blob: 8c9b3cf4eb5259874234016164542168051fc673 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file contains the Search autocomplete provider. This provider is
// responsible for all autocomplete entries that start with "Search <engine>
// for ...", including searching for the current input string, search
// history, and search suggestions. An instance of it gets created and
// managed by the autocomplete controller.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/scoped_observer.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "components/omnibox/browser/answers_cache.h"
#include "components/omnibox/browser/base_search_provider.h"
#include "components/search_engines/template_url.h"
#include "components/search_engines/template_url_service_observer.h"
#include "third_party/metrics_proto/omnibox_input_type.pb.h"
class AutocompleteProviderClient;
class AutocompleteProviderListener;
class AutocompleteResult;
class SearchProviderTest;
class TemplateURLService;
namespace history {
struct KeywordSearchTermVisit;
namespace network {
class SimpleURLLoader;
// Autocomplete provider for searches and suggestions from a search engine.
// After construction, the autocomplete controller repeatedly calls Start()
// with some user input, each time expecting to receive a small set of the best
// matches (either synchronously or asynchronously).
// Initially the provider creates a match that searches for the current input
// text. It also starts a task to query the Suggest servers. When that data
// comes back, the provider creates and returns matches for the best
// suggestions.
class SearchProvider : public BaseSearchProvider,
public TemplateURLServiceObserver {
SearchProvider(AutocompleteProviderClient* client,
AutocompleteProviderListener* listener);
// Extracts the suggest response metadata which SearchProvider previously
// stored for |match|.
static std::string GetSuggestMetadata(const AutocompleteMatch& match);
// Answers prefetch handling - register displayed answers. Takes the top
// match for Autocomplete and registers the contained answer data, if any.
void RegisterDisplayedAnswers(const AutocompleteResult& result);
// Calculates the relevance score for the keyword verbatim result (if the
// input matches one of the profile's keywords). If
// |allow_exact_keyword_match| is false, the relevance for complete
// keywords that support replacements is degraded.
static int CalculateRelevanceForKeywordVerbatim(
metrics::OmniboxInputType type,
bool allow_exact_keyword_match,
bool prefer_keyword);
// AutocompleteProvider:
void ResetSession() override;
~SearchProvider() override;
friend class AutocompleteProviderTest;
friend class BaseSearchProviderTest;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SearchProviderTest, NavigationInline);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SearchProviderTest, NavigationInlineDomainClassify);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SearchProviderTest, NavigationInlineSchemeSubstring);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SearchProviderTest, SuggestRelevanceExperiment);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SearchProviderTest, TestDeleteMatch);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SearchProviderTest, SuggestQueryUsesToken);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SearchProviderTest, SessionToken);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SearchProviderTest, AnswersCache);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SearchProviderTest, RemoveExtraAnswers);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SearchProviderTest, DoesNotProvideOnFocus);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SearchProviderTest, SendsWarmUpRequestOnFocus);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SearchProviderTest, DoTrimHttpScheme);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SearchProviderTest, DoTrimHttpsScheme);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(InstantExtendedPrefetchTest, ClearPrefetchedResults);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(InstantExtendedPrefetchTest, SetPrefetchQuery);
// Manages the providers (TemplateURLs) used by SearchProvider. Two providers
// may be used:
// . The default provider. This corresponds to the user's default search
// engine. This is always used, except for the rare case of no default
// engine.
// . The keyword provider. This is used if the user has typed in a keyword.
class Providers {
explicit Providers(TemplateURLService* template_url_service);
// Returns true if the specified providers match the two providers cached
// by this class.
bool equal(const base::string16& default_provider,
const base::string16& keyword_provider) const {
return (default_provider == default_provider_) &&
(keyword_provider == keyword_provider_);
// Resets the cached providers.
void set(const base::string16& default_provider,
const base::string16& keyword_provider) {
default_provider_ = default_provider;
keyword_provider_ = keyword_provider;
TemplateURLService* template_url_service() { return template_url_service_; }
const base::string16& default_provider() const { return default_provider_; }
const base::string16& keyword_provider() const { return keyword_provider_; }
// NOTE: These may return NULL even if the provider members are nonempty!
const TemplateURL* GetDefaultProviderURL() const;
const TemplateURL* GetKeywordProviderURL() const;
// Returns true if there is a valid keyword provider.
bool has_keyword_provider() const { return !keyword_provider_.empty(); }
TemplateURLService* template_url_service_;
// Cached across the life of a query so we behave consistently even if the
// user changes their default while the query is running.
base::string16 default_provider_;
base::string16 keyword_provider_;
class CompareScoredResults;
typedef std::vector<history::KeywordSearchTermVisit> HistoryResults;
// A helper function for UpdateAllOldResults().
static void UpdateOldResults(bool minimal_changes,
SearchSuggestionParser::Results* results);
// AutocompleteProvider:
void Start(const AutocompleteInput& input, bool minimal_changes) override;
void Stop(bool clear_cached_results,
bool due_to_user_inactivity) override;
// BaseSearchProvider:
const TemplateURL* GetTemplateURL(bool is_keyword) const override;
const AutocompleteInput GetInput(bool is_keyword) const override;
bool ShouldAppendExtraParams(
const SearchSuggestionParser::SuggestResult& result) const override;
void RecordDeletionResult(bool success) override;
// TemplateURLServiceObserver:
void OnTemplateURLServiceChanged() override;
// Called back from SimpleURLLoader.
void OnURLLoadComplete(const network::SimpleURLLoader* source,
std::unique_ptr<std::string> response_body);
// Stops the suggest query.
// NOTE: This does not update |done_|. Callers must do so.
void StopSuggest();
// Clears the current results.
void ClearAllResults();
// Recalculates the match contents class of |results| to better display
// against the current input and user's language.
void UpdateMatchContentsClass(const base::string16& input_text,
SearchSuggestionParser::Results* results);
// Called after ParseSuggestResults to rank the |results|.
void SortResults(bool is_keyword, SearchSuggestionParser::Results* results);
// Records UMA statistics about a suggest server response.
void LogLoadComplete(bool success, bool is_keyword);
// Updates |matches_| from the latest results; applies calculated relevances
// if suggested relevances cause undesirable behavior. Updates |done_|.
void UpdateMatches();
// Checks constraints that may be violated by suggested relevances and
// revises/rolls back the suggested relevance scores to make all constraints
// hold.
void EnforceConstraints();
// Records the top suggestion (if any) for future use. SearchProvider tries
// to ensure that an inline autocomplete suggestion does not change
// asynchronously.
void RecordTopSuggestion();
// Called when |timer_| expires. Sends the suggest requests.
// If |query_is_private|, the function doesn't send this query to the default
// provider.
void Run(bool query_is_private);
// Runs the history query, if necessary. The history query is synchronous.
// This does not update |done_|.
void DoHistoryQuery(bool minimal_changes);
// Returns the time to delay before sending the Suggest request.
base::TimeDelta GetSuggestQueryDelay() const;
// Determines whether an asynchronous subcomponent query should run for the
// current input. If so, starts it if necessary; otherwise stops it.
// NOTE: This function does not update |done_|. Callers must do so.
void StartOrStopSuggestQuery(bool minimal_changes);
// Stops |loader| if it's running. This includes resetting the unique_ptr.
void CancelLoader(std::unique_ptr<network::SimpleURLLoader>* loader);
// Returns true when the current query can be sent to at least one suggest
// service. This will be false for example when suggest is disabled. In
// the process, calculates whether the query may contain potentially
// private data and stores the result in |is_query_private|; such queries
// should not be sent to the default search engine.
bool IsQuerySuitableForSuggest(bool* query_is_private) const;
// Returns true if sending the query to a suggest server may leak sensitive
// information (and hence the suggest request shouldn't be sent). In
// particular, if the input type might be a URL, we take extra care so that
// it isn't sent to the server.
bool IsQueryPotentiallyPrivate() const;
// Remove existing keyword results if the user is no longer in keyword mode,
// and, if |minimal_changes| is false, revise the existing results to
// indicate they were received before the last keystroke.
void UpdateAllOldResults(bool minimal_changes);
// Given new asynchronous results, ensure that we don't clobber the current
// top results, which were determined synchronously on the last keystroke.
void PersistTopSuggestions(SearchSuggestionParser::Results* results);
// Apply calculated relevance scores to the current results.
void ApplyCalculatedSuggestRelevance(
SearchSuggestionParser::SuggestResults* list);
void ApplyCalculatedNavigationRelevance(
SearchSuggestionParser::NavigationResults* list);
// Starts a new SimpleURLLoader requesting suggest results from
// |template_url|; callers own the returned SimpleURLLoader, which is NULL for
// invalid providers.
std::unique_ptr<network::SimpleURLLoader> CreateSuggestLoader(
const TemplateURL* template_url,
const AutocompleteInput& input);
// Converts the parsed results to a set of AutocompleteMatches, |matches_|.
void ConvertResultsToAutocompleteMatches();
// Remove answer contents from each match in |matches| other than the first
// that appears.
static void RemoveExtraAnswers(ACMatches* matches);
// Checks if suggested relevances violate an expected constraint.
// See UpdateMatches() for the use and explanation of this constraint
// and other constraints enforced without the use of helper functions.
bool IsTopMatchSearchWithURLInput() const;
// Converts an appropriate number of navigation results in
// |navigation_results| to matches and adds them to |matches|.
void AddNavigationResultsToMatches(
const SearchSuggestionParser::NavigationResults& navigation_results,
ACMatches* matches);
// Adds a match for each result in |raw_default_history_results_| or
// |raw_keyword_history_results_| to |map|. |is_keyword| indicates
// which one of the two.
void AddRawHistoryResultsToMap(bool is_keyword,
int did_not_accept_suggestion,
MatchMap* map);
// Adds a match for each transformed result in |results| to |map|.
void AddTransformedHistoryResultsToMap(
const SearchSuggestionParser::SuggestResults& results,
int did_not_accept_suggestion,
MatchMap* map);
// Calculates relevance scores for all |results|.
SearchSuggestionParser::SuggestResults ScoreHistoryResultsHelper(
const HistoryResults& results,
bool base_prevent_inline_autocomplete,
bool input_multiple_words,
const base::string16& input_text,
bool is_keyword);
// Calculates relevance scores for |results|, adjusting for boundary
// conditions around multi-word queries. (See inline comments in function
// definition for more details.)
void ScoreHistoryResults(
const HistoryResults& results,
bool is_keyword,
SearchSuggestionParser::SuggestResults* scored_results);
// Adds matches for |results| to |map|.
void AddSuggestResultsToMap(
const SearchSuggestionParser::SuggestResults& results,
const std::string& metadata,
MatchMap* map);
// Gets the relevance score for the verbatim result. This value may be
// provided by the suggest server or calculated locally; if
// |relevance_from_server| is non-null, it will be set to indicate which of
// those is true.
int GetVerbatimRelevance(bool* relevance_from_server) const;
// Whether we should limit suggestions from SearchProvider while in
// keyword mode to only keyword suggestions. Used when we suspect that the
// user intentionally entered keyword mode and doesn't want the others.
bool ShouldCurbDefaultSuggestions() const;
// Calculates the relevance score for the verbatim result from the
// default search engine. This version takes into account context:
// i.e., whether the user has entered a keyword-based search or not.
int CalculateRelevanceForVerbatim() const;
// Calculates the relevance score for the verbatim result from the default
// search engine *ignoring* whether the input is a keyword-based search
// or not. This function should only be used to determine the minimum
// relevance score that the best result from this provider should have.
// For normal use, prefer the above function.
int CalculateRelevanceForVerbatimIgnoringKeywordModeState() const;
// Gets the relevance score for the keyword verbatim result.
// |relevance_from_server| is handled as in GetVerbatimRelevance().
// TODO(mpearson): Refactor so this duplication isn't necessary or
// restructure so one static function takes all the parameters it needs
// (rather than looking at internal state).
int GetKeywordVerbatimRelevance(bool* relevance_from_server) const;
// |time| is the time at which this query was last seen. |is_keyword|
// indicates whether the results correspond to the keyword provider or default
// provider. |use_aggressive_method| says whether this function can use a
// method that gives high scores (1200+) rather than one that gives lower
// scores. When using the aggressive method, scores may exceed 1300
// unless |prevent_search_history_inlining| is set.
int CalculateRelevanceForHistory(const base::Time& time,
bool is_keyword,
bool use_aggressive_method,
bool prevent_search_history_inlining) const;
// Returns an AutocompleteMatch for a navigational suggestion.
AutocompleteMatch NavigationToMatch(
const SearchSuggestionParser::NavigationResult& navigation);
// Updates the value of |done_| from the internal state.
void UpdateDone();
// Obtains a session token, regenerating if necessary.
std::string GetSessionToken();
// Answers prefetch handling - finds the previously displayed answer matching
// the current top-scoring history result. If there is a previous answer,
// returns the query data associated with it. Otherwise, returns an empty
// AnswersQueryData.
AnswersQueryData FindAnswersPrefetchData();
// Finds image URLs in most relevant results and uses client to prefetch them.
void PrefetchImages(SearchSuggestionParser::Results* results);
AutocompleteProviderListener* listener_;
// Maintains the TemplateURLs used.
Providers providers_;
// The user's input.
AutocompleteInput input_;
// Input when searching against the keyword provider.
AutocompleteInput keyword_input_;
// Searches in the user's history that begin with the input text.
HistoryResults raw_keyword_history_results_;
HistoryResults raw_default_history_results_;
// Scored searches in the user's history - based on |keyword_history_results_|
// or |default_history_results_| as appropriate.
SearchSuggestionParser::SuggestResults transformed_keyword_history_results_;
SearchSuggestionParser::SuggestResults transformed_default_history_results_;
// A timer to start a query to the suggest server after the user has stopped
// typing for long enough.
base::OneShotTimer timer_;
// The time at which we sent a query to the suggest server.
base::TimeTicks time_suggest_request_sent_;
// Loaders used to retrieve results for the keyword and default providers.
// After a loader's results are returned, it gets reset, so a non-null
// loader indicates that loader is still in flight.
std::unique_ptr<network::SimpleURLLoader> keyword_loader_;
std::unique_ptr<network::SimpleURLLoader> default_loader_;
// Results from the default and keyword search providers.
SearchSuggestionParser::Results default_results_;
SearchSuggestionParser::Results keyword_results_;
// The top query suggestion, left blank if none.
base::string16 top_query_suggestion_fill_into_edit_;
// The top navigation suggestion, left blank/invalid if none.
GURL top_navigation_suggestion_;
// Session token management.
std::string current_token_;
base::TimeTicks token_expiration_time_;
// Answers prefetch management.
AnswersCache answers_cache_; // Cache for last answers seen.
AnswersQueryData prefetch_data_; // Data to use for query prefetching.
ScopedObserver<TemplateURLService, TemplateURLServiceObserver> observer_;