blob: b22754b27491a1e6c2d8f54b9b1b795e70db6251 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "web/RemoteFrameClientImpl.h"
#include "core/events/KeyboardEvent.h"
#include "core/events/MouseEvent.h"
#include "core/events/WheelEvent.h"
#include "core/frame/RemoteFrame.h"
#include "core/frame/RemoteFrameView.h"
#include "core/layout/LayoutPart.h"
#include "core/layout/api/LayoutItem.h"
#include "platform/exported/WrappedResourceRequest.h"
#include "platform/weborigin/SecurityOrigin.h"
#include "platform/weborigin/SecurityPolicy.h"
#include "public/web/WebRemoteFrameClient.h"
#include "web/WebInputEventConversion.h"
#include "web/WebLocalFrameImpl.h"
#include "web/WebRemoteFrameImpl.h"
#include "wtf/PtrUtil.h"
#include <memory>
namespace blink {
namespace {
// Convenience helper for frame tree helpers in FrameClient to reduce the amount
// of null-checking boilerplate code. Since the frame tree is maintained in the
// web/ layer, the frame tree helpers often have to deal with null WebFrames:
// for example, a frame with no parent will return null for WebFrame::parent().
// TODO(dcheng): Remove duplication between FrameLoaderClientImpl and
// RemoteFrameClientImpl somehow...
Frame* toCoreFrame(WebFrame* frame)
return frame ? frame->toImplBase()->frame() : nullptr;
} // namespace
RemoteFrameClientImpl::RemoteFrameClientImpl(WebRemoteFrameImpl* webFrame)
: m_webFrame(webFrame)
RemoteFrameClientImpl* RemoteFrameClientImpl::create(WebRemoteFrameImpl* webFrame)
return new RemoteFrameClientImpl(webFrame);
bool RemoteFrameClientImpl::inShadowTree() const
return m_webFrame->inShadowTree();
void RemoteFrameClientImpl::willBeDetached()
void RemoteFrameClientImpl::detached(FrameDetachType type)
// Alert the client that the frame is being detached.
WebRemoteFrameClient* client = m_webFrame->client();
if (!client)
// Clear our reference to RemoteFrame at the very end, in case the client
// refers to it.
Frame* RemoteFrameClientImpl::opener() const
return toCoreFrame(m_webFrame->opener());
void RemoteFrameClientImpl::setOpener(Frame* opener)
WebFrame* openerFrame = WebFrame::fromFrame(opener);
if (m_webFrame->client() && m_webFrame->opener() != openerFrame)
Frame* RemoteFrameClientImpl::parent() const
return toCoreFrame(m_webFrame->parent());
Frame* RemoteFrameClientImpl::top() const
return toCoreFrame(m_webFrame->top());
Frame* RemoteFrameClientImpl::previousSibling() const
return toCoreFrame(m_webFrame->previousSibling());
Frame* RemoteFrameClientImpl::nextSibling() const
return toCoreFrame(m_webFrame->nextSibling());
Frame* RemoteFrameClientImpl::firstChild() const
return toCoreFrame(m_webFrame->firstChild());
Frame* RemoteFrameClientImpl::lastChild() const
return toCoreFrame(m_webFrame->lastChild());
void RemoteFrameClientImpl::frameFocused() const
if (m_webFrame->client())
void RemoteFrameClientImpl::navigate(const ResourceRequest& request, bool shouldReplaceCurrentEntry)
if (m_webFrame->client())
m_webFrame->client()->navigate(WrappedResourceRequest(request), shouldReplaceCurrentEntry);
void RemoteFrameClientImpl::reload(FrameLoadType loadType, ClientRedirectPolicy clientRedirectPolicy)
ASSERT(loadType == FrameLoadTypeReload || loadType == FrameLoadTypeReloadBypassingCache);
if (m_webFrame->client())
m_webFrame->client()->reload(static_cast<WebFrameLoadType>(loadType), static_cast<WebClientRedirectPolicy>(clientRedirectPolicy));
unsigned RemoteFrameClientImpl::backForwardLength()
// TODO(creis,japhet): This method should return the real value for the
// session history length. For now, return static value for the initial
// navigation and the subsequent one moving the frame out-of-process.
// See
return 2;
void RemoteFrameClientImpl::forwardPostMessage(
MessageEvent* event, PassRefPtr<SecurityOrigin> target, LocalFrame* sourceFrame) const
if (m_webFrame->client())
m_webFrame->client()->forwardPostMessage(WebLocalFrameImpl::fromFrame(sourceFrame), m_webFrame, WebSecurityOrigin(target), WebDOMMessageEvent(event));
// FIXME: Remove this code once we have input routing in the browser
// process. See
void RemoteFrameClientImpl::forwardInputEvent(Event* event)
// It is possible for a platform event to cause the remote iframe element
// to be hidden, which destroys the layout object (for instance, a mouse
// event that moves between elements will trigger a mouseout on the old
// element, which might hide the new element). In that case we do not
// forward. This is divergent behavior from local frames, where the
// content of the frame can receive events even after the frame is hidden.
// We might need to revisit this after browser hit testing is fully
// implemented, since this code path will need to be removed or refactored
// anyway.
// See
if (!m_webFrame->toImplBase()->frame()->ownerLayoutObject())
// This is only called when we have out-of-process iframes, which
// need to forward input events across processes.
// FIXME: Add a check for out-of-process iframes enabled.
std::unique_ptr<WebInputEvent> webEvent;
if (event->isKeyboardEvent())
webEvent = wrapUnique(new WebKeyboardEventBuilder(*static_cast<KeyboardEvent*>(event)));
else if (event->isMouseEvent())
webEvent = wrapUnique(new WebMouseEventBuilder(m_webFrame->frame()->view(), LayoutItem(m_webFrame->toImplBase()->frame()->ownerLayoutObject()), *static_cast<MouseEvent*>(event)));
// Other or internal Blink events should not be forwarded.
if (!webEvent || webEvent->type == WebInputEvent::Undefined)
void RemoteFrameClientImpl::frameRectsChanged(const IntRect& frameRect)
void RemoteFrameClientImpl::advanceFocus(WebFocusType type, LocalFrame* source)
m_webFrame->client()->advanceFocus(type, WebLocalFrameImpl::fromFrame(source));
void RemoteFrameClientImpl::visibilityChanged(bool visible)
} // namespace blink