blob: a6532b8e209afedbab2c65756d1690a0a18e7b82 [file] [log] [blame]
[['color'\] = "color-mix(in hwb decreasing hue, hwb(20deg 30% 40%), hwb(320deg 30% 40%))" should set the property value]
expected: FAIL
[['color'\] = "color-mix(in hwb decreasing hue, hwb(320deg 30% 40%), hwb(20deg 30% 40%))" should set the property value]
expected: FAIL
[['color'\] = "color-mix(in hwb increasing hue, hwb(20deg 30% 40%), hwb(320deg 30% 40%))" should set the property value]
expected: FAIL
[['color'\] = "color-mix(in hwb increasing hue, hwb(320deg 30% 40%), hwb(20deg 30% 40%))" should set the property value]
expected: FAIL
[['color'\] = "color-mix(in hwb longer hue, hwb(20deg 30% 40%), hwb(320deg 30% 40%))" should set the property value]
expected: FAIL
[['color'\] = "color-mix(in hwb longer hue, hwb(320deg 30% 40%), hwb(20deg 30% 40%))" should set the property value]
expected: FAIL
[['color'\] = "color-mix(in hwb shorter hue, hwb(20deg 30% 40%), hwb(320deg 30% 40%))" should set the property value]
expected: FAIL
[['color'\] = "color-mix(in hwb shorter hue, hwb(320deg 30% 40%), hwb(20deg 30% 40%))" should set the property value]
expected: FAIL
[['color'\] = "color-mix(in hwb, hwb(20deg 30% 40%), hwb(320deg 30% 40%))" should set the property value]
expected: FAIL
[['color'\] = "color-mix(in hwb, hwb(320deg 30% 40%), hwb(20deg 30% 40%))" should set the property value]
expected: FAIL