculative_render_frame_host_
return false;
void RenderFrameHostManager::DidCreateNavigationRequest(
NavigationRequest* request) {
ChromeTrackEvent::kFrameTreeNodeInfo, *frame_tree_node_);
const bool force_use_current_render_frame_host =
// Since the frame from the back-forward cache is being committed to the
// SiteInstance we already have, it is treated as current.
request->IsServedFromBackForwardCache() ||
// Avoid calling GetFrameHostForNavigation() for same-document navigations
// since they should always occur in the current document, which means
// also in the current SiteInstance.
// State may have changed in the browser that would cause us to put the
// document in a different SiteInstance if it was loaded again now, but we
// do not want to load the document again, see
if (force_use_current_render_frame_host) {
// This method should generally be calling GetFrameHostForNavigation() in
// order to choose the correct RenderFrameHost, and choose a speculative
// RenderFrameHost when the navigation can not be performed in the current
// frame. Getting this wrong has security consequences as it could allow a
// document from a different security context to be loaded in the current
// frame and gain access to things in-process that it should not.
// However, there are some situations where we know that we want to perform
// the navigation in the current frame. In that case we must be sure that
// the renderer is not *controlling* the navigation. The BeginNavigation()
// path allows the renderer to specify all the parameters of the
// NavigationRequest, so we should never allow it to specify that the
// navigation be performed in the current RenderFrameHost.
// Cleanup existing speculative RenderFrameHost. This corresponds to
// what is done inside GetFrameHostForNavigation(request), but we avoid
// calling that method for navigations which will be forced into the current
// document.
if (ShouldAvoidRedundantNavigationCancellations()) {
// When avoiding redundant navigation cancellations, only delete the
// speculative RFH if it is unused. In particular, this means that a
// speculative RFH with a pending-commit navigation won't be deleted
// anymore.
} else {
// When the flag is disabled, always delete the speculative RFH, even if
// it means cancelling a pending commit navigation in that RFH.
} else {
BrowsingContextGroupSwap ignored_bcg_swap_info =
auto result = GetFrameHostForNavigation(request, &ignored_bcg_swap_info);
if (result.has_value()) {
base::expected<RenderFrameHostImpl*, GetFrameHostForNavigationFailed>
NavigationRequest* request,
BrowsingContextGroupSwap* browsing_context_group_swap,
std::string* reason) {
// GetFrameHostForNavigation will be called more than once during a navigation
// (currently twice, on request and when it's about to commit in the
// renderer).
TRACE_EVENT("navigation", "RenderFrameHostManager::GetFrameHostForNavigation",
ChromeTrackEvent::kFrameTreeNodeInfo, *frame_tree_node_);
// TODO(peilinwang): remove when we've finished investigating BeginNavigation
// jank (
<< "Don't call this method for JavaScript URLs as those create a "
"temporary NavigationRequest and we don't want to reset an ongoing "
"navigation's speculative RFH.";
// Same-document navigations should be committed in the current document
// (and current RenderFrameHost), so we should not come here and ask where
// we would load that document. The resulting SiteInstance may have changed
// since we did load the current document, but we don't want to reload it if
// that is the case. See
// TODO( Verify that we're not resetting the document
// sequence number in a same-document navigation. This method will reset it
// if the site instance changed. But this method should not be called for a
// same document history navigation. Change back to a DCHECK() once this is
// resolved.
if (request->IsSameDocument())
// Even though prerendering is considered an inactive state (i.e., not allowed
// to show any UI changes) it is still allowed to navigate, fetch, load and
// run documents in the background.
if ((current_frame_host()->lifecycle_state() !=
LifecycleStateImpl::kPrerendering)) {
// Inactive frames should never be navigated. If this happens, log a
// DumpWithoutCrashing to understand the root cause. See
// and
if (current_frame_host()->IsInactiveAndDisallowActivation(
DisallowActivationReasonId::kNavigatingInInactiveFrame)) {
NOTREACHED() << "Navigation in an inactive frame";
DEBUG_ALIAS_FOR_GURL(url, request->common_params().url);
// Speculative RFHs are deleted immediately.
if (speculative_render_frame_host_)
// The appropriate RenderFrameHost to commit the navigation.
RenderFrameHostImpl* navigation_rfh = nullptr;
// First compute the SiteInstance to use for the navigation.
SiteInstanceImpl* current_site_instance =
bool is_same_site =
IsSameSiteGetter is_same_site_getter(is_same_site);
scoped_refptr<SiteInstanceImpl> dest_site_instance =
GetSiteInstanceForNavigationRequest(request, is_same_site_getter,
browsing_context_group_swap, reason);
// A subframe should always be in the same BrowsingInstance as the parent
// (see also
RenderFrameHostImpl* parent = frame_tree_node_->parent();
DCHECK(!parent ||
// The SiteInstance determines whether to switch RenderFrameHost or not.
bool use_current_rfh = current_site_instance == dest_site_instance;
if (frame_tree_node_->IsOutermostMainFrame()) {
// Same-site navigations could swap BrowsingInstance as well. But we only
// want to clear on cross-site cross-BrowsingInstance main frame
// navigations.
!is_same_site &&
// If a crashed RenderFrameHost must not be reused, replace it by a
// new one immediately.
if (render_frame_host_->must_be_replaced())
use_current_rfh = false;
// Force using a different RenderFrameHost when RenderDocument is enabled.
if (((ShouldCreateNewHostForSameSiteSubframe() &&
!frame_tree_node_->IsMainFrame()) ||
ShouldCreateNewHostForAllFrames()) &&
render_frame_host_->has_committed_any_navigation()) {
use_current_rfh = false;
// Create WebUI objects for this navigation if it is needed. Note that we
// create this earlier than the `use_current_rfh` if clause below to ensure
// we still create the WebUI objects even if we return early due to the
// kBlockedByPendingCommit case. After a RenderFrameHost has been picked for
// this navigation (either now or later on after this function is called again
// upon reaching OnResponseStarted, in the case of navigation queueing), the
// ownership of the WebUIImpl will move from the NavigationRequest to the
// RenderFrameHost.
// Note: We need to create the WebUI objects early in the navigation even when
// there is no RenderFrameHost to host it yet, because the creation of
// WebUIImpl will trigger the creation of WebUI data sources, which is needed
// for WebUI navigations to reach the OnResponseStarted stage.
CreateWebUIForNavigationIfNeeded(request, dest_site_instance.get(),
bool notify_webui_of_rf_creation = request->HasWebUI();
// We only do this if the policy allows it and are recovering a crashed frame.
bool recovering_without_early_commit =
ShouldSkipEarlyCommitPendingForCrashedFrame() &&
if (use_current_rfh) {
// For navigation queueing, if the speculative RFH is already committing a
// cross-document navigation, avoid discarding it here: the commit needs to
// complete in order for the browser and the renderer state to remain in
// sync. See
// In theory, it would be possible to simply avoid discarding it (see the
// later branch for avoiding redundant cancellations: however, this
// navigation race should be fairly rare, so for navigation queueing, do the
// simple thing and give up trying to assign a RenderFrameHost for the
// navigation.
if (ShouldQueueNavigationsWhenPendingCommitRFHExists() &&
request->ShouldQueueDueToExistingPendingCommitRFH()) {
return base::unexpected(
navigation_rfh = render_frame_host_.get();
// Set the associated RenderFrameHost type for the navigation, and discard
// existing speculative RenderFrameHost. This can exist when the navigation
// initially used a speculative RenderFrameHost but got redirected and now
// uses the current RenderFrameHost. Note that we need to update the
// associated RenderFrameHost type first so that
// `DiscardSpeculativeRFHIfUnused()` can work correctly.
if (ShouldAvoidRedundantNavigationCancellations()) {
// When avoiding redundant navigation cancellations, only delete the
// speculative RFH if it is unused.
} else {
// When the flag is disabled, always delete the speculative RFH, even if
// it means cancelling a pending commit navigation in that RFH.
} else {
// If the current RenderFrameHost cannot be used a speculative one is
// created with the SiteInstance for the current URL. If a speculative
// RenderFrameHost already exists we try as much as possible to reuse it and
// its associated WebUI.
// Check for cases that a speculative RenderFrameHost cannot be used and
// create a new one if needed.
if (!speculative_render_frame_host_ ||
speculative_render_frame_host_->GetSiteInstance() !=
dest_site_instance.get()) {
// If a previous speculative RenderFrameHost didn't exist or if its
// SiteInstance differs from the one for the current URL, a new one needs
// to be created.
// However, if the speculative RFH is already committing a cross-document
// navigation, avoid discarding it now: the commit needs to complete in
// order for the browser and the renderer state to remain in sync. See
if (ShouldQueueNavigationsWhenPendingCommitRFHExists() &&
request->ShouldQueueDueToExistingPendingCommitRFH()) {
return base::unexpected(
// Determine if the old speculative RFH and new speculative RFH will use
// the same process. If so, add a reference to that process so that
// it won't get cleaned up when the old speculative RFH is discarded and
// then immediately recreated for the new speculative RFH.
bool should_keep_target_process_alive =
speculative_render_frame_host_ && dest_site_instance->HasProcess() &&
speculative_render_frame_host_->GetProcess() ==
if (should_keep_target_process_alive) {
bool success = CreateSpeculativeRenderFrameHost(
current_site_instance, dest_site_instance.get(),
if (should_keep_target_process_alive) {
navigation_rfh = speculative_render_frame_host_.get();
// Check that this is for a prerendered FrameTree or not. Note that we
// cannot check the RFH's LifecycleState here instead, because it will be
// kSpeculative even for prerendering RFHs at this point.
bool is_prerendering = frame_tree_node_->frame_tree().is_prerendering();
if (!render_frame_host_->IsRenderFrameLive() &&
!recovering_without_early_commit && !is_prerendering) {
// The current RFH is not live. There's no reason to sit around with a
// sad tab or a newly created RFH while we wait for the navigation to
// complete. Just switch to the speculative RFH now and go back to
// normal. (Note that we don't care about on{before}unload handlers if
// the current RFH isn't live.)
// Note: We can reach this path without there being a crash. If we
// navigate a frame immediately after its creation, and the navigation
// results in a speculative RFH being created, we would hit this codepath
// as the RFH is not live yet. For prerendering FrameTrees, we skip this
// codepath to explicitly avoid a LifecycleState transition from
// kSpeculative directly to kPrerender, and force it to go through the
// regular path instead (i.e. through kPendingCommit).
// If the corresponding RenderFrame is currently associated with a
// proxy, send a SwapIn message to ensure that the RenderFrame swaps
// into the frame tree and replaces that proxy on the renderer side.
// Normally this happens at navigation commit time, but in this case
// this must be done earlier to keep browser and renderer state in sync.
// This is important to do before CommitPending(), which destroys the
// corresponding proxy. See
// TODO( Make this logic more robust to
// consider the case for failed navigations after CommitPending.
if (navigation_rfh->browsing_context_state()->GetRenderFrameProxyHost(
dest_site_instance->group())) {
// An Active RenderFrameHost MUST always have a PolicyContainerHost. A new
// document is either:
// - The initial empty document, via frame creation.
// - A new document replacing the previous one, via a navigation.
// Here this is an additional case: A new document (in a weird state) is
// replacing the one crashed. In this case, it is not entirely clear what
// PolicyContainerHost should be used. In the absence of anything better,
// we simply keep the PolicyContainerHost that was previously active.
// TODO( Remove this logic when removing the
// early commit.
if (request->HasWebUI()) {
// If a WebUI has been created for the NavigationRequest, set it on the
// RenderFrameHost picked for the navigation. Note that there is a
// similar WebUI handling near the end of this function to cover the
// non-early commit cases, which won't run if we already run this code
// because `HasWebUI()` will return false after we take the WebUI from
// the NavigationRequest here.
std::move(speculative_render_frame_host_), nullptr,
DCHECK(navigation_rfh &&
(navigation_rfh == render_frame_host_.get() ||
navigation_rfh == speculative_render_frame_host_.get()));
// If the RenderFrame that needs to navigate is not live (its process was just
// created), initialize it. This can only happen for the initial main frame of
// a WebContents which starts non-live but non-crashed.
// A speculative RenderFrameHost is created in the live state. A crashed
// RenderFrameHost is replaced by a new speculative RenderFrameHost. A
// non-speculative RenderFrameHost that is being reused is already live. This
// leaves only a non-speculative RenderFrameHost that has never been used
// before.
if (!navigation_rfh->IsRenderFrameLive()) {
if (!ReinitializeMainRenderFrame(navigation_rfh)) {
return base::unexpected(
notify_webui_of_rf_creation = true;
if (navigation_rfh == render_frame_host_.get()) {
// TODO(nasko): This is a very ugly hack. The Chrome extensions process
// manager still uses NotificationService and expects to see a
// RenderViewHost changed notification after WebContents and
// RenderFrameHostManager are completely initialized. This should be
// removed once the process manager moves away from NotificationService.
// See
if (frame_tree_node_->IsMainFrame()) {
nullptr, render_frame_host_.get());
if (request->HasWebUI()) {
// If a WebUI has been created for the NavigationRequest, set it on the
// RenderFrameHost picked for the navigation.
if (notify_webui_of_rf_creation && navigation_rfh->web_ui()) {
// If a WebUI was created in a speculative RenderFrameHost, or a new
// RenderFrame was created for an existing WebUI, then the WebUI never
// interacted with the RenderFrame. Notify using WebUIRenderFrameCreated.
// The following call is here to make sure that explicit opt-out requests,
// made while kOriginKeyedProcessByDefault is enabled, record the opt-out
// status before CanAccessDataForOrigin is called below. It allows
// CanAccessDataForOrigin to start by assuming default isolation (as stored in
// the associated IsolationContext), knowing that it will be changed (during
// the construction of the expected ProcessLock) to being explicit opt-out due
// to the origin being tracked. The change occurs when we create a SiteInfo
// for the ProcessLock and DetermineOriginAgentClusterIsolation is called.
// A similar call to the one below is made in
// NavigationRequest::SelectFrameHostForOnResponseStarted() to handle
// recording opt-outs when kOriginAgentClusterDefault is enabled, although in
// that case process isolation isn't involved, and so the following call to
// CanAccessDataForOrigin isn't a problem.
// TODO( Remove the following block (and the
// comments above) when the ProcessLock check below is removed.
const IsolationContext& isolation_context =
// If this function picked an incompatible process for the URL, except for
// allowed cases such as navigating to an error page reusing the current
// process, capture a crash dump to diagnose why it is occurring.
// TODO(creis): Remove this check after we've gathered enough information to
// debug issues with browser-side security checks.
auto* policy = ChildProcessSecurityPolicyImpl::GetInstance();
const auto process_lock = navigation_rfh->GetProcess()->GetProcessLock();
if (!process_lock.is_error_page() &&
request->common_params().url.IsStandard() &&
// TODO( Replace `common_params().url` with
// the origin to commit calculated on the browser side.
url::Origin::Create(request->common_params().url)) &&
!request->IsForMhtmlSubframe() &&
request->ComputeErrorPageProcess() !=
NavigationRequest::ErrorPageProcess::kCurrentProcess) {
SCOPED_CRASH_KEY_STRING256("GetFrameHostForNav", "lock_url",
"GetFrameHostForNav", "commit_origin",
SCOPED_CRASH_KEY_BOOL("GetFrameHostForNav", "is_main_frame",
SCOPED_CRASH_KEY_BOOL("GetFrameHostForNav", "use_current_rfh",
NOTREACHED() << "Picked an incompatible process for URL: "
<< process_lock.ToString() << " lock vs "
<< request->common_params().url.DeprecatedGetOriginAsURL()
<< ", request_is_sandboxed = "
<< request->GetUrlInfo().is_sandboxed;
return navigation_rfh;
void RenderFrameHostManager::CreateWebUIForNavigationIfNeeded(
NavigationRequest* request,
SiteInstanceImpl* dest_site_instance,
bool use_current_rfh) {
if (request->HasWebUI()) {
// It's possible for the navigation to already have a WebUI associated with
// it if this function is called from OnResponseStarted.
CHECK_GE(request->state(), NavigationRequest::WILL_PROCESS_RESPONSE);
BrowserContext* browser_context =
if (!WebUIControllerFactoryRegistry::GetInstance()->UseWebUIForURL(
browser_context, request->common_params().url) ||
request->state() >= NavigationRequest::CANCELING) {
// If the navigation is to a WebUI URL, the WebUI needs to be created to
// allow the navigation to be served correctly.
if (use_current_rfh) {
// If the navigation is to a WebUI and the current RenderFrameHost is
// going to be used, there are only two possible ways to get here:
// * The navigation is between two different documents belonging to the
// same WebUI or reloading the same document.
// * Newly created window with a RenderFrameHost which hasn't committed a
// navigation yet.
if (render_frame_host_->has_committed_any_navigation()) {
// If |render_frame_host_| has committed at least one navigation and it
// is in a WebUI SiteInstance, then it must have the exact same WebUI
// type if it will be reused.
browser_context, request->common_params().url));
} else if (!render_frame_host_->web_ui()) {
// It is possible to reuse a RenderFrameHost when going to a WebUI URL
// and not have created a WebUI instance. An example is a WebUI main
// frame that includes an iframe to URL that doesn't require WebUI but
// stays in the parent frame SiteInstance (e.g. about:blank). If that
// frame is subsequently navigated to a URL in the same WebUI as the
// parent frame, the RenderFrameHost will be reused and WebUI instance
// for the child frame needs to be created.
// During navigation, this method is called twice - at the beginning
// and at ReadyToCommit time. The first call would have created the
// WebUI instance and since the initial about:blank has not committed
// a navigation, the else branch would be taken. Explicit check for
// `web_ui()` is required, otherwise we will allocate a new instance
// unnecessarily here.
} else if (speculative_render_frame_host_ &&
speculative_render_frame_host_->GetSiteInstance() ==
dest_site_instance) {
// The navigation will reuse the speculative RenderFrameHost. In this case,
// a WebUI might have already been created in the speculative RFH, but it's
// OK because `CreateWebUIIfNeeded()` won't create a new WebUI in that case
// and this function will return false.
} else {
// The navigation will create a new speculative RenderFrameHost, so pass in
// nullptr to `CreateWebUIIfNeeded()` as the RenderFrameHost is yet to be
// created.
void RenderFrameHostManager::DiscardSpeculativeRFHIfUnused(
NavigationDiscardReason reason) {
// This is called when a renderer aborts a NavigationRequest
// that was in the READY_TO_COMMIT state. The caller has already
// disassociated the NavigationRequest from the RenderFrameHost,
// which may or may not have been the speculative one. Either way,
// if there are no remaining NavigationRequests associated with
// |speculative_render_frame_host_|, then it is safe to call
// DiscardSpeculativeRFH() to discard |speculative_render_frame_host_|.
if (!speculative_render_frame_host_ ||
speculative_render_frame_host_->HasPendingCommitNavigation()) {
NavigationRequest* navigation_request =
if (navigation_request &&
navigation_request->GetAssociatedRFHType() ==
NavigationRequest::AssociatedRenderFrameHostType::SPECULATIVE) {
void RenderFrameHostManager::DiscardSpeculativeRFH(
NavigationDiscardReason reason) {
TRACE_EVENT("navigation", "RenderFrameHostManager::DiscardSpeculativeRFH",
ChromeTrackEvent::kFrameTreeNodeInfo, *frame_tree_node_);
if (speculative_render_frame_host_) {
bool was_loading = speculative_render_frame_host_->is_loading();
// If we were navigating away from a crashed main frame then we will have
// set the RVH's main frame routing ID to MSG_ROUTING_NONE. We need to set
// it back to the crashed frame to avoid having a situation where it's
// pointing to nothing even though there is no pending commit.
if (ShouldSkipEarlyCommitPendingForCrashedFrame() &&
frame_tree_node_->IsMainFrame() &&
!render_frame_host_->IsRenderFrameLive()) {
if (was_loading)
NavigationDiscardReason reason) {
ChromeTrackEvent::kFrameTreeNodeInfo, *frame_tree_node_);
if (ShouldQueueNavigationsWhenPendingCommitRFHExists() &&
HasPendingCommitForCrossDocumentNavigation()) {
// With navigation queueing, pending commit navigations in speculative
// RenderFrameHosts shouldn't get deleted, unless the FrameTreeNode or
// renderer process is gone/will be gone soon.
CHECK(reason == NavigationDiscardReason::kRenderProcessGone ||
reason == NavigationDiscardReason::kWillRemoveFrame);
if (speculative_render_frame_host_->lifecycle_state() ==
LifecycleStateImpl::kSpeculative) {
? mojom::FrameDeleteIntention::kNotMainFrame
: mojom::FrameDeleteIntention::
} else {
if (!ShouldQueueNavigationsWhenPendingCommitRFHExists()) {
// The browser process already asked the renderer to commit the
// navigation. The renderer is guaranteed to commit the navigation and
// swap in the provisional `RenderFrame` to replace the current
// `blink::RemoteFrame` unless the frame is detached: see
// `AssertNavigationCommits` in `RenderFrameImpl` for more details about
// this enforcement.
// Instead of simply deleting the `RenderFrame`, the browser process must
// unwind the renderer's state by sending it another IPC to "undo" the
// commit by immediately swapping it out for a proxy again.
// The renderer hasn't acknowledged the `CommitNavigation()` yet so the
// `RenderFrameProxyHost` should still be alive. Reuse it.
RenderFrameProxyHost* proxy =
*proxy, frame_tree_node_->IsLoading());
return std::move(speculative_render_frame_host_);
void RenderFrameHostManager::DiscardSpeculativeRenderFrameHostForShutdown() {
ChromeTrackEvent::kFrameTreeNodeInfo, *frame_tree_node_);
// No need to call `DeleteRenderFrame()`. When a RenderFrame or
// `blink::RemoteFrame` is detached, it also detaches any associated
// provisional RenderFrame, whether this due to a child frame being removed
// from the frame tree or the entire `blink::WebView` being torn down.
// When the LifecycleStateImpl is kSpeculative, there is no need to transition
// to kReadyToBeDeleted as speculative RenderFrameHosts don't run any unload
// handlers but gets deleted by reset directly in kSpeculative state.
if (speculative_render_frame_host_->lifecycle_state() ==
LifecycleStateImpl::kPendingCommit) {
// TODO(dcheng): Figure out why `RenderFrameDeleted()` doesn't seem to be
// called on child `RenderFrameHost`s at shutdown. This is currently limited
// to main frame-only because that is how it has worked for some time:
// `~WebContentsImpl()` calls `FrameTree::Shutdown()` which calls
// `RenderFrameDeleted()` for main frame RenderFrameHosts only... Since
// `FrameTree::Shutdown()` now delegates to this method to shutdown the
// speculative RenderFrameHost, match the previous behavior.
if (frame_tree_node_->IsMainFrame()) {
void RenderFrameHostManager::OnDidChangeCollapsedState(bool collapsed) {
// If we are a MPArch fenced frame root then ask the outer delegate node
// to collapse the frame. Note `IsFencedFrameRoot` returns true for
// ShadowDOM as well so we need to check the `FrameTree::Type` as well.
if (frame_tree_node_->IsFencedFrameRoot() &&
frame_tree_node_->IsInFencedFrameTree()) {
if (GetProxyToOuterDelegate()->is_render_frame_proxy_live()) {
SiteInstanceImpl* parent_site_instance =
// There will be no proxy to represent the pending or speculative RFHs in the
// parent's SiteInstance until the navigation is committed, but the old RFH is
// not unloaded before that happens either, so we can talk to the
// FrameOwner in the parent via the child's current RenderFrame at any time.
if (current_frame_host()->GetSiteInstance() == parent_site_instance) {
} else {
RenderFrameProxyHost* proxy_to_parent =
if (proxy_to_parent->is_render_frame_proxy_live())
void RenderFrameHostManager::OnDidUpdateFrameOwnerProperties(
const blink::mojom::FrameOwnerProperties& properties) {
// FrameOwnerProperties exist only for frames that have a parent.
SiteInstanceImpl* parent_instance =
auto properties_for_local_frame = properties.Clone();
// Notify the RenderFrame if it lives in a different process from its parent.
if (render_frame_host_->GetSiteInstance() != parent_instance) {
SiteInstanceImpl* site_instance)
: existing_site_instance(site_instance),
relation(SiteInstanceRelation::PREEXISTING) {}
UrlInfo dest_url_info,
SiteInstanceRelation relation_to_current)
: existing_site_instance(nullptr),
relation(relation_to_current) {
DCHECK((relation_to_current == SiteInstanceRelation::RELATED) ||
(relation_to_current == SiteInstanceRelation::RELATED_IN_COOP_GROUP) ||
(relation_to_current == SiteInstanceRelation::UNRELATED));
void RenderFrameHostManager::CleanupSpeculativeRfhForRenderProcessGone() {
// TODO( This should just clean up the speculative
// RFH without canceling the request.
if (frame_tree_node_->navigation_request()) {
// TODO( This might cancel an unrelated
// NavigationRequest. Maybe check if the navigation request uses the
// speculative RFH first?
// It's possible that we are far enough into the navigation that
// TransferNavigationRequestOwnership has already been called then the
// FrameTreeNode no longer owns the NavigationRequest and we need to clean up.
void RenderFrameHostManager::UpdateUserActivationState(
blink::mojom::UserActivationUpdateType update_type,
blink::mojom::UserActivationNotificationType notification_type) {
// Don't propagate user activations out of fenced frame trees.
FrameTreeNode* root = frame_tree_node_->frame_tree().root();
if (root->IsFencedFrameRoot()) {
for (const auto& pair :
render_frame_host_->browsing_context_state()->proxy_hosts()) {
RenderFrameProxyHost* proxy = pair.second.get();
if (proxy->is_render_frame_proxy_live()) {
update_type, notification_type);
// If any frame in an inner delegate is activated, then the FrameTreeNode that
// embeds the inner delegate in the outer delegate should be activated as well
// (
// TODO(mustaq): We should add activation consumption propagation from inner
// to outer delegates, and also all state propagation from outer to inner
// delegates.
RenderFrameProxyHost* outer_delegate_proxy =
if (outer_delegate_proxy &&
outer_delegate_proxy->is_render_frame_proxy_live() &&
update_type ==
blink::mojom::UserActivationUpdateType::kNotifyActivation) {
update_type, notification_type);
const GURL& current_effective_url,
bool current_is_view_source_mode,
SiteInstanceImpl* source_instance,
SiteInstanceImpl* current_instance,
SiteInstanceImpl* destination_instance,
const UrlInfo& destination_url_info,
bool destination_is_view_source_mode,
ui::PageTransition transition,
NavigationRequest::ErrorPageProcess error_page_process,
bool is_reload,
bool is_same_document,
IsSameSiteGetter& is_same_site,
CoopSwapResult coop_swap_result,
bool was_server_redirect,
bool should_replace_current_entry) {
const GURL& destination_url = destination_url_info.url;
// A subframe must stay in the same BrowsingInstance as its parent.
bool is_main_frame = frame_tree_node_->IsMainFrame();
if (!is_main_frame) {
return BrowsingContextGroupSwap::CreateNoSwap(
if (is_same_document) {
return BrowsingContextGroupSwap::CreateNoSwap(
// Check for reasons to swap processes even if we are in a process model that
// doesn't usually swap (e.g., process-per-tab). Any time we return true,
// the new URL will be rendered in a new SiteInstance AND BrowsingInstance.
BrowserContext* browser_context =
const GURL& destination_effective_url =
SiteInstanceImpl::GetEffectiveURL(browser_context, destination_url);
// Don't force a new BrowsingInstance for URLs that are handled in the
// renderer process, like javascript: or debug URLs like chrome://crash.
if (blink::IsRendererDebugURL(destination_effective_url)) {
return BrowsingContextGroupSwap::CreateNoSwap(
if (coop_swap_result == CoopSwapResult::kSwap) {
return BrowsingContextGroupSwap::CreateCoopSwap();
// Transitions across BrowserContexts should always require a
// BrowsingInstance swap. For example, this can happen if an extension in a
// normal profile opens an incognito window with a web URL using
// TODO(alexmos): This check should've been enforced earlier in the
// navigation, in chrome::Navigate(). Verify this, and then convert this to
// a CHECK and remove the fallback.
if (browser_context !=
render_frame_host_->GetSiteInstance()->GetBrowserContext()) {
return BrowsingContextGroupSwap::CreateSecuritySwap();
// For security, we should transition between processes when one is a Web UI
// page and one isn't, or if the WebUI types differ.
if (ChildProcessSecurityPolicyImpl::GetInstance()->HasWebUIBindings(
render_frame_host_->GetProcess()->GetID()) ||
browser_context, current_effective_url)) {
// If so, force a swap if destination is not an acceptable URL for Web UI.
// Here, data URLs are never allowed.
if (!WebUIControllerFactoryRegistry::GetInstance()->IsURLAcceptableForWebUI(
browser_context, destination_effective_url)) {
return BrowsingContextGroupSwap::CreateSecuritySwap();
// Force swap if the current WebUI type differs from the one for the
// destination.
if (WebUIControllerFactoryRegistry::GetInstance()->GetWebUIType(
browser_context, current_effective_url) !=
browser_context, destination_effective_url)) {
return BrowsingContextGroupSwap::CreateSecuritySwap();
} else {
// Force a swap if it's a Web UI URL.
if (WebUIControllerFactoryRegistry::GetInstance()->UseWebUIForURL(
browser_context, destination_effective_url)) {
return BrowsingContextGroupSwap::CreateSecuritySwap();
// Check with the content client as well. Important to pass
// current_effective_url here, which uses the SiteInstance's site if there is
// no current_entry.
if (GetContentClient()->browser()->ShouldSwapBrowsingInstancesForNavigation(
render_frame_host_->GetSiteInstance(), current_effective_url,
destination_effective_url)) {
return BrowsingContextGroupSwap::CreateSecuritySwap();
// We can't switch a `blink::WebView` between view source and non-view source
// mode without screwing up the session history sometimes (when navigating
// between "view-source:" and "", Blink doesn't
// treat it as a new navigation). So require a BrowsingInstance switch.
if (current_is_view_source_mode != destination_is_view_source_mode)
return BrowsingContextGroupSwap::CreateSecuritySwap();
// If we haven't used the current SiteInstance but the destination is a
// view-source URL, we should force a BrowsingInstance swap so that we won't
// reuse the current SiteInstance.
if (!current_instance->HasSite() && destination_is_view_source_mode)
return BrowsingContextGroupSwap::CreateSecuritySwap();
// If the target URL's origin was dynamically isolated, and the isolation
// wouldn't apply in the current BrowsingInstance, see if this navigation can
// safely swap to a new BrowsingInstance where this isolation would take
// effect. This helps protect sites that have just opted into process
// isolation, ensuring that the next navigation (e.g., a form submission
// after user has typed in a password) can utilize a dedicated process when
// possible (e.g., when there are no existing script references).
if (ShouldSwapBrowsingInstancesForDynamicIsolation(
destination_url_info.web_exposed_isolation_info)))) {
return BrowsingContextGroupSwap::CreateSecuritySwap();
// If the navigation should end up in a different StoragePartition, create a
// new BrowsingInstance, as we can only have one StoragePartition per
// BrowsingInstance.
if (DoesNavigationChangeStoragePartition(current_instance,
destination_url_info)) {
return BrowsingContextGroupSwap::CreateSecuritySwap();
// We've checked that we didn't need to do a hard BrowsingInstance swap. If
// COOP: restrict-properties asks for it, do a BrowsingInstance swap that
// preserves a reference to the previous BrowsingInstance. Such
// BrowsingInstances are said to be "related".
if (coop_swap_result == CoopSwapResult::kSwapRelated) {
return BrowsingContextGroupSwap::CreateRelatedCoopSwap();
// When doing a history navigation, we cannot assume that the page will behave
// in the same way as it did previously. It could change headers, lead to an
// error page, etc. We only check the destination_instance once we're done
// verifying that up-to-date security reasons do not require a
// BrowsingInstance swap. On the other hand we should use the
// destination_instance if suitable instead of swapping to a new
// BrowsingInstance. This is why this block is after security checks, but
// before proactive BrowsingInstance swap.
if (destination_instance) {
// TODO(ahemery): We should not have to specify here if we are going to swap
// BrowsingInstance. DetermineSiteInstanceForURL will reuse the
// destination_instance unless it is unfit because of a security concern
// flagged by above blocks. This is only used by BackForwardCache metrics to
// know if we have swapped BrowsingInstance, and it would be more
// appropriate to get this information in DetermineSiteInstanceForURL.
// For this reason, it is not important to distinguish between a
// BrowsingInstance that is within the same CoopRelatedGroup, as both are
// recorded as a kForceSwap by the BFCache.
if (!destination_instance->IsRelatedSiteInstance(current_instance)) {
return BrowsingContextGroupSwap::CreateSecuritySwap();
return BrowsingContextGroupSwap::CreateNoSwap(
// If this is a cross-site navigation, we may be able to force a
// BrowsingInstance swap to avoid unneeded process sharing. This is done for
// certain main frame browser-initiated navigations where we can't use
// |source_instance| and we don't need to preserve scripting
// relationship for it (for isolated error pages).
// See
// TODO( This should probably be considered a
// a speculative BrowsingInstance swap. It is not required for security and
// needs to be treated after the history navigation block
bool is_for_isolated_error_page =
(error_page_process ==
if (current_instance->HasSite() &&
!is_same_site.Get(*render_frame_host_, destination_url_info) &&
!CanUseSourceSiteInstance(destination_url_info, source_instance,
was_server_redirect, error_page_process) &&
!is_for_isolated_error_page &&
destination_url) &&
render_frame_host_->has_committed_any_navigation()) {
return BrowsingContextGroupSwap::CreateSecuritySwap();
// Experimental mode to swap BrowsingInstances on most navigations when there
// are no other windows in the BrowsingInstance.
// TODO( For single-page websites, do we want to
// do a full proactive swap if `coop_swap_result` is kSwapRelated? See if a
// different BrowsingInstance in the same CoopRelatedGroup
// provides the same guarantees.
return ShouldProactivelySwapBrowsingInstance(destination_url_info, is_reload,
const UrlInfo& destination_url_info,
bool is_reload,
IsSameSiteGetter& is_same_site,
bool should_replace_current_entry) {
// If we've disabled proactive BrowsingInstance swap for this RenderFrameHost,
// we should not try to do a proactive swap.
if (render_frame_host_->HasTestDisabledProactiveBrowsingInstanceSwap())
return BrowsingContextGroupSwap::CreateNoSwap(
// We should only do proactive swap when either the flag is enabled, or if
// it's needed for the back-forward cache (and the bfcache flag is enabled).
if (!IsProactivelySwapBrowsingInstanceEnabled() &&
!IsBackForwardCacheEnabled()) {
return BrowsingContextGroupSwap::CreateNoSwap(
// Only primary main frames are eligible to swap BrowsingInstances.
if (frame_tree_node_->GetFrameType() != FrameType::kPrimaryMainFrame) {
return BrowsingContextGroupSwap::CreateNoSwap(
// If the frame has not committed any navigation yet, we should not try to do
// a proactive swap.
if (!render_frame_host_->has_committed_any_navigation()) {
return BrowsingContextGroupSwap::CreateNoSwap(
// Skip cases when there are other windows that might script this one.
SiteInstanceImpl* current_instance = render_frame_host_->GetSiteInstance();
if (current_instance->GetRelatedActiveContentsCount() > 1u) {
return BrowsingContextGroupSwap::CreateNoSwap(
// "about:blank" and chrome-native-URL do not "use" a SiteInstance. This
// allows the SiteInstance to be reused cross-site. Starting a new
// BrowsingInstance would prevent the SiteInstance to be reused, that's why
// this case is excluded here.
if (!current_instance->HasSite()) {
return BrowsingContextGroupSwap::CreateNoSwap(
// Do not do a proactive BrowsingInstance swap when the previous document's
// scheme is not HTTP/HTTPS, since only HTTP/HTTPS documents are eligible for
// back-forward cache.
const GURL& current_url = render_frame_host_->GetLastCommittedURL();
if (!current_url.SchemeIsHTTPOrHTTPS()) {
return BrowsingContextGroupSwap::CreateNoSwap(
// WebView guests currently need to stay in the same SiteInstance and
// BrowsingInstance.
if (current_instance->IsGuest()) {
return BrowsingContextGroupSwap::CreateNoSwap(
// We should check whether the new page will result in adding a new history
// entry or not. If not, we should not do a proactive BrowsingInstance swap,
// because these navigations are not interesting for bfcache (the old page
// will not get into the bfcache). Cases include:
// 1) When we know we're going to replace the history entry.
if (should_replace_current_entry) {
return BrowsingContextGroupSwap::CreateNoSwap(
// Navigations where we will reuse the history entry:
// 2) Different-document but same URL navigations. These navigations are
// not classified as same-document (which got filtered earlier) so they will
// use a different document, but they will reuse the history entry in
// RendererDidNavigateToExistingEntry. They will usually be converted to a
// reload (and would be handled below), but not always (e.g., POSTs to the
// same URL use the same entry but aren't considered reloads).
bool is_same_url = current_url.EqualsIgnoringRef(destination_url_info.url);
if (is_same_url) {
return BrowsingContextGroupSwap::CreateNoSwap(
// 3) Reloads. Note that most reloads will not actually reach this part, as
// ShouldSwapBrowsingInstancesForNavigation will return early if the reload
// has a destination SiteInstance. Reloads that don't have a destination
// SiteInstance include: doing reload after a replaceState call, reloading a
// URL for which we've just installed a hosted app, and duplicating a tab.
if (is_reload) {
return BrowsingContextGroupSwap::CreateNoSwap(
bool same_site = is_same_site.Get(*render_frame_host_, destination_url_info);
if (same_site) {
// If it's a same-site navigation, we should only swap if same-site
// ProactivelySwapBrowsingInstance is enabled, or if BackForwardCache
// is enabled and the current RFH is eligible for back/forward cache
// (checked later).
if (IsProactivelySwapBrowsingInstanceOnSameSiteNavigationEnabled()) {
return BrowsingContextGroupSwap::CreateProactiveSwap(
if (!IsBackForwardCacheEnabled()) {
return BrowsingContextGroupSwap::CreateNoSwap(
if (IsProactivelySwapBrowsingInstanceEnabled()) {
return BrowsingContextGroupSwap::CreateProactiveSwap(
// If BackForwardCache is enabled, swap BrowsingInstances only when the
// previous page can be stored in the back-forward cache.
auto bfcache_eligibility = GetNavigationController()
if (bfcache_eligibility.CanStore()) {
return BrowsingContextGroupSwap::CreateProactiveSwap(
same_site ? ShouldSwapBrowsingInstance::kYes_SameSiteProactiveSwap
: ShouldSwapBrowsingInstance::kYes_CrossSiteProactiveSwap);
} else {
BackForwardCacheMetrics* back_forward_cache_metrics =
if (back_forward_cache_metrics) {
// Reasons set in the metrics object will be used for DevTools and
// NotRestoredReasons API. We should include non-sticky reasons as well
// here for better debugging, though non-sticky features might get cleaned
// in pagehide handlers.
eligibility_including_non_sticky =
return BrowsingContextGroupSwap::CreateNoSwap(
const UrlInfo& dest_url_info,
SiteInstanceImpl* source_instance,
SiteInstanceImpl* dest_instance,
SiteInstanceImpl* candidate_instance,
ui::PageTransition transition,
NavigationRequest::ErrorPageProcess error_page_process,
bool is_reload,
bool is_same_document,
IsSameSiteGetter& is_same_site,
bool dest_is_restore,
bool dest_is_view_source_mode,
bool was_server_redirect,
CoopSwapResult coop_swap_result,
bool should_replace_current_entry,
bool force_new_browsing_instance,
BrowsingContextGroupSwap* should_swap_result,
std::string* reason) {
// On renderer-initiated navigations, when the frame initiating the navigation
// and the frame being navigated differ, |source_instance| is set to the
// SiteInstance of the initiating frame. |dest_instance| is present on session
// history navigations. The two cannot be set simultaneously.
DCHECK(!source_instance || !dest_instance);
SiteInstanceImpl* current_instance = render_frame_host_->GetSiteInstance();
// Determine if we need a new BrowsingInstance for this entry. If true, this
// implies that it will get a new SiteInstance (and likely process), and that
// other tabs in the current BrowsingInstance will be unable to script it.
// This is used for cases that require a process swap even in the
// process-per-tab model, such as WebUI pages.
// First determine the effective URL of the current RenderFrameHost. This is
// the last URL it successfully committed. If it has yet to commit a URL, this
// falls back to the Site URL of its SiteInstance.
// Note: the effective URL of the current RenderFrameHost may differ from the
// URL of the last committed NavigationEntry, which cannot be used to decide
// whether to use a new SiteInstance. This happens when navigating a subframe,
// or when a new RenderFrameHost has been swapped in at the beginning of a
// navigation to replace a crashed RenderFrameHost.
BrowserContext* browser_context =
const GURL& current_effective_url =
? SiteInstanceImpl::GetEffectiveURL(
browser_context, render_frame_host_->last_successful_url())
: render_frame_host_->GetSiteInstance()->GetSiteInfo().site_url();
// Determine if the current RenderFrameHost is in view source mode.
// TODO(clamy): If the current_effective_url doesn't match the last committed
// NavigationEntry's URL, current_is_view_source_mode should not be computed
// using the NavigationEntry. This can happen when a tab crashed, and a new
// RenderFrameHost was swapped in at the beginning of the navigation. See
NavigationEntry* current_entry =
bool current_is_view_source_mode = (!current_entry->IsInitialEntry())
? current_entry->IsViewSourceMode()
: dest_is_view_source_mode;
*should_swap_result =
? BrowsingContextGroupSwap::CreateProactiveSwap(
: ShouldSwapBrowsingInstancesForNavigation(
current_effective_url, current_is_view_source_mode,
source_instance, current_instance, dest_instance, dest_url_info,
dest_is_view_source_mode, transition, error_page_process,
is_reload, is_same_document, is_same_site, coop_swap_result,
was_server_redirect, should_replace_current_entry);
if (frame_tree_node_->IsMainFrame()) {
if (BackForwardCacheMetrics* back_forward_cache_metrics =
render_frame_host_->GetBackForwardCacheMetrics()) {
SiteInstanceDescriptor new_instance_descriptor = DetermineSiteInstanceForURL(
dest_url_info, source_instance, current_instance, dest_instance,
transition, error_page_process, is_same_site, dest_is_restore,
dest_is_view_source_mode, *should_swap_result, was_server_redirect,
scoped_refptr<SiteInstanceImpl> new_instance =
ConvertToSiteInstance(new_instance_descriptor, candidate_instance);
new_instance.get(), dest_url_info.web_exposed_isolation_info));
// If `should_swap_result.ShouldSwap()` is true, we must use a different
// SiteInstance in a different BrowsingInstance as the current one.
if (should_swap_result->ShouldSwap()) {
CHECK_NE(new_instance, current_instance);
if (new_instance == current_instance) {
// If we're navigating to the same site instance, we won't need to use the
// current spare RenderProcessHost.
// Double-check that the new SiteInstance is associated with the right
// BrowserContext.
DCHECK_EQ(new_instance->GetBrowserContext(), browser_context);
// If |new_instance| is a new SiteInstance for a subframe or a fenced frame
// that require a dedicated process, set its process reuse policy so that such
// subframes and fenced frames are consolidated into existing processes for
// that site.
// TODO( The model described in fenced frames process
// isolation explainer is still in the design stage. Determining correctness
// here will also involve resolving on the FF process model plan (see
// frame/blob/master/explainer/
if (!frame_tree_node_->IsOutermostMainFrame() &&
!new_instance->HasProcess() && new_instance->RequiresDedicatedProcess()) {
// Also give the embedder and user-specifiable feature a chance to override
// this decision. Certain frames have different enough workloads so that
// it's better to avoid placing a subframe into an existing process for
// better performance isolation. See
if (!base::FeatureList::IsEnabled(features::kDisableProcessReuse) &&
->GetOutermostMainFrame())) {
new_instance.get(), frame_tree_node_);
bool is_proactive_swap = (should_swap_result->type() ==
bool is_same_site_proactive_swap =
(should_swap_result->reason() ==
// Decide whether `new_instance` could reuse an existing process from either
// the current or the candidate SiteInstance. These heuristics help avoid
// swapping processes unnecessarily, which might cause extra latency. Note
// that this needs to be balanced carefully with creating a clean slate, as
// certain scenarios like opening noopener popups do expect a process swap.
// Note: process reuse might not be possible in some cases, e.g. for
// cross-site navigations when the current SiteInstance needs a dedicated
// process. This will be enforced by the checks inside
// ReuseExistingProcessIfPossible().
RenderProcessHost* process_to_reuse = nullptr;
// Process-reuse cases include:
// 1) When ProactivelySwapBrowsingInstance with process-reuse is explicitly
// enabled. In this case, we will try to reuse process on both cross-site and
// same-site navigations.
if (IsProactivelySwapBrowsingInstanceWithProcessReuseEnabled() &&
is_proactive_swap &&
(!current_instance->RequiresDedicatedProcess() ||
is_same_site_proactive_swap)) {
process_to_reuse = current_instance->GetProcess();
// 2) When BackForwardCache is enabled.
// Note 1: When BackForwardCache is disabled, we typically reuse processes on
// same-site navigations. This follows that behavior.
// Note 2: This doesn't cover cross-site navigations. Cross-site process-reuse
// is being experimented independently and is covered in path #1 above.
// See for further details.
if (IsBackForwardCacheEnabled() && is_same_site_proactive_swap) {
process_to_reuse = current_instance->GetProcess();
// 3) When we're doing a same-site history navigation with different
// BrowsingInstances. We typically do not swap BrowsingInstances on same-site
// navigations. This might indicate that the original navigation did a
// proactive BrowsingInstance swap (and process-reuse) before, so we should
// try to reuse the current process.
bool is_history_navigation = !!dest_instance;
bool swapped_browsing_instance =
bool is_same_site_proactive_swap_enabled =
IsProactivelySwapBrowsingInstanceOnSameSiteNavigationEnabled() ||
if (is_same_site_proactive_swap_enabled && is_history_navigation &&
swapped_browsing_instance &&
is_same_site.Get(*render_frame_host_, dest_url_info)) {
process_to_reuse = current_instance->GetProcess();
// 4) When we're swapping BrowsingInstances due to a COOP mismatch, and we
// have an existing process that's suitable for the new SiteInstance. This
// has two cases:
// - If there's a candidate SiteInstance that differs from the target
// SiteInstance, try to reuse the candidate SiteInstance's
// process. This typically happens on cross-site navigations when we've
// created a speculative RenderFrameHost and learned about the COOP
// mismatch at response time. While we will have to recreate a
// speculative RenderFrameHost in a new SiteInstance and
// BrowsingInstance, we can try to reuse the (already warmed up) process
// from the old speculative RenderFrameHost if its SiteInstance is
// compatible with the new one.
// - Otherwise, if the navigation is same-site, we can try to reuse the
// current SiteInstance's process, but only if there is just one
// WebContents in the current BrowsingInstance. In this case, we can be
// reasonably sure that the old page will be replaced by the new page in
// the current process, and there's less of a need for clean slate.
// Having more than one WebContents indicates that a page may be opening
// a COOP popup, which should use a fresh process to get a clean slate
// similarly to noopener popups.
// TODO(alexmos): Study if this kind of reuse might be useful in other cases
// beyond COOP.
if (should_swap_result->type() == BrowsingContextGroupSwapType::kCoopSwap ||
should_swap_result->type() ==
BrowsingContextGroupSwapType::kRelatedCoopSwap) {
if (candidate_instance && candidate_instance != new_instance &&
candidate_instance->GetSiteInfo() == new_instance->GetSiteInfo()) {
process_to_reuse = candidate_instance->GetProcess();
} else if (is_same_site.Get(*render_frame_host_, dest_url_info) &&
current_instance->GetRelatedActiveContentsCount() == 1) {
process_to_reuse = current_instance->GetProcess();
if (process_to_reuse) {
// We want fenced frame BrowsingInstances to share the same default
// process with their embedding BrowsingInstance. The code below forces
// SiteInstances in the embedder and fenced frame BrowsingInstances to
// share the same default process when they don't need a dedicated process.
// With sites that do require a dedicated process, we reuse processes via the
// subframe reuse policy (we set the reuse policy to
if (!current_frame_host()->IsOutermostMainFrame() &&
!new_instance->HasProcess() &&
!new_instance->RequiresDedicatedProcess()) {
new_instance, current_frame_host());
return new_instance;
bool RenderFrameHostManager::InitializeMainRenderFrameForImmediateUse() {
// TODO(jam): this copies some logic inside GetFrameHostForNavigation, which
// also duplicates logic in Navigate. They should all use this method, but
// that involves slight reordering.
if (render_frame_host_->IsRenderFrameLive())
return true;
// If the render frame was previously deleted, this is a signal that the
// RenderFrameHost is being reused after a crash.
if (render_frame_host_->is_render_frame_deleted()) {
// The DocumentAssociatedData needs to be reinitialized now to ensure that
// the render frame is created with a new DocumentToken. Note that this
// needs to remain in sync with `RenderFrameHostImpl::RenderFrameCreated()`,
// which dispatches the actual notification about a new Page object for this
// case.
/* passkey */ {});
if (!ReinitializeMainRenderFrame(render_frame_host_.get())) {
return false;
// TODO(nasko): This is a very ugly hack. The Chrome extensions process
// manager still uses NotificationService and expects to see a
// RenderViewHost changed notification after WebContents and
// RenderFrameHostManager are completely initialized. This should be
// removed once the process manager moves away from NotificationService.
// See
return true;
void RenderFrameHostManager::PrepareForInnerDelegateAttach(
RenderFrameHost::PrepareForInnerWebContentsAttachCallback callback) {
attach_inner_delegate_callback_ = std::move(callback);
DCHECK_EQ(attach_to_inner_delegate_state_, AttachToInnerDelegateState::NONE);
attach_to_inner_delegate_state_ = AttachToInnerDelegateState::PREPARE_FRAME;
// TODO( Some of these may no longer be necessary
// now that MimeHandlerView's embedded case uses the same code path as the
// full page case.
if (current_frame_host()->ShouldDispatchBeforeUnload(
false /* check_subframes_only */)) {
// If there are beforeunload handlers in the frame or a nested subframe we
// should first dispatch the event and wait for the ACK form the renderer
// before proceeding with CreateNewFrameForInnerDelegateAttachIfNecessary.
RenderFrameHostImpl::BeforeUnloadType::INNER_DELEGATE_ATTACH, false);
const UrlInfo& dest_url_info,
SiteInstanceImpl* source_instance,
SiteInstanceImpl* current_instance,
SiteInstanceImpl* dest_instance,
ui::PageTransition transition,
NavigationRequest::ErrorPageProcess error_page_process,
IsSameSiteGetter& is_same_site,
bool dest_is_restore,
bool dest_is_view_source_mode,
BrowsingContextGroupSwap browsing_context_group_swap,
bool was_server_redirect,
std::string* reason) {
// Note that this function should return a SiteInstanceDescriptor with
// SiteInstanceRelation::UNRELATED or
// SiteInstanceRelation::RELATED_IN_COOP_GROUP relations to `current_instance`
// iff `browsing_context_group_swap.ShouldSwap()` is true.
// === Error page handling ===
// Note that these must be the first checks to avoid picking the destination
// instance or other instances.
if (error_page_process ==
NavigationRequest::ErrorPageProcess::kCurrentProcess) {
// If this is an error page that must reuse the current process, ensure that
// `current_instance` is used.
"DetermineSiteInstanceForURL => error-current-instance");
return SiteInstanceDescriptor(current_instance);
} else if (error_page_process ==
NavigationRequest::ErrorPageProcess::kIsolatedProcess) {
// If error page navigations should be isolated, ensure a dedicated
// SiteInstance is used for them.
// If the target URL requires a BrowsingInstance swap, put the error page
// in a new BrowsingInstance, since the scripting relationships would
// have been broken anyway if there were no error. Otherwise, we keep it
// in the same BrowsingInstance to preserve scripting relationships after
// reloads. In UrlInfo below we use kNone for OriginIsolationRequest since
// error pages cannot request origin isolation: this is done implicitly in
// the UrlInfoInit constructor.
"DetermineSiteInstanceForURL => error-isolated-instance");
// Top level frames ending up as error pages should use COOP: unsafe-none.
// They should therefore be non isolated. Note that it is possible for a
// top-level error page to have a nullopt WebExposedIsolationInfo, in
// certain post-commit error pages on top of about:blank scenarios.
DCHECK(!frame_tree_node_->IsOutermostMainFrame() ||
!dest_url_info.web_exposed_isolation_info.has_value() ||
dest_url_info.web_exposed_isolation_info.value() ==
UrlInfo computed_url_info(
if (!browsing_context_group_swap.ShouldSwap()) {
return SiteInstanceDescriptor(computed_url_info,
if (browsing_context_group_swap.type() ==
BrowsingContextGroupSwapType::kRelatedCoopSwap) {
// If we're dealing with COOP: restrict-properties, we need to stay in the
// same CoopRelatedGroup, so that further navigations get a
// chance to preserve their scriptability.
return SiteInstanceDescriptor(
computed_url_info, SiteInstanceRelation::RELATED_IN_COOP_GROUP);
return SiteInstanceDescriptor(computed_url_info,
// If the entry has an instance already we should usually use it, unless it is
// no longer suitable.
if (dest_instance && CanUseDestinationInstance(
dest_url_info, current_instance, dest_instance,
error_page_process, browsing_context_group_swap)) {
AppendReason(reason, "DetermineSiteInstanceForURL => dest_instance");
return SiteInstanceDescriptor(dest_instance);
// COOP: restrict-properties requires that we swap BrowsingInstance, but
// preserve a relation to the previous BrowsingInstance.
bool can_use_source_instance = CanUseSourceSiteInstance(
dest_url_info, source_instance, was_server_redirect, error_page_process);
if (browsing_context_group_swap.type() ==
BrowsingContextGroupSwapType::kRelatedCoopSwap) {
// We typically expect `source_instance` to be in the same BrowsingInstance
// as `current_instance`. However when extensions use the chrome.tabs.update
// API to navigate to about:blank, `source_instance` is set to the
// extension's SiteInstance, which should be in a different
// BrowsingInstance. In that case, `source_instance` should not be in a
// different BrowsingInstance in the same CoopRelatedGroup as
// `current_instance`, but use its own extension's CoopRelatedGroup. Note
// that it can be in another BrowsingInstance in another CoopRelatedGroup,
// which we have to consider for the kSwap case below.
// TODO( Add a test verifying that we cannot end
// up in that situation using chrome.tabs.update. This could be the case if
// an extension use that API to navigate from a COOP: restrict-properties
// page to about:blank.
CHECK(!can_use_source_instance ||
source_instance->IsRelatedSiteInstance(current_instance) ||
"DetermineSiteInstanceForURL => related_in_COOP_group");
return SiteInstanceDescriptor(dest_url_info,
// If a swap is required, we need to force the SiteInstance AND
// BrowsingInstance to be different ones, using CreateForURL.
if (browsing_context_group_swap.ShouldSwap()) {
// In rare cases, `source_instance` maybe be already in another
// BrowsingInstance from `current_instance` (e.g. see how the
// ExtensionApiTabTest.HostPermission test uses chrome.tabs.update API to
// navigate from "chrome://new-tab-page/" to "about:blank"). In such cases,
// using `source_instance` will 1) effectively force browsing instance swap
// and 2) use a process compatible with "about:blank"'s origin (unlike a
// new, unrelated SiteInstance that might use an unlocked process even
// when the origin requires a locked process).
if (can_use_source_instance &&
!source_instance->IsRelatedSiteInstance(current_instance)) {
"DetermineSiteInstanceForURL => source_instance"
" (browsing-instance-swap)");
return SiteInstanceDescriptor(source_instance);
// Force browsing instance_swap by asking for a new, unrelated SiteInstance.
"DetermineSiteInstanceForURL / browsing-instance-swap");
return SiteInstanceDescriptor(dest_url_info,
// TODO( Don't create OOPIFs on the NTP. Remove
// this when the NTP supports OOPIFs or is otherwise omitted from site
// isolation policy.
if (!frame_tree_node_->IsMainFrame()) {
SiteInstanceImpl* parent_site_instance =
if (GetContentClient()->browser()->ShouldStayInParentProcessForNTP(
dest_url_info.url, parent_site_instance->GetSiteURL())) {
// NTP is considered non-isolated.
"DetermineSiteInstanceForURL => parent_site_instance");
return SiteInstanceDescriptor(parent_site_instance);
// Check if we should use `source_instance`, such as for about:blank and data:
// URLs. Preferring `source_instance` over a site-less `current_instance` is
// important in session restore scenarios which should commit in the
// SiteInstance based on FrameNavigationEntry's initiator_origin.
if (can_use_source_instance) {
AppendReason(reason, "DetermineSiteInstanceForURL => source_instance");
return SiteInstanceDescriptor(source_instance);
// If we haven't used our SiteInstance yet, then we can use it for this
// navigation. We won't commit the SiteInstance to this site until the
// response is received (in OnResponseStarted).
// TODO(ahemery): In theory we should be able to go for an unused
// SiteInstance with the same web exposed isolation status.
if (!current_instance->HasSite() && !dest_url_info.IsIsolated() &&
!current_instance->IsCrossOriginIsolated()) {
// If we've already created a SiteInstance for our destination, we don't
// want to use this unused SiteInstance; use the existing one. (We don't
// do this check if the current_instance has a site, because for now, we
// want to compare against the current URL and not the SiteInstance's site.
// In this case, there is no current URL, so comparing against the site is
// ok. See additional comments below.)
const SiteInfo dest_site_info =
if (current_instance->HasRelatedSiteInstance(dest_site_info)) {
"DetermineSiteInstanceForURL / !current->HasSite / "
return SiteInstanceDescriptor(dest_url_info,
// If the URL's site should use process-per-site mode and there is an
// existing process for the site, we should use it. We can call
// GetRelatedSiteInstance() for this, which will eagerly set the site and
// thus use the correct process.
bool use_process_per_site =
current_instance->GetBrowserContext()) &&
current_instance->GetIsolationContext(), dest_site_info);
if (use_process_per_site) {
"DetermineSiteInstanceForURL / !current->HasSite / "
return SiteInstanceDescriptor(dest_url_info,
// For extensions, Web UI URLs (such as the new tab page), and apps we do
// not want to use the `current_instance` if it has no site, since it
// will have a non-privileged RenderProcessHost. Create a new SiteInstance
// for this URL instead (with the correct process type).
if (!current_instance->IsSuitableForUrlInfo(dest_url_info)) {
"DetermineSiteInstanceForURL / !current->HasSite / "
return SiteInstanceDescriptor(dest_url_info,
AppendReason(reason, "DetermineSiteInstanceForURL => current_instance");
return SiteInstanceDescriptor(current_instance);
// Use the current SiteInstance for same site navigations.
if (is_same_site.Get(*render_frame_host_, dest_url_info)) {
AppendReason(reason, "DetermineSiteInstanceForURL / same-site-navigation");
DCHECK_EQ(current_instance, render_frame_host_->GetSiteInstance());
return SiteInstanceDescriptor(current_instance);
// Shortcut some common cases for reusing an existing frame's SiteInstance.
// There are several reasons for this:
// - with hosted apps, this allows same-site, non-app subframes to be kept
// inside the hosted app process.
// - this avoids putting same-site iframes into different processes after
// navigations from isolated origins. This matters for some OAuth flows;
// see
// TODO(alexmos): Ideally, the right SiteInstance for these cases should be
// found later, as part of creating a new related SiteInstance from
// BrowsingInstance::GetSiteInstanceForURL(). However, the lookup there (1)
// does not properly deal with hosted apps (see,
// and (2) does not yet deal with cases where a SiteInstance is shared by
// several sites that don't require a dedicated process (see
if (!frame_tree_node_->IsMainFrame()) {
RenderFrameHostImpl* main_frame =
if (IsCandidateSameSite(main_frame, dest_url_info)) {
"DetermineSiteInstanceForURL / subframe-reuse => "
return SiteInstanceDescriptor(main_frame->GetSiteInstance());
RenderFrameHostImpl* parent = frame_tree_node_->parent();
if (IsCandidateSameSite(parent, dest_url_info)) {
"DetermineSiteInstanceForURL / subframe-reuse => "
return SiteInstanceDescriptor(parent->GetSiteInstance());
if (frame_tree_node_->opener()) {
RenderFrameHostImpl* opener_frame =
if (IsCandidateSameSite(opener_frame, dest_url_info)) {
AppendReason(reason, "DetermineSiteInstanceForURL => opener-instance");
return SiteInstanceDescriptor(opener_frame->GetSiteInstance());
// Keep subframes in the parent's SiteInstance unless a dedicated process is
// required for either the parent or the subframe's destination URL. Although
// this consolidation is usually handled by default SiteInstances, there are
// some corner cases in which default SiteInstances cannot currently be used,
// such as file: URLs. This logic prevents unneeded OOPIFs in those cases.
// This turns out to be important for correctness on Android Webview, which
// does not yet support OOPIFs (
// TODO( Remove this block when default
// SiteInstances support file: URLs.
// Also if kProcessSharingWithStrictSiteInstances is enabled, don't lump the
// subframe into the same SiteInstance as the parent. These separate
// SiteInstances can get assigned to the same process later.
if (!base::FeatureList::IsEnabled(
features::kProcessSharingWithStrictSiteInstances)) {
if (!frame_tree_node_->IsMainFrame()) {
RenderFrameHostImpl* parent = frame_tree_node_->parent();
auto& parent_isolation_context =
auto site_info =
SiteInfo::Create(parent_isolation_context, dest_url_info);
if (!parent->GetSiteInstance()->RequiresDedicatedProcess() &&
!site_info.RequiresDedicatedProcess(parent_isolation_context)) {
"DetermineSiteInstanceForURL => parent-instance"
" (no-strict-site-instances)");
return SiteInstanceDescriptor(parent->GetSiteInstance());
// Start the new renderer in a new SiteInstance, but in the current
// BrowsingInstance, unless the destination URL's web-exposed isolated state
// cannot be hosted by it.
if (IsSiteInstanceCompatibleWithWebExposedIsolation(
current_instance, dest_url_info.web_exposed_isolation_info)) {
"DetermineSiteInstanceForURL / fallback / coop-compatible");
return SiteInstanceDescriptor(dest_url_info, SiteInstanceRelation::RELATED);
} else {
reason, "DetermineSiteInstanceForURL / fallback / not-coop-compatible");
return SiteInstanceDescriptor(dest_url_info,
bool RenderFrameHostManager::CanUseDestinationInstance(
const UrlInfo& dest_url_info,
SiteInstanceImpl* current_instance,
SiteInstanceImpl* dest_instance,
NavigationRequest::ErrorPageProcess error_page_process,
const BrowsingContextGroupSwap& browsing_context_group_swap) {
// Start by verifying that the dest_instance is compatible with the browsing
// context group swap decision.
if (browsing_context_group_swap.ShouldSwap()) {
// 1. If we've decided that the target SiteInstance cannot be in the same
// BrowsingInstance, and that the dest_instance is, we should not reuse it.
if (dest_instance->IsRelatedSiteInstance(current_instance)) {
return false;
// 2. If we aren't looking for a SiteInstance in the same CoopRelatedGroup,
// then don't use a dest_instance in that group.
if (browsing_context_group_swap.type() !=
BrowsingContextGroupSwapType::kRelatedCoopSwap &&
dest_instance->IsCoopRelatedSiteInstance(current_instance)) {
return false;
// Note: The later call to IsSuitableForUrlInfo does not have context
// about error page navigations, so we cannot rely on it to return correct
// value when error pages are involved.
if (!IsSiteInstanceCompatibleWithErrorIsolation(
dest_instance, *frame_tree_node_, error_page_process)) {
return false;
if (!IsSiteInstanceCompatibleWithWebExposedIsolation(
dest_instance, dest_url_info.web_exposed_isolation_info)) {
return false;
// TODO(nasko,creis): The check whether data: or about: URLs are
// allowed to commit in the current process should be in
// IsSuitableForUrlInfo. However, making this change has further
// implications and needs more investigation of what behavior changes.
// For now, use a conservative approach and explicitly check before
// calling IsSuitableForUrlInfo.
// Make sure that if the destination frame is sandboxed that we don't
// skip the IsSuitableForUrlInfo() check. Note that it's impossible to
// have a sandboxed parent but unsandboxed child.
bool is_data_or_about_and_not_sandboxed =
IsDataOrAbout(dest_url_info.url) && !dest_url_info.is_sandboxed;
if (is_data_or_about_and_not_sandboxed)
return true;
return dest_instance->IsSuitableForUrlInfo(dest_url_info);
bool RenderFrameHostManager::IsBrowsingInstanceSwapAllowedForPageTransition(
ui::PageTransition transition,
const GURL& dest_url) {
// Disallow BrowsingInstance swaps for subframes.
if (!frame_tree_node_->IsMainFrame())
return false;
// Skip data: and file: URLs, as some tests rely on browser-initiated
// navigations to those URLs to stay in the same process. Swapping
// BrowsingInstances for those URLs may not carry much benefit anyway, since
// they're likely less common.
// Note that such URLs are not considered same-site, but since their
// SiteInstance site URL is based only on scheme (e.g., all data URLs use a
// site URL of "data:"), a browser-initiated navigation from one such URL to
// another will still stay in the same SiteInstance, due to the matching site
// URL.
if (dest_url.SchemeIsFile() || dest_url.SchemeIs(url::kDataScheme))
return false;
// Allow page transitions corresponding to certain browser-initiated
// navigations: typing in the URL, using a bookmark, or using search.
switch (ui::PageTransitionStripQualifier(transition)) {
return true;
// TODO(alexmos): PAGE_TRANSITION_AUTO_TOPLEVEL is not included due to a
// bug that would cause unneeded BrowsingInstance swaps for DevTools,
// Once that bug is fixed, consider adding this
// transition here.
return false;
scoped_refptr<SiteInstanceImpl> RenderFrameHostManager::ConvertToSiteInstance(
const SiteInstanceDescriptor& descriptor,
SiteInstanceImpl* candidate_instance) {
SiteInstanceImpl* current_instance = render_frame_host_->GetSiteInstance();
// If we are asked to return a related SiteInstance but the BrowsingInstance
// has a different cross_origin_isolated state, something went wrong.
CHECK(descriptor.relation != SiteInstanceRelation::RELATED ||
// Note: If the `candidate_instance` matches the descriptor, it will already
// be set to `descriptor.existing_site_instance`.
if (descriptor.existing_site_instance) {
DCHECK_EQ(descriptor.relation, SiteInstanceRelation::PREEXISTING);
return descriptor.existing_site_instance.get();
} else {
DCHECK_NE(descriptor.relation, SiteInstanceRelation::PREEXISTING);
// Note: If the `candidate_instance` matches the descriptor,
// GetRelatedSiteInstance will return it.
// Note that by the time we get here, we've already ensured that this
// BrowsingInstance has a compatible cross-origin isolated state, so we are
// guaranteed to return a SiteInstance that will be compatible with
// |descriptor.web_exposed_isolation_info|."
if (descriptor.relation == SiteInstanceRelation::RELATED) {
return current_instance->GetRelatedSiteInstanceImpl(
if (descriptor.relation == SiteInstanceRelation::RELATED_IN_COOP_GROUP) {
return current_instance->GetCoopRelatedSiteInstanceImpl(
// At this point we know an unrelated site instance must be returned.
// If the current SiteInstance is for a guest, the new unrelated
// SiteInstance must also be for a guest and must stay in the same
// StoragePartition.
UrlInfo dest_url_info = descriptor.dest_url_info;
if (current_instance->IsGuest()) {
dest_url_info.storage_partition_config =
// First check if the candidate SiteInstance matches. For example, we get
// here when we recompute the SiteInstance after receiving a response, and
// `candidate_instance` is the SiteInstance that was created at request start
// time.
if (candidate_instance &&
!current_instance->IsRelatedSiteInstance(candidate_instance) &&
candidate_instance->DoesSiteInfoForURLMatch(dest_url_info)) {
return candidate_instance;
// Otherwise return a new SiteInstance in a new BrowsingInstance.
return SiteInstanceImpl::CreateForUrlInfo(
GetNavigationController().GetBrowserContext(), dest_url_info,
bool RenderFrameHostManager::CanUseSourceSiteInstance(
const UrlInfo& dest_url_info,
SiteInstanceImpl* source_instance,
bool was_server_redirect,
NavigationRequest::ErrorPageProcess error_page_process) {
if (!source_instance)
return false;
// We use the source SiteInstance in case of data URLs, about:srcdoc pages and
// about:blank pages because the content is then controlled and/or scriptable
// by the initiator and therefore needs to stay in the `source_instance`.
if (!IsDataOrAbout(dest_url_info.url))
return false;
// If `dest_url_info` is sandboxed, then we can't assign it to a SiteInstance
// that isn't sandboxed. But if the `source_instance` is also sandboxed, then
// it's possible (e.g. a sandboxed child frame in a sandboxed parent frame).
auto& source_site_info = source_instance->GetSiteInfo();
if (dest_url_info.is_sandboxed != source_site_info.is_sandboxed())
return false;
if (dest_url_info.is_sandboxed &&
dest_url_info.unique_sandbox_id != source_site_info.unique_sandbox_id()) {
return false;
// One exception (where data URLs, about:srcdoc or about:blank pages are *not*
// controlled by the initiator) is when these URLs are reached via a server
// redirect.
// Normally, redirects to data: or about: URLs are disallowed as
// net::ERR_UNSAFE_REDIRECT, but extensions can still redirect arbitrary
// requests to those URLs using webRequest or declarativeWebRequest API (for
// an example, see NavigationInitiatedByCrossSiteSubframeRedirectedTo... test
// cases in the ChromeNavigationBrowserTest test suite. For such data: URL
// redirects, the content is controlled by the extension (rather than by the
// `source_instance`), so we don't use the `source_instance` for data: URLs if
// there was a server redirect.
if (was_server_redirect && dest_url_info.url.SchemeIs(url::kDataScheme))
return false;
// Make sure that error isolation is taken into account. See also
// ChromeNavigationBrowserTest.RedirectErrorPageReloadToAboutBlank.
if (!IsSiteInstanceCompatibleWithErrorIsolation(
source_instance, *frame_tree_node_, error_page_process)) {
return false;
if (!IsSiteInstanceCompatibleWithWebExposedIsolation(
source_instance, dest_url_info.web_exposed_isolation_info)) {
return false;
// PDF content should never share a SiteInstance with non-PDF content. In
// practice, this prevents the PDF viewer extension from incorrectly sharing
// a process with PDF content that was loaded from a data URL.
if (dest_url_info.is_pdf) {
return false;
// Okay to use `source_instance`.
return true;
bool RenderFrameHostManager::IsCandidateSameSite(RenderFrameHostImpl* candidate,
const UrlInfo& dest_url_info) {
if (!WebExposedIsolationInfo::AreCompatible(
dest_url_info.web_exposed_isolation_info)) {
return false;
// Note: We are mixing the frame_tree_node_->IsOutermostMainFrame() status of
// this object with the URL & origin of `candidate`. This is to determine if
// `dest_url_info` would be considered "same site" if `candidate` occupied the
// position of this object in the frame tree.
return candidate->GetSiteInstance()->IsNavigationSameSite(
candidate->last_successful_url(), candidate->GetLastCommittedOrigin(),
frame_tree_node_->IsOutermostMainFrame(), dest_url_info);
void RenderFrameHostManager::CreateProxiesForNewRenderFrameHost(
SiteInstanceImpl* old_instance,
SiteInstanceImpl* new_instance,
bool recovering_without_early_commit,
const scoped_refptr<BrowsingContextState>& browsing_context_state) {
// Only create opener proxies if they are in the same CoopRelatedGroup.
if (new_instance->IsCoopRelatedSiteInstance(old_instance)) {
CreateOpenerProxies(new_instance, frame_tree_node_, browsing_context_state);
} else {
// Ensure that the frame tree has RenderFrameProxyHosts for the
// new SiteInstance in all necessary nodes. We do this for all frames in
// the tree, whether they are in the same BrowsingInstance or not. If
// |new_instance| is in the same BrowsingInstance as |old_instance|, this
// will be done as part of CreateOpenerProxies above; otherwise, we do this
// here. We will still check whether two frames are in the same
// BrowsingInstance before we allow them to interact (e.g., postMessage).
frame_tree_node_, new_instance, browsing_context_state);
// When navigating same-site and recovering from a crash, create a proxy
// in the new process. This will be swapped for a frame if we commit.
// TODO( Consider handling this case in
// FrameTree::CreateProxiesForSiteInstance.
if (recovering_without_early_commit &&
render_frame_host_->GetSiteInstance() == new_instance) {
if (frame_tree_node_->IsMainFrame()) {
// As there is an explicit check for |render_frame_host_|'s SiteInstance
// being the same as the "new" RenderFrameHost,
// |render_frame_host_->browsing_context_state()| is the right
// BrowsingContextState to use.
void RenderFrameHostManager::CreateProxiesForNewNamedFrame(
const scoped_refptr<BrowsingContextState>& browsing_context_state) {
// If this is a top-level frame, create proxies for this node in the
// SiteInstances of its opener's ancestors, which are allowed to discover
// this frame by name (see and part 4 of
// ).
FrameTreeNode* opener = frame_tree_node_->opener();
if (!opener || !frame_tree_node_->IsMainFrame())
SiteInstanceImpl* current_instance = render_frame_host_->GetSiteInstance();
// Return immediately if the opener and the openee are not in the same
// BrowsingInstance. Named targeting should not resolve for frames in other
// BrowsingInstances, even if they are in the same CoopRelatedGroup. In that
// case we do not need proxies and do not want to expose more than what is
// strictly required to the renderer.
// TODO( this will likely need to change once we
// implement a more robust approach to named targeting, using per-
// BrowsingInstance names. In that case, we'll need to create proxies across
// BrowsingInstances to support named targeting.
if (!current_instance->IsRelatedSiteInstance(
opener->current_frame_host()->GetSiteInstance())) {
// Start from opener's parent. There's no need to create a proxy in the
// opener's SiteInstance, since new windows are always first opened in the
// same SiteInstance as their opener, and if the new window navigates
// cross-site, that proxy would be created as part of unloading.
for (RenderFrameHostImpl* ancestor = opener->parent(); ancestor;
ancestor = ancestor->GetParent()) {
if (ancestor->GetSiteInstance() != current_instance)
CreateFrameCase create_frame_case,
SiteInstanceImpl* site_instance,
int32_t frame_routing_id,
mojo::PendingAssociatedRemote<mojom::Frame> frame_remote,
const blink::LocalFrameToken& frame_token,
const blink::DocumentToken& document_token,
base::UnguessableToken devtools_frame_token,
bool renderer_initiated_creation,
scoped_refptr<BrowsingContextState> browsing_context_state) {
FrameTree& frame_tree = frame_tree_node_->frame_tree();
// Only the kInitChild case passes in a frame routing id.
DCHECK_EQ(create_frame_case != CreateFrameCase::kInitChild,
frame_routing_id == MSG_ROUTING_NONE);
if (frame_routing_id == MSG_ROUTING_NONE) {
frame_routing_id = site_instance->GetProcess()->GetNextRoutingID();
// Check to see if a speculative RenderViewHost is needed. It is needed for
// cross-page same-SiteInstanceGroup navigations when the feature is enabled.
// TODO(yangsharon, rakina, Handle the
// cross-SiteInstanceGroup and crashed frame cases.
CreateRenderViewHostCase create_rvh_case =
(ShouldCreateNewHostForAllFrames() &&
create_frame_case == CreateFrameCase::kCreateSpeculative &&
static_cast<SiteInstanceImpl*>(site_instance)->group() ==
render_frame_host_->GetSiteInstance()->group() &&
frame_tree_node_->IsMainFrame() &&
? CreateRenderViewHostCase::kSpeculative
: CreateRenderViewHostCase::kDefault;
scoped_refptr<RenderViewHostImpl> render_view_host = nullptr;
// In the case a speculative RenderViewHost will be created, we don't need to
// check if there's an existing RenderViewHost. Otherwise, get the appropriate
// RenderViewHost.
if (create_rvh_case == CreateRenderViewHostCase::kDefault) {
render_view_host = frame_tree.GetRenderViewHost(site_instance->group());
switch (create_frame_case) {
case CreateFrameCase::kInitChild:
// The first RenderFrameHost for a child FrameTreeNode is always in the
// same SiteInstance as its parent.
DCHECK_EQ(frame_tree_node_->parent()->GetSiteInstance(), site_instance);
// The RenderViewHost must already exist for the parent's SiteInstance.
// Only main frames can be marked as renderer-initiated, as it refers to
// a renderer-created window.
case CreateFrameCase::kInitRoot:
// The view should not already exist when we are initializing the frame
// tree.
case CreateFrameCase::kCreateSpeculative:
// We create speculative frames both for main frame and subframe
// navigations. The view might exist already if the SiteInstance already
// has frames hosted in the target process. So we don't check the view.
// A speculative frame should be replacing an existing frame.
// Only the initial main frame can be marked as renderer-initiated, as it
// refers to a renderer-created window. A speculative frame is always
// created later by the browser.
if (!render_view_host) {
render_view_host = frame_tree.CreateRenderViewHost(
site_instance, frame_routing_id, renderer_initiated_creation,
features::GetBrowsingContextMode() ==
? browsing_context_state
: nullptr,
// LifecycleStateImpl of newly created RenderFrameHost.
LifecycleStateImpl lifecycle_state;
if (create_frame_case == CreateFrameCase::kCreateSpeculative) {
lifecycle_state = LifecycleStateImpl::kSpeculative;
} else {
// For the creation of initial documents:
// - We create RenderFrameHost in kPrerendering state in case of
// prerendering frame tree.
// - We create RenderFrameHost in kActive state in all other cases.
lifecycle_state = frame_tree.is_prerendering()
? LifecycleStateImpl::kPrerendering
: LifecycleStateImpl::kActive;
return RenderFrameHostFactory::Create(
site_instance, std::move(render_view_host),
frame_tree.render_frame_delegate(), &frame_tree, frame_tree_node_,
frame_routing_id, std::move(frame_remote), frame_token, document_token,
devtools_frame_token, renderer_initiated_creation, lifecycle_state,
bool RenderFrameHostManager::CreateSpeculativeRenderFrameHost(
SiteInstanceImpl* old_instance,
SiteInstanceImpl* new_instance,
bool recovering_without_early_commit) {
// This DCHECK is going to be fully removed as part of RenderDocument [1].
// With RenderDocument for sub frames or main frames: cross-document
// navigation creates a new RenderFrameHost. The navigation is potentially
// same-SiteInstance.
// With RenderDocument for crashed frames: navigations from a crashed
// RenderFrameHost creates a new RenderFrameHost. The navigation is
// potentially same-SiteInstance.
// [1]
DCHECK(old_instance != new_instance ||
render_frame_host_->must_be_replaced() ||
// The process for the new SiteInstance may (if we're sharing a process with
// another host that already initialized it) or may not (we have our own
// process or the existing process crashed) have been initialized. Calling
// Init() multiple times will be ignored, so this is safe.
if (!new_instance->GetProcess()->Init())
return false;
scoped_refptr<BrowsingContextState> browsing_context_state;
if (features::GetBrowsingContextMode() ==
kLegacyOneToOneWithFrameTreeNode) {
browsing_context_state = render_frame_host_->browsing_context_state();
} else {
// For speculative frame hosts, we will need to create a new
// BrowsingContextState when we have a cross-BrowsingInstance navigation,
// as the browsing context + BrowsingInstance combination changes. An
// exception is when the RenderViewHost for the speculative
// RenderFrameHost's SiteInstance is still around, e.g. on history
// navigations.
// TODO( FrameReplicationState is a mix of things that
// are per-frame, per-browsing context and per-document. Currently, we pass
// the entire FrameReplicationState to match the old behaviour of storing
// FrameReplicationState on FrameTreeNode. We should consider splitting
// FrameReplicationState into multiple structs with different lifetimes.
// TODO( conditionally avoid copying the frame name here
// if DidChangeName arrives after DidCommitNavigation.
if (render_frame_host_->GetSiteInstance()->IsRelatedSiteInstance(
new_instance)) {
// We're reusing the current BrowsingInstance, so also reuse the
// BrowsingContextState.
browsing_context_state = render_frame_host_->browsing_context_state();
} else {
// TODO(, rakina, yangsharon): Once RenderDocument is
// implemented, there will never be an existing RenderViewHost, so getting
// the RenderViewHost and checking if there's a value can be removed.
scoped_refptr<RenderViewHostImpl> render_view_host =
if (render_view_host) {
// If we reuse a RenderViewHost for a main-frame cross-BrowsingInstance
// navigation, we need to reuse the RenderFrameProxyHost representing
// its main frame and BrowsingContextState associated with this proxy.
// This is possible when we are performing a history navigation (which
// reuses existing SiteInstance associated with the corresponding
// FrameNavigationEntry) and there is a pending deletion RenderViewHost
// associated with the same SiteInstance, and we are creating a new
// BrowsingContextState. Both proxies and RenderViewHosts are keyed by
// SiteInstance(Group), and we don't want to have two different proxies
// in the same frame belonging to the same RenderViewHost due to these
// proxies belonging to different BrowsingContextStates. Since
// RenderViewHost is also keyed by SiteInstance, when there is an
// existing RenderViewHost, we want to use the correct corresponding
// proxy when unloading a frame and committing a navigation.
// TODO( Migrate storage of SiteInstance(Group) =>
// RenderViewHost to BrowsingContextState to eliminate this branch.
browsing_context_state = scoped_refptr<BrowsingContextState>(
} else {
browsing_context_state = base::MakeRefCounted<BrowsingContextState>(
frame_tree_node_->parent(), new_instance->GetBrowsingInstanceId(),
// Add a proxy to the outer delegate if one exists, as this is not
// copied over to the new BrowsingContextState otherwise.
FrameTreeNode* outer_contents_frame_tree_node = GetOuterDelegateNode();
if (outer_contents_frame_tree_node) {
frame_tree_node_, blink::RemoteFrameToken());
CreateProxiesForNewRenderFrameHost(old_instance, new_instance,
speculative_render_frame_host_ = CreateSpeculativeRenderFrame(
new_instance, recovering_without_early_commit, browsing_context_state);
return !!speculative_render_frame_host_;
SiteInstanceImpl* instance,
bool recovering_without_early_commit,
const scoped_refptr<BrowsingContextState>& browsing_context_state) {
ChromeTrackEvent::kFrameTreeNodeInfo, *frame_tree_node_);
// This DCHECK is going to be fully removed as part of RenderDocument [1].
// With RenderDocument for sub frames or main frames: cross-document
// navigation creates a new RenderFrameHost. The navigation is potentially
// same-SiteInstance.
// With RenderDocument for crashed frames: navigations from a crashed
// RenderFrameHost creates a new RenderFrameHost. The navigation is
// potentially same-SiteInstance.
// [1]
DCHECK(render_frame_host_->GetSiteInstance() != instance ||
render_frame_host_->must_be_replaced() ||
std::unique_ptr<RenderFrameHostImpl> new_render_frame_host =
CreateRenderFrameHost(CreateFrameCase::kCreateSpeculative, instance,
blink::LocalFrameToken(), blink::DocumentToken(),
DCHECK_EQ(new_render_frame_host->GetSiteInstance(), instance);
// Prevent the process from exiting while we're trying to navigate in it.
RenderViewHostImpl* render_view_host =
if (frame_tree_node_->IsMainFrame()) {
if (render_view_host == render_frame_host_->render_view_host()) {
// We are replacing the main frame's host with |new_render_frame_host|.
// RenderViewHost is reused after a crash and in order for InitRenderView
// to find |new_render_frame_host| as the new main frame, we set the
// routing ID now. This is safe to do as we will call CommitPending() in
// GetFrameHostForNavigation() before yielding to other tasks.
SiteInstanceGroup* site_instance_group = instance->group();
if (!InitRenderView(site_instance_group, render_view_host,
site_instance_group))) {
return nullptr;
// If we are reusing the RenderViewHost and it doesn't already have a
// RenderWidgetHostView, we need to create one if this is the main frame.
if (!render_view_host->GetWidget()->GetView()) {
// TODO( The RenderWidgetHostView should be created
// *before* we create the renderer-side objects through InitRenderView().
// Then we should remove the null-check for the RenderWidgetHostView in
// RenderWidgetHostImpl::RendererWidgetCreated().
// If we are recovering a crashed frame in the same SiteInstance and we
// are not skipping early commit then we will create a proxy and that will
// prevent the regular outer delegate reattach path in
// CreateRenderViewForRenderManager() from working.
if (recovering_without_early_commit &&
render_frame_host_->GetSiteInstance() == instance)
// And since we are reusing the RenderViewHost make sure it is hidden, like
// a new RenderViewHost would be, until navigation commits.
// RenderViewHost for |instance| might exist prior to calling
// CreateRenderFrame. In such a case, InitRenderView will not create the
// RenderFrame in the renderer process and it needs to be done
// explicitly.
if (!InitRenderFrame(new_render_frame_host.get()))
return nullptr;
return new_render_frame_host;
void RenderFrameHostManager::CreateRenderFrameProxy(
SiteInstanceImpl* instance,
const scoped_refptr<BrowsingContextState>& browsing_context_state,
BatchedProxyIPCSender* batched_proxy_ipc_sender) {
ChromeTrackEvent::kSiteInstance, *instance,
ChromeTrackEvent::kFrameTreeNodeInfo, *frame_tree_node_);
// If we are creating a proxy to recover from a crash and skipping the early
// CommitPending then it could be in the same SiteInstance. In all other
// cases we should be creating it in a different one.
if (ShouldSkipEarlyCommitPendingForCrashedFrame()) {
// TODO(fergal): We cannot put a CHECK in the else of this if because we do
// not have enough information about who is calling this. If we knew it was
// navigating then we could CHECK_EQ and CHECK_NE otherwise.
if (!render_frame_host_->must_be_replaced())
CHECK_NE(instance, render_frame_host_->GetSiteInstance());
} else {
// If policy allows early commit, a RenderFrameProxyHost should never be
// created in the same SiteInstance as the current RFH.
CHECK_NE(instance, render_frame_host_->GetSiteInstance());
// If a proxy already exists and is alive, nothing needs to be done.
SiteInstanceGroup* group = instance->group();
RenderFrameProxyHost* proxy =
if (proxy && proxy->is_render_frame_proxy_live())
// At this point we know that we either have to 1) create a new
// RenderFrameProxyHost or 2) revive an existing, but no longer alive
// RenderFrameProxyHost.
if (!proxy) {
// The RenderViewHost creates the page level structure in Blink. The first
// object to depend on it is necessarily a main frame one.
scoped_refptr<RenderViewHostImpl> render_view_host =
if (!frame_tree_node_->IsMainFrame()) {
SCOPED_CRASH_KEY_BOOL("Bug1400009", "sig_exists", !!group);
SCOPED_CRASH_KEY_STRING256("Bug1400009", "current_rfh_url",
SCOPED_CRASH_KEY_NUMBER("Bug1400009", "target_si",
"Bug1400009", "current_rfh_si",
SCOPED_CRASH_KEY_STRING64("Bug1400009", "current_lifecycle",
RenderFrameHostImpl* parent_rfh = render_frame_host_->GetParent();
SCOPED_CRASH_KEY_NUMBER("Bug1400009", "parent_si",
SCOPED_CRASH_KEY_BOOL("Bug1400009", "parent_rvh_exists",
SCOPED_CRASH_KEY_STRING64("Bug1400009", "parent_lifecycle",
if (!render_view_host) {
// Before creating a new RenderFrameProxyHost, ensure a RenderViewHost
// exists for |instance|, as it creates the page level structure in Blink.
render_view_host = frame_tree_node_->frame_tree().CreateRenderViewHost(
instance, /*main_frame_routing_id=*/MSG_ROUTING_NONE,
features::GetBrowsingContextMode() ==
? render_frame_host_->browsing_context_state()
: nullptr,
} else {
ChromeTrackEvent::kRenderViewHost, *render_view_host);
proxy = browsing_context_state->CreateRenderFrameProxyHost(
instance, std::move(render_view_host), frame_tree_node_);
// Make sure that the `blink::RemoteFrame` is present in the renderer.
if (frame_tree_node_->IsMainFrame() && proxy->GetRenderViewHost()) {
InitRenderView(group, proxy->GetRenderViewHost(), proxy);
} else {
void RenderFrameHostManager::CreateRenderFrameProxyAndAncestorChainIfNeeded(
SiteInstanceImpl* instance) {
SiteInstanceImpl* current_site_instance =
// If the frame we need to create a proxy for is a subframe, we need to make
// sure the entire ancestor chain exists as proxies as well, otherwise the
// subframe proxy would be floating around. Note: we only need to create
// ancestors in this frame tree, so we can use IsMainFrame().
std::vector<FrameTreeNode*> ancestor_chain;
FrameTreeNode* ancestor = frame_tree_node_;
while (ancestor) {
if (ancestor->IsMainFrame()) {
ancestor = nullptr;
} else {
ancestor = ancestor->parent()->frame_tree_node();
// Create proxies, from the top-level frame down to the initially specified
// subframe. TODO( Verify that the behavior is
// correct if the frame is pending deletion.
for (FrameTreeNode* node : base::Reversed(ancestor_chain)) {
instance, node->current_frame_host()->browsing_context_state());
void RenderFrameHostManager::CreateProxiesForChildFrame(FrameTreeNode* child) {
"navigation", "RenderFrameHostManager::CreateProxiesForChildFrame_Parent",
ChromeTrackEvent::kFrameTreeNodeInfo, *frame_tree_node_);
"navigation", "RenderFrameHostManager::CreateProxiesForChildFrame_Child",
ChromeTrackEvent::kFrameTreeNodeInfo, *child);
RenderFrameProxyHost* outer_delegate_proxy =
IsMainFrameForInnerDelegate() ? GetProxyToOuterDelegate() : nullptr;
// Initial document in the child frame always belongs to the same SiteInstance
// as its parent document, so we iterate over the proxies in the parent frame
// to get a list of SiteInstances to create proxies in for in the child frame.
DCHECK_EQ(render_frame_host_.get(), child->parent());
for (const auto& pair :
render_frame_host_->browsing_context_state()->proxy_hosts()) {
ChromeTrackEvent::kRenderFrameProxyHost, *pair.second);
// Do not create proxies for subframes in the outer delegate's process,
// since the outer delegate does not need to interact with them.
// TODO(alexmos): This is potentially redundant with the
// IsRelatedSiteInstanceGroup() check below. Verify this and remove if so.
if (pair.second.get() == outer_delegate_proxy)
// Do not create proxies for subframes for SiteInstances belonging to a
// different BrowsingInstance. This may happen in several cases:
// - When creating a frame in a BrowsingInstance that is in the same
// CoopRelatedGroup as another BrowsingInstance. In that case, other
// BrowsingInstances should not know about this frame until they
// absolutely need to.
// - When a main frame is navigating across BrowsingInstances, and the
// current document adds a subframe after that navigation starts but
// before it commits. In that time window, the main frame's FrameTreeNode
// would have a proxy in the destination SiteInstance, but the current
// document's subframes shouldn't create a proxy in the destination
// SiteInstance, since the new BrowsingInstance need not know about them.
// Not doing this used to trigger inconsistencies and crashes if the old
// document was stored in BackForwardCache and later restored (since this
// preserves all of the subframe FrameTreeNodes and proxies). See
if (!pair.second->site_instance_group()->IsRelatedSiteInstanceGroup(
render_frame_host_->GetSiteInstance()->group())) {
void RenderFrameHostManager::EnsureRenderViewInitialized(
RenderViewHostImpl* render_view_host,
SiteInstanceGroup* group) {
if (render_view_host->IsRenderViewLive())
// If the proxy in `group` doesn't exist, this `blink::WebView` is not
// swapped out and shouldn't be reinitialized here.
RenderFrameProxyHost* proxy =
if (!proxy)
InitRenderView(group, render_view_host, proxy);
void RenderFrameHostManager::SwapOuterDelegateFrame(
RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host,
RenderFrameProxyHost* proxy) {
// Swap the outer WebContents's frame with the proxy to inner WebContents.
// We are in the outer WebContents, and its FrameTree would never see
// a load start for any of its inner WebContents. Eventually, that also makes
// the FrameTree never see the matching load stop. Therefore, we always pass
// false to |is_loading| below.
// TODO(lazyboy): This |is_loading| behavior might not be what we want,
// investigate and fix.
void RenderFrameHostManager::SetRWHViewForInnerFrameTree(
RenderWidgetHostViewChildFrame* child_rwhv) {
GetProxyToOuterDelegate()->SetChildRWHView(child_rwhv, nullptr);
bool RenderFrameHostManager::InitRenderView(
SiteInstanceGroup* site_instance_group,
RenderViewHostImpl* render_view_host,
RenderFrameProxyHost* proxy) {
// Ensure the renderer process is initialized before creating the
// `blink::WebView`.
if (!render_view_host->GetAgentSchedulingGroup().Init())
return false;
// We may have initialized this RenderViewHost for another RenderFrameHost.
if (render_view_host->IsRenderViewLive())
return true;
auto opener_frame_token = GetOpenerFrameToken(site_instance_group);
bool created = delegate_->CreateRenderViewForRenderManager(
render_view_host, opener_frame_token, proxy);
if (created && proxy) {
// If this main frame proxy was created for a frame that hasn't yet
// finished loading, let the renderer know so it can also mark the proxy as
// loading. See
if (frame_tree_node_->IsLoading())
return created;
NavigationRequest* request,
BrowsingContextGroupSwap* browsing_context_group_swap,
std::string* reason) {
IsSameSiteGetter is_same_site = IsSameSiteGetter();
return GetSiteInstanceForNavigationRequest(
request, is_same_site, browsing_context_group_swap, reason);
NavigationRequest* request,
IsSameSiteGetter& is_same_site,
BrowsingContextGroupSwap* browsing_context_group_swap,
std::string* reason) {
SiteInstanceImpl* current_site_instance =
// All children of MHTML documents must be MHTML documents. They all live in
// the same process.
if (request->IsForMhtmlSubframe()) {
"GetSiteInstanceForNavigationRequest => current_site_instance"
" (IsForMhtmlSubframe)");
return base::WrapRefCounted(current_site_instance);
// Srcdoc documents are only in the same SiteInstance as their parent if they
// both have the same value for is_sandboxed(). They load their content from
// the "srcdoc" iframe attribute which lives in the parent's process. Using
// `GetParent()` is correct here because we never share BrowsingInstance /
// SiteInstance across inner and outer frame tree.
RenderFrameHostImpl* parent = render_frame_host_->GetParent();
if (parent && request->common_params().url.IsAboutSrcdoc()) {
const UrlInfo& url_info = request->GetUrlInfo();
if (url_info.is_sandboxed &&
!parent->GetSiteInstance()->GetSiteInfo().is_sandboxed()) {
// TODO(wjmaclean); For now, SiteInfo::is_sandboxed() and
// UrlInfo::is_sandboxed both mean "origin-restricted sandbox", so this
// simple comparison suffices. But when we extend sandbox isolation to
// depend on other sandbox flags as well, we may want to do a more
// detailed comparison to make sure everything is compatible. E.g. if both
// the parent and child are sandboxed, but with different flags, then we
// may need separate SiteInstances, but that will be left for future CL.
"GetSiteInstanceForNavigationRequest => compatible "
"sandboxed instance (IsAboutSrcdoc)");
// In all the non-srcdoc cases we have a value for src and hence a UrlInfo
// from which to build a SiteInfo for the sandboxed frame. But in the case
// of a srcdoc iframe, we're basically picking a SiteInstance that is the
// same as the parent frame, but with the `is_sandbox` flag set. srcdoc
// iframes are normally considered to have the same origin as their
// parents, so this seems reasonable.
return parent->GetSiteInstance()->GetCompatibleSandboxedSiteInstance(
url_info, parent->GetLastCommittedOrigin());
"GetSiteInstanceForNavigationRequest => parent-instance"
" (IsAboutSrcdoc)");
return base::WrapRefCounted(parent->GetSiteInstance());
// Compute the SiteInstance that the navigation should use, which will be
// either the current SiteInstance or a new one.
// TODO(clamy): We should also consider as a candidate SiteInstance the
// speculative SiteInstance that was computed on redirects.
SiteInstanceImpl* candidate_site_instance =
? speculative_render_frame_host_->GetSiteInstance()
: nullptr;
// Accounts for all types of reloads, including renderer-initiated reloads.
bool is_reload =
scoped_refptr<SiteInstanceImpl> dest_site_instance =
request->GetUrlInfo(), request->GetSourceSiteInstance(),
request->dest_site_instance(), candidate_site_instance,
request->ComputeErrorPageProcess(), is_reload,
request->IsSameDocument(), is_same_site,
request->GetRestoreType() == RestoreType::kRestored,
request->commit_params().is_view_source, request->WasServerRedirect(),
request->force_new_browsing_instance(), browsing_context_group_swap,
// If the NavigationRequest's dest_site_instance was present but incorrect,
// then ensure no sensitive state is kept on the request. This can happen for
// cross-process redirects, error pages, etc.
if (request->dest_site_instance() &&
request->dest_site_instance() != dest_site_instance) {
return dest_site_instance;
bool RenderFrameHostManager::InitRenderFrame(
RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host) {
if (render_frame_host->IsRenderFrameLive())
return true;
SiteInstanceGroup* site_instance_group =
absl::optional<blink::FrameToken> opener_frame_token;
if (frame_tree_node_->opener())
opener_frame_token = GetOpenerFrameToken(site_instance_group);
absl::optional<blink::FrameToken> parent_frame_token;
if (frame_tree_node_->parent()) {
parent_frame_token =
// At this point, all RenderFrameProxies for sibling frames have already been
// created, including any proxies that come after this frame. To preserve
// correct order for indexed window access (e.g., window.frames[1]), pass the
// previous sibling frame so that this frame is correctly inserted into the
// frame tree on the renderer side.
absl::optional<blink::FrameToken> previous_sibling_frame_token;
FrameTreeNode* previous_sibling =
if (previous_sibling) {
previous_sibling_frame_token =
RenderFrameProxyHost* existing_proxy =
if (existing_proxy && !existing_proxy->is_render_frame_proxy_live())
// Figure out the FrameToken of the frame or proxy that this frame will
// replace. This usually will be `existing_proxy`'s FrameToken, but
// with RenderDocument it might also be a RenderFrameHost's FrameToken.
absl::optional<blink::FrameToken> previous_frame_token =
GetReplacementFrameToken(existing_proxy, render_frame_host);
return render_frame_host->CreateRenderFrame(
previous_frame_token, opener_frame_token, parent_frame_token,
RenderFrameProxyHost* existing_proxy,
RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host) const {
// Check whether there is an existing proxy for this frame in this
// SiteInstance. If there is, the new RenderFrame needs to be able to find
// the proxy it is replacing, so that it can fully initialize itself.
// NOTE: This is the only time that a RenderFrameProxyHost can be in the same
// SiteInstance as its RenderFrameHost. This is only the case until the
// RenderFrameHost commits, at which point it will replace and delete the
// RenderFrameProxyHost.
if (existing_proxy) {
// We are navigating cross-SiteInstance in a main frame or subframe.
return existing_proxy->GetFrameToken();
} else {
// No proxy means that this is one of:
// - a same-SiteInstance subframe navigation
// - a cross-SiteInstance navigation from a crashed subframe that will do an
// early commit and the SiteInstance is not already in the frame tree.
// A main frame navigation with no proxy would have its RenderFrame init
// handled by InitRenderView. This will change with RenderDocument for main
// frames.
if (current_frame_host()->IsRenderFrameLive()) {
// The new frame will replace an existing frame in the renderer. For now
// this can only be when RenderDocument-subframe is enabled.
DCHECK_NE(render_frame_host, current_frame_host());
return current_frame_host()->GetFrameToken();
} else {
// The renderer crashed and there is no previous proxy or previous frame
// in the renderer to be replaced.
DCHECK_NE(render_frame_host, current_frame_host());
return absl::nullopt;
bool RenderFrameHostManager::ReinitializeMainRenderFrame(
RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host) {
// This should be used only when the RenderFrame is not live.
// Recreate the opener chain.
CreateOpenerProxies(render_frame_host->GetSiteInstance(), frame_tree_node_,
// Main frames need both the `blink::WebView` and `RenderFrame` reinitialized,
// so use `InitRenderView`.
if (!InitRenderView(render_frame_host->GetSiteInstance()->group(),
render_frame_host->render_view_host(), nullptr))
return false;
// The RenderWidgetHostView goes away with the render process. Initializing a
// RenderFrame means we'll be creating (or reusing,
// a RenderWidgetHostView. The new RenderWidgetHostView should take its
// visibility from the RenderWidgetHostImpl, but this call exists to handle
// cases where it did not during a same-process navigation.
// TODO(danakj): We now hide the widget unconditionally (treating main frame
// and child frames alike) and show in DidFinishNavigation() always, so this
// should be able to go away. Try to remove this.
if (render_frame_host == render_frame_host_.get())
return true;
int RenderFrameHostManager::GetRoutingIdForSiteInstanceGroup(
SiteInstanceGroup* site_instance_group) {
if (render_frame_host_->GetSiteInstance()->group() == site_instance_group)
return render_frame_host_->GetRoutingID();
RenderFrameProxyHost* proxy =
if (proxy)
return proxy->GetRoutingID();
SiteInstanceGroup* site_instance_group) {
// We want to ensure that we don't create proxies for the new speculative site
// instance after a browsing instance swap, and we want to ensure that this
// doesn't break anything, so we tie it to the GetBrowsingContextMode which
// needs it and is disabled-by-default)
if (features::GetBrowsingContextMode() ==
kSwapForCrossBrowsingInstanceNavigations &&
->IsRelatedSiteInstanceGroup(site_instance_group)) {
return absl::nullopt;
if (render_frame_host_->GetSiteInstance()->group() == site_instance_group)
return render_frame_host_->GetFrameToken();
RenderFrameProxyHost* proxy =
if (proxy)
return proxy->GetFrameToken();
return absl::nullopt;
void RenderFrameHostManager::CommitPending(
std::unique_ptr<RenderFrameHostImpl> pending_rfh,
std::unique_ptr<StoredPage> pending_stored_page,
bool clear_proxies_on_commit) {
TRACE_EVENT1("navigation", "RenderFrameHostManager::CommitPending",
"FrameTreeNode id", frame_tree_node_->frame_tree_node_id());
// We either come here with a `pending_rfh` that is
// 1) a speculative RenderFrameHost, which would have been deleted
// immediately upon renderer process exit, so it must still have a live
// connection to its renderer frame.
// 2) a current RenderFrameHost which has just received a commit IPC from the
// renderer, so it must have a live connection to its renderer frame in
// order to receive the IPC.
// The old RenderWidgetHostView will be hidden before the new
// RenderWidgetHostView takes its contents. Ensure that Cocoa sees this as
// a single transaction.
// TODO(ccameron): This can be removed when the RenderWidgetHostViewMac uses
// the same ui::Compositor as MacViews.
gfx::ScopedCocoaDisableScreenUpdates disabler;
RenderWidgetHostView* old_view = render_frame_host_->GetView();
bool is_main_frame = frame_tree_node_->IsMainFrame();
// Remember if the page was focused so we can focus the new renderer in
// that case.
bool focus_render_view =
old_view && old_view->HasFocus() &&
// Remove the current frame and its descendants from the set of fullscreen
// frames immediately. They can stay in pending deletion for some time.
// Removing them when they are deleted is too late.
// This needs to be done before updating the frame tree structure, else it
// will have trouble removing the descendants.
->FullscreenStateChanged(current_frame_host(), false,
// If the removed frame was created by a script, then its history entry will
// never be reused - we can save some memory by removing the history entry.
// See also
// This is done in ~FrameTreeNode, but this is needed here as well. For
// instance if the user navigates from A(B) to C and B is deleted after C
// commits, then the last committed navigation entry wouldn't match anymore.
NavigationEntryImpl* navigation_entry =
if (navigation_entry) {
// If we navigate to an existing page (i.e. |pending_stored_page| is not
// null), check that |pending_rfh|'s old lifecycle state supports that.
RenderFrameHostImpl::LifecycleStateImpl prev_state =
DCHECK(!pending_stored_page ||
prev_state == RenderFrameHostImpl::LifecycleStateImpl::kPrerendering ||
prev_state ==
// Swap in the new frame and make it active. Also ensure the FrameTree
// stays in sync.
std::unique_ptr<RenderFrameHostImpl> old_render_frame_host;
old_render_frame_host = SetRenderFrameHost(std::move(pending_rfh));
// If a document is being restored from the BackForwardCache or is being
// activated from Prerendering, restore all cached state now.
if (pending_stored_page) {
// This is only implemented for the legacy mode of BrowsingContextState
// because in the new implementation, proxies will be swapped/restored
// whenever the RenderFrameHost (and internal BrowsingContextState) is
// restored.
if (features::GetBrowsingContextMode() ==
kLegacyOneToOneWithFrameTreeNode) {
BrowsingContextState::RenderFrameProxyHostMap proxy_hosts_to_restore =
for (auto& proxy : proxy_hosts_to_restore) {
// We only cache pages when swapping BrowsingInstance, so we should
// never be reusing SiteInstanceGroups.
"navigation", "RenderFrameHostManager::CommitPending_RestoreProxy",
ChromeTrackEvent::kRenderFrameProxyHost, *proxy.second);
render_view_hosts_to_restore =
if (prev_state ==
RenderFrameHostImpl::LifecycleStateImpl::kInBackForwardCache) {
for (const auto& rvh : render_view_hosts_to_restore) {
blink::mojom::PageRestoreParamsPtr page_restore_params =
// We only send view_transition_state to the main RenderViewHost.
if (&*rvh == current_frame_host()->GetRenderViewHost()) {
page_restore_params->view_transition_state =
} else {
// For all main frames, the RenderWidgetHost will not be destroyed when the
// local frame is detached.
// The blink::WidgetBase in the renderer process has its lifetime connected to
// a RenderWdigetHost, which is owned by a RenderFrameHost. While the host is
// eligible for BFCache it will remain alive. The eligibility is decided in
// UnloadOldFrame. If not eligible then the host will be added to
// `pending_delete_host_` to be destroyed.
// The blink::WebFrameWidget is destroyed when the blink::WebLocalFrame goes
// away.
// The RenderWidgetHost and RenderWidgetHostView are still kept alive, paired
// to the blink::WidgetBase and blink::FrameWidget.
// We hide the browser side here, which will have side-effects from notifying
// listeners. This will also have the side effect of hiding the
// blink::WidgetBase, which is desired so that frame production stops, and we
// can reclaim memory when we eventually evict it.
// Note the RenderWidgetHostView can be missing if the process for the old
// RenderFrameHost crashed.
// We also hide all subframes that are a local root. As while in BFCache they
// are not detached nor destroyed. This prevents them from continuing frame
// production, and allows for memory to be reclaimed when they are evicted.
// TODO( This call to Hide() can go away when the main
// frame's RenderWidgetHost is destroyed on frame detach. Note that calling
// this on a subframe that is not a local root would be incorrect as it would
// hide an ancestor local root's RenderWidget when that frame is not
// necessarily navigating. Removing this Hide() has previously been attempted
// without success in r426913 ( and r438516
// (broke assumptions about RenderWidgetHosts not changing
// RenderWidgetHostViews over time).
// |old_rvh| and |new_rvh| can be the same when navigating same-site from a
// crashed RenderFrameHost. When RenderDocument will be implemented, this will
// happen for each same-site navigation.
RenderViewHostImpl* old_rvh = old_render_frame_host->render_view_host();
RenderViewHostImpl* new_rvh = render_frame_host_->render_view_host();
if (is_main_frame && old_view && old_rvh != new_rvh) {
// Note that this hides the RenderWidget but does not hide the Page. If it
// did hide the Page then making a new RenderFrameHost on another call to
// here would need to make sure it showed the `blink::WebView` when the
// RenderWidget was created as visible.
// TODO( In addition to the RenderWidgetHostView
// visibility there is also the concept of PageVisibilityState. The
// PageLifecycleStateManager will have the RenderViewHostImpl notify the
// blink::Page of changes to the PageVisibilityState. This currently does
// not affect the visibility of the blink::WidgetBase. We should unify these
// two visibility states to prevent them from drifting.
if (base::FeatureList::IsEnabled(kNavigationUpdatesChildViewsVisibility) &&
old_render_frame_host->child_count()) {
RenderWidgetHostView* new_view = render_frame_host_->GetView();
// Since the committing renderer frame is live, the RenderWidgetHostView must
// also exist. For a local root frame, they share lifetimes exactly. For
// another child frame, the RenderWidgetHostView comes from a parent, but if
// this renderer frame is live its ancestors must be as well.
if (focus_render_view) {
if (is_main_frame) {
// If the old page was focused, ensure the new one preserves
// focus. This needs to be done differently depending on whether the main
// frame is an outermost main frame or embedded in a nested FrameTree,
// such as for a <webview> guest. In the outermost case, focus the root
// RenderWidgetHostView, which will also end up focusing the
// RenderWidgetHost. For the nested main frame case this won't work,
// since the view will be a RenderWidgetHostViewChildFrame, and focusing
// it would end up trying to focus the root view. Instead, we need to
// focus the new main frame's RenderWidgetHost, which would set the new
// widget as focused and also propagate page-level focus to the
// corresponding renderer process.
if (frame_tree_node_->GetParentOrOuterDocumentOrEmbedder()) {
} else {
} else {
// The current WebContents has page-level focus, so we need to propagate
// page-level focus to the subframe's renderer. Before doing that, also
// tell the new renderer what the focused frame is if that frame is not
// in its process, so that Blink's page-level focus logic won't try to
// reset frame focus to the main frame. See
FrameTreeNode* focused_frame =
SiteInstanceGroup* site_instance_group =
if (focused_frame && !focused_frame->IsMainFrame() &&
focused_frame->current_frame_host()->GetSiteInstance()->group() !=
site_instance_group) {
frame_tree_node_->frame_tree().SetPageFocus(site_instance_group, true);
// Notify that we have no `old_view` from which to TakeFallbackContentFrom.
// This will clear the current Fallback Surface, which would be from a
// previous Navigation. This way we do not display old content if this new
// PendingCommit does not lead to a successful Navigation. This must be called
// before NotifySwappedFromRenderManager, which will allocate a new
// viz::LocalSurfaceId, which will allow the Renderer to submit new content.
// TODO( Remove this once CommitPending has more explicit
// shutdown, both for successful and failed navigations.
if (!old_view) {
bool should_take_fallback_content = false;
// Make the new view show the contents of old view until it has something
// useful to show. Note that we don't do this for BFCache entries with a
// valid surface id, because it already has that surface embedded through
// `RenderFrameHostImpl::WillLeaveBackForwardCache` and the timeout that
// would be set here will clear that frame (incorrectly).
if (is_main_frame && old_view && old_view != new_view) {
// We should take the fallback if we're not coming from BFCache or if we
// don't have a valid surface id to display.
auto* render_widget_host_view_base =
should_take_fallback_content =
prev_state !=
RenderFrameHostImpl::LifecycleStateImpl::kInBackForwardCache ||
!render_widget_host_view_base->GetLocalSurfaceId().is_valid() ||
// Notify that we've swapped RenderFrameHosts. We do this before shutting down
// the RFH so that we can clean up RendererResources related to the RFH first.
if (should_take_fallback_content) {
// The RenderViewHost keeps track of the main RenderFrameHost routing id.
// If this is committing a main frame navigation, update it and set the
// routing id in the RenderViewHost associated with the old RenderFrameHost
if (is_main_frame) {
// If the RenderViewHost is transitioning from an inactive to active state,
// it was reused, so dispatch a RenderViewReady event. For example, this is
// necessary to hide the sad tab if one is currently displayed. See
// Note that observers of RenderViewReady() will see the updated main frame
// routing ID, since PostRenderViewReady() posts a task.
// TODO(alexmos): Remove this and move RenderViewReady consumers to use
// the main frame's RenderFrameCreated instead.
if (!new_rvh->is_active())
if (old_rvh != new_rvh)
// Store the old_render_frame_host's current frame size so that it can be used
// to initialize the child RWHV.
absl::optional<gfx::Size> old_size = old_render_frame_host->frame_size();
// Store the old_render_frame_host's BrowsingContextState so that it can be
// used to update/delete proxies.
scoped_refptr<BrowsingContextState> old_browsing_context_state =
// Unload the old frame now that the new one is visible.
// This will unload it and schedule it for deletion when the unload ack
// arrives (or immediately if the process isn't live).
// Since the new RenderFrameHost is now committed, there must be no proxies
// for its SiteInstance. Delete any existing ones.
// If this is a top-level frame, and COOP triggered a BrowsingInstance swap,
// make sure all relationships with the previous BrowsingInstance are severed
// by removing the opener, the openee's opener, and the proxies with unrelated
// SiteInstances.
// TODO( Make this a no-op for the non-legacy
// implementation of BrowsingContextState.
if (clear_proxies_on_commit) {
// If this frame has opened popups, we need to clear the opened popup's
// opener. This is done here on the browser side. A similar mechanism occurs
// in the renderer process when the `blink::WebView` of this frame is
// destroyed, via blink::OpenedFrameTracker.
// We've just cleared other frames' "opener" referencing this frame, we now
// clear this frame's "opener".
if (frame_tree_node_->opener() &&
->GetSiteInstance())) {
// Note: It usually makes sense to notify the proxies of that frame that
// the opener was removed. However since these proxies are destroyed right
// after it is not necessary in this particuliar case.
// Now that opener references are gone in both direction, we can clear the
// underlying proxies that were used for that purpose.
std::vector<RenderFrameProxyHost*> removed_proxies;
for (auto& it :
render_frame_host_->browsing_context_state()->proxy_hosts()) {
const auto& proxy = it.second;
// The outer delegate proxy is *always* cross-browsing context group, but
// it is the only proxy we must preserve.
if (!render_frame_host_->GetSiteInstance()
->IsRelatedSiteInstanceGroup(proxy->site_instance_group()) &&
proxy.get() != GetProxyToOuterDelegate()) {
for (auto* proxy : removed_proxies) {
// After deleting the proxy we will not have either a proxy or
// main frame associated with the RenderViewHost. Do not allow
// it to be used for new navigations in this inconsistent state.
// If this is a subframe or inner frame tree, it should have a
// CrossProcessFrameConnector created already. Use it to link the new RFH's
// view to the proxy that belongs to the parent frame's SiteInstance. If this
// navigation causes an out-of-process frame to return to the same process as
// its parent, the proxy would have been removed from
// render_frame_host_->browsing_context_state()->proxy_hosts() above.
// Note: We do this after unloading the old RFH because that may create
// the proxy we're looking for.
RenderFrameProxyHost* proxy_to_parent_or_outer_delegate =
if (proxy_to_parent_or_outer_delegate) {
old_size ? &*old_size : nullptr);
if (render_frame_host_->is_local_root()) {
// RenderFrames are created with a hidden RenderWidgetHost. When navigation
// finishes, we show it if the delegate is shown.
if (!frame_tree_node_->frame_tree().IsHidden()) {
if (base::FeatureList::IsEnabled(
kNavigationUpdatesChildViewsVisibility) &&
render_frame_host_->child_count()) {
// If we took fallback content, we need to start a timeout timer to clear it
// in case the new renderer does not produce a timely frame.
if (should_take_fallback_content) {
// The process will no longer try to exit, so we can decrement the count.
// After all is done, there must never be a proxy in the list which has the
// same SiteInstanceGroup as the current RenderFrameHost.
std::unique_ptr<RenderFrameHostImpl> RenderFrameHostManager::SetRenderFrameHost(
std::unique_ptr<RenderFrameHostImpl> render_frame_host) {
// Swap the two.
std::unique_ptr<RenderFrameHostImpl> old_render_frame_host =
render_frame_host_ = std::move(render_frame_host);
FrameTree& frame_tree = frame_tree_node_->frame_tree();
// If the feature is enabled, check if there is a corresponding speculative
// RenderViewHost that also needs to be swapped in.
if (ShouldCreateNewHostForAllFrames() && render_frame_host_ &&
render_frame_host_->GetRenderViewHost() ==
frame_tree.speculative_render_view_host()) {
// Swapping the current RenderFrameHost in a FrameTreeNode comes along with an
// update to its LifecycleStateImpl.
// The lifecycle state of the old RenderFrameHost is either:
// - kActive: starts unloading or enters the BackForwardCache.
// - kPrerendering: starts unloading.
// The lifecycle state of the new RenderFrameHost is either:
// - kSpeculative: for early-commit navigations (see
// and when attaching an inner delegate (when
// embedding one WebContents inside another).
// - kPendingCommit: for regular cross-RenderFrameHost navigations.
// - kBackForwardCache: for BackForwardCache restore navigation.
// - kPrerendering: for a prerender activation navigation.
// It should become kActive in the primary frame tree and kPrerendering for
// navigations inside the prerendered frame tree.
// Note that Prerender2 introduces the concept of a prerendered frame tree.
// It also allows navigations within the prerendered tree to enable loading
// and running pages while in the background. Here, the old RenderFrameHost's
// state isn't kActive, but kPrerendering. The new RenderFrameHost doesn't
// become kActive, but kPrerendering because documents in kPrerendering state
// are considered current in the prerendered frame tree and invisible to the
// user, unlike kActive state.
if (render_frame_host_) {
if (frame_tree.is_prerendering()) {
// Prerendering pages do not currently support early commit, so
// speculative RFHs for prerendering pages will always go through
// kPendingCommit first.
if (render_frame_host_->lifecycle_state() ==
LifecycleStateImpl::kPendingCommit) {
} else {
if (render_frame_host_->lifecycle_state() != LifecycleStateImpl::kActive)
// Note that we don't know yet what the next state will be, so it is
// temporarily marked with SetHasPendingLifecycleStateUpdate().
// TODO( Determine the next state earlier and
// remove SetHasPendingLifecycleStateUpdate().
if (old_render_frame_host && !old_render_frame_host->IsPendingDeletion()) {
// After the old RenderFrameHost is no longer the current one, set the value
// of |has_pending_lifecycle_state_update_| to true if it is not null.
if (frame_tree_node_->IsMainFrame()) {
// Update the count of top-level frames using this SiteInstance. All
// subframes are in the same BrowsingInstance as the main frame, so we only
// count top-level ones. This makes the value easier for consumers to
// interpret.
if (render_frame_host_) {
if (old_render_frame_host) {
// Update the owner of the new RenderFrameHost to point to the current frame.
// Note that this is a no-op for pending commit RenderFrameHosts (which start
// with owner pointing to the FrameTreeNode owning them) and prerendering
// activations (where RenderFrameHost's owner has been updated in
// PrerenderHost::Activate), but is necessary for RFHs restored from
// back/forward cache.
if (render_frame_host_)
if (old_render_frame_host)
return old_render_frame_host;
void RenderFrameHostManager::CollectOpenerFrameTrees(
SiteInstanceImpl* site_instance,
std::vector<FrameTree*>* opener_frame_trees,
std::unordered_set<FrameTreeNode*>* nodes_with_back_links,
std::unordered_set<FrameTreeNode*>* cross_browsing_context_group_openers) {
// Add the FrameTree of the given node's opener to the list of
// |opener_frame_trees| if it doesn't exist there already. |visited_index|
// indicates which FrameTrees in |opener_frame_trees| have already been
// visited (i.e., those at indices less than |visited_index|).
// |nodes_with_back_links| collects FrameTreeNodes with openers in FrameTrees
// that have already been visited (such as those with cycles).
size_t visited_index = 0;
while (visited_index < opener_frame_trees->size()) {
FrameTree* frame_tree = (*opener_frame_trees)[visited_index];
for (FrameTreeNode* node : frame_tree->Nodes()) {
if (!node->opener())
// Do not iterate recursively on FrameTrees in different BrowsingInstances
// in the same CoopRelatedGroup. Instead, simply record the direct opener
// in `cross_browsing_context_group_openers`. We can end up here with
// BrowsingInstance not in the same CoopRelatedGroup for rare cases
// involving outer delegate proxies. For example when a chrome app webview
// gets a new opener, we will iterate this opener tree and create proxies
// for newly connected frames in the outer delegate SiteInstanceGroup. We
// do not want to interact with these, so explicitly verify the
// CoopRelatedGroups match.
// TODO( It is not clear that this iteration is
// actually useful for outer delegate proxies. See if this can be
// prevented to simplify logic here.
SiteInstanceImpl* opener_si =
if (site_instance && !site_instance->IsRelatedSiteInstance(opener_si) &&
site_instance->IsCoopRelatedSiteInstance(opener_si)) {
FrameTree& opener_tree = node->opener()->frame_tree();
const auto& existing_tree_it =
base::ranges::find(*opener_frame_trees, &opener_tree);
if (existing_tree_it == opener_frame_trees->end()) {
// This is a new opener tree that we will need to process.
} else {
// If this tree is already on our processing list *and* we have visited
// it,
// then this node's opener is a back link. This means the node will
// need
// special treatment to process its opener.
size_t position =
std::distance(opener_frame_trees->begin(), existing_tree_it);
if (position < visited_index)
void RenderFrameHostManager::CreateOpenerProxies(
SiteInstanceImpl* instance,
FrameTreeNode* skip_this_node,
const scoped_refptr<BrowsingContextState>& browsing_context_state) {
// TODO( Add a DCHECK verifying that |instance
// is a related site instance to the site instance in |render_frame_host_|. At
// the moment, this DCHECK fails due to a bug in choosing SiteInstance in
std::vector<FrameTree*> opener_frame_trees;
std::unordered_set<FrameTreeNode*> nodes_with_back_links;
std::unordered_set<FrameTreeNode*> cross_browsing_context_group_openers;
CollectOpenerFrameTrees(instance, &opener_frame_trees, &nodes_with_back_links,
// Create the proxies for openers outside of this BrowsingInstance. They are
// created separately on purpose, because we do not want to create proxies for
// their entire tree, only the single point of contact with this
// BrowsingInstance (and for any necessary ancestor frames).
for (auto* node : cross_browsing_context_group_openers) {
// Create opener proxies for frame trees, processing furthest openers from
// this node first and this node last. In the common case without cycles,
// this will ensure that each tree's openers are created before the tree's
// nodes need to reference them.
for (FrameTree* tree : base::Reversed(opener_frame_trees)) {
instance, skip_this_node, browsing_context_state);
// Set openers for nodes in |nodes_with_back_links| in a second pass.
// The proxies created at these FrameTreeNodes in
// CreateOpenerProxiesForFrameTree won't have their opener routing ID
// available when created due to cycles or back links in the opener chain.
// They must have their openers updated as a separate step after proxy
// creation.
for (auto* node : nodes_with_back_links) {
RenderFrameProxyHost* proxy =
// If there is no proxy, the cycle may involve nodes in the same process,
// or, if this is a subframe, --site-per-process may be off. Either way,
// there's nothing more to do.
if (!proxy || !proxy->is_render_frame_proxy_live())
auto opener_frame_token =
void RenderFrameHostManager::CreateOpenerProxiesForFrameTree(
SiteInstanceImpl* instance,
FrameTreeNode* skip_this_node,
const scoped_refptr<BrowsingContextState>& browsing_context_state) {
// Currently, this function is only called on main frames. It should
// actually work correctly for subframes as well, so if that need ever
// arises, it should be sufficient to remove this DCHECK.
FrameTree& frame_tree = frame_tree_node_->frame_tree();
// Ensure that all the nodes in the opener's FrameTree have
// RenderFrameProxyHosts for the new SiteInstance. Only pass the node to
// be skipped if it's in the same FrameTree.
if (skip_this_node && &skip_this_node->frame_tree() != &frame_tree)
skip_this_node = nullptr;
frame_tree.CreateProxiesForSiteInstance(skip_this_node, instance,
absl::optional<blink::FrameToken> RenderFrameHostManager::GetOpenerFrameToken(
SiteInstanceGroup* group) {
if (!frame_tree_node_->opener())
return absl::nullopt;
return frame_tree_node_->opener()
void RenderFrameHostManager::ExecutePageBroadcastMethod(
PageBroadcastMethodCallback callback,
SiteInstanceImpl* instance_to_skip) {
// When calling a PageBroadcast Mojo method for an inner WebContents, we don't
// want to also call it for the outer WebContent's frame as well.
RenderFrameProxyHost* outer_delegate_proxy =
IsMainFrameForInnerDelegate() ? GetProxyToOuterDelegate() : nullptr;
for (const auto& pair :
render_frame_host_->browsing_context_state()->proxy_hosts()) {
if (outer_delegate_proxy == pair.second.get())
if (pair.second->GetSiteInstance() == instance_to_skip)
if (speculative_render_frame_host_ &&
speculative_render_frame_host_->GetSiteInstance() != instance_to_skip) {
if (render_frame_host_->GetSiteInstance() != instance_to_skip) {
void RenderFrameHostManager::ExecuteRemoteFramesBroadcastMethod(
RemoteFramesBroadcastMethodCallback callback,
SiteInstanceGroup* group_to_skip) {
// When calling a ExecuteRemoteFramesBroadcastMethod() for an inner
// WebContents, we don't want to also call it for the outer WebContent's
// frame as well.
RenderFrameProxyHost* outer_delegate_proxy =
IsMainFrameForInnerDelegate() ? GetProxyToOuterDelegate() : nullptr;
->ExecuteRemoteFramesBroadcastMethod(callback, group_to_skip,
void RenderFrameHostManager::EnsureRenderFrameHostVisibilityConsistent() {
RenderWidgetHostView* view = GetRenderWidgetHostView();
if (view &&
->is_hidden() != frame_tree_node_->frame_tree().IsHidden()) {
if (frame_tree_node_->frame_tree().IsHidden()) {
} else {
void RenderFrameHostManager::EnsureRenderFrameHostPageFocusConsistent() {
void RenderFrameHostManager::CreateNewFrameForInnerDelegateAttachIfNecessary() {
ChromeTrackEvent::kFrameTreeNodeInfo, *frame_tree_node_);
// There should be no navigations happening on the frame to attach the inner
// delegate to. This is guaranteed by `is_attaching_inner_delegate()` state
// checks, which will prevent NavigationRequests from being created on this
// frame. Since that state will be set synchronously after we got the
// RenderFrameCreated notification for this frame, no navigation should be
// able to start on the frame.
if (current_frame_host()->HasPendingCommitNavigation() ||
frame_tree_node_->navigation_request() ||
speculative_render_frame_host_) {
NotifyPrepareForInnerDelegateAttachComplete(false /* success */);
// Reset the loading state. Even though there should be no navigations in the
// injected frame, it might not have received a DidStopLoading call.
// See also
if (current_frame_host()->GetSiteInstance() ==
current_frame_host()->GetParent()->GetSiteInstance()) {
// At this point the beforeunload is dispatched and the result has been to
// proceed with attaching. There are also no upcoming navigations which
// would interfere with the upcoming attach. If the frame is in the same
// SiteInstance as its parent it can be safely used for attaching an inner
// Delegate.
NotifyPrepareForInnerDelegateAttachComplete(true /* success */);
// TODO( Some of these may no longer be necessary
// now that MimeHandlerView's embedded case uses the same code path as the
// full page case.
// We need a new RenderFrameHost in its parent's SiteInstance to be able to
// safely use the WebContentsImpl attach API.
if (!CreateSpeculativeRenderFrameHost(
/*recovering_without_early_commit=*/false)) {
NotifyPrepareForInnerDelegateAttachComplete(false /* success */);
// Swap in the speculative frame. It will later be replaced when
// WebContents::AttachToOuterWebContentsFrame is called.
CommitPending(std::move(speculative_render_frame_host_), nullptr,
false /* clear_proxies_on_commit */);
NotifyPrepareForInnerDelegateAttachComplete(true /* success */);
void RenderFrameHostManager::NotifyPrepareForInnerDelegateAttachComplete(
bool success) {
int32_t process_id = success ? render_frame_host_->GetProcess()->GetID()
: ChildProcessHost::kInvalidUniqueID;
int32_t routing_id =
success ? render_frame_host_->GetRoutingID() : MSG_ROUTING_NONE;
// Invoking the callback asynchronously to meet the APIs promise.
[](RenderFrameHost::PrepareForInnerWebContentsAttachCallback callback,
int32_t process_id, int32_t routing_id) {
RenderFrameHostImpl::FromID(process_id, routing_id));
std::move(attach_inner_delegate_callback_), process_id, routing_id));
NavigationControllerImpl& RenderFrameHostManager::GetNavigationController() {
return frame_tree_node_->frame_tree().controller();
base::WeakPtr<RenderFrameHostManager> RenderFrameHostManager::GetWeakPtr() {
return weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr();
} // namespace content