blob: b18c99e3978e45ff0fe8c585e12da72d4aade0b5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! GN build file generation.
use crate::config::{BuildConfig, CrateConfig};
use crate::crates::*;
use crate::deps;
use crate::manifest::CargoPackage;
use crate::paths;
use crate::platforms;
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
use std::convert::From;
use std::fmt::{self, Display, Write};
use std::path::Path;
/// Describes a file for a single crate epoch. Each file may have
/// multiple rules, including:
/// * A :lib target for normal dependents
/// * A :test_support target for first-party testonly dependents
/// * A :cargo_tests_support target for building third-party tests
/// * A :buildrs_support target for third-party build script dependents
/// * Binary targets for crate executables
pub struct BuildFile {
pub rules: Vec<(String, Rule)>,
impl BuildFile {
/// Return a `fmt::Display` instance for the build file. Formatting this
/// will write an entire valid file.
pub fn display(&self) -> impl '_ + fmt::Display {
BuildFileFormatter { build_file: self, with_preamble: true }
pub fn display_no_preamble(&self) -> impl '_ + fmt::Display {
BuildFileFormatter { build_file: self, with_preamble: false }
pub struct RuleCommon {
pub testonly: bool,
/// Controls the visibility constraint on the GN target. If this is true, no
/// visibility constraint is generated. If false, it's defined so that only
/// other third party Rust crates can depend on this target.
pub public_visibility: bool,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)]
pub struct RuleConcrete {
pub crate_name: Option<String>,
pub epoch: Option<Epoch>,
pub crate_type: String,
pub crate_root: String,
pub no_std: bool,
pub edition: String,
pub cargo_pkg_version: String,
pub cargo_pkg_authors: Option<String>,
pub cargo_pkg_name: String,
pub cargo_pkg_description: Option<String>,
pub add_library_configs: Vec<String>,
pub remove_library_configs: Vec<String>,
pub add_executable_configs: Vec<String>,
pub remove_executable_configs: Vec<String>,
pub deps: Vec<RuleDep>,
pub dev_deps: Vec<RuleDep>,
pub build_deps: Vec<RuleDep>,
pub aliased_deps: Vec<(String, String)>,
pub features: Vec<String>,
pub build_root: Option<String>,
pub build_script_outputs: Vec<String>,
pub rustc_metadata: Option<String>,
pub rustflags: Vec<String>,
pub rustenv: Vec<String>,
pub output_dir: Option<String>,
pub gn_variables_lib: Option<String>,
/// Describes a single GN build rule for a crate configuration. Each field
/// corresponds directly to a argument to the `cargo_crate()` template defined
/// in build/rust/cargo_crate.gni.
/// For undocumented fields, refer to the docs in the above file.
pub enum Rule {
Concrete {
common: RuleCommon,
details: RuleConcrete,
/// The rule is an alias to a different concrete rule.
Group {
common: RuleCommon,
concrete_target: String,
impl Rule {
pub fn display<'a>(&'a self, name: &'a str) -> impl 'a + fmt::Display {
RuleFormatter { rule: self, name }
/// A (possibly conditional) dependency on another GN rule.
/// Has an `Ord` instance based on an arbitrary ordering of `Condition`s so that
/// `RuleDep`s can be easily grouped by condition. Unconditional dependencies
/// are always ordered first
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
pub struct RuleDep {
cond: Condition,
rule: String,
impl RuleDep {
pub fn construct_for_testing(cond: Condition, rule: String) -> RuleDep {
RuleDep { cond, rule }
/// Generate `BuildFile` descriptions for each third party crate in the
/// dependency graph.
/// * `deps` is the result of dependency resolution from the `deps` module.
/// * `metadata` contains the package metadata for each third party crate.
/// * `build_script_outputs` is the list of files generated by the
/// script for each package.
/// * `deps_visibility` is the visibility for each package, defining if it can
/// be used outside of third-party code and outside of tests.
pub fn build_files_from_chromium_deps<'a, 'b, Iter: IntoIterator<Item = &'a deps::Package>>(
deps: Iter,
paths: &'b paths::ChromiumPaths,
metadata: &HashMap<ChromiumVendoredCrate, CargoPackage>,
build_script_outputs: &HashMap<ChromiumVendoredCrate, Vec<String>>,
deps_visibility: &HashMap<ChromiumVendoredCrate, Visibility>,
gn_variables_libs: &HashMap<ChromiumVendoredCrate, String>,
) -> HashMap<ChromiumVendoredCrate, BuildFile> {
.filter_map(|dep| {
pub fn build_file_from_std_deps<'a, 'b, Iter: IntoIterator<Item = &'a deps::Package>>(
deps: Iter,
paths: &'b paths::ChromiumPaths,
extra_config: &'b BuildConfig,
) -> BuildFile {
let rules =
deps.into_iter().map(|dep| build_rule_from_std_dep(dep, paths, extra_config)).collect();
BuildFile { rules }
pub fn build_rule_from_std_dep(
dep: &deps::Package,
paths: &paths::ChromiumPaths,
extra_config: &BuildConfig,
) -> (String, Rule) {
let lib_target = dep.lib_target.as_ref().expect("dependency had no lib target");
let crate_root_from_src = paths.to_gn_abs_path(&lib_target.root).unwrap();
let normalize_target_name = |package_name: &str| package_name.replace("-", "_");
let cargo_pkg_authors =
if dep.authors.is_empty() { None } else { Some(dep.authors.join(", ")) };
// Used by reference if the provided crate config is empty.
let default_crate_config = Default::default();
let crate_config =
let all_config = &extra_config.all_config;
// Helper macro to iterate over a particular config field: first the
// crate-specific one, then the overall one.
macro_rules! config_field {
($field:ident) => {
do_concat_field(|c| &c.$field, &crate_config, &all_config)
// Collect the set of rustflags for this crate. This is a combination of
// those for the crate specifically, and any overall ones set. Additionally,
// the `cfg` options become flags but we have to format them here.
// This expression is complicated to avoid creating unnecessary clones. We
// only need to clone each String once, and create one new Vec with
// collect() at the end.
let rustflags = config_field!(cfg)
.map(|cfg| format!("--cfg={cfg}"))
let rustenv = config_field!(env).cloned().collect();
let exclude_deps: Vec<String> = config_field!(exclude_deps_in_gn).cloned().collect();
let extra_deps_to_ignore: HashSet<&str> =
config_field!(extra_gn_deps_to_ignore).map(|s| s.as_ref()).collect();
let extra_deps = config_field!(extra_gn_deps)
.filter(|d| !extra_deps_to_ignore.contains(d.as_str()))
.map(|dep| RuleDep { cond: Condition::Always, rule: dep })
let rustc_metadata = config_field!(rustc_metadata).next().cloned();
let remove_library_configs: Vec<String> =
let mut rule = RuleConcrete {
crate_type: "rlib".to_string(),
crate_root: format!("//{crate_root_from_src}"),
no_std: true,
edition: dep.edition.clone(),
cargo_pkg_version: dep.version.to_string(),
cargo_pkg_name: dep.package_name.clone(),
cargo_pkg_description: dep.description.clone(),
add_library_configs: Vec::new(),
remove_library_configs: Vec::new(),
add_executable_configs: Vec::new(),
remove_executable_configs: Vec::new(),
deps: extra_deps,
output_dir: crate_config
.or_else(|| extra_config.all_config.output_dir.clone()),
apply_default_configs(&mut rule);
rule.features = dep
.map(|pki| pki.features.clone())
// Add only normal dependencies: we don't run unit tests, and we don't run
// build scripts (instead manually configuring build flags and env vars).
for dep_of_dep in dep.dependencies.iter().filter(|d| !exclude_deps.contains(&d.package_name)) {
let cond = match &dep_of_dep.platform {
None => Condition::Always,
Some(p) => Condition::If(platform_to_condition(p)),
let target_name = normalize_target_name(&dep_of_dep.package_name);
let dep_rule = format!(":{target_name}");
rule.deps.push(RuleDep { cond, rule: dep_rule });
if target_name != dep_of_dep.use_name {
rule.aliased_deps.push((dep_of_dep.use_name.clone(), format!(":{target_name}__rlib")));
Rule::Concrete {
common: RuleCommon { testonly: false, public_visibility: true },
details: rule,
/// Combine a field from `crate_config` and `all_config`, in order. This can be
/// used to combine config lists, or get the first set `Option<_>` of the two
/// configs.
fn do_concat_field<
T: 'a,
Field: 'a + IntoIterator<Item = T>,
F: Fn(&'a CrateConfig) -> Field,
field_mapper: F,
crate_config: &'a CrateConfig,
all_config: &'a CrateConfig,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = T> {
/// Generate the `BuildFile` for `dep`, or return `None` if no rules would be
/// present.
fn make_build_file_for_chromium_dep(
dep: &deps::Package,
paths: &paths::ChromiumPaths,
metadata: &HashMap<ChromiumVendoredCrate, CargoPackage>,
build_script_outputs: &HashMap<ChromiumVendoredCrate, Vec<String>>,
deps_visibility: &HashMap<ChromiumVendoredCrate, Visibility>,
gn_variables_libs: &HashMap<ChromiumVendoredCrate, String>,
) -> Option<(ChromiumVendoredCrate, BuildFile)> {
let third_party_path_str = paths.third_party.to_str().unwrap();
let crate_id = dep.third_party_crate_id();
let crate_abs_path = paths.root.join(paths.third_party.join(crate_id.build_path()));
let to_gn_path = |abs_path: &Path| {
let package_metadata = metadata.get(&crate_id).unwrap();
let cargo_pkg_description = package_metadata.description.clone();
let cargo_pkg_authors = if package_metadata.authors.is_empty() {
} else {
Some(package_metadata.authors.join(", "))
// Template for all the rules in a build file. Several fields are
// the same for all a package's rules.
let mut rule_template = RuleConcrete {
edition: package_metadata.edition.0.clone(),
cargo_pkg_version: package_metadata.version.to_string(),
cargo_pkg_authors: cargo_pkg_authors,
build_root: dep.build_script.as_ref().map(|p| to_gn_path(p.as_path())),
build_script_outputs: build_script_outputs.get(&crate_id).cloned().unwrap_or_default(),
apply_default_configs(&mut rule_template);
// Enumerate the dependencies of each kind for the package.
// TODO( If this target itself was a ":cargo_tests_support"
// then it should only depend on other ":cargo_tests_support" targets. We
// should also define a group("cargo_tests_support") that points to ":lib"
// if there is no Development library rule definition.
for (target_name, gn_deps, cargo_deps) in [
("lib", &mut rule_template.deps, &dep.dependencies),
("cargo_tests_support", &mut rule_template.dev_deps, &dep.dev_dependencies),
("buildrs_support", &mut rule_template.build_deps, &dep.build_dependencies),
] {
for dep_of_dep in cargo_deps {
let cond = match &dep_of_dep.platform {
None => Condition::Always,
Some(p) => Condition::If(platform_to_condition(p)),
let crate_id = dep_of_dep.third_party_crate_id();
let normalized_name = crate_id.normalized_name();
let dep_use_name = dep_of_dep.use_name.as_str();
let epoch = crate_id.epoch;
let rule = format!("//{third_party_path_str}/{normalized_name}/{epoch}:{target_name}");
if dep_use_name != normalized_name.as_str() {
// The package renamed this dep in its manifest. Specify this in
// the GN target. Note the `__rlib` suffix: GN's built-in
// `aliased_deps` argument refers to GN `rust_library` targets.
// Meanwhile we use a GN template wrapper around these targets;
// the inner `rust_library` name has this suffix. So
// unfortunately we must leak an implementation detail here.
// TODO( handle alias conflicts between
// different dependency kinds
.push((dep_use_name.to_string(), format!("{rule}__rlib")));
gn_deps.push(RuleDep { cond, rule });
let mut rules: Vec<(String, Rule)> = Vec::new();
// Generate rules for each binary the package provides.
for bin_target in &dep.bin_targets {
let mut bin_rule = rule_template.clone();
bin_rule.crate_type = "bin".to_string();
bin_rule.crate_root = to_gn_path(bin_target.root.as_path());
bin_rule.features = match dep.dependency_kinds.get(&deps::DependencyKind::Normal) {
Some(per_kind_info) => per_kind_info.features.clone(),
// As a hack, fill in empty feature set. This happens
// because binary-only workspace members aren't the target
// of any edge in the dependency graph: so, they have no
// requested features.
// TODO( find a way to specify features
// for these deps in third_party.toml.
None => Vec::new(),
if dep.lib_target.is_some() {
bin_rule.deps.push(RuleDep { cond: Condition::Always, rule: ":lib".to_string() });
Rule::Concrete {
common: RuleCommon { testonly: false, public_visibility: true },
details: bin_rule,
// Generate the rule for the main library target, if it exists.
// TODO( We should also define a group("cargo_tests_support")
// that points to ":lib" if there is no Development library rule definition
// so that other ":cargo_tests_support" rules are simpler and can always
// depend on that target name.
if let Some(lib_target) = &dep.lib_target {
use deps::DependencyKind::*;
// Generate the rules for each dependency kind. We use a stable
// order instead of the hashmap iteration order.
for dep_kind in [Normal, Build, Development] {
let per_kind_info = match dep.dependency_kinds.get(&dep_kind) {
Some(x) => x,
None => continue,
let lib_rule_name = match dep_kind {
deps::DependencyKind::Normal => "lib",
deps::DependencyKind::Development => "cargo_tests_support",
deps::DependencyKind::Build => "buildrs_support",
_ => unreachable!(),
let mut lib_details = rule_template.clone();
lib_details.crate_name = Some(crate_id.normalized_name().to_string());
lib_details.epoch = Some(crate_id.epoch);
lib_details.crate_type = lib_target.lib_type.to_string();
lib_details.crate_root = to_gn_path(lib_target.root.as_path());
lib_details.features = per_kind_info.features.clone();
lib_details.gn_variables_lib = gn_variables_libs.get(&crate_id).cloned();
let testonly = dep_kind == deps::DependencyKind::Development;
let visibility =
let lib_rule = Rule::Concrete {
common: RuleCommon {
public_visibility: match visibility {
Visibility::Public => true,
Visibility::ThirdParty | Visibility::TestOnlyAndThirdParty => false,
details: lib_details,
rules.push((lib_rule_name.clone(), lib_rule));
// If first-party tests should be able to use the dependency, but it's only
// visible to third-party we need to provide a ":test_support"
// target for the tests to use.
if dep_kind == Normal && visibility == Visibility::TestOnlyAndThirdParty {
let test_support_rule = Rule::Group {
common: RuleCommon { testonly: true, public_visibility: true },
concrete_target: lib_rule_name,
rules.push(("test_support".to_string(), test_support_rule));
if rules.is_empty() { None } else { Some((crate_id, BuildFile { rules })) }
fn apply_default_configs(rule: &mut RuleConcrete) {
// Hard-code these for now. They should be moved into a configuration file
// later.
let chromium_code = "//build/config/compiler:chromium_code";
let no_chromium_code = "//build/config/compiler:no_chromium_code";
/// `BuildFile` wrapper with a `Display` impl. Displays the `BuildFile` as a GN
/// file.
struct BuildFileFormatter<'a> {
build_file: &'a BuildFile,
with_preamble: bool,
impl<'a> fmt::Display for BuildFileFormatter<'a> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
write_build_file(f, self.build_file, self.with_preamble)
fn write_build_file<W: Write>(
mut writer: W,
build_file: &BuildFile,
with_preamble: bool,
) -> fmt::Result {
if with_preamble {
writeln!(writer, "{COPYRIGHT_HEADER}\n")?;
writeln!(writer, r#"import("//build/rust/cargo_crate.gni")"#)?;
writeln!(writer, "")?;
for (name, rule) in &build_file.rules {
// Don't use writeln!, each rule adds a trailing newline.
write!(writer, "{}", RuleFormatter { rule: &rule, name: &name })?;
/// `Rule` wrapper with a `Display` impl. Displays the `Rule` as a GN rule.
struct RuleFormatter<'a> {
rule: &'a Rule,
name: &'a str,
impl<'a> fmt::Display for RuleFormatter<'a> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
match self.rule {
Rule::Concrete { common, details } => write_concrete(f, &, common, details),
Rule::Group { common, concrete_target } => {
write_group(f, &, common, concrete_target)
fn write_concrete<W: Write>(
mut writer: W,
name: &str,
common: &RuleCommon,
details: &RuleConcrete,
) -> fmt::Result {
writeln!(writer, "cargo_crate(\"{name}\") {{")?;
if let Some(name) = &details.crate_name {
writeln!(writer, "crate_name = \"{name}\"")?;
if let Some(epoch) = details.epoch {
writeln!(writer, "epoch = \"{}\"", epoch.to_version_string())?;
writeln!(writer, "crate_type = \"{}\"", details.crate_type)?;
if common.testonly {
writeln!(writer, "testonly = true")?;
if !common.public_visibility {
writeln!(writer, "\n{VISIBILITY_CONSTRAINT}")?;
writeln!(writer, "crate_root = \"{}\"", details.crate_root)?;
if details.no_std {
writeln!(writer, "no_std = true")?;
// TODO( actually support unit test generation.
writeln!(writer, "\n# Unit tests skipped. Generate with --with-tests to include them.")?;
writeln!(writer, "build_native_rust_unit_tests = false")?;
writeln!(writer, "sources = [ \"{}\" ]", details.crate_root)?;
writeln!(writer, "edition = \"{}\"", details.edition)?;
writeln!(writer, "cargo_pkg_version = \"{}\"", details.cargo_pkg_version)?;
if let Some(authors) = &details.cargo_pkg_authors {
writeln!(writer, "cargo_pkg_authors = \"{}\"", escaped(authors))?;
writeln!(writer, "cargo_pkg_name = \"{}\"", details.cargo_pkg_name)?;
if let Some(description) = &details.cargo_pkg_description {
// Use trim_end() to remove the trailing newline, which unattractively
// comes out as a space. escaped() can't do this because its internal
// Write implementation does not know where the end of input will be.
writeln!(writer, "cargo_pkg_description = \"{}\"", escaped(description.trim_end()))?;
if !details.remove_library_configs.is_empty() {
write!(writer, "library_configs -= ")?;
write_list(&mut writer, &details.remove_library_configs)?;
if !details.add_library_configs.is_empty() {
write!(writer, "library_configs += ")?;
write_list(&mut writer, &details.add_library_configs)?;
if !details.remove_executable_configs.is_empty() {
write!(writer, "executable_configs -= ")?;
write_list(&mut writer, &details.remove_executable_configs)?;
if !details.add_executable_configs.is_empty() {
write!(writer, "executable_configs += ")?;
write_list(&mut writer, &details.add_executable_configs)?;
if !details.deps.is_empty() {
write_deps(&mut writer, "deps", details.deps.clone())?;
if !details.build_deps.is_empty() {
write_deps(&mut writer, "build_deps", details.build_deps.clone())?;
if !details.aliased_deps.is_empty() {
write!(writer, "aliased_deps = ")?;
write_set(&mut writer, details.aliased_deps.iter().map(|(a, b)| (a.as_str(), b.as_str())))?;
if !details.features.is_empty() {
write!(writer, "features = ")?;
write_list(&mut writer, &details.features)?;
if let Some(build_root) = &details.build_root {
writeln!(writer, "build_root = \"{build_root}\"")?;
writeln!(writer, "build_sources = [ \"{build_root}\" ]")?;
if !details.build_script_outputs.is_empty() {
write!(writer, "build_script_outputs = ")?;
write_list(&mut writer, &details.build_script_outputs)?;
if let Some(meta) = &details.rustc_metadata {
writeln!(writer, "rustc_metadata = \"{meta}\"")?;
if !details.rustenv.is_empty() {
write!(writer, "rustenv = ")?;
write_list(&mut writer, &details.rustenv)?;
if !details.rustflags.is_empty() {
write!(writer, "rustflags = ")?;
write_list(&mut writer, &details.rustflags)?;
if let Some(output_dir) = &details.output_dir {
writeln!(writer, "output_dir = \"{output_dir}\"")?;
if let Some(raw_gn) = &details.gn_variables_lib {
writeln!(writer, "{}", raw_gn)?;
writeln!(writer, "}}")
fn write_group<W: Write>(
mut writer: W,
name: &str,
common: &RuleCommon,
concrete_target: &str,
) -> fmt::Result {
writeln!(writer, "group(\"{name}\") {{")?;
writeln!(writer, "public_deps = [ \":{concrete_target}\" ]")?;
if common.testonly {
writeln!(writer, "testonly = true")?;
if !common.public_visibility {
writeln!(writer, "\n{VISIBILITY_CONSTRAINT}")?;
writeln!(writer, "}}")
fn write_deps<W: Write>(mut writer: W, kind: &str, mut deps: Vec<RuleDep>) -> fmt::Result {
// Group dependencies by platform condition via sorting.
// Get the index of the first non-conditional dependency. This may be 0.
let unconditional_end = deps.partition_point(|dep| dep.cond == Condition::Always);
// Write the unconditional deps. Or, if there are none, but there are
// conditional deps, write "deps = []".
if !deps.is_empty() {
write!(writer, "{kind} = ")?;
write_list(&mut writer, deps[..unconditional_end].iter().map(|dep| &dep.rule))?;
// Loop through the groups of deps by condition, writing the lists wrapped
// in "if (<cond>) { }" blocks.
let mut tail = &deps[unconditional_end..];
while !tail.is_empty() {
let RuleDep { cond: group_cond, rule: _ } = &tail[0];
let cond_end = tail.partition_point(|dep| dep.cond == *group_cond);
let group = &tail[..cond_end];
let if_expr = match group_cond {
Condition::Always => unreachable!(),
Condition::If(string) => string,
write!(writer, "if ({if_expr}) {{\n{kind} += ")?;
write_list(&mut writer, group.iter().map(|dep| &dep.rule))?;
writeln!(writer, "}}")?;
tail = &tail[cond_end..];
fn write_list<W: Write, T: fmt::Display, I: IntoIterator<Item = T>>(
mut writer: W,
items: I,
) -> fmt::Result {
writeln!(writer, "[")?;
for item in items.into_iter() {
writeln!(writer, r#""{}","#, escaped(item))?;
writeln!(writer, "]")
fn write_set<W: Write, T: fmt::Display, U: fmt::Display, I: IntoIterator<Item = (T, U)>>(
mut writer: W,
items: I,
) -> fmt::Result {
writeln!(writer, "{{")?;
for (left, right) in items.into_iter() {
writeln!(writer, r#"{left} = "{}""#, escaped(right))?;
writeln!(writer, "}}")
/// Wraps a `Display`-able type with another `Display` implementation that
/// escapes all characters according to GN string rules.
/// Note that it does not escape '$', since we want to use GN "$var" syntax in
/// some cases. Also due to an apparent bug in GN's output to Ninja files, we
/// replace newlines with spaces.
/// See
fn escaped<T: Display>(x: T) -> impl Display {
pub fn escaped_for_testing<T: Display>(x: T) -> impl Display {
struct Escaped<T>(T);
impl<T: Display> Display for Escaped<T> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
write!(EscapedWriter(f), "{}", self.0)
struct EscapedWriter<W>(W);
impl<W: Write> Write for EscapedWriter<W> {
fn write_str(&mut self, s: &str) -> fmt::Result {
s.chars().try_for_each(|c| self.write_char(c))
fn write_char(&mut self, c: char) -> fmt::Result {
match c {
// Note: we don't escape '$' here because we sometimes want to use
// $var syntax.
c @ ('"' | '\\') => write!(self.0, "\\{c}"),
// GN strings can encode literal ASCII with "$0x<hex_code>" syntax,
// so we could embed newlines with "$0x0A". However, GN seems to
// escape these incorrectly in its Ninja output so we just replace
// it with a space.
'\n' => self.0.write_char(' '),
c => self.0.write_char(c),
/// Describes a condition for some GN declaration.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
pub enum Condition {
/// The associated GN declarations are unconditional: they will not be
/// wrapped in an if condition.
/// The association GN declaration is wrapped in an if condition. The
/// string is the conditional expression.
impl Condition {
/// Get the conditional expression, or `None` if it's unconditional.
pub fn get_if(&self) -> Option<&str> {
match self {
Condition::If(cond) => Some(cond),
_ => None,
impl From<platforms::PlatformSet> for Condition {
fn from(platform_set: platforms::PlatformSet) -> Self {
let platforms = match platform_set {
platforms::PlatformSet::All => return Condition::Always,
platforms::PlatformSet::Platforms(platforms) => platforms,
.map(|platform| format!("({})", platform_to_condition(platform)))
.join(" || "),
/// Map a cargo `Platform` constraint to a GN conditional expression.
pub fn platform_to_condition(platform: &platforms::Platform) -> String {
match platform {
platforms::Platform::Name(triple) => triple_to_condition(triple).to_string(),
platforms::Platform::Cfg(cfg_expr) => cfg_expr_to_condition(cfg_expr),
pub fn cfg_expr_to_condition(cfg_expr: &cargo_platform::CfgExpr) -> String {
match cfg_expr {
cargo_platform::CfgExpr::Not(expr) => {
format!("!({})", cfg_expr_to_condition(&expr))
cargo_platform::CfgExpr::All(exprs) => exprs
.map(|expr| format!("({})", cfg_expr_to_condition(expr)))
.join(" && "),
cargo_platform::CfgExpr::Any(exprs) => exprs
.map(|expr| format!("({})", cfg_expr_to_condition(expr)))
.join(" || "),
cargo_platform::CfgExpr::Value(cfg) => cfg_to_condition(cfg),
pub fn cfg_to_condition(cfg: &cargo_platform::Cfg) -> String {
match cfg {
cargo_platform::Cfg::Name(name) => match name.as_str() {
// Note that while Fuchsia is not a unix, rustc sets the unix cfg
// anyway. We must be consistent with rustc. This may change with
"unix" => "!is_win",
"windows" => "is_win",
_ => unreachable!(),
cargo_platform::Cfg::KeyPair(key, value) => {
assert_eq!(key, "target_os");
fn triple_to_condition(triple: &str) -> &'static str {
for (t, c) in TRIPLE_TO_GN_CONDITION {
if *t == triple {
return c;
panic!("target triple {triple} not found")
fn target_os_to_condition(target_os: &str) -> &'static str {
if *t == target_os {
return c;
panic!("target os {target_os} not found")
static TRIPLE_TO_GN_CONDITION: &'static [(&'static str, &'static str)] = &[
("i686-linux-android", "is_android && target_cpu == \"x86\""),
("x86_64-linux-android", "is_android && target_cpu == \"x64\""),
("armv7-linux-android", "is_android && target_cpu == \"arm\""),
("aarch64-linux-android", "is_android && target_cpu == \"arm64\""),
("aarch64-fuchsia", "is_fuchsia && target_cpu == \"arm64\""),
("x86_64-fuchsia", "is_fuchsia && target_cpu == \"x64\""),
("aarch64-apple-ios", "is_ios && target_cpu == \"arm64\""),
("armv7-apple-ios", "is_ios && target_cpu == \"arm\""),
("x86_64-apple-ios", "is_ios && target_cpu == \"x64\""),
("i386-apple-ios", "is_ios && target_cpu == \"x86\""),
("i686-pc-windows-msvc", "is_win && target_cpu == \"x86\""),
("x86_64-pc-windows-msvc", "is_win && target_cpu == \"x64\""),
("i686-unknown-linux-gnu", "(is_linux || is_chromeos) && target_cpu == \"x86\""),
("x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu", "(is_linux || is_chromeos) && target_cpu == \"x64\""),
("x86_64-apple-darwin", "is_mac && target_cpu == \"x64\""),
("aarch64-apple-darwin", "is_mac && target_cpu == \"arm64\""),
static TARGET_OS_TO_GN_CONDITION: &'static [(&'static str, &'static str)] = &[
("android", "is_android"),
("darwin", "is_mac"),
("fuchsia", "is_fuchsia"),
("ios", "is_ios"),
("linux", "is_linux || is_chromeos"),
("windows", "is_win"),
static COPYRIGHT_HEADER: &'static str = "# Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.";
static VISIBILITY_CONSTRAINT: &'static str =
"# Only for usage from third-party crates. Add the crate to
# third_party.toml to use it from first-party code.
visibility = [ \"//third_party/rust/*\" ]";