blob: 623bf346e899fb3a80a34b4a01cd871b83888321 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module auction_worklet.mojom;
import "content/services/auction_worklet/public/mojom/private_aggregation_request.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/time.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/url_loader_factory.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/devtools/devtools_agent.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/interest_group/ad_display_size.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/interest_group/interest_group_types.mojom";
import "url/mojom/origin.mojom";
import "url/mojom/url.mojom";
struct PreviousWin {
// Approximate time a particular group won an auction.
// TODO(mmenke): Provide this as an integer time since an auction was won, in
// seconds, to reduce time resolution of cross-site information provided to an
// untrusted service.
// TODO( Decide what to do when wins are
// "in the future" due to clock changes.
mojo_base.mojom.Time time;
// The ad object returned by that group's bidding function with the winning
// bid.
string ad_json;
// Degree to which k-anonymity is enforced.
enum KAnonymityBidMode {
kNone, // k-anonymity is ignored.
kSimulate, // No enforcement, but result of enforcement is simulated
kEnforce // Enforced.
// An opaque identifier that identifies an ad configuration used for
// k-anonymity.
struct KAnonKey {
string data;
// Subset of blink.mojom.InterestGroup that is used by GenerateBid() and can
// vary between InterestGroups that can use the same BidderWorklet (so it's
// "not shared" between InterestGroups that share the same BidderWorklet).
// See AuctionWorkletService::LoadBidderWorklet for parameters that must be the
// same between InterestGroups.
// See blink.mojom.InterestGroup for documentation on individual fields.
// This doesn't include `priority` or `priority_signals_overrides` as they can
// be modified by worklets, so could potentially have cross-origin information.
struct BidderWorkletNonSharedParams {
string name;
bool enable_bidding_signals_prioritization;
map<string, double>? priority_vector;
blink.mojom.InterestGroup.ExecutionMode execution_mode;
url.mojom.Url? update_url;
array<string>? trusted_bidding_signals_keys;
string? user_bidding_signals;
array<blink.mojom.InterestGroupAd>? ads;
array<blink.mojom.InterestGroupAd>? ad_components;
// ads_kanon[kanon_key] is true iff `kanon_key` is sufficiently k-anonymous to
// be used as an ad or an ad component.
map<KAnonKey, bool> kanon_keys;
// Browser signals passed to the BidderWorklet's generateBid() method that are
// stored on disk and updated by the browser, as opposed to coming from the
// frame running the auction, or from the definition of the InterestGroup taking
// part in an auction.
struct BiddingBrowserSignals {
// How many times this interest group has been joined in the period history
// is maintained.
int32 join_count;
// How many times this interest group has made bids in auctions.
int32 bid_count;
// Previous times the group won auctions.
array<PreviousWin> prev_wins;
// The results of running a FLEDGE generateBid() script.
struct BidderWorkletBid {
// JSON string to be passed to the scoring function.
string ad;
// Offered bid value. Always greater than 0.
double bid;
// Currency for the bid.
blink.mojom.AdCurrency? bid_currency;
// 'adCost' returned by generateBid, if any.
double? ad_cost;
// Render URL of the bid.
blink.mojom.AdDescriptor ad_descriptor;
// Ad components associated with bid, if any. These allow a single ad to be
// composed of multiple smaller ads. The `ad_descriptor` contains the main
// URL, and is responsible for laying out these ads URLs in its subframes.
// May only contain URLs matching the `render_url`s of the `ad_components`
// of the InterestGroup that made this bid. May have at most 20 URLs. Must
// be null if the InterestGroup making this bid has a null `ad_components`
// field.
array<blink.mojom.AdDescriptor>? ad_component_descriptors;
// `modelingSignals` returned by generateBid, if any.
uint16? modeling_signals;
// How long it took to run the generateBid() script.
mojo_base.mojom.TimeDelta bid_duration;
struct BidderWorklerKAnonBidSameAsNonEnforced {};
// Represents result of applying k-anonymity enforcement to a bidder worklet.
// The resulting bid can be the same as without enforcement, or a different one.
// You must use BidderWorklerKAnonBidSameAsNonEnforced when the bids match,
// to make it easier to sanity-check the result at IPC boundary.
union BidderWorkletKAnonEnforcedBid {
BidderWorklerKAnonBidSameAsNonEnforced? same_as_non_enforced; // value unused.
BidderWorkletBid bid;
// An optional double value. GenerateBid() returns them as values its
// `update_priority_signals_overrides` map. Since Mojo doesn't support optional
// primitive types, this struct is needed to handle passing them. Don't need to
// have a `has_value` field, since this struct itself can be made optional.
struct PrioritySignalsDouble {
double value;
// Which field identifying the ad is passed to reportWin()
enum ReportingIdField {
// Represents the time between BidderWorklet::BeginGenerateBid and each of the
// dependencies to GenerateBid, which can help to identify the slowest
// dependency, both in absolute terms and relative to other dependencies.
// Each of the latencies recorded here may be null if that dependency didn't
// apply for this call to GenerateBid.
struct GenerateBidDependencyLatencies {
// Load of Script and/or WASM
mojo_base.mojom.TimeDelta? code_ready_latency;
// Fulfillment of config promises
mojo_base.mojom.TimeDelta? config_promises_latency;
// Download of DirectFromSellerSignals
mojo_base.mojom.TimeDelta? direct_from_seller_signals_latency;
// Download of TrustedBiddingSignals
mojo_base.mojom.TimeDelta? trusted_bidding_signals_latency;
// Single use client for each GenerateBid() call. Allows deferring generating
// bids until after a bidder's interest groups have all received priority
// vectors, which allows for cancelling generate bid calls from lower priority
// bidders based on data fetched from the trusted bidding signals URL.
// Needs a full callback interface because Mojo callbacks aren't otherwise
// cancellable, and one GenerateBid call invokes two callbacks.
interface GenerateBidClient {
// Invoked once the trusted bidding signals have been successfully fetched,
// or have failed to be fetched. Will be called even when the trusted bidding
// signals url is null, to allow simpler mixing of GenerateBid() calls with
// and without them. This allows the caller in the browser process to abort
// bid generation in the case that the interest group's new priority
// calculated using `priority_vector` results in filtering out the bid.
// It's called in the case of no priority vector because even when there's
// no change in priority, filtering out due to priority depends on the
// priorities of other interest groups owned by the same bidder, so the
// browser process needs to know if there's no priority vector before it
// can apply priority-based filtering.
// OnGenerateBidComplete() will only be invoked after the
// OnBiddingSignalsReceived() callback has been invoked, except on fatal
// errors, like failing to fetch the Javascript needed to run a worklet. If
// a fatal error occurs before OnBiddingSignalsReceived() has been invoked,
// the pipe will be closed without invoking it.
// Arguments:
// `priority_vector` The priorityVector for the interest group received as
// part of the trusted bidding signals, or an empty list, if no signals
// were received, or the signals had not priorityVector for the interest
// group that is generating a bid.
// `trusted_signals_fetch_latency` The amount of time taken fetching trusted
// bidding signals. If no trusted signals were fetched, returns a 0 duration.
map<string, double> priority_vector,
mojo_base.mojom.TimeDelta trusted_signals_fetch_latency) => ();
// Invoked once GenerateBid completes, either having successfully generated a
// bid, or having failed to generate one for any reason.
// Arguments:
// `bid` If the worklet is successfully loaded and chooses to bid in the
// auction, contains information about the bid with no k-anonymity
// restriction. Null otherwise.
// `kanon_bid` If `kanon_mode` is not kNone, `kanon_bid` is the bid made
// under requirement of k-anonymous results. This can be the same as `bid`, a
// different bid, or null if the bidder will not bid under this restriction.
// If `kanon_mode` is kNone, this is always null.
// The following all arguments correspond to the execution (among those that
// produced `bid` and `kanon_bid`) that will end up shown to the user if it
// wins per `kanon_mode` passed to GenerateBid.
// `bidding_signals_data_version` The value of the Data-Version header served
// with the trusted bidding signals.
// `has_bidding_signals_data_version` True to indicate Data-Version header
// was present in the HTTP response for the trusted bidding signals.
// TODO( Update when optional integers supported.
// `debug_loss_report_url` The URL to request if the auction runs to
// completion and this bid does not win. All bidders are allowed to send loss
// report, including those who does not bid. This field has the debug prefix
// because it's part of an interim reporting API that will be replaced with
// standardized reporting APIs once available. It must be a valid HTTPS URL.
// `debug_win_report_url` The URL to request if the auction runs to completion
// and this bid wins. This field has the debug prefix because it's part of an
// interim reporting API that will be replaced with standardized reporting
// APIs once available. It must be a valid HTTPS URL.
// `set_priority` The value of the updated priority for this interest group.
// This priority should be applied to the interest group after the auction.
// The priority is not changed if null.
// TODO( Update to use `double?` type if/when
// optional integer support is added to Mojo.
// `update_priority_signals_overrides` A map of new values to be written to
// the interest group's priorityOverrides map. Null values mean to delete the
// corresponding value, if present. Values with keys not in the map are
// preserved.
// TODO( Update to use `double?` type if/when
// optional integer support is added to Mojo.
// `pa_requests` The various requests made to the Private Aggregation API.
// `bidding_latency` The amount of time taken running all bids (note that
// there may be 2 bids if the first bid result was not k-anonymous).
// `generate_bid_dependency_latencies` The amount of time GenerateBid had to
// wait for each of its dependencies to be fulfilled before it could be run.
// `errors` The various error messages to be used for debugging. These are too
// sensitive for the renderer to see. There may be errors even when a bid
// is offered, and there may be no errors when there's no bid. Includes
// errors from failing to load the worklet script.
BidderWorkletBid? bid,
BidderWorkletKAnonEnforcedBid? kanon_bid,
uint32 bidding_signals_data_version,
bool has_bidding_signals_data_version,
url.mojom.Url? debug_loss_report_url,
url.mojom.Url? debug_win_report_url,
double set_priority,
bool has_set_priority,
map<string, PrioritySignalsDouble?> update_priority_signals_overrides,
array<PrivateAggregationRequest> pa_requests,
array<PrivateAggregationRequest> non_kanon_pa_requests,
mojo_base.mojom.TimeDelta bidding_latency,
GenerateBidDependencyLatencies generate_bid_dependency_latencies,
array<string> errors);
// This interface is used to provide the arguments to generateBid() that may
// come in via promise once available. This is a separate step so that the work
// of figuring them out can overlap other work the bidder worklet does (e.g.
// fetching trusted signals).
interface GenerateBidFinalizer {
// Provides potentially late-coming arguments to go along with those
// provided to BeginGenerateBid with connected `bid_finalizer`.
// `auction_signals_json` The JSON representation of the auction signals for
// the auction, specified by the publisher page and provided to bidder
// worklets competing in an auction.
// `per_buyer_signals_json` The JSON representation of the auction signals
// for the specific owner of this interest group, specified by the
// publisher page and provided to all interest groups with the same owner
// as the one specified `interest_group`.
// `expected_buyer_currency` Currency restriction specified for this buyer.
// `per_buyer_timeout` Restrict the runtime of particular buyer's bidding
// scripts. Any timeout higher than 500 ms will be clamped to 500 ms before
// passing in as `per_buyer_timeout`. Null if not provided by the publisher
// page. Null will be passed to the worklet in that case.
// See BeginGenerateBid for description of
// `direct_from_seller_per_buyer_signals`, `
// `direct_from_seller_auction_signals`
string? auction_signals_json,
string? per_buyer_signals_json,
mojo_base.mojom.TimeDelta? per_buyer_timeout,
blink.mojom.AdCurrency? expected_buyer_currency,
url.mojom.Url? direct_from_seller_per_buyer_signals,
url.mojom.Url? direct_from_seller_auction_signals);
// Manages the auction workflow for one loaded FLEDGE bidder worklet.
// See
// Auctions involve running Javascript from multiple origins, so they
// cannot be run within a single process. This API allows the browser
// process to load Javascript FLEDGE worklets in other processes and
// manage their lifetimes.
// The BidderWorklet is functionally stateless, so methods are idempotent
// and can be called multiple times, in any order, for multiple auctions
// using the same worklet. There is no need to wait for one callback to be
// invoked before calling another method. There is no guarantee methods will
// complete in the order they are invoked.
interface BidderWorklet {
// Loads the same-origin realtime bidding signals URL (if necessary), and
// after the rest of the arguments for it have been provided via
// a FinishGenerateBid() call on `bid_finalizer`, invokes the worklet's
// generateBid() method, returning the generated bid and associated data.
// Waits for the worklet script to be loaded first, if needed.
// FinishGenerateBid() *must* always be called, even if no parameters are
// provided as promises.
// Arguments:
// `bidder_worklet_non_shared_params` values that can vary in the
// InterestGroup definitions of the InterestGroups that can share this
// BidderWorklet.
// `kanon_mode` determines whether to use k-anonymity to potentially re-run
// the bidding function with only ads that are k-anonymous and produce an
// alternative bid. See GenerateBidClient.OnGenerateBidComplete for more
// details.
// `interest_group_join_origin` is the origin from which the interest group
// was joined; can affect context reuse in certain execution modes.
// `direct_from_seller_per_buyer_signals` The subresource URL of the
// DirectFromSellerSignals for the specific owner of this interest group, as
// produced by concatenating the `directFromSellerSignals` URL prefix field
// passed from runAdAuction() with "?perBuyerSignals=[buyer]" for the
// URL-encoded buyer origin for this buyer. Since this is fetched from a
// subresource bundle, it may only be fetched using the URLLoaderFactory
// passed in when creating the worklet.
// `direct_from_seller_auction_signals` The subresource URL of the
// DirectFromSellerSignals for the seller and all buyers, as produced by
// concatenating the `directFromSellerSignals` URL prefix field passed from
// runAdAuction() with "?auctionSignals". Since this is fetched from a
// subresource bundle, it may only be fetched using the URLLoaderFactory
// passed in when creating the worklet.
// Both `direct_from_seller_auction_signals` and
// `direct_from_seller_per_buyer_signals` can alternatively be passed as
// parameters to FinishGenerateBid() if they are not available at time of
// BeginGenerateBid(); but each parameter can be passed in as non-nullopt at
// most once.
// `browser_signal_seller_origin` The origin of the seller script running
// the auction. Typically a valid, non-opaque HTTPS origin.
// `browser_signal_top_level_seller_origin` The top-level seller origin,
// if this worklet is running as part of a component (nested) Auction.
// Null, otherwise.
// `bidding_browser_signals` See BiddingBrowserSignals.
// `auction_start_time` The time the auction started, used to ensure the
// last win times provided to all worklets are relative to the same time.
// `trace_id` ID of a nestable asynchronous trace event of category `fledge`
// to use with tracing calls.
// `generate_bid_client` Client that receives callbacks as GenerateBid()
// progresses. Associated to retain priority ordering of calls.
// `bid_finalizer` should be used to provide the arguments to generateBid()
// that may be delivered later (via JS promises).
BidderWorkletNonSharedParams bidder_worklet_non_shared_params,
KAnonymityBidMode kanon_mode,
url.mojom.Origin interest_group_join_origin,
url.mojom.Url? direct_from_seller_per_buyer_signals,
url.mojom.Url? direct_from_seller_auction_signals,
url.mojom.Origin browser_signal_seller_origin,
url.mojom.Origin? browser_signal_top_level_seller_origin,
BiddingBrowserSignals bidding_browser_signals,
mojo_base.mojom.Time auction_start_time,
uint64 trace_id,
pending_associated_remote<GenerateBidClient> generate_bid_client,
pending_associated_receiver<GenerateBidFinalizer> bid_finalizer);
// Sends pending bidding signals URL requests, if any. Unlike with
// SellerWorklets, this must be called for BidderWorklets that need to send
// requests for realtime bidding signals URL. The difference is because each
// auction makes all GenerateBid() calls to a single BidderWorklet at once
// one after another, so they know at what point they have made their last
// GenerateBid() invocation, and only one signals request will need to be
// made.
// Calls the worklet's reportWin() method. Waits for the worklet script to
// be loaded first, if needed.
// Arguments:
// `reporting_id_field` Describes which kind of ad campaign identification
// signal has been provided to ReportWin(), corresponding to either the
// interest group name or a field on the registered ad itself.
// `reporting_id` The string value of the field described by
// `reporting_id_field`.
// `auction_signals_json` The JSON representation of the auction signals for
// the auction, if specified by the publisher page and provided to bidder
// worklets competing in an auction. Null if not provided by the publisher
// page. Null will be passed to the worklet in that case.
// `per_buyer_signals_json` The JSON representation of the auction signals
// for the specific owner of this interest group, specified by the
// publisher page and provided to all interest groups with the same owner
// as the one specified `interest_group`. Null if not provided by the
// publisher page. Null will be passed to the worklet in that case.
// `direct_from_seller_per_buyer_signals` The subresource URL of the
// DirectFromSellerSignals for the specific owner of this interest group, as
// produced by concatenating the `directFromSellerSignals` URL prefix field
// passed from runAdAuction() with "?perBuyerSignals=[buyer]" for the
// URL-encoded buyer origin for this buyer. Since this is fetched from a
// subresource bundle, it may only be fetched using the URLLoaderFactory
// passed in when creating the worklet.
// `direct_from_seller_auction_signals` The subresource URL of the
// DirectFromSellerSignals for the seller and all buyers, as produced by
// concatenating the `directFromSellerSignals` URL prefix field passed from
// runAdAuction() with "?auctionSignals". Since this is fetched from a
// subresource bundle, it may only be fetched using the URLLoaderFactory
// passed in when creating the worklet.
// `seller_signals_json` is a JSON representation of the object returned by
// the seller worklet's ReportResult method.
// `browser_signal_render_url` is the `render_url` returned by the
// BidderWorklet's generateBid() method, invoked as part of BidderWorklet
// creation.
// `browser_signal_bid` The numeric value of the winning bid. This is always
// in the bidder's own currency.
// `browser_signal_bid_currency` Currency for the winning bid.
// The client should redact the currency if it's not guaranteed by the
// auction configuration to avoid leaking information.
// `browser_signal_highest_scoring_other_bid` The numeric value of the bid
// that got the second highest score, or 0 if it's not available, either
// because there is no such thing or because sellerCurrency is enabled, and
// the relevant bid was in a different currency without scoreAd providing
// a conversion for it.
// `browser_signal_highest_scoring_other_bid_currency` The currency associated
// with `browser_signal_highest_scoring_other_bid`. If a concrete value is
// provided, it's always the sellerCurrency for the auction.
// `browser_signal_made_highest_scoring_other_bid` True only if owner of
// the interest group that ReportWin() is being invoked on behalf of made
// all the second-highest scoring bids in the auction.
// `browser_signal_ad_cost` The numeric value of the adCost associated with
// the winning bid, if specified by `generateBid()`.
// `browser_signal_modeling_signals` The masked and noised numeric value of
// the modelingSignals associated with the winning bid, if specified by
// `generateBid()`.
// `browser_signal_seller_origin` The origin of the seller script running
// the auction. Typically a valid, non-opaque HTTPS origin.
// `browser_signals_top_level_seller_origin` The top-level seller origin,
// if this worklet is running as part of a component (nested) Auction.
// Null, otherwise.
// `bidding_signals_data_version` The value of the Data-Version header served
// with the trusted bidding signals.
// `has_bidding_signals_data_version` True to indicate Data-Version header
// was present in the HTTP response for the trusted bidding signals.
// TODO( Update when optional integers supported.
// `trace_id` ID of a nestable asynchronous trace event of category `fledge`
// to use with tracing calls.
// Returns:
// `report_url` is the URL to request to report the result of the auction
// to the bidder. It will be null if no reports are requested, or the
// report script fails to run.
// `ad_beacon_map` The map of ad reporting events to URLs for fenced frame
// reporting.
// `pa_requests` The various requests made to the Private Aggregation API.
// `errors` is an array of any errors that occurred while attempting
// to run the worklet's reportWin() method. These are too sensitive for
// the renderer to see. There may be errors even when a `report_url` is
// provided, and there may be no errors when there's no `report_url`.
// Includes errors from failing to load the worklet script.
ReportingIdField reporting_id_field,
string reporting_id,
string? auction_signals_json,
string? per_buyer_signals_json,
url.mojom.Url? direct_from_seller_per_buyer_signals,
url.mojom.Url? direct_from_seller_auction_signals,
string seller_signals_json,
url.mojom.Url browser_signal_render_url,
double browser_signal_bid,
blink.mojom.AdCurrency? browser_signal_bid_currency,
double browser_signal_highest_scoring_other_bid,
blink.mojom.AdCurrency? browser_signal_highest_scoring_other_bid_currency,
bool browser_signal_made_highest_scoring_other_bid,
double? browser_signal_ad_cost,
uint16? browser_signal_modeling_signals,
uint8 browser_signal_join_count,
uint8 browser_signal_recency,
url.mojom.Origin browser_signal_seller_origin,
url.mojom.Origin? browser_signal_top_level_seller_origin,
uint32 bidding_signals_data_version,
bool has_bidding_signals_data_version,
uint64 trace_id) => (
url.mojom.Url? report_url,
map<string, url.mojom.Url> ad_beacon_map,
array<PrivateAggregationRequest> pa_requests,
array<string> errors);
// Establishes a debugger connection to the worklet.
pending_associated_receiver<blink.mojom.DevToolsAgent> agent);