blob: 41773b664e8946f96082bb85892af19fba3d6848 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/drive/drive_pref_names.h"
namespace drive {
namespace prefs {
// A boolean pref to disable Google Drive integration.
// The pref prefix should remain as "gdata" for backward compatibility.
const char kDisableDrive[] = "gdata.disabled";
// A boolean pref to disable Drive over cellular connections.
// The pref prefix should remain as "gdata" for backward compatibility.
const char kDisableDriveOverCellular[] = "gdata.cellular.disabled";
// A boolean pref to disable hosted files on Drive.
// The pref prefix should remain as "gdata" for backward compatibility.
const char kDisableDriveHostedFiles[] = "gdata.hosted_files.disabled";
// A string pref containing a random salt used to obfuscate account IDs
// when passed to drivefs.
const char kDriveFsProfileSalt[] = "drivefs.profile_salt";
// A boolean pref containing whether pinned files have been migrated to DriveFS.
const char kDriveFsPinnedMigrated[] = "drivefs.pinned_migrated";
} // namespace prefs
} // namespace drive