blob: d94f14e5401a6c1e9628d8c6e9537f85de56cbdd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/safe_ref.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/types/id_type.h"
#include "content/browser/browsing_instance.h"
#include "content/browser/coop_related_group.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/agent_scheduling_group_host.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "content/public/browser/browsing_instance_id.h"
#include "content/public/browser/render_process_host_observer.h"
#include "third_party/perfetto/include/perfetto/tracing/traced_proto.h"
namespace perfetto::protos::pbzero {
class SiteInstanceGroup;
} // namespace perfetto::protos::pbzero
namespace content {
class BrowserContext;
class RenderProcessHost;
class SiteInstance;
class SiteInstanceImpl;
struct ChildProcessTerminationInfo;
using SiteInstanceGroupId = base::IdType32<class SiteInstanceGroupIdTag>;
// A SiteInstanceGroup represents one view of a browsing context group's frame
// trees within a renderer process. It provides a tuning knob, allowing the
// number of groups to vary (for process allocation and
// painting/input/scheduling decisions) without affecting the number of security
// principals that are tracked with SiteInstances.
// Similar to layers composing an image from many colors, a set of
// SiteInstanceGroups compose a web page from many renderer processes. Each
// group represents one renderer process' view of a browsing context group,
// containing both local frames (organized into widgets of contiguous frames)
// and proxies for frames in other groups or processes.
// The documents in the local frames of a group are organized into
// SiteInstances, representing an atomic group of similar origin documents that
// can access each other directly. A group contains all the documents of one or
// more SiteInstances, all belonging to the same browsing context group (aka
// BrowsingInstance). Each browsing context group has its own set of
// SiteInstanceGroups.
// A SiteInstanceGroup is used for generating painted surfaces, directing input
// events, and facilitating communication between frames in different groups.
// The browser process coordinates activities across groups to produce a full
// web page.
// A SiteInstanceGroup always has a RenderProcessHost. If the RenderProcessHost
// itself (and not just the renderer process) goes away, then all
// RenderFrameHosts, RenderFrameProxyHosts, and workers using it are gone, and
// the SiteInstanceGroup itself goes away as well. SiteInstances in the group
// may outlive this (e.g., when kept alive by NavigationEntry), in which case
// they will get a new SiteInstanceGroup the next time one is needed.
// SiteInstanceGroups are refcounted by the SiteInstances using them, allowing
// for flexible policies. Currently, each SiteInstanceGroup has exactly one
// SiteInstance. See
class CONTENT_EXPORT SiteInstanceGroup
: public base::RefCounted<SiteInstanceGroup>,
public RenderProcessHostObserver {
class CONTENT_EXPORT Observer {
// Called when this SiteInstanceGroup transitions to having no active
// frames, as measured by active_frame_count().
virtual void ActiveFrameCountIsZero(
SiteInstanceGroup* site_instance_group) {}
// Called when the renderer process of this SiteInstanceGroup has exited.
// Note that GetProcess() still returns the same RenderProcessHost instance.
// You can reinitialize it by a call to SiteInstance::GetProcess()->Init().
virtual void RenderProcessGone(SiteInstanceGroup* site_instance_group,
const ChildProcessTerminationInfo& info) {}
SiteInstanceGroup(BrowsingInstance* browsing_instance,
RenderProcessHost* process);
SiteInstanceGroup(const SiteInstanceGroup&) = delete;
SiteInstanceGroup& operator=(const SiteInstanceGroup&) = delete;
SiteInstanceGroupId GetId() const;
base::SafeRef<SiteInstanceGroup> GetSafeRef();
// TODO( Remove this. Please don't use it.
base::WeakPtr<SiteInstanceGroup> GetWeakPtrToAllowDangling();
void AddObserver(Observer* observer);
void RemoveObserver(Observer* observer);
// Used to keep track of the SiteInstances that belong in this group, so they
// can be notified to clear their references to `this` when it gets
// destructed.
void AddSiteInstance(SiteInstanceImpl* site_instance);
void RemoveSiteInstance(SiteInstanceImpl* site_instance);
// Increase the number of active frames in this SiteInstanceGroup. This is
// increased when a frame is created.
void IncrementActiveFrameCount();
// Decrease the number of active frames in this SiteInstanceGroup. This is
// decreased when a frame is destroyed. Decrementing this to zero will notify
// observers, and may trigger deletion of proxies.
void DecrementActiveFrameCount();
// Returns true if `group` is in the same BrowsingInstance as `this`. This
// behaves similarly to SiteInstance::IsRelatedSiteInstance, but can only be
// used when a SiteInstanceGroup is available.
bool IsRelatedSiteInstanceGroup(SiteInstanceGroup* group);
// Returns true if `group` is in the same CoopRelatedGroup as `this`. This can
// be true even though IsRelatedSiteInstanceGroup returns false, if the two
// SiteInstanceGroups are for different BrowsingInstances in the same
// CoopRelatedGroup.
bool IsCoopRelatedSiteInstanceGroup(SiteInstanceGroup* group);
// Get the number of active frames which belong to this SiteInstanceGroup. If
// there are no active frames left, all frames in this SiteInstanceGroup can
// be safely discarded.
size_t active_frame_count() const { return active_frame_count_; }
RenderProcessHost* process() const { return &*process_; }
BrowsingInstanceId browsing_instance_id() const {
return browsing_instance_->isolation_context().browsing_instance_id();
// Returns the ID of the CoopRelatedGroup this SiteInstanceGroup belongs to.
CoopRelatedGroupId GetCoopRelatedGroupId() const;
AgentSchedulingGroupHost& agent_scheduling_group() {
DCHECK_EQ(agent_scheduling_group_->GetProcess(), &*process_);
return *agent_scheduling_group_;
// Creates a new SiteInstanceGroup in a new BrowsingInstance for testing.
static SiteInstanceGroup* CreateForTesting(BrowserContext* browser_context,
RenderProcessHost* process);
// Creates a new SiteInstanceGroup in the same BrowsingInstance as `group`.
static SiteInstanceGroup* CreateForTesting(SiteInstanceGroup* group,
RenderProcessHost* process);
using TraceProto = perfetto::protos::pbzero::SiteInstanceGroup;
// Write a representation of this object into a trace.
void WriteIntoTrace(perfetto::TracedProto<TraceProto> proto) const;
friend class RefCounted<SiteInstanceGroup>;
~SiteInstanceGroup() override;
BrowsingInstance* browsing_instance_for_testing() {
return browsing_instance_.get();
// RenderProcessHostObserver implementation.
void RenderProcessHostDestroyed(RenderProcessHost* host) override;
void RenderProcessExited(RenderProcessHost* host,
const ChildProcessTerminationInfo& info) override;
// A unique ID for this SiteInstanceGroup.
SiteInstanceGroupId id_;
// BrowsingInstance in which this SiteInstanceGroup exists. This is held as a
// scoped_refptr since the BrowsingInstance must outlive all
// SiteInstanceGroups in it.
scoped_refptr<BrowsingInstance> browsing_instance_;
// The number of active frames in this SiteInstanceGroup.
size_t active_frame_count_ = 0;
// Current RenderProcessHost that is rendering pages for this
// SiteInstanceGroup, and AgentSchedulingGroupHost (within the process) this
// SiteInstanceGroup belongs to.
// If the RenderProcessHost gets destroyed, `this` will also be destructed.
// Any SiteInstances in the group will get a new process and group the next
// time they need a process. If the process crashes, `this` will not be
// destructed as long as the RenderProcessHost is still alive.
const base::SafeRef<RenderProcessHost> process_;
const base::SafeRef<AgentSchedulingGroupHost> agent_scheduling_group_;
// List of SiteInstanceImpls that belong in this group. When any SiteInstance
// in the set goes away, it must also be removed from `site_instances_` to
// prevent UaF.
base::flat_set<SiteInstanceImpl*> site_instances_;
base::ObserverList<Observer, true>::Unchecked observers_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<SiteInstanceGroup> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace content