blob: af9990b72e008c3382506701b33da290b1ec5ecb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found
// in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef WebViewFrameWidget_h
#define WebViewFrameWidget_h
#include "platform/heap/Handle.h"
#include "public/web/WebFrameWidget.h"
#include "wtf/Noncopyable.h"
#include "wtf/RefPtr.h"
namespace blink {
class WebLocalFrameImpl;
class WebViewImpl;
class WebWidgetClient;
// Shim class to help normalize the widget interfaces in the Blink public API.
// For OOPI, subframes have WebFrameWidgets for input and rendering.
// Unfortunately, the main frame still uses WebView's WebWidget for input and
// rendering. This results in complex code, since there are two different
// implementations of WebWidget and code needs to have branches to handle both
// cases.
// This class allows a Blink embedder to create a WebFrameWidget that can be
// used for the main frame. Internally, it currently wraps WebView's WebWidget
// and just forwards almost everything to it.
// After the embedder starts using a WebFrameWidget for the main frame,
// WebView will be updated to no longer inherit WebWidget. The eventual goal is
// to unfork the widget code duplicated in WebFrameWidgetImpl and WebViewImpl
// into one class.
// A more detailed writeup of this transition can be read at
class WebViewFrameWidget : public WebFrameWidget {
explicit WebViewFrameWidget(WebWidgetClient*, WebViewImpl&, WebLocalFrameImpl&);
virtual ~WebViewFrameWidget();
// WebFrameWidget overrides:
void close() override;
WebSize size() override;
void resize(const WebSize&) override;
void resizeVisualViewport(const WebSize&) override;
void didEnterFullScreen() override;
void didExitFullScreen() override;
void beginFrame(double lastFrameTimeMonotonic) override;
void updateAllLifecyclePhases() override;
void paint(WebCanvas*, const WebRect& viewPort) override;
void layoutAndPaintAsync(WebLayoutAndPaintAsyncCallback*) override;
void compositeAndReadbackAsync(WebCompositeAndReadbackAsyncCallback*) override;
void themeChanged() override;
WebInputEventResult handleInputEvent(const WebInputEvent&) override;
void setCursorVisibilityState(bool isVisible) override;
bool hasTouchEventHandlersAt(const WebPoint&) override;
void applyViewportDeltas(
const WebFloatSize& visualViewportDelta,
const WebFloatSize& layoutViewportDelta,
const WebFloatSize& elasticOverscrollDelta,
float scaleFactor,
float topControlsShownRatioDelta) override;
void mouseCaptureLost() override;
void setFocus(bool) override;
bool setComposition(
const WebString& text,
const WebVector<WebCompositionUnderline>& underlines,
int selectionStart,
int selectionEnd) override;
bool confirmComposition() override;
bool confirmComposition(ConfirmCompositionBehavior selectionBehavior) override;
bool confirmComposition(const WebString& text) override;
bool compositionRange(size_t* location, size_t* length) override;
WebTextInputInfo textInputInfo() override;
WebTextInputType textInputType() override;
bool selectionBounds(WebRect& anchor, WebRect& focus) const override;
bool selectionTextDirection(WebTextDirection& start, WebTextDirection& end) const override;
bool isSelectionAnchorFirst() const override;
bool caretOrSelectionRange(size_t* location, size_t* length) override;
void setTextDirection(WebTextDirection) override;
bool isAcceleratedCompositingActive() const override;
bool isWebView() const override { return false; }
bool isPagePopup() const override { return false; }
void willCloseLayerTreeView() override;
void didAcquirePointerLock() override;
void didNotAcquirePointerLock() override;
void didLosePointerLock() override;
void didChangeWindowResizerRect() override;
WebColor backgroundColor() const override;
WebPagePopup* pagePopup() const override;
void updateTopControlsState(WebTopControlsState constraints, WebTopControlsState current, bool animate) override;
void setVisibilityState(WebPageVisibilityState, bool isInitialState) override;
bool isTransparent() const override;
void setIsTransparent(bool) override;
void setBaseBackgroundColor(WebColor) override;
bool forSubframe() const { return false; }
void scheduleAnimation() override;
CompositorProxyClient* createCompositorProxyClient() override;
WebWidgetClient* client() const override { return m_client; }
WebWidgetClient* m_client;
RefPtr<WebViewImpl> m_webView;
Persistent<WebLocalFrameImpl> m_mainFrame;
} // namespace blink
#endif // WebViewFrameWidget_h