blob: fb6bc7cb42adebc355554a649db5d57bb1a2e998 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "remoting/client/fling_tracker.h"
#include <cmath>
namespace remoting {
namespace {
// TODO(yuweih): May need to tweak these numbers to get better smoothness.
// Stop flinging if the speed drops below this.
// 1px per 16ms. i.e. 1px/frame.
// TODO(yuweih): The screen unit may not be in pixel. This needs to be
// normalized with the DPI.
const float kMinTrackSpeed = 0.0625f;
// The minimum fling duration (ms) needed to trigger the fling animation. This
// is to prevent unintentional fling with low velocity.
const float kMinFlingTime = 500.f;
float GetExpFactor(float time_constant, float time_elapsed) {
return std::exp(-time_elapsed / time_constant);
float GetDisplacement(float initial_speed_rate, float exp_factor) {
// x = v0 * (1 - e^(-t / T))
// This comes from a solution to the linear drag equation F=-kv
return initial_speed_rate * (1.f - exp_factor);
float GetSpeed(float initial_speed_rate,
float time_constant,
float exp_factor) {
// v = (1 / T) * v0 * e^(-t / T).
// Derivative of the displacement.
return (1.f / time_constant) * initial_speed_rate * exp_factor;
} // namespace
FlingTracker::FlingTracker(float time_constant)
: time_constant_(time_constant) {}
FlingTracker::~FlingTracker() {}
void FlingTracker::StartFling(float velocity_x, float velocity_y) {
start_time_ = base::TimeTicks::Now();
initial_speed_rate_ =
std::sqrt(velocity_x * velocity_x + velocity_y * velocity_y);
if (GetSpeed(initial_speed_rate_, time_constant_,
GetExpFactor(time_constant_, kMinFlingTime)) < kMinTrackSpeed) {
velocity_ratio_x_ = velocity_x / initial_speed_rate_;
velocity_ratio_y_ = velocity_y / initial_speed_rate_;
previous_position_x_ = 0;
previous_position_y_ = 0;
void FlingTracker::StopFling() {
initial_speed_rate_ = 0.f;
bool FlingTracker::IsFlingInProgress() const {
return initial_speed_rate_ > 0;
bool FlingTracker::TrackMovement(base::TimeDelta time_elapsed,
float* dx,
float* dy) {
if (!IsFlingInProgress()) {
return false;
float time_elapsed_ms = time_elapsed.InMilliseconds();
float exp_factor = GetExpFactor(time_constant_, time_elapsed_ms);
float speed = GetSpeed(initial_speed_rate_, time_constant_, exp_factor);
if (speed < kMinTrackSpeed) {
return false;
float displacement = GetDisplacement(initial_speed_rate_, exp_factor);
float position_x = displacement * velocity_ratio_x_;
float position_y = displacement * velocity_ratio_y_;
*dx = position_x - previous_position_x_;
*dy = position_y - previous_position_y_;
previous_position_x_ = position_x;
previous_position_y_ = position_y;
return true;
} // namespace remoting