blob: 1b67d3325ad8ce67fbd72b21b78535825eb7186a [file] [log] [blame]
# mypy: allow-untyped-defs
import collections
import json
from typing import ClassVar, DefaultDict, Type
class WebDriverException(Exception):
# The status_code class variable is used to map the JSON Error Code (see
# to a WebDriverException subclass.
# However, http_status need not match, and both are set as instance
# variables, shadowing the class variables. TODO: Match on both http_status
# and status_code and let these be class variables only.
http_status = None # type: ClassVar[int]
status_code = None # type: ClassVar[str]
def __init__(self, http_status=None, status_code=None, message=None, stacktrace=None):
if http_status is not None:
self.http_status = http_status
if status_code is not None:
self.status_code = status_code
self.message = message
self.stacktrace = stacktrace
def __repr__(self):
return f"<{self.__class__.__name__} http_status={self.http_status}>"
def __str__(self):
message = f"{self.status_code} ({self.http_status})"
if self.message is not None:
message += ": %s" % self.message
message += "\n"
if self.stacktrace:
message += ("\nRemote-end stacktrace:\n\n%s" % self.stacktrace)
return message
class DetachedShadowRootException(WebDriverException):
http_status = 404
status_code = "detached shadow root"
class ElementClickInterceptedException(WebDriverException):
http_status = 400
status_code = "element click intercepted"
class ElementNotSelectableException(WebDriverException):
http_status = 400
status_code = "element not selectable"
class ElementNotVisibleException(WebDriverException):
http_status = 400
status_code = "element not visible"
class InsecureCertificateException(WebDriverException):
http_status = 400
status_code = "insecure certificate"
class InvalidArgumentException(WebDriverException):
http_status = 400
status_code = "invalid argument"
class InvalidCookieDomainException(WebDriverException):
http_status = 400
status_code = "invalid cookie domain"
class InvalidElementCoordinatesException(WebDriverException):
http_status = 400
status_code = "invalid element coordinates"
class InvalidElementStateException(WebDriverException):
http_status = 400
status_code = "invalid element state"
class InvalidSelectorException(WebDriverException):
http_status = 400
status_code = "invalid selector"
class InvalidSessionIdException(WebDriverException):
http_status = 404
status_code = "invalid session id"
class JavascriptErrorException(WebDriverException):
http_status = 500
status_code = "javascript error"
class MoveTargetOutOfBoundsException(WebDriverException):
http_status = 500
status_code = "move target out of bounds"
class NoSuchAlertException(WebDriverException):
http_status = 404
status_code = "no such alert"
class NoSuchCookieException(WebDriverException):
http_status = 404
status_code = "no such cookie"
class NoSuchElementException(WebDriverException):
http_status = 404
status_code = "no such element"
class NoSuchFrameException(WebDriverException):
http_status = 404
status_code = "no such frame"
class NoSuchShadowRootException(WebDriverException):
http_status = 404
status_code = "no such shadow root"
class NoSuchWindowException(WebDriverException):
http_status = 404
status_code = "no such window"
class ScriptTimeoutException(WebDriverException):
http_status = 500
status_code = "script timeout"
class SessionNotCreatedException(WebDriverException):
http_status = 500
status_code = "session not created"
class StaleElementReferenceException(WebDriverException):
http_status = 404
status_code = "stale element reference"
class TimeoutException(WebDriverException):
http_status = 500
status_code = "timeout"
class UnableToSetCookieException(WebDriverException):
http_status = 500
status_code = "unable to set cookie"
class UnexpectedAlertOpenException(WebDriverException):
http_status = 500
status_code = "unexpected alert open"
class UnknownErrorException(WebDriverException):
http_status = 500
status_code = "unknown error"
class UnknownCommandException(WebDriverException):
http_status = 404
status_code = "unknown command"
class UnknownMethodException(WebDriverException):
http_status = 405
status_code = "unknown method"
class UnsupportedOperationException(WebDriverException):
http_status = 500
status_code = "unsupported operation"
def from_response(response):
Unmarshals an error from a ``Response``'s `body`, failing
if not all three required `error`, `message`, and `stacktrace`
fields are given. Defaults to ``WebDriverException`` if `error`
is unknown.
if response.status == 200:
raise UnknownErrorException(
"Response is not an error:\n"
"%s" % json.dumps(response.body))
if "value" in response.body:
value = response.body["value"]
raise UnknownErrorException(
"Expected 'value' key in response body:\n"
"%s" % json.dumps(response.body))
# all fields must exist, but stacktrace can be an empty string
code = value["error"]
message = value["message"]
stack = value["stacktrace"] or None
cls = get(code)
return cls(response.status, code, message, stacktrace=stack)
def get(error_code):
Gets exception from `error_code`, falling back to
``WebDriverException`` if it is not found.
return _errors.get(error_code, WebDriverException)
_errors: DefaultDict[str, Type[WebDriverException]] = collections.defaultdict()
for item in list(locals().values()):
if type(item) == type and issubclass(item, WebDriverException):
_errors[item.status_code] = item